Month: June 2020

Треш іменем України. Як ганьбився прокурор і страждали пропагандисти на апеляції по арешту Стерненка

Треш іменем України. Як ганьбився прокурор і страждали пропагандисти на апеляції по арешту Стерненка.

26.06.2020 у так званому Київському апеляційному суді розглядалась моя скарга щодо домашнього арешту про справі про самозахист. Під час засідання прокурор сам себе буквально знищив, а пропагандисти з каналу придурка медведчука були розіп’яті на басах.

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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«Щороку в Криму дедалі гірше і гірше»

«Щороку в Криму дедалі гірше і гірше».

Першого липня в Криму голосуватимуть за зміни до Конституції . Поправок 216, а варіантів відповідей усього 2: так – підтримую, ні – не підтримую. Міністерство закордонних справ України нагадує – це голосування в анексованому Криму незаконне й суперечить міжнародним нормам. «пукін, досить вже! Треба молоді дати дорогу. Якщо не буде змінюваності влади, то буде застій. Щороку в Криму дедалі гірше і гірше», так відповідали кримчани на питання, що вони думають про обнулення карлика пукіна і його президентство до 2036 року.

Чи підтримують жителі півострова поправки до конституції путляндії 2020? І чи хочуть, щоб опущенний карлик пукін обнулився і правив путляндією довше ніж сталін срср? Що про поправки до конституції путляндії думають опозиціонер Михайло Ходорковський і соціолог та філософ Ігор Чубайс? Та чому конституцію з поправками ще до голосування продають у крамницях в путляндії

Для распространения вашего видео или сообщения в Сети Правды пишите сюда, или на email:
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TB, Measles, Polio Vaccines Might Fight COVID-19

As the world waits for a COVID-19 vaccine, scientists are testing whether shots already in use for other diseases might provide some protection from the worst impacts of the disease caused by the coronavirus. Vaccines containing living but weakened organisms, including those against tuberculosis, polio and measles, may provide a boost to the immune system that would help fight the coronavirus.  While they probably wouldn’t provide protection as good as a purpose-built vaccine, research has already shown that these immunizations help ward off diseases other than the ones for which they were designed.  Plus, these shots have a proven safety record stretching back decades.  “And not only that, it’s something we can put out almost immediately,” said Jeffrey Cirillo, director of the Texas A&M University Center for Airborne Pathogen Research and Imaging. The manufacturing facilities are already up and running, delivering hundreds of millions of doses every year, he noted. Vaccine bonus Cirillo and his colleagues are FILE – Children, their faces covered with masks, wait to get vaccinated against measles at a health clinic in Apia, Samoa, November 18, 2019.More than 100 million children around the world receive the vaccine each year to prevent tuberculosis. But as it happens, the vaccine does much more. When it was introduced early in the 20th century, researchers noticed steep drops in infant deaths. Some places saw up to a 50% decline, and not just from tuberculosis. Deaths from other diseases fell, too, especially respiratory diseases.  Researchers saw the FILE – A medical staff member prepares a syringe at the Chris Hani Baragwanath hospital in Soweto, Johannesburg, June 24, 2020.Experts disagree on how these cells are different. Noverr and Cirillo say these “educated” cells tamp down inflammation. If that’s the case, that could help COVID-19 patients who are dying from overactive inflammation.  Others say live vaccines produce stronger innate immune responses generally, which help to protect against a broad range of infections.  Noverr is hoping to get funding to test whether the live measles, mumps and rubella vaccine (MMR) could provide some protection against COVID-19. Others suggest testing the polio vaccine. In addition to Cirillo’s, studies of BCG are under way in Australia and the Netherlands.  Given the safety record of these vaccines, “It’s almost one of those things, ‘Well, why wouldn’t you just give it to everybody?'” Noverr said. “But you won’t know (if it works) unless we do (a) double-blinded, controlled study.”  That is why the World Health Organization is not recommending any of these vaccines for COVID-19 yet. Supplies are limited, WHO officials note. While tests are under way, diverting vaccines from their intended use without evidence that they help prevent COVID-19 could end up doing more harm than good.   

