Month: August 2020

Як зеленський, єрмак, брати суркіси порушують ПДР, та ще й використовують фальшиві номерні знаки

Як зеленський, єрмак, брати суркіси порушують ПДР, та ще й використовують фальшиві номерні знаки.

Перед виборами зелений карлик обіцяв, що владні привілеї – зокрема, і президентський кортежі – залишаться в минулому. Очоливши державу, він повторював, що «президент – такий самий учасник руху, як і всі» і його «автомобілі зупиняються на всіх світлофорах, стоять у заторах, ніхто не вмикає «мигалок».

Насправді ж у його кортежах близько шести машин. Більше того, ми неодноразово фіксували, як кортеж зеленого карлика порушував ПДР: значно перевищував допустиму швидкість, перетинав подвійну суцільну та здійснював поворот у заборонених місцях, створюючи небезпечні ситуації для інших учасників руху. При чому, робив це не тоді, коли поспішав на важливу робочу зустріч – а коли їхав додому або ж у приватних справах (наприклад, у торговельний центр). Попри це, ані президент, ані його Офіс, ані Держуправління справами не отримають штрафів – адже номерні знаки кортежу зеленого карлика неможливо знайти в жодній базі. Використання «номерів-прикриття» у складі заходів державної охорони – для президента та чітко визначеного переліку інших високопосадовців передбачені законом.

Але наше розслідування встановило, що насправді цією опцією користується значно ширше коло осіб, на яких заходи держохорони не розповсюджуються. Наприклад, чинний керівник ОП андрій єрмак, його заступник кирило тимошенко, перший помічник президента сергій шефір. А також низка депутатів і колишніх високопосадовців. Вони – не є охоронюваними особами – відповідно до закону «Про державну охорону». Однак через непрозорий механізм погодження використання «несправжніх» номерів – фактично неможливо дізнатись, хто і на яких підставах надав їм цей привілей

Для поширення вашого відео чи повідомлення в Мережі Правди пишіть сюди, або на email:
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Старый лис: кто вытащил из чулана старое чучело Кравчука

Старый лис: кто вытащил из чулана старое чучело Кравчука.

История Украины перемолола не одного кравчука-коллаборанта, перемелет и этого

Для поширення вашого відео чи повідомлення в Мережі Правди пишіть сюди, або на email:
Найкращі пропозиції товарів і послуг в Мережі Купуй!
Ваші потенційні клієнти про потрібні їм товари і послуги пишуть тут: MeNeedit

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Ожиновий президент. Що би поїсти, і чим би себе зайняти – дві справи зеленого карлика

Ожиновий президент. Що би поїсти, і чим би себе зайняти – дві справи зеленого карлика

Для поширення вашого відео чи повідомлення в Мережі Правди пишіть сюди, або на email:
Найкращі пропозиції товарів і послуг в Мережі Купуй!
Ваші потенційні клієнти про потрібні їм товари і послуги пишуть тут: MeNeedit

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US Pharmacy Delivers Medicine to Patients in Africa

Woyni Tewelde opened Joule Wellness Pharmacy few years ago with the aim of helping local communities and Africans in the United States. The pharmacy has also been a great help for people who have gone back to Africa and still need prescriptions from their doctors in the United States. Radhia Adam has more.
Camera: Omary Kaseko  Producer: Betty Ayoub

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Trump To Ban TikTok

President Donald Trump says he intends to ban the operation of TikTok in the U.S.Trump said Friday he could take action as soon as Saturday to stop the operation of the popular video-sharing social media app in the U.S.“As far as TikTok is concerned, we’re banning them from the United States,” he told reporters traveling with him Friday from Florida.He said he would likely use an executive order to prohibit the app.Trump does not support a deal that would allow a U.S. company to buy TikTok’s American operations.The app is extremely popular in both the U.S. and around the world. It has already been downloaded 2 billion times worldwide, and 165 million of those downloads were in the U.S.The app features not only entertainment videos, but also debates and takes positions on political issues, such as racial justice and the coming U.S. presidential election.U.S. officials are concerned that TikTok may pose a security threat, fearing that the company might share its user data with China’s government. However, TikTok’s parent company, ByteDance, has said it does not share user data with the Chinese government and maintains that it only stores U.S. user data in the U.S. and Singapore. TikTok also recently chose former Disney executive Kevin Mayer as its chief executive in a move seen as an effort to distance itself from Beijing.Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin said earlier this week that the U.S. government’s Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States, an interagency group led by the Treasury Department, would be looking into TikTok.CFIUS’s job is to oversee foreign investments and assess them for potential national security risks. It can force companies to cancel deals or institute other measures it deems necessary for national security.  

