Month: June 2020

Служка бєні олександр дубінський подавав документи на отримання громадянства Румунії

Нинішній так званий народний депутат від “слуги народу” олександр дубінський понад два роки тому подав документи на отримання громадянства Румунії — скориставшись спрощеною процедурою, яка передбачає наявність румунського коріння.

Журналісти-розслідувачі отримали документи, які підтверджують, що у грудні 2017 року олександр дубінський подав заявку на отримання громадянства Румунії. Зокрема, надав копії закордонних та українського паспортів, свідоцтво про народження. У відповідь Національне агентство з питань громадянства Румунії присвоїло йому персональний номер (дивіться фото).

Про те, що Дубінський подавався на отримання румунського паспорта, нам підтвердило й джерело, яке має зв’язки у Міністерстві юстиції цієї країни.

За даними нашого джерела, для оформлення документів на громадянство народний депутат скористався послугами компанії з Чернівців, яка гроші знаходить у вас необхідне румунське коріння.

Її представник у телефонній розмові розповів, що румунський паспорт може нам обійтись у 5-6 тисяч євро. При цьому навіть наявність румунських предків — необов’язкова.

Також джерело повідомило, що отриманням частини документів для оформлення Дубінському громадянства займалась румунська адвокатка Єлєна Замфір. У телефонній розмові жінка підтвердила, що прізвище дубінського їй знайоме (запис розмови є в редакції).

Наразі невідомо, чи завершив народний депутат процедуру з отримання громадянства.

Але в українському законодавстві чітко прописано, що добровільне набуття паспорта іншої держави є підставою для позбавлення українського громадянства. Для народного депутата ж втрата громадянства може стати причиною позбавлення мандату.

Нагадаємо, раніше Міністерство юстиції України 23 березня 2020 року отримало від Окружного суду США Південного округу міста Нью-Йорк два доручення про вручення повістки та копії позову народному депутату олександру дубінському та представнику ТОВ “Телерадіокомпанії “Студія 1+1″”.
Мережа Правди

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Брехло рабінович пропустив найбільше засідань Верховної Ради

Комітет виборців України опублікував дані, які свідчать, що за три місяці роботи Верховної Ради скликання відбулося 1158 голосувань, в середньому один депутат взяв участь у 69% з них.

У Верховній Раді ще досі залишається проблемою неучасть у голосуваннях значної кількості нардепів.

Слід зазначити, що за три місяці роботи 96 народних депутатів взяли участь у менш ніж 50% голосувань парламенту.

З них дев’ять нардепів пропустили 90% голосувань.

Зокрема, у вадима рабіновича з ОПЗЖ найнижчий показник серед 423 депутатів: він взяв участь у 6% голосувань. Юлія льовочкіна з ОПЗЖ відвідала 6%, ігор абрамович з ОПЗЖ – 7%; юрій солод з ОПЗЖ – 7%, позафракційний андрій деркач – 7%, вадим столар з ОПЗЖ – 8%, олександр фельдман з ОПЗЖ – 8%, антон яценко з групи “За майбутнє” – 9%, юрій бойко з ОПЗЖ – 10%.

При цьому рабінович був зареєстрований на 23 з 39 засідань Ради, льовочкіна – на 31, абрамович – 27, солод – 26, деркач – 26, столар – 22, фельдман – 36, яценко – 30, бойко – 37. Однак участі в голосуваннях депутати майже не брали.
Мережа Правди

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Український борець і патріот готовий принизити усика, який закоханий в пукіна

Український борець викликає боксера олександра усика на бій без правил.

Таким чином Богдан Грицай відреагував на відео усика, в якому він нібито нокаутував так званого “диванного експерта”. Грицай додав, він, як частина українського суспільства, дасть гідну відсіч.

