Month: August 2020

Плохое начало Су-57: первый “мелкосерийный” истребитель разбился, а второй так и недостроили…

Плохое начало Су-57: первый “мелкосерийный” истребитель разбился, а второй так и недостроили…

Авиационный долгострой Су-57: в путляндии показали второй почти “серийный” истребитель почти 5-го поколения…

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Беспредел карателей! Экс-спецназ сжигает форму! МАЗ И БЕЛАЗ выходят на забастовки!

Беспредел карателей! Экс-спецназ сжигает форму! МАЗ И БЕЛАЗ выходят на забастовки!


Последние новости путляндии и мира, экономика, бизнес, культура, технологии, спорт

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Псевдорай совецкого колгоспу. Історик пригадав сталіністам і брєжнєвістам, як воно було!

Псевдорай совецкого колгоспу. Історик пригадав сталіністам і брєжнєвістам, як воно було!

Для поширення вашого відео чи повідомлення в Мережі Правди пишіть сюди, або на email:
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Canada Says US Border to Remain Closed to Nonessential Travel

Canada announced Friday that the border it shares with the U.S. will remain closed to nonessential travel for another month as the U.S. continues to lead the world in COVID-19 deaths and coronavirus infections.Many Canadians remain concerned about reopening the border after Canada successfully flattened its epidemic curve.Canada has more than 123,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus and more than 9,000 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University. In contrast, the U.S. has more than 5.3 million cases, one-fourth of all the cases worldwide, and more than 168,000 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins.FILE – People eat in the food court at the Eaton Centre shopping center after indoor dining restaurants, gyms and cinemas re-open under Phase 3 rules from coronavirus disease restrictions in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, July 31, 2020.Canada, which first announced the border restrictions in March, made the announcement one day after Mexico announced similar restrictions for its border with the U.S.Spain announced Friday a new set of restrictions to contain a surge in coronavirus cases. Health Minister Salvador Illa said all discos and night clubs will be closed across the country. He also said smoking in public areas would be banned if smokers are unable to stay at least two meters from other people.A man smokes on a terrace bar in Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 14, 2020. Spanish Health Minister Salvador Illa announced a range of new nationwide restrictions to help fight a surge in COVID-19 cases.Spanish authorities have recorded nearly 50,000 cases over the past two weeks, an average of about 3,500 new cases a day.In Paris, officials are expanding the areas of the city where pedestrians are required to wear face masks, including the Champs-Elysees Avenue and the area around the Louvre museum, as cases continue to increase in the country. France has nearly 250,000 cases and more than 30,400 deaths.Meanwhile, a glitch in California’s COVID-19 reporting system undercounted the state’s cases by as many as 300,000 cases, state officials say.Nurse practitioner Debbi Hinderliter, left, collects a sample from a woman at a coronavirus testing site near the nation’s busiest pedestrian border crossing, in San Diego, Aug. 13, 2020.According to a New York Times database Friday, California is the first U.S. state to reach more than 600,000 COVID-19 cases, with almost 11,000 deaths.Governor Gavin Newsom said Friday that while the number of cases in California is increasing, the number of confirmed infections as a percentage of tests done has declined from 7% to 6% statewide over the past two weeks.”I’m not going to back off on more tests because I fear (more cases),” Newsom said.The U.S. Postal Service is warning states that it cannot guarantee all ballots cast by mail for the November election will arrive in time to be counted as the country ramps up preparations for larger numbers of mail-in votes amid the coronavirus pandemic.The Washington Post reported Friday that the Postal Service sent warning letters to 46 states and the District of Columbia.Many states have made it easier to vote by mail to address voters’ concerns about public gatherings at election precincts during the pandemic.The nation’s top infectious disease expert said he had hoped the U.S. would be in a better place by now with the coronavirus.Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, speaks during a House Subcommittee on the Coronavirus crisis hearing, July 31, 2020 on Capitol Hill in Washington.”We certainly are not where I hoped we would be, we are in the middle of very serious, historic pandemic,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said at a National Geographic panel discussion Thursday.Even though President Donald Trump said this week he expects the outbreak to be in “good shape … in a very short period of time,” Fauci said the number of cases will continue to rise unless federal and state governments can work together.There has been no single coordinated strategy between Washington and the states on how to fight the outbreak. Some states have mask mandates and are continuing restrictions, while others do not require masks in public places and have eased the rules on social gatherings. Some states are seeing the number of cases rise while such hot spots as Arizona, California and Florida are improving and are “having now, less deaths, less hospitalizations, less cases,” Fauci said.Fauci has said that the coronavirus will likely never go away but that health officials can work to bring it down to “low levels.”World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus attends a news conference organized by Geneva Association of United Nations Correspondents (ACANU) amid the COVID-19 outbreak, caused by the novel coronavirus.World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said governments must “do it all” – test, isolate and treat patients, and trace and quarantine all the people with whom they had contact.Other experts are warning that unless world leaders take more action to contain it, the coronavirus could be just as or even deadlier than the 1918 flu pandemic, which is believed to have killed 50 million people worldwide.A new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open looked at New York City.It says even when doctors take into account the technology, life-saving drugs and information that did not exist 100 years ago, the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases during the first two months of the outbreak was “substantially greater” than the peak of the 1918 epidemic.  

