Month: July 2020

Наша мета: фільми українською мовою з російськими субтитрами у москві

Наша мета: фільми українською мовою з російськими субтитрами у москві.

Він легко цитує Єшкілєва і апелює до оповідань Григора Тютюнника, каже, що, мабуть доля так розпорядилася, що захищати українську мову повинні люди з півдня і сходу. Депутат Верховної Ради восьмого скликання, Тарас Кремінь був одним із співавторів закону про забезпечення функціонування української мови як державної. Каже, «гайки», ані щось інше ніхто закручувати не збирається, але одним із пріоритетів своєї діяльності бачить неухильне дотримання громадянами мовного законодавства. Що для цього робитиме? Про це і більше новопризначений уповноважений із захисту державної мови Тарас Кремінь

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Европа анонсировала полный отказ от нефти и газа обиженного карлика пукина!

Европа анонсировала полный отказ от нефти и газа обиженного карлика пукина!

Последние новости россии и мира, экономика, бизнес, культура, технологии, спорт

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Война кремлёвских содержанок, вилла для деток, провалы Казбека и обратный отсчет

Война кремлёвских содержанок, вилла для деток, провалы Казбека и обратный отсчет

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Обиженный кощей допрыгался. Нидерланды подают на путляндию в суд за уничтожение Боинга MH17

Обиженный кощей допрыгался. Нидерланды подают на путляндию в суд за уничтожение Боинга MH17

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Чебурнетизация в путляндии обнуляется и вводится цифрошизофренизация!

Чебурнетизация в путляндии обнуляется и вводится цифрошизофренизация!

Под видом всеобщей цифровизации обиженные карлики мишустин и пукин готовятся еще глубже залезть в карманы холопам путляндии

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Amazon Says Email to Employees Banning TikTok Was a Mistake 

Roughly five hours after an internal email went out to employees telling them to delete the popular video app TikTok from their phones, Amazon appeared to backtrack, calling the ban a mistake. “This morning’s email to some of our employees was sent in error. There is no change to our policies right now with regard to TikTok,” Amazon emailed reporters just before 5 p.m. Eastern time. Spokeswoman Jaci Anderson declined to answer questions about what happened. The initial internal email, which was disseminated widely online, told employees to delete TikTok, a video app increasingly popular with young people but also the focus of intensifying national-security and geopolitical concerns because of its Chinese ownership. The email cited “security risks” of the app.  An Amazon employee who confirmed receipt of the initial email but was not authorized to speak publicly had not seen a retraction at the time of Amazon’s backtrack.  Amazon is the second-largest U.S. private employer after Walmart, with more than 840,000 employees worldwide, and moving against TikTok would have escalated pressure on the app. It is banned on employee phones by the U.S. military and the company is subject to a national-security review of its merger history. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said this week that the government was “certainly looking” at banning the app.  FILE – This Feb. 25, 2020, file photo, shows the icon for TikTok in New York.Chinese internet giant ByteDance owns TikTok, which is designed for users outside of China; it also makes a Chinese version called Douyin. Like YouTube, TikTok relies on its users for the videos that populate its app. It has a reputation for fun, goofy videos and is popular with young people, including millions of American users. But it has racked up concerns such as censorship of videos, including those critical of the Chinese government; the threat of sharing user data with Chinese officials; and violating kids’ privacy. TikTok said earlier in the day that Amazon did not notify it before sending the initial email around midday Eastern. That email read, “The TikTok app is no longer permitted on mobile devices that access Amazon email.” To retain mobile access to company email, employees had to delete the TikTok app by the end of the day. “We still do not understand their concerns,” TikTok said at the time, adding that the company would welcome a dialogue to address Amazon’s issues. A spokeswoman did not immediately reply to a request for comment Friday evening. TikTok has been trying to appease critics in the U.S. and distance itself from its Chinese roots, but finds itself caught in an increasingly sticky geopolitical web. It recently named a new CEO, former Disney executive Kevin Mayer, which experts said could help it navigate U.S. regulators. And it is stopping operations in Hong Kong because of a new Chinese national security law that led Facebook, Google and Twitter to also stop providing user data to Hong Kong authorities.  Pompeo said the government remained concerned about TikTok and referred to the administration’s crackdown on Chinese telecom firms Huawei and ZTE. The government has tried to convince allies to root Huawei out of telecom networks, saying the company is a national-security threat, with mixed success; Trump has also said he was willing to use Huawei as a bargaining chip in trade talks. Huawei has denied that it enables spying for the Chinese government. “With respect to Chinese apps on people’s cell phones, I can assure you the United States will get this one right too,” Pompeo said, and added that if users downloaded the app their private information would be “in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party.” A U.S. national-security agency has been reviewing ByteDance’s purchase of TikTok’s precursor, Meanwhile, privacy groups say TikTok has been violating children’s privacy, even after the Federal Trade Commission fined the company in 2019 for collecting personal information from children without their parents’ consent. Amazon may have been concerned about a Chinese-owned app’s access to employee data, said Susan Ariel Aaronson, a professor at George Washington University and a data governance and national-security expert. China, according to the U.S. government, regularly steals U.S. intellectual property. Part of Amazon’s motivation with the ban, now apparently reversed, may also have been political, Aaronson said, since Amazon “doesn’t want to alienate the Trump administration.” Amazon and its founder, Jeff Bezos, are frequent targets of President Donald Trump. Bezos personally owns The Washington Post, which Trump has referred to as “fake news” whenever it publishes unfavorable stories about him. Last year, Amazon sued the U.S. government, saying that Trump’s “personal vendetta” against Amazon, Bezos and the Post, led it to lose a $10 billion cloud computing contract with the Pentagon to rival Microsoft. Meanwhile, federal regulators as well as Congress are pursuing antitrust investigations at Amazon as well as other tech giants. TikTok has content-moderation policies, like any social network, but says its moderation team for the U.S. is led out of California and it doesn’t censor videos based on topics sensitive to China and would not, even if the Chinese government asked it to. As for sharing U.S. user data with the Chinese government, the company says it stores U.S. user data in the U.S. and Singapore, not China; that its data centers are outside of China; and it would not give the government access to U.S. user data even if asked. Concerns about China are not limited to the U.S. India this month banned dozens of Chinese apps, including TikTok, because of tensions between the countries. India cited privacy concerns that threatened India’s sovereignty and security for the ban. India is one of TikTok’s largest markets and had previously briefly banned the app in 2019 because of worries about children and sexual content.   