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‘The Simpsons’ Ends White Actors Voicing Characters of Color

“The Simpsons” will no longer use white actors to dub ethnic minority characters, the producers of the long-running animated series announced Friday.The decision includes a recurring character from the series, launched in 1989 — Apu Nahasapeemapetilon, a grocer of Indian origin voiced in the American version of the show by white actor Hank Azaria.The character has long been seen as problematic and conveying racist stereotypes. Last January Azaria announced that, in agreement with producers, he was abandoning the role.”Moving forward, THE SIMPSONS will no longer have white actors voice non-white characters,” Fox Studios said in a statement to AFP.The change will also affect the character of Dr. Hibbert, a Black man dubbed by the white actor Harry Shearer who also lends his voice to many other characters on the series — from Homer Simpson’s boss Mr. Burns to the chirpy neighbor Ned Flanders.The announcement came as Mike Henry, the white actor who voices the Black character of Cleveland Brown in “Family Guy,” another animated series produced by Fox, announced on Twitter that he was giving up the role.”It’s been an honor to play Cleveland on Family Guy for 20 years. I love this character, but persons of color should play characters of color. Therefore, I will be stepping down from the role,” he wrote.Americans are in the midst of a reckoning on systemic racism and discrimination ignited by the death of George Floyd, an African American man, in police custody in Minneapolis on May 25.      

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Facebook to Label All Rule-breaking Posts — Even Trump’s

Facebook says it will flag all “newsworthy” posts from politicians that break its rules, including those from President Donald Trump.  CEO Mark Zuckerberg had previously refused to take action against Trump posts that suggested mail-in ballots will lead to voter fraud. Twitter, by contrast, slapped a “get the facts” label on them.Facebook is also banning false claims intended to discourage voting, such as stories about federal agents checking legal status at polling places. The company also said it is increasing its enforcement capacity to remove false claims about local polling conditions in the 72 hours before the U.S. election.Earlier Friday, shares of Facebook and Twitter dropped sharply after the giant company behind brands such as Ben & Jerry’s ice cream and Dove soap said it will halt U.S. advertising on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram through at least the end of the year.That European consumer-product maker, Unilever, said it took the move to protest the amount of hate speech online. Unilever said the polarized atmosphere in the United States ahead of November’s presidential election placed responsibility on brands to act.Shares of both Facebook and Twitter fell roughly 7% following Unilever’s announcement.FILE – The Unilever headquarters is seen in Rotterdam, Netherlands, Aug. 21, 2018.The company, which is based in the Netherlands and Britain, joins a raft of other advertisers pulling back from online platforms. Facebook in particular has been the target of an escalating movement to withhold advertising dollars to pressure it to do more to prevent racist and violent content from being shared on its platform.”We have decided that starting now through at least the end of the year, we will not run brand advertising in social media newsfeed platforms Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in the U.S.,” Unilever said. “Continuing to advertise on these platforms at this time would not add value to people and society.”On Thursday, Verizon joined others in the Facebook boycott.Sarah Personette, vice president of global client solutions at Twitter, said the company’s “mission is to serve the public conversation and ensure Twitter is a place where people can make human connections, seek and receive authentic and credible information, and express themselves freely and safely.”She added that Twitter is “respectful of our partners’ decisions and will continue to work and communicate closely with them during this time.”

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Microsoft to Close Physical Stores, Take $450 Million Hit

Microsoft Corp said on Friday it would close its retail stores and take a related pre-tax asset impairment charge of $450 million in the current quarter.The Redmond, Washington-based software giant said would continue to serve customers online, with team members working remotely from corporate facilities.It was not immediately clear if Microsoft’s move would lead to any layoffs.The company also said it will rethink other spaces that serve all customers, including operating Microsoft Experience Centers in London, New York City, Sydney, and Redmond campus locations.”This is a tough, but smart strategic decision for (CEO) Nadella & Co. to make at this point. The physical stores generated negligible retail revenue for Microsoft and ultimately everything was moving more and more towards the digital channels over the last few years,” Wedbush analyst Dan Ives said in a note.Retailers, whose stores shuttered in mid-March due to coronavirus-led lockdowns, have seen a huge surge in online demand amid stay-at-home orders.

