Month: January 2019

China Says US Envoys Due in Beijing for Talks on Trade Fight

American envoys are due in Beijing for talks Monday in a tariff battle over Chinese technology ambitions that threatens to hobble global economic growth.

The two days of meetings are aimed at carrying out the Dec. 1 truce by Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping that postponed additional tariff hikes, the Ministry of Commerce announced Friday. It said the American delegation will be led by a deputy U.S. trade representative, Jeffrey D. Gerrish, but gave no other details of the agenda or participants.

The American Embassy in Beijing didn’t immediately respond to a request for confirmation and additional details.

The talks are going ahead despite tension over the arrest of a Chinese tech executive in Canada on U.S. charges related to possible violations of trade sanctions on Iran.

The two governments express interest in a settlement but give no indication their stances have shifted.

They hope to have “positive and constructive discussions,” said a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, Lu Kang.

The clash reflects American anxiety about China’s emergence as a competitor in telecoms, solar power and other technologies and complaints by Washington, Europe and other trading partners that Beijing’s tactics violate its market-opening obligations.

Trump wants Beijing to roll back initiatives including “Made in China 2025,” which calls for state-led creation of champions in robotics, artificial intelligence and other fields. American officials worry those might erode U.S. industrial leadership.

China’s leaders have offered to narrow its politically sensitive trade surplus with the United States by purchasing more soybeans, natural gas and other American exports. But they reject pressure to scrap technology initiatives they see as a path to prosperity and global influence.

Both governments face economic pressure to reach a settlement.

Chinese economic growth fell to a post-global crisis of 6.5 percent in the quarter ending in September. Auto sales tumbled 16 percent in November over a year earlier and weak real estate sales are forcing developers to cut prices.

Third-quarter U.S. growth was 3.4 percent and unemployment is at a five-decade low. But surveys show consumer confidence is weakening due to concern growth will moderate this year.

Beijing has tried in vain to recruit France, Germany, South Korea and other governments as allies against Trump. They criticize his tactics but echo U.S. complaints about Chinese industrial policy and market barriers.

The European Union filed its own challenged in the World Trade Organization in June against Chinese regulations the 28-nation trade bloc said hamper the ability of foreign companies to protect and profit from their own technology.

Washington has imposed punitive tariffs of up to 25 percent on $250 billion of Chinese goods. Beijing responded by imposing penalties on $110 billion of American goods, slowing down customs clearance for U.S. companies and suspending issuance of licenses in finance and other industries.

Trump and Xi agreed to a 90-day postponement of more tariff hikes due to take effect Jan. 1. But economists say that is too little time to resolve the sprawling disputes that bedevil U.S.-Chinese relations.

The decision to hold this week’s talks at a deputy minister level reflects the need to work out technical details before higher-level officials make “hard political decisions on major issues,” said Tu Xinquan, director of the China Institute for World Trade Organization Studies at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing.

The dispute has rattled companies and financial markets that worry it will drag on global economic growth that is showing signs of declining.

For their part, Chinese officials are unhappy with U.S. curbs on exports of “dual use” technology with possible military applications. They complain China’s companies are treated unfairly in national security reviews of proposed corporate acquisitions, though almost all deals are approved unchanged.

Chinese exports to the United States held up through late 2018 despite Trump’s tariff hikes. But that was due partly to exporters rushing to beat new duties — a trend that is fading.

Some manufacturers that serve the United States have shifted production to other countries.

The investment bank UBS said Friday that 37 percent of 200 manufacturers surveyed said they have shifted out of China over the past 12 months. It said the threat of U.S. tariff hikes was the “dominating factor” for nearly half, while others moved due to higher costs or tighter environmental regulation.

Another 33 percent of companies said they plan to move out of China in the next six to 12 months, according to the UBS report.

Despite the December truce, “most firms expect trade war to escalate,” the report said.


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China Says US Envoys Due in Beijing for Talks on Trade Fight

American envoys are due in Beijing for talks Monday in a tariff battle over Chinese technology ambitions that threatens to hobble global economic growth.

The two days of meetings are aimed at carrying out the Dec. 1 truce by Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping that postponed additional tariff hikes, the Ministry of Commerce announced Friday. It said the American delegation will be led by a deputy U.S. trade representative, Jeffrey D. Gerrish, but gave no other details of the agenda or participants.

The American Embassy in Beijing didn’t immediately respond to a request for confirmation and additional details.

The talks are going ahead despite tension over the arrest of a Chinese tech executive in Canada on U.S. charges related to possible violations of trade sanctions on Iran.

The two governments express interest in a settlement but give no indication their stances have shifted.

They hope to have “positive and constructive discussions,” said a Chinese foreign ministry spokesman, Lu Kang.

The clash reflects American anxiety about China’s emergence as a competitor in telecoms, solar power and other technologies and complaints by Washington, Europe and other trading partners that Beijing’s tactics violate its market-opening obligations.

Trump wants Beijing to roll back initiatives including “Made in China 2025,” which calls for state-led creation of champions in robotics, artificial intelligence and other fields. American officials worry those might erode U.S. industrial leadership.

