Month: July 2020

Нежданчик для опущенного вовы бункера: Турция создала сверхмощный гостинец

Нежданчик для опущенного вовы бункера: Турция создала сверхмощный гостинец

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Навернулся «буревестник»! Операция “зачистка”: жителей нёнокса эвакуируют из-за «опасных» работ…

Навернулся «буревестник»! Операция “зачистка”: жителей нёнокса эвакуируют из-за «опасных» работ…

Очень даже может быть, что упала установка пресловутого «буревестника», который в начале июня своеобразно и заблаговременно поздравил опущенного карлика пукина с обнулением сроков…

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Стихийный митинг: опущенный карлик пукин идёт на уступки

Стихийный митинг: опущенный карлик пукин идёт на уступки.

Конституцию нам значит обнулили, а вот прав у граждан как не было так и нет. Ведь Светлану Прокопьеву признали виновной, назначив штраф в полмиллиона. А вот в москве вышли люди на красную площадь и прорвали оцепление. Свободная страна, свободные люди, ведь власти продолжают запрещать митинги, это же не парад и обнулением, правда?

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Cutting-Edge Doctor’s Office Features Tech, Wearables

A new type of doctor’s office claims to use the latest tech and wearables to provide cutting-edge preventative health. Deana Mitchell gets a tour.Camera: Deana Mitchell

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Tie for Warmest 12-Month Period Globally as Siberia Sizzles

Temperatures soared 10 degrees Celsius above average across much of permafrost-laden Siberia last month, which was tied for the warmest June on record globally, the European Union’s climate monitoring network said Tuesday. The 12-month period to June 2020 was also tied for the warmest to date across the planet, on a par with the ones ending in May 2020 and September 2016, an exceptional El Nino year, the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) reported.That means Earth’s average surface temperature for July 2019-June 2020 was 1.3C above pre-industrial levels, the standard benchmark for global warming. The 2015 Paris climate treaty calls for capping the rise in temperature to “well below” 2C.  In 2018, however, the UN’s climate science panel (IPCC) concluded in a landmark report that 1.5C — only two-tenths of a degree above the new 12-month high — is a far safer guardrail. In the Arctic, meanwhile, an hourly temperature record for June — 37 degrees Celsius (98.6 degrees Fahrenheit) — was set on the 21st near Verkhoyansk in northeastern Russia, where a weather station logged a blistering 38C on the same day.    The previously registered Arctic hourly highs in 1969 and 1973 were at least a full degree Celsius cooler. ‘Zombie’ firesFreakishly warm weather across large swathes of Siberia since January, combined with low soil moisture, have contributed to a resurgence of wildfires that devastated the region last summer, C3S reported. FILE – An aerial view shows the Taiga wood burning near the village of Boguchany, about 560 km (348 miles) northeast of Russia’s Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk, June 2, 2011.Both the number and intensity of fires in Siberia and parts of Alaska have increased since mid-June, resulting in the highest carbon emissions for the month — 59 million tonnes of CO2 — since records began in 2003. “Last year was already by far an unusual, and record, summer for fires in the Arctic Circle,” said Mark Parrington, senior scientist at the EU’s Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS), warning of “intense activity” in the coming weeks. Copernicus has said that “zombie” blazes that smouldered through the winter may have reignited. Globally, June 2020 was more than half a degree Celsius warmer than the 1981-2010 average for the same month, and on a par with June 2019 as the warmest ever registered. Siberia and the Arctic Circle are prone to large year-on-year temperature fluctuations, but the persistence of this year’s warm spell is very unusual, said C3S director Carlo Buontempo.  “What is worrisome is that the Arctic is warming faster than the rest of the world,” he said in a statement. Across the Arctic region, average temperatures have risen by more than two degrees Celsius since the mid-19th century, twice the global average. Despite lower-than-average temperatures in its western reaches, the whole of Siberia — larger than the United States and Mexico combined — was more than 5C above normal for June, according to C3S satellite data. Permafrost ‘carbon bomb’The softening of once solid permafrost — stretching across Siberia, Alaska and northern Canada — has upended indigenous communities and threatens industrial infrastructure, especially in Russia. A massive diesel spill into rivers near the city of Norilsk, Russia, resulted when a tank at a power plant built on melting permafrost collapsed in late May. “Widespread permafrost thaw is projected for this century,” the UN’s climate science panel, the IPCC, said in a landmark report last year on the world’s cryosphere, or frozen zones. “The majority of Arctic infrastructure is located in regions where permafrost thaw is projected to intensify by mid-century.” Soils in the permafrost region across Russia, Alaska and Canada hold twice as much carbon — mostly in the form of methane and CO2 — as the atmosphere, more than 1.4 trillion tonnes.  One tonne of carbon is equivalent to 3.65 tonnes of carbon dioxide. 