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Astronaut Loses Mirror During Space Walk

A spacewalking astronaut on Friday added a small mirror to the millions of pieces of junk orbiting the Earth, as he lost the small object from his space suit, while stepping out of the International Space Station. U.S. Commander Chris Cassidy said the mirror floated away at about 0.3 meters per second. Mission Control said the mirror somehow became detached from Cassidy’s spacesuit. Spacewalking astronauts wear a wrist mirror on each sleeve to get better views while working.  The mirror is just 12 centimeters by roughly 8 centimeters and came loose as the ISS was in darkness. Once he was in sunlight, Cassidy inspected his sleeve for clues that might explain how the mirror came off but told Mission Control he found no evidence of thread damage. Cassidy and fellow astronaut Bob Behnken have conducted the first of at least four spacewalks to replace the last in series of old nickel-hydrogen batteries with new, more efficient lithium-ion batteries. The batteries store energy collected by the station’s solar panel arrays. Their spacewalks are expected to continue through July before Behnken returns to Earth in August aboard a SpaceX Dragon capsule. Behnken and Doug Hurley made history at the end of May with SpaceX’s first astronaut launch. This was the seventh spacewalk for both men. Each has spent more than 30 hours out in the vacuum of space. 

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Russian Court Finds Director Serebrennikov Guilty of Fraud

A Moscow court on Friday convicted acclaimed Russian theater and film director Kirill Serebrennikov of fraud, in a long-running case that critics have slammed as fabricated.The judge ruled that Serebrennikov, 50, and two co-defendants were guilty of misappropriating 129 million rubles ($2 million) of state funds that financed a theatrical project.”Serebrennikov, [Yury] Itin and [Konstantin] Malobrodsky carried out actions directed at personal enrichment” and acted as a group to mislead employees of the culture ministry, Judge Olesya Mendeleyeva said, according to an AFP correspondent in the court.A fourth defendant in the case, Sofia Apfelbaum, was “unaware” of the fraud, the judge said.The prosecution earlier this week asked the court to give Serebrennikov a six-year prison sentence, but the judge can take a long time to reach sentencing.Serebrennikov, who heads one of Moscow’s top theater venues, the Gogol Center, was arrested in 2017 and the case against him nearly fell apart last year when a judge handed it back to the prosecution because of “inconsistencies.”It restarted with a new judge, and the amount of the alleged fraud was revised from 133 million rubles to 129 million rubles.The judge on Friday backed claims by the prosecution that Serebrennikov orchestrated theft of state money allocated to the Platforma project he ran between 2011 and 2014.Serebrennikov and his co-defendants insisted they were innocent. The director this week called the accusations that he stole the money “laughable.”

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Kanye West to Bring Yeezy Brand, But Not Sneakers, to Gap

The rap superstar will design adult and kids’ clothing that will be sold at Gap’s stores next year. Yeezy is best known for pricey sneakers that sell out online quickly. But Yeezy footwear, made with sneaker company Adidas, won’t be sold at Gap stores.San Francisco-based Gap Inc., whose sales are dwindling, hopes the deal will keep it relevant with shoppers. For Yeezy, being in more than 1,100 stores worldwide could get the brand in front of more people.On Friday, West tweeted a photo of what the collaboration might look like: bright colored hoodies, jackets and T-shirts. Shares of the retailer soared nearly 30%.West has a history with Gap. He worked at one of its stores in Chicago as a teenager. And he told Vanity Fair magazine back in 2015 that he wanted to be creative director of the brand.  As part of the deal announced Friday, Yeezy will receive royalties and possibly Gap stock if the line sells well.

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Country Music Reckons With Racial Stereotypes and Its Future