China’s leaders have offered to narrow its politically sensitive trade surplus with the United States by purchasing more soybeans, natural gas and other American exports. But they reject pressure to scrap technology initiatives they see as a path to prosperity and global influence.

Both governments face economic pressure to reach a settlement.

Chinese economic growth fell to a post-global crisis of 6.5 percent in the quarter ending in September. Auto sales tumbled 16 percent in November over a year earlier and weak real estate sales are forcing developers to cut prices.

Third-quarter U.S. growth was 3.4 percent and unemployment is at a five-decade low. But surveys show consumer confidence is weakening due to concern growth will moderate this year.

Beijing has tried in vain to recruit France, Germany, South Korea and other governments as allies against Trump. They criticize his tactics but echo U.S. complaints about Chinese industrial policy and market barriers.

The European Union filed its own challenged in the World Trade Organization in June against Chinese regulations the 28-nation trade bloc said hamper the ability of foreign companies to protect and profit from their own technology.

Washington has imposed punitive tariffs of up to 25 percent on $250 billion of Chinese goods. Beijing responded by imposing penalties on $110 billion of American goods, slowing down customs clearance for U.S. companies and suspending issuance of licenses in finance and other industries.

Trump and Xi agreed to a 90-day postponement of more tariff hikes due to take effect Jan. 1. But economists say that is too little time to resolve the sprawling disputes that bedevil U.S.-Chinese relations.

The decision to hold this week’s talks at a deputy minister level reflects the need to work out technical details before higher-level officials make “hard political decisions on major issues,” said Tu Xinquan, director of the China Institute for World Trade Organization Studies at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing.

The dispute has rattled companies and financial markets that worry it will drag on global economic growth that is showing signs of declining.

For their part, Chinese officials are unhappy with U.S. curbs on exports of “dual use” technology with possible military applications. They complain China’s companies are treated unfairly in national security reviews of proposed corporate acquisitions, though almost all deals are approved unchanged.

Chinese exports to the United States held up through late 2018 despite Trump’s tariff hikes. But that was due partly to exporters rushing to beat new duties — a trend that is fading.

Some manufacturers that serve the United States have shifted production to other countries.

The investment bank UBS said Friday that 37 percent of 200 manufacturers surveyed said they have shifted out of China over the past 12 months. It said the threat of U.S. tariff hikes was the “dominating factor” for nearly half, while others moved due to higher costs or tighter environmental regulation.

Another 33 percent of companies said they plan to move out of China in the next six to 12 months, according to the UBS report.

Despite the December truce, “most firms expect trade war to escalate,” the report said.


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Chinese Rover Making Tracks on Dark Side of the Moon

The Chinese Jade Rabbit 2 rover is making tracks on the soft, snowlike surface of the far side of the moon.

The rover drove off its lander’s ramp and onto the lunar surface late Thursday, about 12 hours after the Chang’e-4 spacecraft made the first-ever landing on the moon’s far side.

China’s space agency posted a photo online, showing tracks the rover left as it departed from the spacecraft.

“It’s a small step for the rover, but one giant leap for the Chinese nation,’’ Wu Weiren, the chief designer of the Lunar Exploration Project, said on state broadcaster CCTV, adapting American astronaut Neil Alden Armstrong’s famous message “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind,” when he stepped onto the lunar surface July 20, 1969.

“This giant leap is a decisive move for our exploration of space and the conquering of the universe,” Wu Weiren said.

First to the far side

The Jade Rabbit 2 rover has six individually powered wheels, so it can continue to operate even if one wheel fails. It can climb a 20-degree hill or an obstacle up to 20 centimeters (8 inches) tall. Its maximum speed is 200 meters per hour.

The United States, the former Soviet Union and more recently China have sent spacecraft to the near side of the moon, but the latest Chinese landing is the first on the far side.

The probe will conduct astronomical studies and surveys of the surface’s mineral composition and radiation tests of the surrounding environment.

Satellite for communication

Shortly after landing, the Chang’e-4 sent a photo of the lunar surface to the Queqiao (“Magpie Bridge”) satellite, which was launched last May in the first phase of the historic mission.

The Queqiao satellite is deployed about 455,000 kilometers from Earth, where it will relay communications between ground controllers and the Chang’e-4.

This is China’s second probe to make a soft-landing on the moon, following 2013’s Jade Rabbit lunar rover mission.

Beijing plans to launch a third lunar rover, the Chang’e-5, later this year, which is expected to collect samples from the moon’s surface and bring them back to Earth.

The unmanned lunar missions are part of China’s ambitions to join the United States and Russia as a major space power. Its plans include establishing a permanent manned space station, a manned lunar landing, and eventually probes to Mars.

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Senegal Opens Museum of Black Civilizations to Public

After an official inauguration last month, Senegal finally opened the Museum of Black Civilizations to the general public this week. Ricci Shryock has more from the capital, Dakar.

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Senegal Opens Museum of Black Civilizations to Public

After an official inauguration last month, Senegal finally opened the Museum of Black Civilizations to the general public this week. Ricci Shryock has more from the capital, Dakar.