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WHO Experts Admit COVID-19 Can Spread Through Air

Experts at the World Health Organization (WHO) Tuesday acknowledged there is growing evidence the coronavirus can spread through the air and said they are preparing a brief on the subject.At the U.N. agency’s regular briefing in Geneva, WHO technical committee head Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove said the WHO was contacted in April by a group of than 200 scientists who have called for the world body and others to acknowledge that the coronavirus can spread in the air.Kerkhove said her committee is working with the group and are producing a scientific brief to summarize what they know about the nature of air-borne transmission of virus.WHO Under Fire Over COVID-19 Transmission Route Critics say agency moves too slowly to acknowledge airborne transmission, but science not settledThe WHO coordinator of infection prevention and control, Professor Benedetta Allegranzi, noted that while there is emerging evidence about the airborne nature of the virus, it is not definitive.  Both officials said that the evidence does suggest it takes a comprehensive prevention package to stop COVID transmission, including physical distancing and the wearing of masks, particularly inside.WHO Director General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stressed the pandemic continues to accelerate and said it has not yet reached its peak. He noted that it took 12 weeks for the world to reach 400,000 COVID cases, and this past weekend there were more than 400,000 cases across the globe. 

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Любовний трикутник шарія, медведчука та унітазів + нові докази співпраці пропагандиста із окупантами

Любовний трикутник шарія, медведчука та унітазів + нові докази співпраці пропагандиста із окупантами.

Останнім часом придурок шарій не вилазить з каналів дегенерата медведчука, сам кум опущеного карлика пукіна називає його своїм союзником, а деякі депутати з опзж обіцяють йому навіть силову підтримку.

Все це вказує на співпрацю пропагандиста з придурком медведчуком та перетворює партію дегенерата шарія на своєрідне молодіжне крило опзж.

Про це та про нове кримінальне провадження щодо соратниці дегенерата шарія, а також про його туалетні подвиги дивіться у випуску.

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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Вот и всё: опущенный карлик пукин отобрал у холопов морковку

Вот и всё: опущенный карлик пукин отобрал у холопов морковку

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Не пили сук: обнуление сливных бачков

Не пили сук: обнуление сливных бачков

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Працівник ДБР схопив її за клістрона! Люті новини

Працівник ДБР схопив її за клістрона! Люті новини

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Как служит опущенному карликовому фюреру «либеральное радио» путляндского рейха

Как служит опущенному карликовому фюреру «либеральное радио» путляндского рейха.

О том, зачем опущенному карлику пукину эта имитация «либерального СМИ» и как это на самом деле работает

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Brazil Man May Be Cured of HIV