Раніше олександр усик виклав на своїй сторінці в мережі відео. Заявив, що начебто нокаутував так званого “диванного експерта”, який критикував спортсмена. Наприкінці ролику Усик російською сказав, що вихід є завжди, “Але стежте за тим, які двері ви відкриваєте і куди заходите”.

Нещодавно довкола боксера спалахнув ще один скандал. Він разом з, таким же фанатом ображеного карлика пукіна, василем ломаченко знявся у мокшандській пропогандистській агітці

Мережа Правди

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В.о. міністра енергетики ольга буславець працює на бандюка ахметова

В.о. міністра енергетики ольга буславець працює на бандюка ахметова!

В.о міністра енергетики Ольга Буславець доручила зменшити закупівлі ядерного палива для АЕС та опрацювати питання проекту з майнінгу криптовалют з метою забезпечення додаткових ринків збуту.

“Опрацювати …нормативні та технічні питання можливої реалізації проєктів з майнінгу криптовалют з метою з метою забезпечення додаткових ринків сбуту електроенергії, виробленої атомними електростанціями”, – йдеться у листі.

Також у документі йдеться, про те, що “Енергоатому” доручають актуалізувати плани закупівель ядерного палива з урахуванням зменшення обсягів виробницта енергоблоками АЕС.

Усе це марення спрямоване на збільшення споживання електроенергії, яке продукує бандюк ахметов, спалюючи мазут і забруднюючи атмосферу. Також це дало можливість дтек підняти ціну на свою електроенергію на 40%!!!
Мережа Правди

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Уникальный рецепт паштета из куринной грудки. The unique recipe! Chicken pate from boneless breast

Уникальный рецепт паштета из куринной грудки. The unique recipe! Chicken pate from boneless breast.

Это блюдо необыкновенное! Это быстрый американский рецепт. Берем куринную грудку. У меня в этот раз 2 грудки. Режем на несколько частей и кладем в духовку. Добавляем туда же сыр Филадельфия оригинальный (у меня 250гр) и приправу. У меня это 1 пачка сухой. И все. Просто ставим на режим готовки или быстрый (3 часа) или долгий (6 часов). Достаем, измельчаем в комбайне и готово! Можете подавать с чем угодно. Завернуть в лаваши, блины, намазать на хлеб, печенье. Просто к рису, макаронным изделиям подать.

Приятного аппетита!

This dish is an extraordinary! This is a quick American recipe. Take the chicken boneless breast. I took 2 boneless breasts. We cut into several parts and put in Sloe Cooker (Crock Pot). Add the Original Philadelphia cream cheese there (I have 250g) and seasoning. I have it 1 pack dry of Ranch, the Original (Hidden Valley). And that’s all. We simply set up the cooking mode to either fast (3 hours) or long (6 hours). We take out, chop in the procesor (I use the Ciusinart) and that’s ready! You can serve with anything. Wrap in pita bread, crepes. It goes perfectly with fresh bread and cookies. Just serve with rice, pasta and etc.

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Тыквенный суп. Идеальный суп для идеальной фигуры! Pumpkin soup. Healthy soup for the nice shape!

Тыквенный суп. Идеальный суп для идеальной фигуры! Pumpkin soup. Healthy soup for the nice shape!

Это очень полезный вегетарианский суп для тех кто хочет быть здоровым и красивым. Вам понадобится:
– 0,5 кг нарезанной квадратиками тыквы
– 1 мелко порезанная луковица
– 1 большой зубчие чеснока
– пучок зелени (укроп, петрушка)
– соль, перец по вкусу.
И немного сливок.

Подавайте с рубленной зеленью и различными семечками.

Приятного аппетита!

This is a very healthy vegetarian soup for people who want to be healthy and get a nice shape. You need:
– 0.5 kg diced pumpkin
– 1 chopped onion
– 1 large garlic cloves
– a bunch of greens (dill, parsley)
– salt, pepper to taste.
And a some cream.

Serve with chopped greens and various seeds.