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Canada Says US Border to Remain Closed to Non-Essential Travel

Canada announced Friday that the border it shares with the U.S. will remain closed to non-essential travel for another month as the U.S. continues to lead the world in COVID-19 deaths and coronavirus infections.Many Canadians remain concerned about reopening the border after Canada successfully flattened its epidemic curve.Canada has more than 123,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus and more than 9,000 deaths, according to Johns Hopkins University. In contrast, the U.S. has more than 5.2 million cases, one-fourth of all the cases worldwide, and more than 167,000 deaths, according to Hopkins.Canada, which first announced the border restrictions in March, made the announcement one day after Mexico announced similar restrictions for its border with the U.S.A man smokes on a terrace bar in Barcelona, Spain, Aug. 14, 2020. Spanish Health Minister Salvador Illa announced a range of new nationwide restrictions to help fight a surge in COVID-19 cases.In Spain, the health minister announced Friday a new set of restrictions to contain a surge in coronavirus cases. Minister Salvador Illa said all discos and night clubs will be closed across the country. He also said smoking in public areas would be banned if smokers are unable to stay at least two meters from other people.Spanish authorities have recorded nearly 50,000 cases over the past two weeks, an average of about 3,500 new cases a day.Meanwhile, a glitch in California’s COVID-19 reporting system undercounted the state’s cases by as many as 300,000 cases, state officials say.According to a New York Times database Friday, California is the first U.S. state to reach more than 600,000 COVID-19 cases, with almost 11,000 deaths.On Thursday, California reported 7,911 new cases and 187 deaths.The nation’s top infectious disease expert said he had hoped the U.S. would be in a better place by now with the coronavirus.Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute for Allergy and Infectious Diseases, speaks during a House Subcommittee on the Coronavirus crisis hearing, July 31, 2020 on Capitol Hill in Washington.“We certainly are not where I hoped we would be, we are in the middle of very serious, historic pandemic,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said at a National Geographic panel discussion Thursday.Even though President Donald Trump said this week he expects the outbreak to be in “good shape … in a very short period of time,” Fauci said the number of cases will continue to rise unless federal and state governments can work together.“That’s the thing that I’m concerned about because I believe we can, we have within our power to be able to get that down,” he said.There has been no single coordinated strategy between Washington and the states on how to fight the outbreak. Some states have mask mandates and are continuing restrictions, while others do not require masks in public places and have eased the rules on social gatherings.Some states are seeing the number of cases rise while such hot spots as Arizona, California and Florida are improving and are “having now, less deaths, less hospitalizations, less cases,” Fauci said.Fauci has said that the coronavirus will likely never go away but that health officials can work to bring it down to “low levels.”World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus attends a news conference organized by Geneva Association of United Nations Correspondents (ACANU) amid the COVID-19 outbreak, caused by the novel coronavirus.World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said governments must “do it all” — test, isolate and treat patients, and trace and quarantine all the people with whom they had contact.Other experts are warning that unless world leaders take more action to contain it, the coronavirus could be just as or even deadlier than the 1918 flu pandemic, which is believed to have killed 50 million people worldwide.A new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open looked at New York City.It says even when doctors take into account the technology, life-saving drugs and information that did not exist 100 years ago, the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases during the first two months of the outbreak was “substantially greater” than the peak of the 1918 epidemic.New appsThree more states — Alabama, North Dakota and Wyoming — are launching apps to warn people about potential exposure to COVID-19, Reuters reports. Virginia is the first state to implement the technology, and other states are testing apps and plan to introduce them in the coming weeks.Users who download the apps on their smartphones get a map of the state and dots where the most cases are clustered, so travelers and others can avoid those areas.Crowds gather in Berlin’s central shopping district of Alexanderplatz on August 14, 2020, amid a coronavirus COVID-19 pandemic.In GermanyThe premier of Germany’s Bavaria state is apologizing for problems with a data entry system that meant about 900 people who tested positive for COVID-19 were never told about it.Nearly 44,000 people who traveled to Bavaria about two weeks ago have been waiting for their test results. Officials believe about 900 tests were positive.“It is really extremely galling. We can only apologize,” Bavarian leader Markus Soeder told reporters. He promised to fix the problems by adding more staff to the testing centers. The Bavarian state health minister has offered to resign.Soeder has been touted as a possible successor to Chancellor Angela Merkel.