Doctors in Brazil say an experimental treatment given to a man known as the Sao Paulo Patient may have cured him of HIV.  
The man, who was subjected to intensive anti-retroviral drug therapy with the purpose of removing all traces of the AIDS virus from his body, shows no signs of the virus after more than a year since he stopped receiving the treatment.
In an interview with The Associated Press, the patient said he was “very moved, because it’s something that millions of people want. It’s a gift of life, a second chance to live.”
The only other two known cases of HIV cures have been through bone marrow transplants, which gave patients new immune systems that were better equipped to respond to the virus.  
Bone marrow transplants are prohibitively expensive, though, and they come with life-threatening side effects, leading experts to disregard them as a viable option.
Although the treatment the Sao Paulo Patient received appears to be a much better alternative, he represents only a single case that requires more research and experimentation.  
“These are exciting findings but they’re very preliminary,” said Dr. Monica Gandhi, an AIDS expert at the University of California, San Francisco. “This has happened to one person, and one person only.”
Gandhi noted the four others in the same experiment did not respond similarly to the treatment.
If the Sao Paulo Patient’s case can be shown to work on a broader spectrum, it would be a huge breakthrough, as people with HIV currently are forced to stay on a treatment plan for the rest of their lives.  
HIV is difficult to treat because it lies dormant for long periods of time, during which it cannot be eliminated by medicines or the body’s normal immune response. Patients must stay on drugs to keep the virus dormant and prevent it from becoming active again. 

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Через “зелену” енергію крадуна ахметова і ко українці можуть залишитися без світла

Через “зелену” енергію крадуна ахметова і ко українці можуть залишитися без світла.

Що таке зелена енергетика українською? Це коли олігархи заробляють на високому тарифі, держава має боргів на 12 мільярдів, українські АЕС потихеньку вимикають, а брудні ТЕС продовжують працювати. Чому б не зробити навпаки? Бо таку систему розбудували наші любі продажні депутати, і чиновники. І вони знали, що так буде. Але владний і олігархічний бізнес дорожче. Через кого Україна опинилась на порозі енергетичної кризи

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«Судейская корпорация»: миллионы на неликвидированные суды и «круговая порука» в ВРП

«Судейская корпорация»: миллионы на неликвидированные суды и «круговая порука» в ВРП.

Во многих судах Украины, особенно в регионах, острая нехватка судей. А часть из тех, что осуществляют правосудие, и к которым есть много вопросов – не имеют возможности пройти переаттестацию. Высшие специализированные суды уже не работают, но до сих пор до конца не ликвидированы – так госбюджет продолжает тратить на них сотни миллионов гривен.

Навести порядок в этой сфере по закону должны органы судейского управления – но и с ними проблема. Кто заинтересован в блокировании работы Высшей квалификационной комиссии судей? Все эти вопросы касаются работы одного из самых влиятельных судебных учреждений в стране – Высшей рады правосудия. Насколько она является независимой и беспристрастной? И, наконец, какую реформу системы предлагает президент зеленский и не станут предложенные им изменения – очередной ширмой?

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Небесная кара: вмф путляндии под угрозой из-за новейшей турецкой крылатой ракеты Atmaca

Небесная кара: вмф путляндии под угрозой из-за новейшей турецкой крылатой ракеты Atmaca

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Заговори, щоб я тебе побачив, або чому карлику “зе” краще мовчати

Заговори, щоб я тебе побачив, або чому карлику “зе” краще мовчати

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Зелёный карлик-чудотворец сам себе вырыл яму

Зелёный карлик-чудотворец сам себе вырыл яму.

Шестой президент страны стал заложником своего же сценария год назад — когда во время предвыборной кампании обзавелся имиджем «чудотворца»

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Russian Court Fines Coronavirus-Denying Rebel Monk