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Голова СБУ баканов заблокував вручення підозри крадуну коломойському

Голова СБУ баканов заблокував вручення підозри крадуну коломойському.

Вже кілька тижнів детективи НАБУ готові вручати підозри бандюку коломойському і іншим у справі “Привату”. Проте призначений зеленським голова СБУ іван баканов заблокував цей процес. Експертна установа СБУ відмовляється затвердити необхідну експертизу.

Без неї детективи не мають право вручати підозру, права на свою експертизу НАБУ не мають. Як тільки СБУ затвердить її, коломойський і ко отримають підозри. Саме через це “підгодовані” олігархом депутати пробують якнайшвидше звільнити директора НАБУ.
Мережа Правди

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Germany Bans Single-Use Plastic Straws, Food Containers

Germany is banning the sale of single-use plastic straws, cotton buds and food containers, bringing it in line with a European Union directive intended to reduce the amount of plastic garbage that pollutes the environment.The Cabinet agreed Wednesday to end the sale of plastics including single-use cutlery, plates, stirring sticks and balloon holders, as well as polystyrene cups and boxes by July 3, 2021.Environment Minister Svenja Schulze said the move was part of an effort to move away from “throw-away culture.” Up to 20% of garbage collected in parks and other public places consists of single-use plastic, mainly polystyrene containers.Plastic takes decades to degrade and microscopic particles have been found inside the bodies of fish, birds and other animals.

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Boston Approves Ban on Facial Recognition Technology

The Boston City Council voted unanimously Wednesday to pass a ban on the use of facial recognition technology by city government. The move makes Boston the second-largest U.S. city after San Francisco to enact a ban. The city joins several other Massachusetts communities that passed similar bans, including Cambridge, Springfield, Northampton, Brookline and Somerville. “Boston should not use racially discriminatory technology that threatens the privacy and basic rights of our residents,” At-Large Boston City Councilor Michelle Wu said in a statement. “Community trust is the foundation for public safety and public health.” The push against the technology is being driven both by privacy concerns and after several studies have shown current face-recognition systems are more likely to err when identifying people with darker skin. “While face surveillance is a danger to all people, no matter the color of their skin, the technology is a particularly serious threat to Black and brown people,” Councilor Ricardo Arroyo said in a statement. The American Civil Liberties Union-Massachusetts has been pushing a bill on Beacon Hill that aims to establish a statewide moratorium on the government use of facial surveillance and other remote biometric screening technologies until the Legislature imposes checks and balances to protect the public’s interest. The Boston measure is now sent to Democratic Mayor Marty Walsh’s desk. If he takes no action in 15 days, it will automatically become law. 

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Twitter Tackles Violent Upsurge Against Women in Lockdown

 Twitter has launched a new prompt to fight gender-based violence in response to a surge in sexual assaults and domestic attacks during lockdown, a company official said on Wednesday.
The social network said the feature, currently available in 11 countries, directs users to local helpline services if they search for terms such as “domestic violence” or “sexual assault.”
“This is the first time that this notification prompt has been made available in multiple locations in multiple languages,” said Kathleen Reen, a senior director of Twitter in Asia-Pacific.
The prompt was introduced across Asia last week, then expanded to the United States on Wednesday, with notifications in English and Spanish. Next step: Europe and Latin America.
“Twitter is a very popular service during crisis. People come to find out what’s happening, what’s breaking and to get key information on real-time basis,” Reen told the Thomson Reuters Foundation.
The initiative came after the United Nations warned there had been a “horrifying global surge” in domestic violence, with calls to helplines doubling or tripling in some countries, as lockdowns trapped many women indoors with their abusers.
The feature is an expansion of Twitter’s #ThereIsHelp initiative, which provides similar notifications on issues such as suicide prevention and vaccinations.
U.N. chief Antonio Guterres has called on governments to take urgent measures to tackle the spike in domestic violence and make it a part of national response plans for COVID-19.
More than 240 million women and girls aged 15 to 49 worldwide have faced sexual or physical violence by an intimate partner over the past 12 months, U.N. figures show.
It says the figure is likely to increase due to health and money worries ratcheting up tensions at home.
“Violence against women and girls across Asia-Pacific is pervasive but at the same time widely under-reported,” said Melissa Alvarado, a manager at the U.N. Women Asia-Pacific, which partners with Twitter on the latest feature.
“Connecting women who are feeling fearful or in danger is critical for their safety,” she added in a statement.