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Найважливіший доказ у справі Шеремета насправді нічого не доводить: прокурор обі*рався в суді

Найважливіший доказ у справі Шеремета насправді нічого не доводить: прокурор обі*рався в суді.

По справі Шеремета “відпустили” під домашній арешт Юлію Кузьменко. В день, коли це відбулось, судді нарешті зацікавились які докази є проти Юлії, і прокурор сам підтвердив, що немає жодних. Після цього Юлії змінили запобіжний захід. А вже наступного дня ці ж судді лишили під вартою Антоненка!!!

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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Началось! Силовики поддержали граждан и готовы воевать с кровавым тираном

Началось! Силовики поддержали граждан и готовы воевать с кровавым тираном.

Преступный режим луки трещит по швам, ведь он изначально избрал силовой сценарий, отдав команду на жесткое задержание и избиение своих граждан. Разумеется, смотреть на данное насилие просто невозможно и чтобы это остановить против луки начались забастовки, силовики и военные выбрасывают свою форму, врачи помогают протестующим прямо на улице, а женщины выходят и встают цепью против данного беспредела

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“Простите, ухожу”: заводы бастуют, журналисты увольняются, режим луки теряет устойчивость

“Простите, ухожу”: заводы бастуют, журналисты увольняются, режим луки теряет устойчивость.

Кровавый маньяк лука решил обратиться к народу Беларуси с заявлением о своем уходе

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Рождение нации! Беларусь проснулась, на очереди путляндия!

Рождение нации! Беларусь проснулась, на очереди путляндия!

В исторической перспективе для общества путляндии важнее не то, что завтра произойдет на улицах Минска и Жодина, а то, что на ментальной карте холопов обиженного карлика пукина появляется новая страна. В путляндии Белоруссия превращается в Беларусь. Постепенный отказ от привычного колониального высокомерия – отличный признак изменений

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Глубинный народ пошёл против обиженного карлика пукина?

Глубинный народ пошёл против обиженного карлика пукина?