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Global Stocks Continue Fall on US-China Trade War

Asian markets Friday continued the global sell-off triggered by Apple’s warning of lower revenues and futures indicators predict a sharply lower opening for U.S. markets.

The Tokyo market dropped 3 percent in morning trading, and markets in Shanghai, Sydney, Seoul and Taipei were also down.

Stock markets across the globe dropped Thursday after tech giant Apple said sales of its devices had fallen sharply in China last month, perhaps signaling a broader slowing in the world economy.

Apple has blamed U.S. President Donald Trump’s trade dispute with China for its shrinking outlook, but the U.S. leader tweeted his defense Thursday, claiming, “The United States Treasury has taken in MANY billions of dollars from the Tariffs we are charging China and other countries that have not treated us fairly. In the meantime we are doing well in various Trade Negotiations currently going on. At some point this had to be done!”

US-China trade talks

On Friday China’s government said a U.S. trade delegation will visit Beijing next week for two days of talks on carrying out an agreement reached by Trump and Chinese President Xi Jinping to postpone new tariff hikes.

On Dec. 1 the two leaders agreed to complete talks about technology, intellectual property and cyber theft issues within 90 days, and hold off on new tariffs in the meantime. U.S. officials have said that if the talks fail to produce a satisfactory agreement Washington will increase tariffs on $200 billion of Chinese goods from 10 percent to 25 percent.

Apple chief executive Tim Cook blamed the company’s sales shortfall on the trade battle President Donald Trump is waging against China.

“While we anticipated some challenges in key emerging markets, we did not foresee the magnitude of the economic deceleration, particularly in Greater China,” Cook wrote.

Not just Apple

Kevin Hassett, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, said the contentious U.S.-China relations will force other U.S. companies to cut their sales estimates in China.

“It’s not going to be just Apple,” Hassett told CNN. “There are a heck of a lot of U.S. companies that have sales in China that are going to be watching their earnings being downgraded next year until we get a deal with China.”

He said slowing consumer demand in China gives Trump an edge in ongoing trade negotiations.

“That puts a lot of pressure on China to make a deal,” he said. “If we have a successful negotiation with China then Apple’s sales and everybody else’s sales will recover.”

The U.S. economy remains strong, with the country’s 3.7 percent jobless rate at a nearly five-decade low. But economists say the U.S. economy could be slowing and uncertainty in global economic fortunes has led to volatile daily swings in stock indexes in recent weeks.

In 2018, U.S. stock indexes suffered their worst year in a decade, with most of the losses recorded in December. The Dow was off 5.6 percent for the year, with the broader Standard & Poor’s index of 500 stocks down 6.2 percent.

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Interesting Advances: Plastics That Become Fuel, and Cars That Clean the Air

Ending our dependence on carbon in all of its forms — especially plastics and petroleum products — is a fairly constant endeavor of engineers and entrepreneurs. VOA’s Kevin Enochs reports on two recent interesting advances in the sciences of recycling plastics and also moving beyond gas powered cars.

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Southwest Airlines Co-founder Kelleher Dies at 87

Herb Kelleher, who changed the airline industry by helping create and lead Southwest Airlines, a low-fare carrier that made air travel more accessible to the masses, has died. He was 87. 


Southwest confirmed that Kelleher died Thursday. 


Kelleher was a lawyer in San Antonio when a client came to him in the late 1960s with the idea for a low-fare airline that would fly between big cities in Texas. Today, Southwest carries more passengers within the United States than any other airline. 


At a time when many other airlines were run by colorless finance wizards, Kelleher boasted about drinking whiskey and showed a gift for wacky marketing ploys.  

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Ex-Credit Suisse Bankers Arrested on US Charges over Mozambique Loans

Three former Credit Suisse Group AG bankers were arrested in London on Thursday on U.S. charges that they took part in a $2 billion fraud scheme involving state-owned companies in Mozambique, a spokesman for U.S. prosecutors said.

Andrew Pearse, Surjan Singh and Detelina Subeva were charged in an indictment in Brooklyn, New York federal court with conspiring to violate U.S. anti-bribery law and to commit money laundering and securities fraud, according to spokesman John Marzulli. They have been released on bail.

The arrests came five days after former Mozambique finance minister Manuel Chang was arrested in South Africa as part of the same criminal case, which was brought by federal prosecutors in Brooklyn.

The prosecutors will seek to have all of the defendants extradited to the United States, according to Marzulli. Lawyers for the defendants could not immediately be reached for comment after business hours in New York and London.

“The indictment alleges that the former employees worked to defeat the bank’s internal controls, acted out of a motive of personal profit, and sought to hide these activities from the bank,” Credit Suisse said in a statement. It added that the bank will continue to cooperate with authorities.

Chang oversaw Mozambique’s finances when it failed to disclose government guarantees for $2 billion in international borrowing by state-owned firms. The disclosure of those loans in 2016 plunged the southern African country into a suffocating debt crisis it is still struggling to climb out of two years later.

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After Historic Flyby, New Horizons Probe Treks Deeper on Hunt for Moons

After studying a space rock some 4 billion miles (6.4 billion km) from Earth, NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft set off on a new hunt for moons in the solar system’s most distant edge, searching for clues on our solar family’s creation, scientists said on Thursday.