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US Health Experts: COVID-19 Vaccine Could be Ready by 2021

The United States has passed the marker of 150,000 deaths from COVID-19, as some spots around the country continue to see rising case numbers. The political, economic and public health crises are a source of ongoing concern for lawmakers. But the nation’s top health experts did have some encouraging news Friday, telling a congressional panel that development of a vaccine for the virus is proceeding rapidly. VOA’s Congressional Correspondent Katherine Gypson has more from Washington.
Produced by: Katherine Gypson

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3 Charged in Massive Twitter Hack, Bitcoin Scam

A British man, a Florida man and a Florida teen hacked the Twitter accounts of prominent politicians, celebrities and technology moguls to scam people around globe out of more than $100,000 in bitcoin, authorities said Friday. Graham Ivan Clark, 17, was arrested Friday in Tampa, where the Hillsborough State Attorney’s Office will prosecute him as adult. He faces 30 felony charges, according to a news release. Mason Sheppard, 19, of Bognor Regis, U.K., and Nima Fazeli, 22, of Orlando, were charged in California federal court. In one of the most high-profile security breaches in recent years, hackers sent out bogus tweets on July 15 from the accounts of Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Mike Bloomberg and a number of tech billionaires including Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos, Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates and Tesla CEO Elon Musk. Celebrities Kanye West and his wife, Kim Kardashian West, were also hacked. FILE – American reality-show star Kim Kardashian West takes a selfie as she rides on a classic car next to her husband, rap singer Kanye West in Havana, Cuba, May 4, 2016.The tweets offered to send $2,000 for every $1,000 sent to an anonymous bitcoin address. “There is a false belief within the criminal hacker community that attacks like the Twitter hack can be perpetrated anonymously and without consequence,” U.S. Attorney David L. Anderson for the Northern District of California said in a news release. “Today’s charging announcement demonstrates that the elation of nefarious hacking into a secure environment for fun or profit will be short-lived.” Although the case against the teen was also investigated by the FBI and the U.S. Department of Justice, Hillsborough State Attorney Andrew Warren explained that his office is prosecuting Clark in Florida state court because Florida law allows minors to be charged as adults in financial fraud cases such as this when appropriate. “This defendant lives here in Tampa, he committed the crime here, and he’ll be prosecuted here,” Warren said. Twitter previously said hackers used the phone to fool the social media company’s employees into giving them access. It said hackers targeted “a small number of employees through a phone spear-phishing attack.”  “This attack relied on a significant and concerted attempt to mislead certain employees and exploit human vulnerabilities to gain access to our internal systems,” the company tweeted.  After stealing employee credentials and getting into Twitter’s systems, the hackers were able to target other employees who had access to account support tools, the company said. FILE – Dutch anti-Islam politician Geert Wilders answers questions during an interview with Reuters in the Hague, Netherlands.The hackers targeted 130 accounts. They managed to tweet from 45 accounts, access the direct message inboxes of 36, and download the Twitter data from seven. Dutch anti-Islam lawmaker Geert Wilders has said his inbox was among those accessed.  Internal Revenue Service investigators in Washington, D.C., were able to identify two of the hackers by analyzing bitcoin transactions on the blockchain — the ledger where transactions are recorded — including ones the hackers attempted to keep anonymous, federal prosecutors said. Spear-phishing is a more targeted version of phishing, an impersonation scam that uses email or other electronic communications to deceive recipients into handing over sensitive information.  Twitter said it would provide a more detailed report later “given the ongoing law enforcement investigation.”  The company has previously said the incident was a “coordinated social engineering attack” that targeted some of its employees with access to internal systems and tools. It didn’t provide any more information about how the attack was carried out, but the details released so far suggest the hackers started by using the old-fashioned method of talking their way past security.  British cybersecurity analyst Graham Cluley said his guess was that a targeted Twitter employee or contractor received a message by phone asking them to call a number. “When the worker called the number they might have been taken to a convincing (but fake) helpdesk operator, who was then able to use social engineering techniques to trick the intended victim into handing over their credentials,” Clulely wrote Friday on his blog.  It’s also possible the hackers pretended to call from the company’s legitimate help line by spoofing the number, he said.  Hillsborough County court records didn’t list an attorney for Clark, and federal court records didn’t list attorneys for Sheppard or Fazeli. 

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