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Human Rights Campaign to Sue Trump Administration

The Trump administration’s recent decision to roll back civil rights protections for transgender people in health care has outraged civil rights activists and organizations advocating for transgender rights.  The administration move comes as the U.S. Supreme Court issued a landmark ruling protecting gay and transgender workers from workplace discrimination.  Now, the nation’s largest LGBTQ rights organization says it will sue the administration over its decision to roll back health care protections. Maxim Moskalkov has the story.Camera: Yuriy Zakrevskiy   

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Novak Djokovic Tests Positive for Coronavirus

Novak Djokovic tested positive for the coronavirus on Tuesday after taking part in a tennis exhibition series he organized in Serbia and Croatia. The top-ranked Serb is the fourth player to test positive for the virus after first playing in Belgrade and then again last weekend in Zadar, Croatia. His wife also tested positive. “The moment we arrived in Belgrade we went to be tested. My result is positive, just as Jelena’s, while the results of our children are negative,” Djokovic said in a statement. Djokovic has been criticized for organizing the tournament and bringing in players from other countries amid the coronavirus pandemic. Viktor Troicki said Tuesday that he and his pregnant wife have both been diagnosed with the virus, while Grigor Dimitrov, a three-time Grand Slam semifinalist from Bulgaria, said Sunday he tested positive. Borna Coric played Dimitrov on Saturday in Zadar and said Monday he has also tested positive. There were no social distancing measures observed at the matches in either country. “Everything we did in the past month, we did with a pure heart and sincere intentions,” Djokovic said. “Our tournament meant to unite and share a message of solidarity and compassion throughout the region.” Djokovic, who has previously said he was against taking a vaccine for the virus even if it became mandatory to travel, was the face behind the Adria Tour, a series of exhibition events that started in the Serbian capital and then moved to Zadar. He left Croatia after the final was canceled and was tested in Belgrade. The statement said Djokovic was showing no symptoms. Despite the positive test, Djokovic defended the exhibition series. “It was all borne with a philanthropic idea, to direct all raised funds towards people in need and it warmed my heart to see how everybody strongly responded to this,” Djokovic said. “We organized the tournament at the moment when the virus has weakened, believing that the conditions for hosting the Tour had been met. “Unfortunately, this virus is still present, and it is a new reality that we are still learning to cope and live with.” Djokovic said he will remain in self-isolation for 14 days and also apologized to anyone who became infected as a result of the series.  

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UN Weather Agency to Investigate Reported Record Arctic Heat

The World Meteorological Organization (WMO) said Tuesday it is seeking to investigate record high temperatures reported from inside the Arctic Circle June 20.
At a news conference in Geneva, WMO spokeswoman Clare Nullis told reporters the U.N. weather agency is seeking to verify the reported 38 degrees Celsius temperature in the Russian town of Verkhoyansk, amid a prolonged Siberian heat wave and increased wildfire activity.
The WMO says it will confer with Russia’s weather agency, Roshydromet. If the temperature is confirmed, a team of investigators will then search the WMO’s archives to ensure it is indeed a record.
Nullis said the Russian weather agency reports that the region of Eastern Siberia where the record was reported “has very, very cold extremes in winter but is also known for its extremes in summer.”  
Even so, she said, Siberia has had a very warm spring, with temperatures running about 10 degrees Celsius above normal.  
Nullis said that heat helped drive May temperatures up globally, making it one of the highest temperatures ever.
The WMO reports the Arctic is among the fastest warming regions in the world and is heating at twice the global average. Annual surface air temperatures from 2016 to 2019 in the Arctic have been the highest on record.  