When country singer Rissi Palmer was working on her debut album, she wanted a song like Gretchen Wilson’s “Redneck Woman,” a song that would introduce her and tell her story to fans.  On her 2007 debut single, “Country Girl,” she celebrated her country roots while explaining that she didn’t have to look or talk a certain way to call herself a country girl.  “I said that I am not white in the first verse, and the label was like, ‘No, no, no,'” said Palmer, who then rewrote the lyrics to make it feel more universal. “It was very intentional when I wrote that song to talk about all the women, or all the people, that might not necessarily fit in the box, but are still of the same mindset.”The country music industry has long been hesitant to address its long and complicated history with race, but the death of George Floyd in police custody and the protests it sparked in the U.S. and around the world became a sound too loud for the genre to ignore.Over the past weeks, country artists, labels and country music organizations posted about Black Lives Matter on social media, participated in the industry wide Blackout Tuesday or denounced racism outright. On Thursday, Grammy-winning country group, The Dixie Chicks announced it would drop “dixie” from its name. The group said in a statement that it wanted to meet “this moment.”  But Black artists say the industry still needs to address the systematic racial barriers that have been entrenched in country music for decades. Stereotypes that country music is just for white audiences, written by white songwriters, and sung by mostly white males are reinforced daily on country radio, playlists, label rosters and tour lineups. In recent years, however, the conversations about country music have shifted to a broader acknowledgement that non-white artists have always been in the genre, even if they aren’t always recognized.  Artist/scholar Rhiannon Giddens received a MacArthur Foundation grant for her work to reclaim Black contributions to country and folk music. And artists like Darius Rucker, Kane Brown and Jimmie Allen have all had No. 1 country hits in recent years, while Mickey Guyton just released an unflinching song called “Black Like Me.” But that ingrained culture of exclusivity remains a struggle to change.  “You can look at the reviews of my first album. I was called colored, like, ‘I didn’t know colored people like country music,'” said Palmer, who had three singles reach the Hot Country Songs Chart. “I used to get messages all the time on MySpace, saying, ‘I am so sick of you. Why are you trying to be white?’ or ‘Why are you trying to take over country music?'”Change hasn’t been easy. After Grammy-winning country group  Lady Antebellum announced they were changing their name to Lady A, they later had to apologize to a Black singer who had been using that stage name for years.  Atlanta-based country rapper Breland also wanted to address, with a wink and a smile, country music’s racial blinders with his TikTok-fueled song  “My Truck.” The music video starts with a white guy in a black cowboy hat singing as smoke billows across a dusty landscape, then Breland abruptly shoves him out of the frame to announce, “Don’t touch my truck.””I just felt like it was time for people to change their perspective on what country music is and what country music can be, because there is an audience of country music listeners under 30 who believe Black Lives Matter,” said Breland, whose song reached No. 26 on Billboard’s Hot Country Songs chart and has been remixed with Sam Hunt.  Like Lil Nas X’s genre bending “Old Town Road,” Breland playfully fuses trap rhythms with country tropes about horses, do-si-dos and beer on his self-titled EP and sings with country artists Chase Rice and Lauren Alaina. Breland said country music labels can’t just continue to focus on one type of audience.  “There’s a group of country listeners who love country music because of the way it sounds, but don’t love some of the politics that they know are going on behind the scenes,” he said.  Historically country music was created by and played in both white and Black communities in the South, but the music became marketed along racial lines in the Jim Crow era, said Amanda Marie Martinez, a historian and writer who is studying country music and race. White country music was stigmatized early on as “hillbilly music” so the industry started pushing it toward the rising white middle class as a way to make the genre more respected and hugely profitable.”In the process, they’ve also prioritized the white, middle income, relatively conservative listener as their demographic, kind of the opposite of youth culture,” Martinez said.  But there were periods of diversity, such as the post-Civil Rights era, when Black artists like Charley Pride, Linda Martell, O.B. McClinton and Stoney Edwards were having success, alongside Johnny Rodriguez and Freddy Fender, who were singing in English and Spanish.Black artists today are also reclaiming spaces that have been overwhelmingly white domains.Claude Kelly and Chuck Harmony, who work as a duo called Louis York, were already hit-making songwriters and producers behind pop songs like “Party in the USA” by Miley Cyrus and “Grenade” by Bruno Mars when they moved to Franklin, Tennessee, a Nashville suburb that is home to historical sites of a major Civil War battle and plantations where slaves were once held. There they set up their Weirdo Workshop artist collective and have worked with Jimmie Allen and noted author/poet Caroline Randall Williams.  “We knew that if we were to make our mark in this town as musicians and as Black musicians that playing the Grand Ole Opry would be the pinnacle for that,” Harmony said.  They got a standing ovation at the Opry, but more importantly for Harmony, he wanted the audience to learn about country music’s roots.  “I just wanted their unbiased, undivided attention, so that they can make the correlation between the music that they came to see and the music that we make as Black people,” Harmony said.  Both the Academy of Country Music and the Country Music Association started diversity task forces more than a year ago when country music was being criticized for a lack of female voices and women were being left out of major categories like entertainer of the year.  Becky Gardenhire, a top executive at talent agency WME in Nashville who leads ACM’s diversity task force, said they are looking at ways to recruit and retain diverse voices, both in the boardroom and on the stage, with efforts like mentorships, networking and outreach to build up a pipeline of future leaders and artists.  “We’re hungry for diversity. We want the candidates to come and knock on the door, but we have to also show them that the door is open for them,” said Damon Whiteside, CEO of ACM.But just as country artists outwardly reflect a predominantly white image, there are few Black country music executives working behind the scenes. Candice Watkins got one of her first big breaks in country music working as the day-to-day manager for Keith Urban between 2009 and 2011.”That changed my life because obviously he’s a superstar,” said Watkins, who is now the vice president for marketing for Big Loud Records, whose roster includes Jake Owen and Morgan Wallen.  But in that manager’s role, she realized that she was often the only Black person at the boardroom table. Watkins said her label supports her and values her opinion, but she knows that might not be the same for other minorities and their companies.  “How is a young A&R person empowered to come back to the table and maybe pitch a Black artist or person of color? Culturally speaking, do they feel free to do that or do they automatically know this is dangerous ground for them to even bring up?” Watkins said. “There’s a dismantling of culture that needs to happen.”Palmer, who is recording a podcast that focuses on the experiences of women of color in country music, said she feels optimistic that the current discussions about race and country music can lead to progress, if real changes are implemented.  “I love country music, always have, always will. It’s healing music. It’s beautiful music at its core. It’s heartfelt. It’s spiritual,” Palmer said. “And it would be a shame if not everybody got to enjoy it because of the outward package.” 

