Biden’s Dogs Leave White House After ‘Aggressive Incident’

U.S. President Joe Biden’s two dogs have reportedly been sent back to his home in Delaware after what has been described as aggressive behavior toward a member of White House security.
The U.S. cable channel CNN first reported late Monday one of the dogs, Major, had bitten a security staff member, citing people close to the situation. There was no report on how serious the bite was, but apparently staff felt it warranted to remove the dogs from the White House and its grounds.
Major, at three years old, is the younger of the Biden’s two German shepherds and was adopted from a Delaware animal shelter. The CNN sources said the dog has been known to display “agitated” behavior, including jumping, barking and “charging at some staff members. Reports say there has been no comment from the White House.
The other dog, Champion, is at least 13 years old and slowed by age. Both are the first rescue dogs to live at the White House.
In interviews, first lady Jill Biden has indicated it has taken the dogs some time to get used to their surroundings at the White House since moving in January. She said they tend to “run all over.”
The CNN sources which confirmed the dogs had been taken to Delaware indicated it is not unusual for the animals to stay there with “minders” when the first lady is out of town. Jill Biden left Monday for a two-day trip to Washington state and California.

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