Month: April 2018

Rough Year in Science Policy Leads Researchers to March Again

Scientists will leave their labs and march on Washington and more than 200 other cities around the world Saturday, protesting government policies on issues from climate change to gun violence that they say ignore scientific evidence.

It comes a year after the first March for Science, three months into the Trump administration, when researchers feared that science would be pushed aside in the new president’s zeal to eliminate government regulations.

WATCH: Rough Year in Science Policy Brings Researchers Back to March

This year, “I think our worst fears are coming to fruition,” said Chris Zarba, who retired in February as the head of the Environmental Protection Agency’s science advisory board staff office. Those panels evaluate the evidence guiding decisions on government environmental regulations.

EPA woes

Last October, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt issued a directive that changed the rules governing membership on those panels.

Pruitt barred researchers who had received EPA grants. He said agency funding could compromise their objectivity.

“Whatever science comes out of EPA shouldn’t be political science,” Pruitt said in a statement. “From this day forward, EPA advisory committee members will be financially independent from the agency.”

But scientists with funding from the industries EPA regulates are not held to the same standard, Zarba said.

“Nobody believes now that those panels are independent,” he added.

As the Trump administration undoes what it calls job-killing regulations on climate change, air and water pollution, pesticides and more, Zarba said industry has a voice but science does not.

“Human health and the environment will suffer,” he said.

It’s one reason Zarba said he would be marching Saturday.

Politics and science

But march organizers say the attacks on science did not start with the Trump administration. For decades, they say, ideology has overtaken evidence on issues in women’s health, gun violence and other controversial subjects.

“This isn’t a new phenomenon,” said March for Science Interim Executive Director Caroline Weinberg. “We reached a tipping point. But these protests should have been happening for years.”

In a polarized country, however, the march walks a fine line. 

“I’m always cautious about trying to politicize something as important as science,” said Rob Young, director for the Program for the Study of Developed Shorelines at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee, North Carolina.

“Certainly, scientists have had a rough go for the last year,” he added, and a march advocating for science is fine. “But to the extent that that’s incorporated with political messages, or slings and arrows against the president or members of his administration, then that’s a little bit more problematic.”

​Fired up

It’s Trump administration policies that have scientists fired up, however, from withdrawing from the Paris climate agreement to loosening air and water pollution rules.

“There’s no question that there’s fear and anxiety, given the elections of 2016,” said Chris McEntee, executive director of the American Geophysical Union, the professional society representing Earth and space scientists. 

She said that in the eight years she has been with AGU, it has become easier to get members to speak up on policy issues. 

“What we’re seeing is scientists coming to us to want to engage,” McEntee said.

More members are writing letters to elected officials and getting training on communicating science to policymakers and the public, she said. New programs AGU launched to help scientists communicate are overflowing.

And they are scoring some victories. Science agencies got a raise in the latest federal budget. 

“It’s been a very long time, actually, since we had significant increases,” McEntee noted.

New issues

Scientists are wading into controversial issues that many had previously avoided.

This year, March for Science organizers rallied support to lift a ban on gun violence research. Weinberg said they debated whether the issue was too partisan for the group to weigh in on. But they decided that it was more important to support research that would help policymakers make good decisions.

“It’s only partisan because we’ve let that become the conversation,” she said. “Pushing against that, I think, is one of the most vital roles we can play.”

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Top 5 Songs For Week Ending April 14

We’re airborne with the five most popular songs in the Billboard Hot 100 Pop Singles chart, for the week ending April 14, 2018.

If you liked last week’s lineup, you’ll like our new one … we do get a bit of shuffling just for variety’s sake.

Number 5: Ed Sheeran “Perfect”

Ed Sheeran drops two slots to fifth place with his four-times-platinum ex-champ “Perfect.” Ed’s security guard Kev has a new Instagram feed, and has racked up 185,000 followers in his first two days. He posts funny and embarrassing photos of Ed, in his words, “to keep him in line.”

He also likes to mock Ed’s photographer, Zakary Walters, for having more followers. If you’d like to see some samples, go to our Facebook page, VOA1TheHits.

Number 4: Post Malone Featuring Ty Dolla $ign “Psycho”

Rebounding a slot to fourth place are Post Malone and Ty Dolla $ign with “Psycho.”  For months, we’ve been anticipating Post’s sophomore album “Beerbongs & Bentleys.” Now, we have a release date: April 27.

Post dropped the news April 5, while also giving fans a video of his new song “Stay.” Post performed the acoustic ballad on the Nashville stop of his Bud Light Dive Bar Tour.