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Натівські академії в Україні, опущеного карлика пукіна прорвало, піхвець у Лівії. Люті новини

Натівські академії в Україні, опущеного карлика пукіна прорвало, піхвець у Лівії. Люті новини

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Кияни програли вибори мера. Чому кличко = тищенко = ткаченко = тимошенко

Кияни програли вибори мера. Чому кличко = тищенко = ткаченко = тимошенко.

Придурки кличко, тищенко, дубінський, ткаченко, богдан, нестор – хто б з них не отримав крісло мера Києва, до влади все одно прийде будівельна мафія. Точніше вона вже прийшла на чолі з крадуном комарницьким, новим “смотрящим” за Києвом. Скільки коштує правильне рішення Київради, як політикам зливають мільярдні тендери та які угрупування зчепились у боротьбі дивіться в новому сюжеті. УСІХ КАБАНІВ НА ПАЛІ!

Для поширення вашого відео чи повідомлення в Мережі Правди пишіть сюди, або на email:
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Пряник холопам от опущенного карлика пукина! Опозоренная путляндия умоляет Запад строить им заводы!

Пряник холопам от обиженного карлика пукина! Опущенная путляндия умоляет Запад стоить им заводы!

Последние новости путляндии и мира, экономика, бизнес, культура, технологии, спорт

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Эрдоган успешно сорвал план обиженного карлика пукина «присадить» Европу на газовую иглу…

Эрдоган успешно сорвал план обиженного карлика пукина «присадить» Европу на газовую иглу…

Реджеп Эрдоган насмехается над обиженным карликом пукиным, который лично запустил очередной проект по выкачиванию денег из карманов путляндских налогоплательщиков…

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Смалимо путляндських пропагандистів, яких не бачить СБУ. Про знімальну групу ображеного карлика пукіна в Києві

Смалимо путляндських пропагандистів, яких не бачить СБУ. Про знімальну групу ображеного карлика пукіна в Києві.

СБУ дуже зайнята. Вона фабрикує справу проти мене за самозахист, в той час як по Києву вже далеко не вперше вештаються російські пропагандони.
Днями вони знімали стендап прямо біля священного Майдану.

Тепер можна сміливо казати, що толерування окупантів це політика зеленого карлика. Ворогами ж він вважає тільки громадянське суспільство.

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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UN Weather Agency Recognizes 2 World Record Lightning Strikes

The U.N.’s weather agency, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), says it has verified two “megaflashes” of lightning in South America that set records for longest distance and longest duration.The WMO says on its website Friday its Committee on Weather and Climate Extremes used new satellite lightning technology to verify that an October 31, 2018 lightning bolt that started in southern Brazil traveled just over 709 kilometers.   The WMO says the longest recorded duration for a lightning flash was 16.73 seconds set on March 4, 2019 by a flash that developed over northern Argentina.The agency notes both records are more than double the previous records for distance and duration, set in the U.S state of Oklahoma and in France.The committee maintains official records on global, hemispheric and regional extremes. The committee’s Professor Randall Cerveny called the records “extraordinary” for single lightning flashes, and just examples of what nature can do. He said they will be valuable baselines for future lightning studies.The WMO published the lightning records this week, ahead of International Lightning Awareness Day, June 28. It notes lightning is a major hazard that claims many lives every year and the findings highlight important public lightning safety concerns. As a safety tip, the WMO suggests if the time between the flash and thunder is less than 30 seconds, go inside! And wait 30 minutes after the last observed flash to resume outdoor activities. 

