Four Former US Presidents Promote COVID-19 Vaccination Campaign

Four former living U.S. presidents are appearing in a new ad campaign to encourage people to get COVID-19 vaccines.In the video produced by the Ad Council, former President Bill Clinton says, “We’ve lost enough people and we’ve suffered enough damage.”There is a photo of Clinton and his wife, Hillary, receiving their vaccines.Former President George W. Bush says, “In order to get rid of this pandemic, it’s important for our fellow citizens to get vaccinated.”Like the Clintons, the video shows Bush and his wife, Laura, getting their shots, as well as former President Barack Obama and his wife, Michelle, and former President Jimmy Carter and his wife, Rosalynn.The former leaders talk about what they are looking forward to after being protected by the vaccine. Obama says he wants to “visit with Michelle’s mom, to hug her and see her on her birthday.”Bush says he is looking forward to seeing the start of the Major League Baseball season among a full crowd at the Texas Rangers’ stadium.Carter ends the ad by telling viewers, “It’s up to you.”Former President Donald Trump, who was hospitalized last year with COVID-19, is not featured in the ad.The video points viewers to a website featuring information about the different vaccines available, how they were approved, how to go about getting vaccinated and what the experience is like.

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