Number 3: Bruno Mars & Cardi B “Finesse”

Bruno Mars and Cardi B are back in third place with “Finesse,” but that’s not the big news this week. On April 7, Cardi performed on Saturday Night Live — and officially announced her pregnancy. While we don’t yet know the due date, U.S. media outlets are speculating it will happen sometime this North American summer.

While Cardi has already canceled two European festival appearances, she says her other shows — including a September tour with Bruno Mars — are still on her schedule.

Number 2: Bebe Rexha & Florida Georgia Line “Meant To Be”

If Bebe Rexha and Florida Georgia Line are “Meant To Be” champions, it won’t happen this week: They hold in the runner-up slot.

Beyond the charts, Bebe has announced the release date for her first full-length album. Titled “Expectations,” it’s available for pre-order this week, ahead of a June 22 release.

Number 1:  Drake “God’s Plan”

Drake enters the land of double digits, as “God’s Plan” racks up a 10th week atop the Hot 100. He now has two 10-week chart champs, following “One Dance” in 2016.

This week, Drake dropped the video for a new song, “Nice For What.” The clip features several female stars from Hollywood, and you can see it on our Facebook page, VOA1TheHits.

That’s it for now, but the chart never sleeps! Join us next week for a new lineup.

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New Invention Detects Cancer in Seconds

If cancer is suspected in a patient, surgeons, in most cases, would have to cut some of the suspected tissue out and test it. Getting the results could be a long process. A new invention called a MasSpec Pen could cut the wait time to just seconds. VOA’s Elizabeth Lee reports from Austin, Texas, where the pen was created.

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Congress Discusses New Ways to Regulate Facebook

Lawmakers in Washington peppered Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg with tough questions this week about his firm’s handling of user data and privacy. They also suggested new ways they or others might regulate internet firms. Michelle Quinn reports.

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German Jewish Leader Slams Rap Song for Auschwitz Reference

A German Jewish leader is criticizing a music awards show for giving a prize to two rappers whose reference to the Nazis’ Auschwitz death camp in a song she says harms efforts to fight anti-Semitism.

German rappers Kollegah and Farid Bang won an Echo award Thursday night for their new album, including a track that contains the line “my body more defined than Auschwitz inmates’.”

Charlotte Knobloch, former head of the Central Council of Jews, said Friday giving them an award in the hip-hop/urban national category was a “devastating sign” amid growing signs of “anti-Semitism in our society, especially in schools.”

She says “the two rappers reach millions of mostly young people with their inhuman message.”

The rappers have defended the line as artistic freedom and not political opinion.

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Breathtaking Cherry Blossoms Draw International Visitors to Maryland Neighborhood

In the springtime, the Tidal Basin in Washington is known for having a spectacular display of cherry blossoms. But in a quiet neighborhood in Maryland, just outside Washington, more than 1,000 cherry trees also put on quite a show. VOA’s Deborah Block takes us to Chevy Chase, Maryland, where the breathtaking canopy of flowers attracts visitors from around the world.

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CO2-reducing XPRIZE Competition Enters Final Phase

Nonprofit international organization for public competitions XPRIZE has announced 10 finalists in its race to develop new technologies to lower carbon-dioxide emissions. Each team will get an additional incentive of $5 million to scale up their ideas and present them for the top prize of $20 million. VOA’s George Putic reports.

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Trump Task Force to Study Postal System Finances

After weeks of railing against online shopping giant Amazon, President Donald Trump signed an executive order Thursday creating a task force to study the United States Postal System.

In the surprise move, Trump said that USPS is on “an unsustainable financial path” and “must be restructured to prevent a taxpayer-funded bailout.”

The task force will be assigned to study factors including its pricing in the package delivery market and will have 120 days to submit a report with recommendations.

The order does not specifically mention Amazon or it owner, Jeff Bezos. But Trump has been criticizing the company for months, accusing it of not paying its fair share of taxes, harming the postal service, and putting brick-and-mortar stores out of business. Trump has also gone after Bezos personally and accused The Washington Post, which he owns, of being Amazon’s “chief lobbyist.”

The U.S. Postal Service has indeed lost money for years, but package delivery has actually been a bright spot for the service.

Boosted by e-commerce, the Postal Service has enjoyed double-digit revenue increases from delivering packages. That just hasn’t been enough to offset pension and health care costs as well as declines in first-class letters and marketing mail, which together make up more than two-thirds of postal revenue.

Still, Trump’s claim the service could be charging more may not be entirely far-fetched. A 2017 analysis by Citigroup concluded that the Postal Service, which does not use taxpayer money for its operations, was charging below market rates as a whole on parcels. Still, federal regulators have reviewed the Amazon contract with the Postal Service each year, and deemed it to be profitable.