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Ugandan Champion Runner Struggles to Train for Tokyo Olympics During Pandemic

The coronavirus pandemic has some world athletes struggling to stay sharp for next year’s Tokyo Olympics after training facilities were shut down and competitions cancelled.  Ugandan runner Halima Nakaayi, the gold medalist in the 800 meters at the 2019 World Athletics Championships, is doing her best to prepare under the restrictions imposed by COVID-19.  Halima Athumani reports from Kampala.   VIDEOGRAPHER: Francis MukasaPRODUCER: Rod James

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US Major League Baseball Announces Shortened 2020 Season

U.S. Major League Baseball announced Monday that it will proceed with a coronavirus-shortened season this year after the players’ union rejected a negotiated deal over a similar abbreviated season. MLB Commissioner Rob Manfred said team owners have approved a plan that includes a 60-game season that will begin in late July under the terms of an agreement reached with the MLB Players Association back on March 26. Manfred said the players’ union must inform by Tuesday afternoon that its members can report to their home ballparks by July 1 for at least three weeks of pre-season training, and whether they agree on an operating manual setting out a set of health and safety protocols. All games will be played without fans present in the stadium.  The deal rejected by the MLB Players Association included expanding the number of playoff teams from 10 to 16, establishing a $25 million postseason players pool, forgiving $33 million in salary advances and the chance to 104 percent of their prorated salaries.   Baseball’s traditional pre-season spring training period was abruptly cut short in mid-March as the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in the United States, and eventually shut down all professional, collegiate and secondary school athletic events. But the virus continues to impact all sports, including baseball, with five members of the Philadelphia Phillies franchise recently testing positive for the virus.   

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Black NASCAR Driver Receives Outpouring of Support After Discovery of Noose in His Garage

A day after a noose was found in the team garage of African-American race car driver Bubba Wallace, his fellow drivers staged a moving show of support for him Monday. Shortly before the start of a NASCAR (National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing) race at Talladega Superspeedway in the southern state of Alabama, several drivers pushed Wallace’s number 43 car to the front of pit row, followed by a long procession of other drivers and members of their pit crews.  The procession moved past an area on the infield grass with the phrase “#IStandWithBubba” painted on it.   An emotional Wallace partially emerged from the car after it came to a stop and broke down in tears. Legendary NASCAR driver Richard Petty, who made the number 43 car a cultural icon and is co-owner of Wallace’s team, walked up to Wallace and put his hands on his shoulders.   Wallace is the lone African American driver in NASCAR’s top-level Cup Series.  He drew widespread support earlier this month when he successfully urged NASCAR to ban the Confederate flag at its races in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd, a black man who died while in police custody in Minneapolis last month. The flag, which represented the slave-owning southern U.S. states that split from the North during the 1861-65 Civil War, remains a prominent symbol of southern culture, but many African Americans consider the flag a lasting symbol of slavery, racism and white supremacy.Driver Bubba Wallace, left, is overcome with emotion as team owner Richard Petty, comforts him as he arrives at his car in the pits of the Talladega Superspeedway prior to the start of the NASCAR Cup Series, June 22, 2020.Floyd’s death has sparked a backlash against other perceived symbols of white supremacy, including statues of Confederate generals and other historical figures.  Some statues have either been defaced or torn down by protesters, or removed by local officials.   NASCAR, which also has its roots in southern U.S. culture, said in a statement it will do everything it can to identify who was responsible for the noose “and eliminate them from our sport.” The FBI is also investigating the incident.   Wallace finished 14th in the race, which was scheduled to run Sunday but postponed because of rain. Protesters on Saturday and Sunday drove cars and trucks flying the Confederate flag on roads near the track.   Wallace said after the race that the incident “was probably one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to witness in my life,” but called the support he received afterwards as “incredible.” 