A Russian court on Tuesday fined a coronavirus-denying monk who has challenged Kremlin lockdown orders for spreading false information about the pandemic.The court in the Ural Mountains region ordered Father Sergiy to pay 90,000 rubles ($1,250). The 65-year-old monk, who has attracted nationwide attention by urging followers to disobey church leadership and ignore church closures during the pandemic, didn’t attend the court hearing.On Friday, a Russian Orthodox Church panel in Yekaterinburg ruled to defrock Father Sergiy for breaking monastic rules. He didn’t show up at the session and dismissed the verdict, urging his backers to come to defend the Sredneuralsk women’s monastery where he has holed up since last month.In Friday’s video posted by his supporters, Father Sergiy denounced President Vladimir Putin as a “traitor to the Motherland” serving a Satanic “world government” and dismissed Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill and other top clerics as “heretics” who must be “thrown out.”Putin’s spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the Kremlin wasn’t following developments regarding the rebel monk.  When contagion engulfed Russia, Father Sergiy declared the coronavirus non-existent and denounced government efforts to stem the outbreak as “Satan’s electronic camp.” The monk has described the vaccines being developed against COVID-19 as part of a global plot to control the masses via chips.He urged believers to disobey the closure of churches during the nationwide lockdown. Orthodox churches across Russia were closed on April 13 amid a quick rise in COVID-19 cases and were allowed to reopen in early June as authorities eased restrictions.The church banned the monk from ministry in April, but he has continued preaching and last month took charge of the monastery outside Yekaterinburg that he had founded years ago. Dozens of burly volunteers, including veterans of the separatist conflict in eastern Ukraine, helped enforce his rules, while the prioress and several nuns have left.The police visited the monastery last month a day after Father Sergiy took over, but found no violations of public order. Facing stiff resistance by his supporters, church officials have appeared indecisive, lacking the means to enforce their ruling and evict the rebellious monk by force. 

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Depp Takes Stand in Libel Trial, Claims Amber Heard Hit Him 

Johnny Depp gave evidence in a London court on Tuesday, denying claims that he hit ex-wife Amber Heard and accusing her of assaulting him and depicting him as a “monster.” Depp sat in the witness box in a wood-paneled High Court courtroom on the first day of his libel case against The Sun over an article that branded him a “wife-beater.” The “Pirates of the Caribbean” star began by taking the court oath and giving his full name: John Christopher Depp II. Depp is suing the tabloid’s publisher, News Group Newspapers, and its executive editor, Dan Wootton, over an 2018 story alleging he was violent and abusive to then-wife Amber Heard. Depp strongly denies the claim. Depp said Heard had “said to the world that she was in fear of her life from me, and I had been this horrible monster if you will. Which was not the case.” Depp, 57, and model-actress Heard, 34, met on the set of the 2011 comedy “The Rum Diary” and married in Los Angeles in February 2015. They divorced in 2017, and now bitterly accuse one another of abuse. Amber Heard arrives at the High Court in London, Britain July 7, 2020.Depp and Heard arrived by separate entrances at the neo-Gothic court building on the first day of the three-week trial, one of the first to be held in person since Britain began to lift its coronavirus lockdown. Both wore face coverings over their noses and mouths. Proceedings have been spread over several courtrooms to allow for social distancing. Witnesses are likely to include Depp’s former partners, Vanessa Paradis and Winona Ryder, both of whom have submitted statements supporting the Hollywood star. Depp’s claim centers on an April 2018 story in the British tabloid headlined: “Potty – How can JK Rowling be ‘genuinely happy’ casting wife beater Johnny Depp in the new Fantastic Beasts film?” While Heard isn’t on trial, the case is also a showdown between the former spouses, who accuse each other of being controlling, violent and untruthful during their tempestuous marriage. Describing one incident in which Heard claims he hit her, Depp said the opposite was true. “As things tended to do, [it] escalated and got physical, ending with a bit of assault. Ms. Heard struck me,” he said. He painted himself as the peacemaker who tried to de-escalate things. “Whenever it would escalate I would try to go to my own corner, as it were … before things got out of hand,” he said. The Sun’s defense relies on Heard’s allegations of 14 incidents of violence by Depp between 2013 and 2016, in locations including Los Angeles, Australia, Japan, the Bahamas and on a private jet. He denies them all and says Heard attacked him with items including a drink can and a cigarette. He also claims Heard or one of her friends defecated on his bed. “She was the abuser, not him,” Depp’s legal team, led by barrister David Sherborne, said in a written statement. “She is a highly complex and aggressive individual who suffered extreme mood swings, would provoke endless circular arguments, and fly into violent rages.” Depp’s lawyers said the judge would have to decide between two starkly opposing accounts of the relationship. “There is no real room for a middle ground here,” they said. “One side is plainly lying, and to an extraordinary extent.”  The case is set to put the two performers’ complex private lives under a microscope. In pre-trial wrangling, the Sun’s lawyers tried to have the suit thrown out on the grounds that Depp failed to disclose text messages he exchanged with an assistant showing that he tried to buy “MDMA and other narcotics” while he was in Australia with Heard in 2015.  Heard alleges that Depp subjected her to “a three-day ordeal of physical assaults” while they were in the country after drinking and taking drugs. The newspaper’s lawyer, Adam Wolanski, said withholding the texts was a breach of a previous court order requiring Depp to provide all documents from separate libel proceedings against Heard in the United States. Depp is suing Heard for $50 million for allegedly defaming him in a Washington Post article about domestic abuse. That case is due to be heard next year. Last week, judge Andrew Nicol ruled that Depp had breached the court order, but said “it would not be just” to throw out the actor’s claim. He also rejected an attempt by Depp to force Heard to disclose evidence including communications with actor James Franco and Space-X founder Elon Musk, with whom she allegedly had affairs while involved with Depp. The judge said the issue of Heard’s extramarital relations was irrelevant to the central issue in the case, which is “whether Mr. Depp assaulted Ms. Heard.” 