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Despite Pandemic, Trump Administration Urges End to ACA

In the midst of the coronavirus pandemic, the Trump administration on Thursday urged the Supreme Court to overturn the Affordable Care Act.The administration’s latest high court filing came the same day the government reported that close to half a million people who lost their health insurance amid the economic shutdown to slow the spread of the coronavirus have gotten coverage through administration’s legal brief makes no mention of the virus.Some 20 million Americans could lose their health coverage and protections for people with preexisting health conditions also would be put at risk if the court agrees with the administration in a case that won’t be heard before the fall.In the case before the Supreme Court, Texas and other conservative-led states argue that the ACA was essentially rendered unconstitutional after Congress passed tax legislation in 2017 that eliminated the law’s unpopular fines for not having health insurance, but left in place its requirement that virtually all Americans have coverage.After failing to repeal “Obamacare” in 2017 when Republicans fully controlled Congress, President Donald Trump has put the weight of his administration behind the legal challenge.If the health insurance requirement is invalidated, “then it necessarily follows that the rest of the ACA must also fall,” Solicitor General Noel Francisco wrote Thursday.The Trump administration’s views on what parts of the ACA might be kept or replaced if the law is overturned have shifted over time. But in legal arguments, it has always supported getting rid of “Obamacare” provisions that prohibit insurance companies from discriminating against people on account of their medical history.Nonetheless, Trump has repeatedly assured Americans that people with preexisting conditions would still be protected. Neither the White House nor congressional Republicans have specified how.The new sign-ups for health coverage come from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. The figures are partial because they don’t include sign-ups from states that run their own health insurance marketplaces. Major states like California and New York are not counted in the federal statistics.An estimated 27 million people may have lost job-based coverage due to layoffs, and it’s unclear what — if anything — they’re turning to as a fallback. People who lose employer health care are eligible for a special sign-up period for subsidized plans under the Obama-era law. Many may also qualify for Medicaid.The Trump administration has been criticized for not doing as much as states like California to publicize these readily available backups. In response, administration officials say they have updated the website to make it easier for consumers to find information on special sign-up periods.Thursday’s report from the government showed that about 487,000 people signed up with after losing their workplace coverage this year. That’s an increase of 46 percent from the same time period last year.  

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20 Years On, Human Genome Project Helps Drive COVID-19 Research

Until this March, machines at the Broad Institute in Massachusetts were decoding the equivalent of an entire human genome every 10 minutes.The automated DNA sequencing facility is among the world’s largest genomics labs. Its technology descends from that which produced the first working draft of the human genome 20 years ago Friday.When COVID-19 started taking hold in the United States, scientists at the institute, affiliated with Harvard University and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, realized its genome-reading machines could be repurposed to test patient samples for the coronavirus that causes the disease.Over the course of two weeks in March, the lab retooled. At a time when testing for the virus has been a critical failing in the U.S. response to the pandemic, Broad says it now has the capacity to run 35,000 tests per day.Broad is one of several genomics labs across the country that have reinvented themselves as COVID-19 testing centers. Machines that routinely decoded the 3 billion letters that make up a person’s genetic blueprint have been quickly brought to bear on the coronavirus’ 30,000-letter genome.”It was just a matter of tweaking the laboratory procedures,” said Eric Green, director of the National Human Genome Research Institute, which funds many of these labs. The same machinery analyzes “a much smaller genome, but at a much higher volume.”Moonshot to mundaneIn the 20 years since the Human Genome Project produced its first working draft, reading an organism’s complete genetic code has gone from moonshot to mundane.In a White House ceremony on June 26, 2000, President Bill Clinton called the draft “the most important, most wondrous map ever produced by humankind.”The full genome was published three years later. That first map took scientists on three continents 13 years and nearly $3 billion to put together.Now, one lab can do it in a day or two for less than $1,000.That advance has been brought to bear on the COVID-19 pandemic.‘Trivial’The coronavirus now ravaging the world was unknown until late last year. But Chinese scientists had decoded its complete genome, or sequence, by January 12.Thanks to technology that made the Human Genome Project possible, “it’s actually quite trivial to sequence a given virus,” Green said. “And that’s why it got done so quickly.”The computing power developed to assemble the complete 3 billion-letter human genome sequence from countless fragments is being used to follow tiny changes in the viral genome as it spreads.”This gives us an enormous ability to track the virus,” said Lee Hood, co-founder of the nonprofit Institute for Systems Biology research center, and co-inventor of automated DNA sequencing.Researchers can also quickly follow how easily the virus spreads and how virulent it is as it evolves, he added.Fundamental questionsScientists are also scouring patients’ genomes for clues as to why one patient dies of coronavirus infection while another develops no symptoms whatsoever.”These kinds of comparative analyses can let us get at fundamental questions like, ‘Why is it that the old are much more susceptible than the young? Why is it that males are more susceptible than females?’” Hood said.The techniques are mainstream enough that scientists are proposing using them to monitor municipal wastewater for the virus.”In wastewater are a lot of clues about what are people being exposed to, what viruses are they shedding,” Green said. “It is absolutely the fruits of the field of genomics that now can be used” to monitor the environment.Green added that the size and scope of the human genome project drove a change in the culture of science that’s visible in the response to the coronavirus.When the genome project began in 1990, he said, “team science in biology was not very popular. It was actually frowned upon and almost looked down upon. And sharing data before you publish your paper was almost unheard of. That’s completely changed.”COVID-19 research is all about collaborative, open science and data sharing, he said.”I don’t think genomics deserves all the credit,” Green added, “but I do think we deserve quite a bit of credit for being the first to really push this and really showcase that and show that it actually benefits everybody.” 