The piano-sized probe is traveling deep into the ring of celestial bodies known as the Kuiper Belt looking for small, icy moons that spun off the snowman-shaped Ultima Thule formation, a pair of icy space rocks that fused in orbit billions of years ago.

“If we’ve seen bodies one and two, the question is what about bodies three, four and five?” Mark Showalter, a New Horizons investigator, said during a news conference at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland.

New Horizons on New Year’s day came within 2,200 miles (3,500 km) of Ultima Thule, which represents a pristine time capsule dating to the birth of the solar system. The fly-by marked the farthest close encounter of an object within our solar system.

Since then, the probe has sent images revealing Ultima Thule to be a contact binary — two bodies that formed separately and then got stuck together. The formation, resembling a red-hued snowman — caused by irradiated ice — is just over 21 miles (34 km) long.

Scientists deduced that the conjoined bodies — one named Ultima and the other Thule — were once part of a cloud of smaller, rotating space rocks that eventually bound together into two larger bodies orbiting at a much slower speed.

Pluto and beyond

“We’re looking for the objects that put the brakes on these objects,” Showalter said. Finding the moons, which would orbit Ultima Thule up to 500 miles (800 km) from its surface, would also reveal details about the space rock’s mass and density.

The spacecraft, now 3 million miles (5 million km) beyond Ultima Thule, will ping back more detailed images and data in the coming weeks, NASA said.

Since its launch in 2006, New Horizons has traveled 4 billion miles (6.4 billion km) to the solar system’s edge to study the dwarf planet Pluto, its five moons and hundreds of icy Kuiper Belt objects.

Scientists had not discovered Ultima Thule when the probe was launched, according to NASA, making the mission unique in that respect. In 2014, astronomers found the rocky formation using the Hubble Space Telescope and the following year selected it for New Horizon’s extended mission.

While the mission marks the farthest inspection of an object in our solar system, NASA’s Voyager 1 and 2, a pair of

deep-space probes launched in 1977, have reached greater distances on a mission to survey extrasolar bodies. Both probes are still operational.

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Sign-ups Steady as US Health Law Case Goes to Appeals Court 

The government says 8.4 million Americans have signed up for coverage next year under the Obama health law, reflecting steady enrollment even as supporters of the law appeal a court ruling that declares it unconstitutional. 


Thursday’s numbers underscore the unexpected staying power of  “Obamacare,” which President Donald Trump failed to repeal after promising a better health insurance plan in its place. 

The numbers from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services reflect the 39 states served by the federal website. The final count will be higher, after major states like California and New York report. 

Also on Thursday, Democratic-led states announced they’re appealing a recent ruling by a conservative federal judge in Texas that declared the Affordable Care Act unconstitutional. 

The law remains in place while the lawsuit continues.

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With Slump in iPhone Sales, Are We Post Peak Smartphone?

Behind Apple’s disconcerting news of weak iPhone sales lies a more sobering truth: The tech industry has hit Peak Smartphone, a tipping point when everyone who can afford one already owns one and no breakthroughs are compelling them to upgrade as frequently as they once did.

Some manufacturers have boosted prices to keep up profit, but Apple’s shortfall highlights the limits of that strategy. The company said demand for iPhones is waning and revenue for the last quarter of 2018 will fall well below projections, a decrease traced mainly to China.

Apple’s shares dropped 10 percent Thursday on the news — its worst loss since 2013. The company shed $74.6 billion in market value, amid a broader sell-off among technology companies, which suffered their worst loss in seven years.

Apple’s news is a “wake-up call for the industry,” said analyst Dan Ives of research firm Wedbush Securities.

And it’s not just Apple. Demand has been lackluster across the board, Ives said. Samsung, long the leading seller of smartphones, has been hit even harder, as its phone shipments dropped 8 percent during the 12 months ending in September.

“The smartphone industry is going through significant headwinds,” Ives said. “Smartphone makers used to be like teenagers, and the industry was on fire. Now it feels like they’re more like senior citizens in terms of maturity.”

Victim of its own success

Tech innovations in phones grew in leaps and bounds earlier in the 2010s, with dramatic improvements in screen size, screen resolution, battery life, cameras and processor speed every year.

But the industry is a victim of its own success. Innovation began to slow down around 2014, once Apple boosted the screen size with the iPhone 6 and 6 Plus models. While phones kept improving, new features tended to be incremental, such as a new flash technique to already excellent phone cameras. It’s the stuff consumers won’t typically notice — or want to shell out for.

“Since the iPhone 6 you’ve seen it has been tough to innovate to continue to raise the bar,” Ives said.

Apple customers now upgrade every 33 months on average, longer than the 24 or 25 months three years ago, he said.

Apple’s diminished growth projections, fueled by plummeting sales in China, have reinforced fears the world’s second-largest economy is losing steam. Its $1,000 iPhone is a tough sell to Chinese consumers unnerved by an economic slump and the trade war with the U.S. They also have a slew of cheaper smartphones from homegrown competitors such as Huawei, Xiaomi and Oppo to choose from.