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US Honeybees Making Comeback, Survey Shows

Honeybees are coming back after record losses in 2019, a survey of U.S. beekeepers says. The Bee Informed Partnership says this past winter was one of the smallest loss of colonies in 14 years. Researchers credit better management by beekeepers for the resurgence in colonies. “The reason why colonies can die are very multiple and that’s unfortunately, the complex reality of honeybee health is that there are multiple drivers that are affecting honeybee health. We usually categorize them in categories of what we call the four Ps, which is pests, pathogens, poor nutrition and pesticides.” Dr. Nathalie Steinhauer of the University of Maryland says.  According to the partnership survey, beekeepers lost a little more than 22% of their colonies over the past winter compared to the average wintertime loss of 28%. According to the Bee Informed Partnership, which includes the University of Maryland, more than 3,377 beekeepers managing 276,832 colonies across the United States responded to the survey. The university says this represents more than 10% of the nation’s estimated 2.67 million managed colonies. The researchers say beekeepers only lost about 22.2% of their colonies this past winter, from October 1 last year to March 31 this year. That is lower than the average of 28% — but the winter of 2018-2019 was a devastating 37.7% — a record. Pollinating honeybees are crucial to the global food supply and scientists have been worried about the effects global warming and pesticides on their dwindling population.  

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Saudi Arabia to Hold ‘Very Limited’ Hajj Due to Virus 

Saudi Arabia said Tuesday that because of the coronavirus only “very limited numbers” of people will be allowed to perform the annual hajj pilgrimage that traditionally draws around 2 million people from around the world.  The kingdom’s Ministry of Hajj said only people of various nationalities already residing in the country would be allowed to perform the large pilgrimage, which is set to begin this year at the end of July. The government did not specify how many people would be permitted to take part.  Saudi Arabia said its decision to drastically limit the number of pilgrims was made due to the lack of an available vaccine for the virus or a cure for those infected, as well as the risks associated with large gatherings of people. “This decision was taken to ensure hajj is performed in a safe manner from a public health perspective,” the government statement said.  The virus causes mild to moderate symptoms in most people, who recover within a few weeks. But it is highly contagious and can cause severe illness or death, particularly in older patients or those with underlying health problems. All able-bodied Muslims are required to perform the hajj pilgrimage once in their lifetime. The pilgrimage centers around five intense days of worship and rituals in Mecca, however pilgrims typically begin arriving to Saudi Arabia through its main gateway city of Jiddah weeks and even months in advance. The kingdom has one of the highest rates of coronavirus infections in the Middle East, with more than 161,000 total confirmed cases and 1,307 deaths. Saudi Arabia had already suspended the smaller year-round umrah pilgrimage earlier this year and closed the Grand Mosque in Mecca, home to Islam’s holiest site, to the public. The city of Mecca was also under a strict lockdown for around two months.  Although Saudi Arabia has lifted some restrictions in recent days around the country, the umrah continues to be suspended and its borders remain shut to visitors and tourists.  Indonesia and Malaysia, which combined send around a quarter-million Muslims to the hajj each year, had already announced they would not be sending their citizens to the pilgrimage this year.   

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For Silicon Valley, a Worker Pipeline Cut Off  