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China Posts Rare Trade Deficit for March; Surplus with US Narrows

China’s exports growth unexpectedly fell in March, raising questions about the health of one of the economy’s key growth drivers even as trade tensions rapidly escalate with the United States.

March import growth beat expectations, however, suggesting its domestic demand may still be solid enough to cushion the blow from any trade shocks.

That left China with a rare trade deficit for the month, also the first drop since last February.

The latest readings on the health of China’s trade sector follow weeks of tit-for-tat tariff threats by Washington and Beijing, sparked by U.S. frustration with China’s massive bilateral trade surplus and intellectual property policies, that have fueled fears of a global trade war.

China’s March exports fell 2.7 percent from a year earlier, lagging analysts’ forecasts for a 10 percent increase, and down from a sharper-than-expected 44.5 percent jump in February, which economists believe was heavily distorted by seasonal factors.

For the first quarter as a whole, exports still grew a hefty 14.1 percent.

Stronger currency

Some analysts had expected a pullback in March exports following an unusually strong start to the year, when firms stepped up shipments before the long Lunar New Year holiday in mid-February. That scenario did not alter their view that global demand remains robust.

But a stronger currency could also be starting to erode Chinese exporters’ competitiveness. The yuan appreciated around 3.7 percent against the U.S. dollar in the first quarter this year, on top of a 6.6 percent gain last year.

No hard timeline has been set by either Washington or Beijing for the actual imposition of tariffs, which leaves the door open to negotiations and a possible compromise that could limit the damage to both sides.

But with the threat of tariffs hanging over nearly a third of China’s exports to the United States, analysts say its companies and their U.S. customers may try to front-load shipments before any measures kick in.

China’s exports to the U.S. rose 14.8 percent in the first quarter from a year earlier, while imports rose 8.9 percent.

That sent its quarterly trade surplus with the U.S. surging 19.4 percent to $58.25 billion, though the March reading narrowed to $15.43 billion from $20.96 billion in February.

China’s total aluminum exports in March rose to their highest since June, just as the United States imposed a 10 percent tariff on imports of the metal on March 23 along with a 25 percent duty on steel imports.

Outlook cloudy

China’s exports rode a global trade boom last year, expanding at the fastest pace since 2013 and serving as one of the key drivers behind the economy’s forecast-beating expansion.

But the sudden spike in trade tensions with the United States is clouding the outlook for both China’s “old economy” heavy industries and “new economy” tech firms.

Washington says China’s $375 billion trade surplus with the United States is unacceptable, and has demanded Beijing reduce it by $100 billion immediately.

In a move to further force China to lower the trade surplus running with the U.S., Trump unveiled tariff representing about $50 billion of technology, transport and medical products early this month, drawing an immediate threat of retaliatory action from Beijing.

China’s tech sector, which is key part of Beijing’s longer-term “Made in China 2025” strategy to move from cheap goods to higher-value manufacturing, may be particularly vulnerable.

High-tech products have been among its fastest growing export segments. China exported $137.8 billion worth of high-tech products in the first quarter, up 20.5 percent on-year.

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Year-Round Sales of E15 Fuel Possible, Trump Says

U.S. President Donald Trump said Thursday that his administration might  allow the sale of gasoline containing 15 percent ethanol year-round, which could help farmers by firing up corn demand but faces opposition from oil companies.

The proposal marked the latest move by the Trump administration to navigate the rival oil and corn constituencies as they clash over the nation’s biofuels policy. Oil refiners say the Renewable Fuel Standard requiring them to add biofuels into gasoline is costly and displaces petroleum, while the farm sector says the law provides critical support to growers.

The Environmental Protection Agency currently bans the higher ethanol blend, called E15, during summer because of concerns it contributes to smog on hot days — a worry biofuels advocates say is unfounded.

Gasoline typically contains just 10 percent ethanol.

“We’re going to be going probably, probably to 15, and we’re going to be going to a 12-month period,” Trump told reporters during a White House meeting. “We’re going to work out something during the transition period, which is not easy, very complicated.”

Earlier Thursday, EPA spokeswoman Liz Bowman said the agency had been “assessing the legal validity of granting an E15 waiver since last summer” and was awaiting an outcome from discussions with the White House, the Department of Agriculture and Congress before making any final decisions.

Monte Shaw, executive director of the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association, said the proposed shift to year-round E15 sales would be “very exciting news.”

“It would be a great morale boost for rural America, and more importantly a real demand boost if it can be moved forward quickly,” he said in an interview.