The fact that even Apple’s iPhone juggernaut is suffering cements a larger trend for all major smartphone makers. After a steady rise for a decade, worldwide smartphone shipments fell 3 percent to 1.42 billion in 2018, the first annual drop, according to International Data Corp., which tracks such movements. IDC estimates that shipments will rebound 3 percent in 2019 to 1.46 billion, but that still falls short of 2017 levels.

No ‘silver bullet’

It doesn’t help that top phones come with four-digit price tags — $1,100 for the iPhone XS Max and $1,000 for Samsung’s Galaxy Note 9. The top-end Max model sells for $1,450 in the U.S.

“They’re getting more and more expensive while offering fewer and fewer new, innovative features that I’ll actually use,” said Zachary Pardes, a tech-savvy 31-year-old in Fairfield, Connecticut. “I’ll upgrade when the battery stops working. When I’m forced to buy a new phone, I’ll buy a new phone.”

Vivian Yang, a manager at a Beijing technology company, also balked at the price. “Nobody needs such a phone,” she said.

IDC analyst Ramon Llamas said the cycle might bottom out and start growing again in 2021 or 2022, when people’s current phones start reaching the end of their useful life. “People will still replace their phones. It’s going to happen eventually,” he said.

But there’s no “silver bullet” that will spur growth to levels seen in the past when the industry was less mature.

Foldable smartphones, with screens that unfold like a wallet to increase display size, are one thing that could spur excitement, but they’re expensive and not due out until at least the end of the year.

Another thing that might spur growth: 5G, the next-generation that telecom companies are currently in the process of building, expected to be faster and more reliable than the current 4G network. The first 5G compatible phones are due out this year.

“There’s more pressure on 5G as the next-wave smartphone,” since sales are so lackluster, said Ives. “There will be a battle royale for 5G phones.”

But 5G will take years for broad, nationwide deployment, so the new 5G smartphones coming out this year are not likely to make much of a splash immediately either.

Analysts say smartphone makers need to push into under-saturated areas like Africa and elsewhere, and also sell more services like cloud storage, streaming music and phone software. But the glory days of untrammeled growth appear to be over.

“It’s going to be a slow slog,” Llamas said. “By no means is this the end of the smartphone market. But this is an indication that the smartphone market can be a victim of its own success.”

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Global Stocks Fall After Apple Trims Sales Forecast

Stock markets around the globe dropped Thursday after tech giant Apple said that sales of its devices had fallen sharply in China last month, perhaps signaling a broader slowing in the world economy.

The widely watched Dow Jones industrial average of 30 prominent U.S. stocks plunged 2.8 percent — more than 660 points — by the close of trading, after stock indexes in Europe and Asia closed with smaller losses. Apple’s stock was down nearly 9 percent.

The stock declines came after Apple announced late Wednesday that its holiday sales were lower than it had expected, especially in China, the world’s second-biggest economy after the United States. In addition, a key gauge of U.S. manufacturing unexpectedly hit a two-year low in December, indicating weak demand and exports.

Apple Chief Executive Tim Cook blamed the company’s sales shortfall on the trade battle President Donald Trump is waging against China. 

“While we anticipated some challenges in key emerging markets, we did not foresee the magnitude of the economic deceleration, particularly in greater China,” Cook wrote. “In fact, most of our revenue shortfall to our guidance, and over 100 percent of our year-over-year worldwide revenue decline, occurred in greater China across iPhone, Mac and iPad.” 

​More to come

Kevin Hassett, chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers, said the contentious U.S.-China relations would force other U.S. companies to cut their sales estimates in China. 

“It’s not going to be just Apple,” Hassett told CNN. “There are a heck of a lot of U.S. companies that have sales in China that are going to be watching their earnings being downgraded next year until we get a deal with China.”

He said slowing consumer demand in China would give Trump an edge in trade negotiations. 


“That puts a lot of pressure on China to make a deal,” he said. “If we have a successful negotiation with China, then Apple’s sales and everybody else’s sales will recover.”

The U.S. economy remains strong, with the country’s 3.7 percent jobless rate at a nearly five-decade low. But economists say the U.S. economy could be slowing, and uncertainty in global economic fortunes has led to volatile daily swings in stock indexes in recent weeks.

In 2018, U.S. stock indexes suffered their worst year in a decade, with most of the losses recorded in December. The Dow was off 5.6 percent for the year, with the broader Standard & Poor’s index of 500 stocks down 6.2 percent.

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Judge Blocks NYC Law Demanding Airbnb Disclosures

A federal judge says a New York City law forcing Airbnb and HomeAway home-sharing platforms to reveal detailed information about its business seems unconstitutional.

Judge Paul Engelmayer on Thursday blocked the law from taking effect on Feb. 2, finding there’s a greater than 50 percent chance the companies would prevail on claims that the law violates the Fourth Amendment right to be free from unreasonable searches and seizures.

The ruling comes at an early stage of the litigation. Lawyers for the city and the companies will gather additional evidence before Engelmayer makes a final ruling.

The city did not immediately comment.