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TikTok to Exit Hong Kong Market Over New National Security Law 

TikTok, the popular short-form video app, says it will exit the Hong Kong market in response to the new national security law for the semi-autonomous city recently enacted by Beijing. A spokesman for the company issued a statement Tuesday saying it was ending operations in Hong Kong “in light of recent events.”   TikTok’s announcement it would cease operating in Hong Kong coincides with the decisions by U.S. tech giants Facebook, Google and Twitter that they will suspend processing requests by the central government in Beijing for user data in Hong Kong following passage of the new law.  The companies are blocked in mainland China due to the autocratic government’s so-called “Great Firewall,” but operate freely in semi-autonomous Hong Kong.  TikTok is owned and operated by China-based ByteDance.  ByteDance owns a similar app called Douyin which is available on mainland China, where TikTok is unavailable.  TikTok has long denied that its data can be accessed by the Chinese government, as its servers are located entirely outside of China. But U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said Monday the United States is considering banning TikTok and other Chinese social media apps due to privacy concerns. The law, which went into effect last week, calls for the central government to establish a national security office in Hong Kong aimed at confronting subversion of state power, terrorism, separatism and collusion with foreign forces.  The new law was a response to the massive and often violent pro-democracy demonstrations that engulfed the financial hub in the latter half of 2019.   Critics say the measure effectively ends the “One Country, Two Systems” policy under which Hong Kong was promised a high degree of autonomy after the handover from British to Chinese rule in 1997. Hong Kong is a former British colony.     

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Пси фсб викрали в Києві людину. Чому українські спецслужби аналогічно не ведуть себе в путляндії?

Пси фсб викрали в Києві людину. Чому українські спецслужби аналогічно не ведуть себе в путляндії?

Днями фсбшники в центрі Києва викрали Сергія Ткаченка, якого нещодавно в путляндії було оголошено у розшук. Чоловік раніше звертався до ОГПУ, СБУ та поліції та повідомляв, що на нього можуть напасти, але там ніяк на це не відреагували. Немає реакції від держави і зараз.

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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В путляндии опущенного карлика признали радугу пропагандой ЛГБТ

В путляндии опущенного карлика признали радугу пропагандой ЛГБТ.

Посте триумфального своего обнуления опущенный карлик пукин начал заниматься действительно важными для страны делами, а именно он проверит, пропагандирует ли мороженое «радуга» гомосексуализм. Правильно, потом можно и вообще радугу запретить после дождя. А что ему еще делать? Времени на раскачку теперь много, 16 лет, поэтому можно заниматься всякой ерундой, в принципе, как и ранее

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