Annual biofuels figure

Under the RFS, the EPA sets the volume of ethanol and other biofuels that must be mixed into the nation’s fuel supply on a yearly basis — and a move to expand E15 sales could encourage the EPA to set those volumes higher in coming years.

Currently, refiners are required to blend around 15 billion gallons of ethanol into the nation’s fuel annually.

Shares of major biofuels producers rose slightly after the announcement. Archer Daniels Midland Co shares gained 2.7 percent to close at $45.30.

It was unclear, however, whether the move would help the refining sector — which has been lobbying hard instead for a cap on the price of blending credits that refiners must acquire to prove compliance with the RFS.

Greater blending of ethanol through year-round E15 sales would theoretically increase supplies of the tradable credits, and thus reduce prices. But at the same time, more ethanol translates to a smaller share of petroleum-based fuel in American gas tanks, which would hurt refiner sales.

The American Petroleum Institute, which represents big oil companies, issued a statement opposing Trump’s proposal to expand E15 sales, arguing that high-ethanol fuel can damage engines and is incompatible with certain boats, motorcycles and lawn mowers.

“The industry plans to consider all options to prevent such a waiver. The RFS is broken and we continue to believe the best solution is comprehensive legislation,” API Downstream Group Director Frank Macchiarola said in the statement.

Refiners’ shares were mixed after Trump’s comments, with Andeavor closing down 2.6 percent at $110.13 and Valero Energy Corp. up 0.2 percent at $100.53.

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Facebook to Stop Spending Against California Privacy Effort

Facebook says it will stop spending money to fight a proposed California ballot initiative aimed at giving consumers more control over their data.

The measure, known as the “California Consumer Privacy Act,” would require companies to disclose upon request what types of personal information they collect about someone and whether they’ve sold it. It also would allow customers to opt out of having their data sold.

The company made the announcement Wednesday as chief executive Mark Zuckerberg underwent questioning from Congress about the handling of user data.

Pressure has mounted on Facebook to explain its privacy controls following revelations that a Republican-linked firm conducted widespread data harvesting.

Facebook had donated $200,000 to a committee opposing the initiative in California — part of a $1 million effort by tech giants to keep it off the November ballot.

Facebook said it ended its support “to focus our efforts on supporting reasonable privacy measures in California.”

Proponents of the ballot measure applauded the move.

“We are thrilled,” said Mary Ross, president of Californians for Consumer Privacy.

The California Chamber of Commerce and other groups are fighting to keep the measure off the ballot through the “Committee to Protect California Jobs.” Google, AT&T, Verizon and Comcast also contributed $200,000 each to that effort in February.

Committee spokesman Steve Maviglio said the measure would hurt the California economy.

“It is unworkable and requires the internet in California to operate differently — limiting our choices, hurting our businesses, and cutting our connection to the global economy,” he said.

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Trump Hints at US Possibly Rejoining TPP

U.S. President Donald Trump on Thursday ordered his top economic and trade advisers to look into rejoining the Pacific-rim trade pact with 11 other countries that he abandoned last year three days after he assumed power.

Farm-state lawmakers, after attending a White House meeting on agricultural trade, said Trump told his new economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to weigh the benefits of re-entering the Trans-Pacific Partnership that had been negotiated by the administration of former President Barack Obama.

Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse, a Republican critic of Trump’s trade policies, said that at one point in the meeting, the president turned to Kudlow and said, “Larry, go get it done.” Kansas Republican Senator Pat Roberts confirmed Trump’s directive.

Sasse, who represents a Midwestern farm state, called Trump’s change of mind on the Pacific trade deal “good news.”

“The best thing the United States can do is push back against Chinese cheating now is to lead the other 11 Pacific nations that believe in free trade and the rule of law,” Sasse said.

Sasse acknowledged that rejoining the TPP is “a deliberative process and the president is somebody who likes to blue sky a lot.” But Sasse said Trump “multiple times reaffirmed the idea that TPP would be easier for us to join now.”

Trump has often stated his preference for bilateral trade deals, the United States with one other country, rather than multinational pacts, in the belief that the United States does not fare well in bigger trade deals. It was not immediately clear why he now is open to rejoining the TPP.

After the U.S. dropped out of the Pacific-rim deal — one that did not include China, the world’s second biggest economy after the U.S. — the 11 remaining countries formed their own pact, signing a deal last month called the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership.

During opening statements at the meeting before Trump shooed out reporters, he assured the lawmakers that he intends to negotiate better trade deals for the American farmer in the face of threatened new Chinese tariffs and as contentious negotiations evolve with Canada and Mexico.

“It’ll be very good when we get it all finished,” Trump said. “The farmers will do fantastically well. Agriculture will be taken care of 100 percent.”