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Dixie Chicks Drop ‘Dixie’ from Name with Release of New Protest Song

Country music trio The Dixie Chicks are now just The Chicks, joining other artists and companies who have recently altered their brands to discard names that connote racism or slavery.  The Chicks’ release of a new protest song Thursday came with new social media handles, a new website address and a new cover for an upcoming album. “We want to meet this moment,” members Martie Maguire, Natalie Maines and Emily Strayer said in a joint statement on their website, the only comment on the name change thus far. The Grammy-winning group has performed under its previous moniker since its start in 1989. Dixie and Dixieland are nicknames for the U.S. South, and may have come from the Mason-Dixon line, once considered the line between “free” Northern states and “slave” Southern states. The name change came just a week after writer Jeremy Helligar challenged The Chicks’ former name in a Variety magazine Op-Ed. “For many Black people, (Dixie) conjures a time and a place of bondage,” Helligar said. The Chicks are releasing their first album in 14 years next month, “Gaslighter.” The music video for new protest song “March March” uses footage from Black Lives Matter protests and features the names of prominent victims of racism and police brutality, including George Floyd and Breonna Taylor. In a statement to online magazine Pitchfork, the group thanked a New Zealand-based duo, also called The Chicks, for letting them “share the name.” Country group Lady A, previously known as Lady Antebellum, made a similar change earlier this month to drop associations with the pre-Civil War South. The band faced opposition from Anita White, a Black singer who has used the stage name Lady A for over 20 years. A meeting between the group and White ended in “positive solutions and common ground,” according to social media posts by both.    View this post on Instagram         @ladyantebellumofficial How can you say Black Lives Matter and put your knee on the neck of another Black artist? I’m not mad..I am however not giving up my name, my brand I worked hard for. #GodWillFightMyBattle #TheRealLadyA #LadyABluesSoulFunkGospelArtist #TheTruthIsLoudA post shared by LadyA (@ladya_bluesdiva) on Jun 12, 2020 at 9:34am PDT

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У обиженного карлика пукина истерика: газпром продолжает выбрасывать “деньги в трубу”

У обиженного карлика пукина истерика: газпром продолжает выбрасывать “деньги в трубу”.

Новые обстоятельства вынуждают газпром тратить деньги впустую на свои любимые газопроводы, коих понатыкано по всей Европе и во всех направлениях

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Фиаско обиженного карлика пукина выскочки: США готовы утопить путляндию в сланцевой нефти

Фиаско обиженного карлика пукина выскочки: США готовы утопить путляндию в сланцевой нефти

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Обиженный карлик пукин дедка-победка снова сел в лужу на красной площади

Обиженный карлик пукин дедка-победка снова сел в лужу на красной площади.

Культ победы является путляндской идеологией замещения

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