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Memo: Bans TikTok from Employees’ Phones, Cites ‘Security Risks’ Inc has requested employees remove the TikTok video sharing app from their mobile devices by July 10 over “security risks,” according to a memo to employees seen by Reuters. “Due to security risk, the TikTok app is no longer permitted on mobile devices that access Amazon email. If you have TikTok on your device, you must remove it by 10-Jul to retain mobile access to Amazon email. At this time, using TikTok from your Amazon laptop browser is allowed,” according to the email. representatives did not immediately return requests for comment. “While Amazon did not communicate to us before sending their email, and we still do not understand their concerns, we welcome a dialog so we can address any issues they may have and enable their team to continue participating in our community,” TikTok responded in a statement. Chinese-owned social media platform TikTok, among the fastest growing digital platforms in history, is facing heavy scrutiny outside China. India banned TikTok and other Chinese apps in June. U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said earlier this week Washington was considering banning TikTok in the United States. Asked if Americans should download it, he told Fox News: “Only if you want your private information in the hands of the Chinese Communist Party.” Two Republican senators in March introduced a bill aimed at banning federal employees from using TikTok on their government-issued phones, amid growing national security concerns around the collection and sharing of data on U.S. users with China’s government. Last year the United States Navy banned TikTok from government-issued mobile devices, saying the short video app represented a “cybersecurity threat.” Last November, the U.S. government launched a national security review of TikTok owner Beijing ByteDance Technology Co’s $1 billion acquisition of U.S. social media app, Reuters first reported last year.  

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Comet Streaking Past Earth, Providing Spectacular Show

A newly discovered comet is streaking past Earth, providing a stunning nighttime show after buzzing the sun and expanding its tail.  Comet Neowise swept within Mercury’s orbit a week ago. Its close proximity to the sun caused dust and gas to burn off its surface and create an even bigger debris tail. Now the comet is headed our way, with closest approach in two weeks. NASA’s Neowise infrared space telescope discovered the comet in March. Scientists involved in the mission said the comet is about 3 miles (5 kilometers) across. Its nucleus is covered with sooty material dating back to the origin of our solar system 4.6 billion years ago. The comet will be visible around the world until mid-August, when it heads back toward the outer solar system. While it’s visible with the naked eye in dark skies with little or no light pollution, binoculars are needed to see the long tail, according to NASA.  Astronauts aboard the International Space Station have already caught a glimpse.  NASA’s Bob Behnken shared a spectacular photo of the comet on social media late Thursday, showing central Asia in the background and the space station in the foreground. “Stars, cities, spaceships, and a comet!” he tweeted from orbit. 