The U.S. leader contended that “China has consistently treated the American farmer very poorly,” noting that Beijing had until last year blocked U.S. beef sales for 14 years.

Now, in response to Trump’s announced intention to impose new or higher tariffs on $150 billion worth of Chinese imports, China says it will impose new levies on an array of U.S. exports, including wheat, soybeans, corn, cranberries and orange juice, raising fears among U.S. farmers that their livelihoods are threatened.

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Trump Wants to Rejoin Pacific Trade Pact

Japan has cautiously welcomed the news that U.S. President Donald Trump wants to rejoin the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

“If this means that President Trump is correctly evaluating the significance and effects of the TPP, it’s something we want to welcome,” Toshimitsu Motegi, Japan’s trade minister, said Friday. He added that the trade pact is “as delicate as something made of glass,” making it difficult to renegotiate any part of the agreement.

Trump ordered his top economic and trade advisers Thursday to look into rejoining the Pacific-rim trade pact that he abandoned last year three days after taking power.

Late Thursday night the president tweeted about TPP:

Farm-state lawmakers said after a White House meeting on agricultural trade that Trump told his economic adviser, Larry Kudlow, and U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer to weigh the benefits of re-entering the Trans-Pacific Partnership — a deal struck by the Obama administration.

Nebraska Senator Ben Sasse, a Republican critic of Trump’s trade policies, said that at one point in the meeting, the president turned to Kudlow and said, “Larry, go get it done.”

Sasse represents a Midwestern farm state. He called Trump’s change of mind on the Pacific trade deal “good news.” He said the president has consistently “reaffirmed the idea that TPP would be easier for us to join now.”

Early Friday, Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso said he would welcome a move by the United States to rejoin the TPP. 

Aso, speaking to reporters after a cabinet meeting, also said that he expected Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Trump to discuss TPP at their summit meeting next week.

Trump has often said he prefers bilateral trade deals instead of multinational pacts, believing the U.S. does not fare well in bigger trade deals. It was not immediately clear why he now is open to rejoining the TPP.

Trump said throughout his presidential campaign “The Trans-Pacific Partnership is another disaster done and pushed by special interests who want to rape our country, just a continuing rape of our country. That’s what it is, too. It’s a harsh word: It’s a rape of our country.”

During opening statements at Thursday’s meeting before he shooed out reporters, Trump assured the lawmakers that he intends to negotiate better trade deals for the American farmer in the face of threatened new Chinese tariffs and contentious negotiations with Canada and Mexico.

“It’ll be very good when we get it all finished,” Trump said. “The farmers will do fantastically well. Agriculture will be taken care of 100 percent.”

Trump contended that “China has consistently treated the American farmer very poorly,” noting that Beijing had until last year blocked U.S. beef sales for 14 years.

Now, in response to Trump’s announced intention to impose new or higher tariffs on $150 billion worth of Chinese imports, China says it will impose new levies on an array of U.S. exports, including wheat, soybeans, corn, cranberries and orange juice, raising fears among U.S. farmers that their livelihoods are threatened.

Administration officials have said China and the United States can negotiate their differences and avoid a trade war.

Trump said Thursday “we’re having some great discussions” with China and that he believes the outcome will be “tariffs off and the barriers down.”

But a spokesman for China’s commerce ministry said the United States is not showing any sincerity and that China will not hesitate to fight back if the U.S. escalates trade tensions.

VOA’s Kenneth Schwartz contributed to this report. Some information for this report came from Reuters.

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Spike Lee, Godard Films to Compete at Netflix-free Cannes

Organizers of the Cannes Film Festival say new films by Spike Lee and Jean-Luc Godard will be among the competitors for the Palme d’Or next month.

Spike Lee’s “BlacKkKlansman” will open in theaters on Aug. 10, the one-year anniversary of the violent protests in Charlottesville, Virginia, where white nationalists marched and a protester was killed.


The film is about the real-life story of Ron Stallworth, a black police officer in Colorado who went undercover in 1978 to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan. John David Washington plays Stallworth in the film and Adam Driver plays his partner.


Godard’s movie “Le Livre d’Image” – The Image Book – is described as a “revolutionary song in five chapters.”


Organizers announced Thursday the lineup for the May 8-19 festival, now in its 71th year.


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World Trade Body Warns US-China Tensions May Dent Business

The World Trade Organization predicts continued trade growth this year, though it warns that tensions and “tit-for-tat” retaliatory measures, notably between the U.S. and China, could compromise those projections.

WTO Director-General Roberto Azevedo laid out the trade body’s predictions at a news conference Thursday amid concerns about a trade war over U.S. President Donald Trump’s planned tariffs on Chinese and other goods and Beijing’s retaliation.