Лето нынешнего года дало серьезную пищу для размышлений о том, какие глобальные изменения ждут россиян в обозримом будущем

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Trump’s Ex-Lawyer Michael Cohen Says to Reveal President’s ‘Skeletons’ in Upcoming Book

Michael Cohen, U.S. President Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer and fixer, on Thursday promised to show how Trump cheated in the 2016 election with Russian help in an upcoming book titled “Disloyal, A Memoir.”
“Trump had cheated in the election, with Russian connivance, as you will discover in these pages, because doing anything — and I mean anything — to ‘win’ has always been his business model and way of life,” Cohen writes in the book’s foreword, which was published online on Thursday.
The 3,700-word foreword does not reveal anything new about Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election, and it was not clear if the book would.
Former Special Counsel Robert Mueller last year concluded that Russia waged a major campaign to help Trump to victory in 2016.
Mueller did not find evidence of a criminal conspiracy between Trump’s campaign and Russia, but he did detail extensive contacts between the campaign and Russian operatives.
Cohen worked closely with Trump for years before turning against him, most publicly in testimony to Congress last year prior to Trump’s impeachment.
Cohen said he knows where Trump’s metaphorical “skeletons” are buried because he buried them.
White House spokesman Brian Morgenstern responded by attacking Cohen’s credibility.
“He readily admits to lying routinely but expects people to believe him now so that he can make money from book sales. It’s unfortunate that the media is exploiting this sad and desperate man to attack President Trump,” Morgenstern said.
Trump has called Cohen “a rat,” and a liar, and Cohen said he faced repeated death threats from Trump supporters.
Cohen, 53, is serving a three-year sentence for tax evasion, false statements and campaign finance violations, the last related to payments to silence women who alleged affairs with Trump before the 2016 presidential election.
Cohen was released to home confinement in May given the risks of catching COVID-19 in prison, but then was briefly imprisoned again last month.
A federal judge last month ruled Cohen had been subjected to retaliation for planning to publish his book, and ordered him released again.
A lawyer for Cohen declined to comment.  

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‘Every Single American Should Be Wearing a Mask’, Biden Says

There are more than 20 million COVID-19 cases around the world and with more than 759,000 deaths, the global community will likely soon reach the one million death tally. “Every single American should be wearing a mask when they’re outside for the next three months, at a minimum,” presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden said Thursday, marking at least one difference in how he would handle the coronavirus pandemic versus Donald Trump.   “Every governor should mandate mandatory mask-wearing,” he said.   “The estimates by the experts are it will save over 40,000 lives.”   Trump, who has rarely been seen wearing a mask as the virus roars through the country, has refused to insist that governors issue a mask-wearing mandate. A glitch in California’s COVID-19 reporting system undercounted the state’s cases by as many as 300,000 cases, state officials say. According to a New York Times database Friday, California is the first U.S. state to reach more than 600,000 COVID-19 cases, with almost 11,000 deaths.On Thursday, California reported 7,911 new cases and 187 deaths. The nation’s top infectious disease expert said he had hoped the U.S. would be in a better place by now with the coronavirus. “We certainly are not where I hope we would be, we are in the middle of very serious historic pandemic,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said at a National Geographic panel discussion Thursday.  Even though President Trump said this week he expects the outbreak to be in “good shape … in a very short period of time,” Fauci said the number of cases will continue to rise unless federal and state governments can work together. That’s the thing that I’m concerned about because I believe we can, we have within our power to be able to get that down,” he said. There has been no single coordinated strategy from Washington and states on how to fight the outbreak. Some states have mask mandates and are continuing restrictions, while others do not require masks in public places and have eased the rules on social gatherings.  Some states are seeing the number of cases rise while such hot spots as Arizona, California and Florida are improving and are “having now, less deaths, less hospitalizations, less cases,” Fauci said. Fauci has said that the coronavirus will likely never go away but that health officials can work to bring it down to “low levels.” Governments must ‘do it all’
World Health Organization Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said governments must “do it all” – test, isolate and treat patients, and trace and quarantine all the people with whom they had contact.  Other experts are warning that unless world leaders take more action to contain it, the coronavirus could be just as or even deadlier than the 1918 flu pandemic, which is believed to have killed 50 million people worldwide. A new study in the Journal of the American Medical Association Network Open looked at New York City.  It says even when doctors take into account the technology, life-saving drugs and information that did not exist 100 years ago, the increase in the number of COVID-19 cases during the first two months of the outbreak was “substantially greater” than the peak of the 1918 epidemic. New Apps Three more states – Alabama, North Dakota and Wyoming – are launching apps to warn people about potential exposure to COVID-19, Reuters reports.  Virginia is the first state to implement the technology, and other states are testing apps and plan to introduce them in the coming weeks.  Users who download the apps on their smartphones get a map of the state and dots where the most cases are clustered, so travelers and others can avoid those areas.The premier of Germany’s Bavaria state is apologizing for problems with a data entry system that meant about 900 people who tested positive for COVID-19 were never told about it. Nearly 44,000 people who traveled to Bavaria about two weeks ago have been waiting for their test results. Officials believe about 900 tests were positive. “It is really extremely galling. We can only apologize,” Bavarian leader Markus Soeder told reporters. He promised to fix the problems by adding more staff to the testing centers. The Bavarian state health minister has offered to resign.  Soeder has been touted as a possible successor to Chancellor Angela Merkel. Dentists furious Meanwhile, dentists are angry with the WHO’s recommendation that people put off routine checkups in areas where the coronavirus appears to be spreading. “Dentists have been experts in infection control for over 20 years due to the HIV-AIDS scare,” California Dental Association president Dr. Richard Nagy said. “So we’re used to preparing our offices for infection disease control. We really increased our knowledge of airborne base pathogens and prepare their offices in terms of enhanced PPE enhanced training for our staff,” he explained. The American Dental Association says it “strongly disagrees” with the WHO and says doctors and hygienists can work safely with the appropriate equipment.  Many U.S. medical practices immediately perform temperature checks on all patients who walk through their doors and limit the number of people allowed inside the offices at the same time.   