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Depp Says Feces in Bed Was Last Straw in Marriage to Heard

Johnny Depp described the breakdown of his marriage to Amber Heard on Friday in a London court, saying the last straw came when feces were found in the couple’s bed after a party.Depp was wrapping up his evidence in his libel case against a British tabloid newspaper that accused him of physically abusing Heard. The Hollywood star is suing News Group Newspapers, publisher of The Sun, and the paper’s executive editor, Dan Wootton, over an April 2018 article that called him a “wife-beater.”In three and a half days in the witness box at the High Court, Depp has described a volatile relationship that descended into screaming matches which sometimes turned physical. But he has strongly denied hitting Heard and accused her of compiling a dossier of fake claims against him as an “insurance policy.”Depp, 57, and Heard, 34, met on the set of the 2011 comedy “The Rum Diary” and married in Los Angeles in February 2015. Heard, a model and actress, filed for divorce the following year and obtained a restraining order against Depp on the grounds of domestic abuse. The divorce was finalized in 2017.Depp said one of the triggering incidents for the couple’s separation came when a cleaner found feces in a bed at their Los Angeles penthouse the morning after Heard’s 30th birthday party in April 2016.Heard blamed the couple’s Yorkshire terriers, Pistol and Boo, but Depp was convinced a person had done it.”It was not left by a three- or four-pound dog. I was convinced that it was either Ms Heard herself or one of her cohorts involved in leaving human feces on the bed,” he said.He said that after this he realized that the marriage could not be saved.”I wanted nothing to do with her,” Depp said. “I thought that was an oddly fitting end to the relationship.”The Sun’s defense relies on a total of 14 allegations by Heard of Depp’s violence between 2013 and 2016. He strongly denies all of them.Under cross-examination by The Sun’s lawyer, Sasha Wass, Depp has depicted a tumultuous relationship with Heard during a period when he was trying to kick drugs and alcohol, and sometimes lapsing.  He said he came to feel he was in a “constant tailspin” and recalled telling Heard several times: “Listen, we are a crime scene waiting to happen.” But he denied being violent.Depp has denied Heard’s claims he assaulted her while under the influence of alcohol and drugs, in settings including his private island in the Bahamas, a rented house in Australia and the couple’s Los Angeles penthouse.The Sun’s lawyer alleged that during a fight at the penthouse in December 2015, Depp trashed Heard’s wardrobe, threw a decanter at her, slapped her, pulled her by the hair and headbutted her, causing two black eyes.The lawyer said Depp was “in an uncontrollable rage” and “screaming you were going to kill her.”Depp claimed Heard was the aggressor, and he had only tried to restrain her “to stop her flailing and punching me.” He conceded he might have head-butted her, but only by accident, and denied causing her injuries.Depp also rejected Heard’s claim that he subjected her to a “three-day ordeal of assaults” in March 2015 in Australia, where Depp was appearing as Capt. Jack Sparrow in the fifth “Pirates of the Caribbean” film.He agreed that the couple had an altercation, which ended up with their rented house being trashed and Depp’s fingertip being severed to the bone.Depp accuses Heard of cutting off his fingertip by throwing a vodka bottle at him. She denies being in the room when the digit was severed.According to Heard, Depp snorted cocaine, swigged Jack Daniels from the bottle, broke bottles, screamed at Heard, smashed her head against a refrigerator, threw her against a pingpong table and broke a window.”These are fabrications,” he said.Depp has admitted in court that he may have done things he can’t remember while he was under the influence of alcohol and drugs. But he denied he could have been physically abusive and not remember it.”There were blackouts, sure, but in any blackout there are snippets of memory,” Depp said.Heard is attending the three-week trial and is scheduled to give evidence next week. 

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Карлик пукин был за рулём машины Ефремова, или кто виноват в расфигачивании россии?

Карлик пукин был за рулём машины Ефремова, или кто виноват в расфигачивании россии?

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Президент вторжений и оккупаций: “обнуленец” уже ничего другого не может предложить своим холопам…

Президент вторжений и оккупаций: “обнуленец” уже ничего другого не может предложить своим холопам…

На что пойдёт путляндия в 2020 году? Обиженный карлик пукин финального срока — это президент ревизии и реванша. Это человек, который недоволен влиянием своей страны, а потому готов и дальше погружать мир в хаос…

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В путляндии новый прорыв : стряпня с плёнками потерпела громкое фиаско

В путляндии новый прорыв : стряпня с плёнками потерпела громкое фиаско

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Для сепаратистів ЗНО – не потрібне, а для дітей Героїв України – потрібне! Здобули?

Для сепаратистів ЗНО – не потрібне, а для дітей Героїв України – потрібне! Здобули?

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Банда обиженного карлика пукина увеличила вывоз золота из путляндии

Банда обиженного карлика пукина увеличила вывоз золота из путляндии.