As it stands, the forecast is for 4.4 percent growth in merchandise trade volumes in 2018, easing to 4 percent next year. That’s down from 4.7 percent in 2017.


The WTO is pointing to “broadly positive signs” in world trade but says they face headwinds from “a rising tide of anti-trade sentiment and the increased willingness of governments to employ restrictive trade measures.”

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EU Seeks to Protect Farmers From Unfair Trade Practices

The European Union executive is seeking to protect farmers by imposing fines on retailers and supermarket chains using unfair trade practices.


EU Farm Commissioner Phil Hogan said Thursday the plan was “about giving voice to the voiceless” as small-scale farmers across the EU have struggled to eke out a living when faced with the negotiating power of major food conglomerates. He didn’t give details.

In recent years milk farmers and others have complained about having to sell below production costs, threatening their livelihood. The EU Commission said farmers are also faced with late payments, last-minute cancellations and unilateral contract changes.


The Copa-Cogeca farm union said that of the value of farm products, farmers now only get 21 percent, with the rest going to processors and retailers.



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Another Trump Trade War, This Time with Rwanda over Clothes

The sweaty mechanic tossed aside the used jeans one by one, digging deep through the pile of secondhand clothes that are at the center of another, if little-noticed, Trump administration trade war.


The used clothes cast off by Americans and sold in bulk in African nations, a multimillion-dollar business, have been blamed in part for undermining local textile industries. Now Rwanda has taken action, raising tariffs on the clothing in defiance of U.S. pressure. In response, the U.S. says it will suspend duty-free status for clothing manufactured in Rwanda under the trade program known as the African Growth and Opportunity Act.


President Donald Trump’s decision has not gone down well in Rwanda, a small, largely impoverished East African nation still trying to heal the scars of genocide 24 years ago. Similar U.S. action against neighboring countries could follow; Uganda and Tanzania have pledged to raise tariffs and phase in a ban on used clothing imports by 2019.


The action against Rwanda comes just weeks after Trump met Rwandan President Paul Kagame at the World Economic Forum and proclaimed him a “friend,” as Trump sought to calm anger in Africa over his reported vulgar comments about the continent. Kagame currently chairs the African Union, where heads of state just days after the meeting drafted, but decided against issuing, a blistering statement on Trump.


The U.S. trade action is finding a mixed response in Africa, with some upset at Trump again, while others defend the secondhand clothing as popular, inexpensive and well-made.


The U.S. is a “bully” for retaliating against Rwanda’s efforts to grow its own textile industry, said Dismas Nkuranga, who deals in secondhand footwear in Rwanda’s capital, Kigali.


“The main objective for Rwanda is to see more companies in the country produce clothes here,” said Olivier Nduhungirehe, state minister for foreign affairs. “It’s also about giving Rwandans the dignity they deserve, not wearing secondhand clothes already used by other people.”

But at the sprawling Owino Market in neighboring Uganda’s capital, Kampala, the trade in used clothing continues to crackle, with some sellers shoving merchandise into the arms of shy potential buyers: a pair of jeans for a fraction of a dollar, a T-shirt for even less.


“Affordability is what I want,” said John Ekure, the mechanic who was shopping for jeans.


As some African governments worry that the bulk imports of used clothes constitute dumping, others question the ability of local clothing makers to satisfy appetites for quality goods at rock-bottom prices.


Rwanda has been supporting Chinese investors to set up textile factories in the hopes that the country eventually can produce affordable products and create 350,000 jobs by 2025. But many in Rwanda who praise the government’s decision to raise tariffs as progressive remain concerned about whether that goal can be reached.


In Uganda, where the per capita income is $615, traders and buyers said they hope the government will not move as swiftly as Rwanda in imposing higher tariffs on used clothes.


One trader said he had noticed a rise in the number of Rwandans coming to his stall to check out trench coats and jackets, apparently because such goods have become rare back home.


“If they are telling us they are going to create many industries making clothes, I can tell you they don’t have the capacity to do that,” Muhammad Kiyingi said of Uganda’s government. “Somebody should tell the government to think carefully.”


He predicted that tightening restrictions on imports of used clothing from the U.S. would lead to a spike in imports from places like China and the United Arab Emirates instead.


Following Rwanda’s lead would “cause more harm than good,” said Ramathan Ggoobi, an economist at Uganda’s Makerere University. “We have not yet built capacity to produce new products… so we would be protecting an inefficient producer.”


To satisfy the demand for Western fashion, African governments could offer incentives for Western textile companies to set up factories on the continent, said Uche Igwe, an analyst who advises the government in Nigeria, Africa’s most populous country.