The San Francisco-based Airbnb in a statement called the ruling a “huge win.”

The law was passed last summer.


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Snacks on Wheels: PepsiCo Tests Self-driving Robot Delivery

Forget vending machines, PepsiCo is testing a way to bring snacks directly to college students.

The chip and beverage maker says it will start making deliveries with self-driving robots on Thursday at the University of the Pacific in Stockton, California. Students will be able to order Baked Lay’s, SunChips or Bubly sparkling water on an app, and then meet the six-wheeled robot at more than 50 locations on campus.

Other companies have been using self-driving vehicles to deliver food. Last month, supermarket operator Kroger announced it would start delivering groceries in a driverless vehicle from a store in Scottsdale, Arizona.

The robots used at the University of the Pacific will move at speeds of up to 6 miles per hour, according to Robby Technologies, which makes the robots. Three workers on the campus will be refilling the robots with food and drinks and replacing the batteries with recharged ones when they go dead.

At first three robots will be used, but then grow to a fleet of five over time. The robots, which weigh 80 pounds and are less than 3 feet tall, drive on their own and stop when someone is in front of it, Robby says.

PepsiCo says it’s testing this way to deliver its snacks because more of its customers want a convenient way to buy them on their phones.

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Could Tesla Price Cuts Mean Demand is Slowing?

Tesla made about 9,300 more vehicles than it delivered last year, raising concerns among industry analysts that inventory is growing as demand for the company’s electric cars may be starting to wane.

If demand falls, they say, the company will enter a new phase of its business. Like other automakers, Tesla will have to either cut production or reduce prices to raise sales. A drop in demand could also curtail the company’s earnings and jeopardize CEO Elon Musk’s promise to post sustained quarterly profits.

On Wednesday, Tesla did cut prices, knocking $2,000 off each of its three models. The company said the cuts will help customers deal with the loss of a $7,500 federal tax credit, which was reduced to $3,750 this month for Tesla buyers and will gradually go to zero by the end of 2019.

“They have for a long time had more demand than supply,” Gartner analyst Michael Ramsey said. “It’s becoming apparent that that dynamic is changing.”

Tesla reported that it produced 254,530 cars and SUVs last year and delivered 245,240.

The company’s deliveries for the full year matched Wall Street estimates, but its figures for the fourth quarter didn’t reach expectations. Tesla said it delivered 90,700 vehicles from October through December. Analysts polled by data provider FactSet expected 92,000.

Jeff Schuster, a senior vice president at the forecasting firm LMC Automotive, said demand for Tesla’s lower-priced Model 3 has been artificially high for the past six months as the company overcame production problems at its Fremont, California, factory.

“You’ve had these inflated months because of delayed deliveries,” Schuster said. “We’re probably getting to that point where we’re getting to equilibrium and consumers aren’t necessarily waiting for vehicles.”

Last year, Tesla reported that about 420,000 buyers had put down $1,000 deposits to join the Model 3 waiting list.

LMC predicts that Tesla U.S. sales will rise in 2019 because it’s the first full year on the market for the Model 3. It anticipates sales to then fall by about 10,000 in 2020.

Losing the tax credit will hit those who have been holding out for the $35,000 version of the Model 3, Schuster said. At present, Tesla is selling only versions that cost at least $44,000. Under federal law, buyers get the full tax credit until a manufacturer reaches 200,000 in sales since the start of 2010. Tesla hit 200,000 in July but the full credit continued for vehicles delivered by Dec. 31. It was cut in half on Jan. 1 and will go away by the end of the year.

“You’ve had your early adopters, those early followers have already come in” to buy, Schuster said. “Now you’re trying to appeal to the mainstream market. I think that will have an impact on overall demand.”

At the same time, inventory appears to be rising. The company parked hundreds of cars at lots and Tesla stores all over the country at the end of last year, which could indicate excess stock. Tesla wouldn’t give inventory numbers but said it has lower stocks than its two biggest competitors, BMW and Mercedes.

The Associated Press found one lot on the north side of Chicago where Tesla was storing dozens of vehicles in late December, and Mark Spiegel, a hedge fund manager who bets against Tesla stock, said other lots were full across the country.

Tesla said it sometimes stores vehicles on lots as they’re being shipped to company dealerships across the nation. The lot in Chicago has fewer cars on it now, the company said. “Our inventory levels remain the smallest in the automotive industry,” the company said Wednesday.

Tesla also says Model 3 sales should grow worldwide as it expands distribution and begins to offer leases. Deliveries in Europe and China will start in February, and a right-hand-drive version is coming later in the year, the company said.

In addition, inventory dropped in the fourth quarter as Tesla “delivered a few thousand vehicles more than produced.”

Tesla said it had about 3,000 vehicles in transit to customers at year’s end. But even with that number, Schuster said production still exceeded deliveries, which doesn’t fit Tesla’s business model of building cars when they are ordered by customers. Still, even at 9,300, Tesla’s inventory is smaller than other automakers that have to stock dealerships, Schuster said.

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The Other Jay-Z: South African Ex-President Jacob Zuma Releasing Album?