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Обиженный карлик пукин показал несуществующий супер-самолёт. Госдеп хохочет!

Обиженный карлик пукин показал супер-самолёт, которого не существует. Госдеп хохочет!

Последние новости путляндии и мира, экономика, бизнес, культура, технологии, спорт

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Обиженный карлик пукин идёт в погибель: Порошенко не сломать!

Обиженный карлик пукин идёт в погибель: Порошенко не сломать!

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ZeДача. Зелений карлик почав мешкати в державній дачі в Конча-Заспі

ZeДача. Зелений карлик почав мешкати в державній дачі в Конча-Заспі.

В одній з найвідоміших сцен серіалу «слуга народу» зелений карлик різко засуджує політиків, які користуються державними привілеями за рахунок бюджету – кортежами, пільгами, державними дачами.

Про те, що це справді його позиція, а не режисерська вигадка заявляв і кандидат зе за кілька днів до другого туру президентських виборів, навіть більше – стверджував, що державні резиденції треба «віддати дітям під табори».

А що ж президент зелений карлик? Журналісти встановили, що теперішній зе-президент тепер користується в одній з таких держдач у Конча-Заспі – одному з найелітніших поселень під Києвом, яке облюбував український політикум. У будинку, де раніше протягом десяти років мешкав Віктор Ющенко – і де «під зеленого карлика» зробили ремонт за кошти українців

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Бойовики опущеного карлика пукіна обстрілюють українські позиції під Горлівкою

Бойовики опущеного карлика пукіна обстрілюють українські позиції під Горлівкою.

На Донеччині під Горлівкою 6 липня українські позиції обстріляли з АГС. Українські військові розповідають про постійні провокації з боку російських гібридних сил та вимушену відповідь.

Збройний конфлікт на Донбасі триває від 2014 року після російської окупації Криму. Україна і Захід звинувачують путляндію у збройній підтримці бойовиків. Опущений карлик пукін відкидає ці звинувачення і заявляє, що на Донбасі можуть перебувати хіба, що російські «добровольці»

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Жизнь, ценой в $2: на путляндии пришли в ужас из-за данных о доходах населения

Жизнь, ценой в $2: на путляндии пришли в ужас из-за данных о доходах населения

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Brazil to Ban Fires in Amazon for 120 Days

Brazil will ban fires in the Amazon forest for 120 days, heeding the demands of global investors upset over environmental destruction, the government said Thursday. A formal decree banning fires will come next week. Brazilian Vice President Hamilton Mourao made the announcement during a virtual investment conference Thursday with several European firms. He cited a letter signed by 29 firms — some of whom are threatening to cut all investment in Brazil unless the environmental degradation stops. “It’s a positive first step, and we need to continue the dialogue, and hopefully we’ll all see some results on the ground,” said Jeanett Bergan, head of responsible investments for KLP, Norway’s largest pension fund. The investors told Brazilian authorities they monitor deforestation rates, prevention of forest fires, and enforcement of Brazil’s forest code when assessing their investment strategy in Brazil. FILE – Brazil’s President Jair Bolsonaro leaves his official residence of Alvorada palace in Brasilia, May 25, 2020.Brazil’s far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, has come under global condemnation for his promise to open the vast Amazon rainforest to development and his opposition to assuring that some parts are reserved for Indigenous peoples. Environmentalists say deforestation in the Amazon reached its highest levels in 11 years last year. Some European Union nations threatened not to ratify a long-negotiated free trade deal with a group of Latin countries that includes Brazil unless Brazil’s attitude changes. Mourao said Brazil has been unfairly criticized and said the Bolsonaro government was handed understaffed environmental agencies by the previous administration. Brazilian officials have said they are working to overcome Brazil’s current image as being indifferent to the Amazon and hostile to those who want to save it from destruction. 

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NASA Begins Summer Road Trip

NASA embarks on an epic summer road trip tens of millions of miles away. An astronaut who both walked on the moon and reached the deepest point on Earth shares her journey. And a “natural firework” of a comet streaks the French skies. VOA’s Arash Arabasadi brings us The Week in Space.

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Rolling Stones to Release Unheard Tracks From 1973 Album

The Rolling Stones will release a new version of their 1973 album “Goats Head Soup” featuring three unheard tracks, including one featuring Led Zeppelin’s Jimmy Page. The band announced on Thursday that the release on Sept. 4 will include a four-disc CD and vinyl box set editions that includes 10 bonus tracks, including outtakes and alternative versions.  Page appears on a song called “Scarlet,” and the Stones also released a video for one of the unheard songs, called “Criss Cross.” “Goats Head Soup” features one of the band’s well-known acoustic ballads, “Angie.” 

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