“It is nice to grow our domestic industries and create employment,” he said. “However, we must first fix our infrastructural deficits so that local producers will produce at competitive costs.”

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WHO: Breastfeeding Should Be Standard Care for All Babies

The World Health Organization (WHO) says breastfeeding all babies for the first two years would save the lives of more than 820,000 children under the age of five every year. The WHO is issuing a new 10-step guide aimed at promoting breastfeeding in health facilities around the world.

The World Health Organization and U.N. Children’s Fund launched the Baby-friendly Hospital initiative in 1991, a voluntary program that encourages new mothers to breastfeed. The two agencies want to expand this program so that breastfeeding becomes a standard of care for all babies in all hospitals, with the aim of achieving 100-percent coverage.

Technical Officer in WHOs Department of Nutrition for Health and Development, Laurence Grummer-Strawn, says the updated 10-step guidance advises health facilities on how care should be offered to new mothers and babies.

“It focuses on issues, such as placing the mother and baby together, skin to skin, immediately post-partum, starting breastfeeding within a few minutes after the birth,” he said. “It is about avoiding the use of formula unless there is a medical reason to…The other thing that is new about these 10 steps is that they clearly apply to all babies. The key principles behind the 10 steps also apply to premature infants, low birth weight babies, sick babies.”

Grummer-Strawn says globally only about 40 percent of babies under six months old are exclusively breastfed. He tells VOA coverage of baby friendly hospitals in Africa is very low — only four percent. He says that is of concern as fewer women receive the guidance they need regarding the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding.

“We totally believe that the lack of breastfeeding contributes significantly to mortality,” he said. “Neo-natal mortality rates have not dropped nearly as rapidly as child mortality rates. And, one of the concerns is that we are not adequately providing good nutrition particularly to low-birth babies and so addressing this early care in a better way can prevent some of that.”

Health advocates say breastfeeding confers many benefits. They say it protects newborns from acquiring infections and reduces mortality. It improves I-Q, school readiness and attendance. They say children and adolescents who were breastfed as babies are less likely to be overweight or obese. They say breastfeeding also reduces the risk of breast cancer in mothers.




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Overdose Deaths from Opioids Keep Rising in the US

The opioid crisis leaves no community in the U.S. untouched. It’s nationwide, but it hits small towns and rural states particularly hard. 

In tiny Bellevue, Ohio, population 8,000, Koriann Evans had just gotten fentanyl from her dealer. Fentanyl is a drug dozens of times more powerful than heroin, and Evans couldn’t wait to get home to take it so she took it in her car and was driving home with her two young children in the back seat when she started to overdose. 

One of her daughters asked if she was OK. “Mommy can’t breathe,” Evans told her. Evans managed to hit the brakes before passing out. She was lucky. She was taken to a hospital where doctors revived her before it was too late. 

Evans has since stopped taking opioids.

“I almost killed my kids. I didn’t have it (the car) in park. I could have flipped that car and killed them or I could have killed other people,” she said.

WATCH: Opioid Deaths Still Rising in the US

Sheriff John Tharp in Lucas County Ohio near Lake Erie, says the number of accidents caused by people overdosing on heroin and other drugs “has just skyrocketed.” Tharp says people commonly shoot up in their cars after buying the drugs. 

Manchester, with 110,000 residents, is the most populous city in New Hampshire. Its opioid addiction problem is so notorious that President Donald Trump traveled there to announce his plan to combat the country’s opioid crisis.

Three years ago, after overdose emergency calls exploded in Manchester,  firefighters started a program called “Safe Station,” a program that encourages addicts to seek help at every firehouse in the state without judgment. It started when one of the firefighters helped a colleague’s brother, addicted to drugs, and on the verge of suicide. In its first month, 80 people sought help. Now the average is almost twice as many. 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reports that more than 40,000 people died from opioid overdoses in 2016, a five-fold increase from 1999. More recent statistics are not yet available. 

Rural doctors can feel overwhelmed. Dr. Jennifer Allen practices medicine in Hannibal, Missouri, population 17,000. Allen says she feels alone. The next clinic is a two-hour drive from Hannibal. At her clinic, Allen witnesses first hand how hard families and individuals suffer because of the opioid epidemic. 

Hannibal, Manchester and Bellevue, like many small towns across the U.S., don’t have the resources to fight this epidemic alone.

“No one agency can do this, no one city can do this,” Manchester’s Fire Chief Daniel Goonan said. “This is way above my pay grade! It’s above any community’s pay grade, any state’s pay grade. This has got to be an all out, all hands on deck effort to fix this thing, nationwide.”