Tech executives said Monday they were disappointed in the Trump administration’s decision to temporarily ban an array of work visas, including those used by the technology industry. Some vowed to open up or expand their operations overseas.  “Banning all H1B visas means CEOs like me have to open offices and hire more people in countries like Canada that allow immigration,” tweeted Anshu Sharma, chief executive of a data privacy firm in Silicon Valley.Banning all H1B visas means CEOs like me have to open offices and hire more people in countries like Canada that allow immigration. This visa ban is morally wrong, and economically stupid. What happened to being “for legal immigration”?— H1B immigrant Anshu Sharma 🌶 (@anshublog) June 22, 2020“Immigration has contributed immensely to America’s economic success, making it a global leader in tech, and also Google the company it is today,” Sundar Pichai, the chief executive of Google, said on Twitter. “Disappointed by today’s proclamation.”Immigration has contributed immensely to America’s economic success, making it a global leader in tech, and also Google the company it is today. Disappointed by today’s proclamation – we’ll continue to stand with immigrants and work to expand opportunity for all.— Sundar Pichai (@sundarpichai) June 22, 2020The executive order expanded on restrictions the White House rolled out in April. In its statement, the White House cited the current economic hardship in the U.S. where the unemployment rate is more than 13 percent.   “President Trump’s efforts will ensure businesses look to American workers first when hiring,” the White House said in a statement. “Many workers have been hurt through no fault of their own due to coronavirus and they should not remain on the sidelines while being replaced by new foreign labor.” Reliance on foreign workers  During periods of high growth, the technology industry has relied on the H-1B, a temporary work visa that brings as many as 85,000 skilled workers to the U.S. each year.  While tech companies have had layoffs during the pandemic, the labor market is still tight, said Russell Hancock, the chief executive and president of Joint Venture Silicon Valley, a nonprofit organization that studies the region.  “Tech is pretty much working at full employment,” he said. “The pandemic hasn’t hurt tech as it has hurt other sectors.” Silicon Valley’s foreign-born workers mostly hail from India and China. More than 60 percent of those working in computer, mathematics and engineering fields in Silicon Valley are foreign born, according to the 2020 Silicon Valley Index, produced by Joint Venture. Tech companies have argued that they need foreign-born workers – and an expansion of the temporary work visa program — because there are not enough U.S.-born workers with the skills for key roles. Opponents of the temporary visa say that the industry and large tech consultants turn to foreign workers to keep wages down.   Cutting off the ability of skilled workers to come to the U.S. will hurt the industry’s ability to stay competitive, Hancock said.  “If you talk to anyone, they will tell you we need talent and it’s not coming through our own pipelines,” he said.  It’s a point echoed by tech leaders.  “In the digital economy, you hire where the talent is,” tweeted Aaron Levie, the chief executive at Box, a tech firm. “When you restrict immigration, the jobs still get created, just somewhere else. And later down the road, when those individuals create the next Google, it won’t be here.” In the digital economy, you hire where the talent is. When you restrict immigration, the jobs still get created, just somewhere else. And later down the road, when those individuals create the next Google, it won’t be here.— Aaron Levie (@levie) June 22, 2020

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Companies Pull Facebook, Instagram Ads in #StopHateforProfit Boycott

Outdoor clothing giant Patagonia announced it would pause all advertisements on Facebook and Facebook-owned Instagram for at least the month of July, joining a growing ad boycott led by civil rights organizations. “For too long, Facebook has failed to take sufficient steps to stop the spread of hateful lies and dangerous propaganda on its platform,” said a FILE – Facebook Chairman and CEO Mark Zuckerberg testifies at a House Financial Services Committee hearing in Washington, October 23, 2019.While Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg said that the posts did not violate the social media giant’s rules against inciting violence, civil rights activists say the controversy is emblematic of how Facebook provides a platform for racist rhetoric.  Now, the company is facing widespread backlash, including from its own employees. Some have spoken out against company policy online, staged a virtual walkout and even resigned.  Facebook has come under fire in the past for failing to curb online abuse and election disinformation, and to protect user data. Civil rights groups including Color of Change, the NAACP and the Anti-Defamation League launched the “Stop hate for profit” campaign on June 17, asking advertisers to pause promotions on all Facebook-owned platforms through the month of July. The boycott stems from a worldwide movement against racism and police brutality, sparked by the death of George Floyd last month in Minneapolis while he was in police custody. Advertising accounted for more than 98% of Facebook’s $17.74 billion in global revenue in the first quarter of 2020. Ad revenue growth has slowed, however, in part because of the pandemic-inflicted cash crunch many advertisers have faced, and because of Facebook’s own attempts to increase user data privacy.  In a statement to CNN Business, Carolyn Everson, vice president of Facebook’s Global Business Group, said, “We deeply respect any brand’s decision and remain focused on the important work of removing hate speech and providing critical voting information. Our conversations with marketers and civil rights organizations are about how, together, we can be a force for good.” Freelancing platform Upwork also joined the boycott, and Hypebeast, a men’s fashion publication, reported Sunday that brands including Vans and Timberland are considering joining.   