The man South Africans know as J-Z is dropping an album. But instead of fans, he’s hearing haters who are questioning why public dollars are being used to fund the project.

That’s because the talent in question is not the Jay-Z – the multi-millionaire platinum-selling producer and rapper (and, no less famously, husband of Beyonce) who is known for his inventive beats and cutting social commentary delivered in his signature, versatile flow – but South Africa’s disgraced former president, Jacob Zuma.

Officials in the municipality of eThekwini, which is near Zuma’s rural home, announced this week the 76-year-old would provide his vocal talents on a new album of apartheid-era “struggle songs,” due to drop in April. Municipal officials told VOA this would come out of the city’s $1.7 million (25,000,000 South African rand) culture budget, but stressed that Zuma, who is deeply in debt after a number of bruising court defeats, is singing for free.


“It’s going to be a very beautiful one, I mean, the man is very talented,” the municipality’s parks, recreation and culture chief Thembinkosi Ngcobo, who is helping produce the album, told VOA. “He can command a group of people as backers. He himself can navigate any song, and it can give a very beautiful tune. So we are looking forward, then, for him to participate in our project, which is about research on our liberation history, and also preservation of that information, and eventually disseminate it (CQ) to current and future generations.”

During his nine-year presidency, which was tainted by multiple corruption charges and long-simmering corruption scandals, Zuma was known for often bursting into song. His performance of classics like Inde Lendlela Esiyihambayo – This Road We’ve Embarked on is Long – often moved crowds to join in.

Zuma, who says he did nothing wrong, resigned in February under pressure from his party. A court ruled in December that he must pay the government back for the legal fees he incurred fighting the corruption charges.

Why Zuma?

Members of the Democratic Alliance opposition party say they’ll do everything they can to stop the album from being made. Local DA representative Zwakele Mncwango says the party doesn’t have a problem with the game, but with the player.


“We do support preservation of our culture and our heritage, and it must be promoted,” he said. “However, we don’t believe that public funds should be abused in supporting J-Z doing this album. We have a lot of young, up-and-coming artists in eThekwini and in South Africa, who always try to knock on different doors within government institutions and are not able to get help. Now the big question is: why Jacob Zuma is a priority?”

Ngcobo provided a snappy reply: he says the department invited talented young singers to perform the songs three years ago. They struggled to capture the songs’ gritty essence, he said. Only Zuma, who was among the original gang of anti-apartheid stalwarts along with former President Nelson Mandela, had lived the hard knock life, in exile and in prison, that gives these songs the grit they need.

“Jacob Zuma is a former exile where he risked so many things, including his life,” he said. “He also was in Robben Island for 10 years and he came back to become one of the leaders, including being the state president in government. So all of these things he was doing out of sacrifice.

He knew that he could die because of conditions they were facing. Now at this point, when we ask him to participate in this project. He agreed, he’s not going to be getting a cent out of it, because he understood it to be, again, his contribution to the heritage of the people of South Africa.”

The album, if it happens, is likely to include one of Zuma’s favorite songs, Awuleth’ Umshini Wami, or, Bring Me My Machine Gun.




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Michael B. Jordan, Ben Stiller among Golden Globe Presenters

Michael B. Jordan, Ben Stiller and Idris Elba are among the first presenters announced for next month’s Golden Globe Awards.

Other presenters announced Thursday by the Hollywood Foreign Press Association include Catherine Zeta-Jones, Dick Van Dyke, Jamie Lee Curtis, Chrissy Metz, Felicity Huffman and Mike Myers.

Sandra Oh and Andy Samberg will host the 76th annual Golden Globe Awards that will air Sunday on NBC.

The Globes show is also adding the Carol Burnett Award, an accolade that focuses on life achievement in television. The inaugural award will go to the 85-year-old Burnett, a five-time Globes winner.

Jeff Bridges will receive the Cecil B. DeMille Award, an accolade for film. The 69-year-old actor won a Globe in 2010 for his role in “Crazy Heart.”

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Flying Drones Deployed Against Nests of Asian Hornets

It has no natural predator. There are no plans to control its plague. Hailing from China by way of France, the Asian hornet (vespa velutina) is now taking over Spain’s Iberian Peninsula and wreaking havoc on honeybees. With modern technology … the Spanish are fighting back. Arash Arabasadi reports.

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Chinese Craft First to Land on Moon’s Far Side

A Chinese spacecraft Thursday made the first-ever landing on the far side of the moon in the latest achievement for the country’s growing space program.

The relatively unexplored far side of the moon faces away from Earth and is also known as the dark side.

A photo taken by the lunar explorer Chang’e 4 at 11:40 a.m. and published online by the official Xinhua News Agency shows a small crater and a barren surface that appears to be illuminated by a light from the probe.

Chang’e 4 touched down on the surface at 10:26 a.m., the China National Space Administration said. The landing was announced by state broadcaster China Central Television at the top of its noon news broadcast.

Growing ambitions in space

The landing highlights China’s growing ambitions as a space power. In 2013, Chang’e 3, the predecessor craft to the current mission, made the first moon landing since the then-Soviet Union’s Luna 24 in 1976. The United States is the only other country that has carried out moon landings.