The University of Missouri School of Medicine is making a difference in its state. It started a program that uses video conferencing to help doctors in rural areas. 

Inside a secure room at the University of Missouri, doctors from across the state can talk to trained specialists. Dr. Doug Burgess, with the University of Missouri at the Kansas City campus, assists with the program.

“We have therapists, we have pharmacologists, we have primary care doctors and physicians, and as a group there is a lot of expertise there,” he said.

Dr. Karen Edison, the medical director at the university’s School of Medicine says the doctors become part of a learning collaborative where they can ask their questions, present their patients and come up with a strategy that will help that patient. 

One out of every 66 deaths in Missouri is related to opioid or heroin overdoses, higher than the national average. 

Doctors, firefighters and police in small towns throughout the U.S. understand it will take a team approach to change the trajectory of this epidemic. 

In Hannibal, Allen says the program helps her to understand “that yes, OK, we’re doing things right or, no, here is something we can change or improve on.” 

Addicts need help without the fear of being stigmatized or being arrested. The crisis is so widespread that the surgeon general is urging people to carry naloxone, a drug that reverses the effects of drug overdoses and saves lives.

Ending the crisis is indeed an all hands on deck effort, and those hands have to be made up of the entire nation.

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Experts Explore the Way Forward after Facebook Data Leak

A data leak that enabled political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica to access personal information from about 87 million Facebook users has generated an uproar and concerns over online privacy and the power of the major internet platforms. On VOA’s Plugged In with Greta Van Susteren experts explore the issue and next steps to better protect user privacy while also preserving internet openness. VOA’s Jesusemen Oni has more.

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Italian Football Team’s Persian Twitter Account a Hit after Iran Censors Crest

An Iranian state TV network’s unusual decision to censor the crest of Italian football club AS Roma has helped the club attract a big following of Iranian fans to its new Persian Twitter account. 

AS Roma’s head of digital media, Paul Rogers, posted a tweet Wednesday, saying the club’s Persian Twitter account had “really good local fan feedback” in the first 24 hours since it launched a day earlier.

The @ASRoma_Persian account’s following had risen further to 22,000 by late Wednesday, U.S. time. 

In a Tuesday statement posted on its website, AS Roma said the launch of the Persian Twitter account was a first for a major European football club. It said the move will allow it to communicate directly on the social media platform with Iranian fans and other Persian speakers around the world. 

The launch coincided with AS Roma beating Spanish club Barcelona 3-0 in Rome on Tuesday in a European Champions League quarterfinal second leg match. It was a surprising result that enabled the Italian team to reach the Champions League semifinals after having suffered a 4-1 defeat at Barcelona in the quarterfinal first leg on April 4. AS Roma tied Barcelona 4-4 on aggregate and advanced on away goals scored. 

AS Roma said it had been inundated with supportive tweets from Iranian fans after Iranian state TV’s third channel partially censored the club’s crest during an April 4 broadcast of the quarterfinal first leg.

The AS Roma crest contains an image of Rome’s mythical twin founders Romulus and Remus sucking the teats of the Capitoline Wolf. Viewers noticed that the Iranian TV channel blurred the female wolf’s nipples when displaying the crest in a box next to the program’s anchor. A screen grab of the blurred logo posted by Denmark-based Iranian sports journalist Mehdi Rostampour on his Telegram channel went viral, with football fans making fun of it.

Rostampour joined the mockery, writing: “In 3,000 years, Remus and Romulus were only deprived of their mother’s milk, but Iran’s state broadcaster deprived them of even a wolf’s milk.” There were no reports of any response from the Iranian broadcaster to the backlash.

Iranian state media regularly censor images deemed sexual in nature by the nation’s Islamist clerical rulers. That practice was the focus of VOA Persian’s Straight Talk call-in show on Wednesday, with some callers in Iran telling the program that they think such censorship is good because it protects children from seeing inappropriate images. 

Other callers criticized the Iranian government’s censorship policies. One woman, who gave her name as Afsaneh and said she was calling from the northeastern city of Mashhad, said censorship has a harmful psychological and financial impact on Iranian society, particularly by pressuring women to dress conservatively and keep a low profile in public arenas. 

VOA Persian’s Behrooz Samadbeygi, Afshar Sigarchi and Mohammad Naficy contributed to this report.

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Opioid Deaths Still Rising in the US

The opioid crisis leaves no community in the U.S. untouched. It’s become a nationwide epidemic, but it’s hitting small towns and rural states especially hard. VOA’s Carol Pearson looks at the scope of the problem and what some states are doing to tackle the crisis.

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