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US Honeybees Doing Better After Bad Year, Survey Shows

American honeybee colonies have bounced back after a bad year, the annual beekeeping survey finds. Beekeepers lost only 22.2% of their colonies this past winter, from Oct. 1 to March 31, which is lower than the average of 28.6%, according to the Bee Informed Partnership’s annual survey of thousands of beekeepers. It was the second smallest winter loss in the 14 years of surveying done by several different U.S. universities. Last winter’s loss was considerably less than the previous winter of 2018-2019 when a record 37.7% of colonies died off, the scientists found. After that bad winter, the losses continued through the summer of 2019, when beekeepers reported a 32% loss rate. That’s much higher than the average of 21.6% for summer losses. Those summer losses were driven more by hives of commercial beekeepers than backyard hobbyists, said bee partnership scientific coordinator Nathalie Steinhauer. While the summer losses are bad, winter deaths are “really the test of colony health,” so the results overall are good news, Steinhauer said. “It turned out to be a very good year.” Populations tend to be cyclical with good years following bad ones, she said. The scientists surveyed 3,377 commercial beekeepers and backyard enthusiasts in the United States. “One would hope that a lower winter loss means a better 2020 assuming that the weather cooperates and beekeepers don’t end up skimping on colony management,” said University of Montana bee expert Jerry Bromenshenk, who wasn’t part of the study. Beekeepers in the U.S. also may be taking more of their colonies indoors in the winter, helping them survive, said University of Georgia entomologist Keith Delaplane. New U.S. Department of Agriculture research suggests  putting bees in “cold storage” helps them survive the winter. For decades scientists have been watching the population of pollinators — crucial to the world’s food supply — shrink. Honeybees, the most easily tracked, are threatened by mites, diseases, pesticides and loss of food.  Loss rates now being seen “are part of the new normal,” Steinhauer said.   

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Golden Globes Follow Oscars With Coronavirus Delays to 2021 Award Shows

The Golden Globes on Monday postponed its 2021 ceremony for film and television, after a two-month delay to the Oscars, in Hollywood’s latest awards calendar shuffle caused by the coronavirus epidemic. The Golden Globes ceremony, which kicks off Hollywood’s awards season, will take place on Feb. 28 instead of its usual slot on the first Sunday in January, the Hollywood Foreign Press Association (HFPA), which hands out the trophies, said in a statement. Last week the Oscars, the highest honors in the film industry, were postponed to April 25 from Feb 28. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences said the delay would allow filmmakers more time to finish their movies after production was shut down worldwide in mid-March and movie theaters were closed. The HFPA said it would give details on a new date for Golden Globe nominations and eligibility criteria in the coming weeks. The Golden Globes, handed out at a boozy dinner in Beverly Hills, will be hosted by comedians Tina Fey and Amy Poehler. Other award shows, including Britain’s BAFTA event, have also shifted their dates for 2021 to fall closer to the Oscars. Hollywood movies and TV shows were given the green light two weeks ago to resume production in the Los Angeles area with detailed guidelines on social distancing and frequent testing. The three main movie theater chains have said they plan to reopen in the United States from July 10 with strict social distancing rules and with movie-goers required to wear masks. 

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