The work of Chang’e 4, which is carrying a rover, includes carrying out astronomical observations and probing the structure and mineral composition of the terrain.

“The far side of the moon is a rare quiet place that is free from interference of radio signals from Earth,” mission spokesman Yu Guobin said, according to Xinhua. “This probe can fill the gap of low-frequency observation in radio astronomy and will provide important information for studying the origin of stars and nebula evolution.”


One challenge of operating on the far side of the moon is communicating with Earth. China launched a relay satellite in May so that Chang’e 4 can send back information.

China plans to send its Chang’e 5 probe to the moon next year and have it return to Earth with samples, the first time that will have been done since the Soviet mission in 1976.

A Long March 3B rocket carrying Chang’e 4 blasted off Dec. 8 from Xichang Satellite Launch Center in southern China. Chang’e is the name of a Chinese goddess who, according to legend, has lived on the moon for millennia.

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Broadway Hits Iran with Unique Take on ‘Les Miserables’

Iranian theatre director Hossein Parsaee calls Victor Hugo’s classic a “masterpiece without borders” but his groundbreaking production of “Les Miserables” that has hit the stage in Tehran has a few unique twists.

For a start, none of the actresses are allowed to reveal their own hair, and in case their wigs look too natural, the poster advertising the show carries a bright red notice underscoring that their locks are fake.

Nor do the actors and actresses touch hands, or have any other physical contact throughout the musical.

This is, after all, the capital of the Islamic republic, even if the blockbuster show in the luxurious Espinas Hotel feels a world away from the usual stereotypes about Iran.

The concessions to the government’s view of Islamic rules are often subtle.

There is, for instance, always at least one other voice accompanying an actress when she sings — since female solos are taboo — although spotting the second voice can be tricky.

All the other staples of a big-budget musical are here: a live orchestra, billowing dry ice and dazzling light displays.

With a cast, crew and orchestra of over 450, the production has played to sold-out 2,500-strong crowds for six nights a week since it debuted in November.

‘It was all perfect’

It was a mainly young, well-heeled crowd when AFP visited recently, and they could barely control their excitement at a rare chance to attend a musical in their home city.

“It was so much more than I expected,” gushed Maryam Taheri, a 45-year-old housewife, after the show. “The acting, the music, the lighting — it was all perfect.”

Foreign-made TV, film and cartoon versions of “Les Miserables” — a French 19th-century epic on sociopolitical tumult, crime and punishment — have been frequently shown in Iran, where the book has also been translated.

The classic work even has the stamp of approval from supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, who has described Victor Hugo’s book as “a miracle among novels… a book of kindness, affection and love.”

The new production is being hailed as the most spectacular play yet staged in Iran, and arrives at a topical moment with the ongoing “yellow vest” protests in France.

“After 200 years you see it happening again in France,” contends businessman Mehdi Hooshyar.

“This is good, it shows whenever their society stagnates, something like this happens to move it forward,” he said. “The revolution is still alive.”

‘No Miserables allowed in’

The lavishness of the production has brought its share of criticism, however.

The play has come at a volatile moment in Iran, when anger at economic inequality and corruption dominates political debate.

Tickets, priced between 500,000 and 1.85 million rials (roughly $5 to $20, 4.4 euros to 17.5 euros), are beyond the means of most Iranians.

“No Miserables allowed in,” said a conservative daily, Javan.

Director Parsaee said connecting with Tehran’s elite was part of the point.

“This story is relevant to all times, and all places, and that includes today’s Tehran. It’s about the class divide, the social breakdown and the poverty that exists today,” he told AFP.

“It’s a reminder to the audience that other classes exist and we need to see them and know about them. It’s a serious warning.”

‘No taboos broken’

Much of the show seems to run against Iranian taboos, not least the mixed dancing and drinking in brothels and inns.

But Parsaee, who used to head the performing arts department at the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance, knows the red lines well.

“The review board saw the play in its entirety before we were allowed to begin our run,” he said.  

“They found it completely compatible with the rules and regulations. No taboos were broken.”

The director’s love for musicals started around a decade ago when he saw “Oliver Twist,” based on the Charles Dickens classic, in London.

“I was depressed for days, thinking why can’t we do this? I vowed to myself that I would one day make a musical in Iran.”

He did precisely that, bringing “Oliver Twist” to the stage in Tehran last year.

And now he has established a production company to train a new generation of musical directors.

“I’ve opened the door on musicals in Iran, and now, like a relay race, others must advance it to a point that there won’t be any difference between Iran and Broadway.”

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Centuries-Old Art of Handmade Blue-Dyed Cloth Given UNESCO Recognition

Blue was a rare, expensive color in ancient times, whether it was derived from lapis lazuli mined in Afghanistan some 6,000 years ago, made by blending copper with other elements throughout the Middle East and in ancient China, or mixing an extract of the indigo plant with clay and resin by Mayans in Mesoamerica. Now, a centuries-old tradition of dyeing blue cloth with delicate patterns in parts of eastern Europe has been recognized for its cultural importance by UNESCO. Faith Lapidus reports.

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