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Беларусь не Жыве до тех пор, пока жив рейх обиженного карлика пукина

Беларусь не Жыве до тех пор, пока жив рейх обиженного карлика пукина.

О том, почему надежды на демократическую революцию в Минске, к сожалению, обречены на провал, — в новом видео

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“Очистить улицы! Работать всем!” – кровавый маньяк лука окончательно тронулся умом

“Очистить улицы! Работать всем!” – кровавый маньяк лука окончательно тронулся умом.

Дегенерат лука приказал найти рабскую работу всем, кто не доволен его действиями

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Запад шокирован: холопов обиженного карлика пукина будут вакцинировать помоями

Запад шокирован: холопов обиженного карлика пукина будут вакцинировать помоями.

Мировые эксперты откровенно недоумевают и об утверждении, что вакцина дескать защищает от заболевания на два года. Этого попросту нельзя утверждать так бесспорно, поскольку разработка вакцины началась лишь недавно

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Протесты в путляндии идут из регионов: Шиес, Хабаровск, Башкирия, Шихан Куштау

Протесты в путляндии идут из регионов: Шиес, Хабаровск, Башкирия, Шихан Куштау.

Протесты в Беларуси еще не закончены разумеется, но и в путляндии тоже не все так спокойно. А именно помимо протестов в Хабаровске добавились протесты в Башкирии, где тысячи граждан выходят в поддержку горы Куштау, которую хотят срезать, чтобы добывать известь, очередная экологическая катастрофа

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Турция и США заморозили “окольные газовые пути” обиженного карлика пукина…

Турция и США заморозили “окольные газовые пути” обиженного карлика пукина…

Геополитические игры путляндии привели к ощутимому удару по её экономике: Анкара фактически отказалась от российского газа, а “Северный поток-2” будет заморожен…

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Арешт українців у Мінську, божевільний лука та як ми не бачимо внутрішню Білорусь

Арешт українців у Мінську, божевільний лука та як ми не бачимо внутрішню Білорусь.

Блог про українську політику та актуальні події в нашій країні

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Халтура пукина в Крыму: от “экстренного водопровода” шойгу, воды больше не стало…

Халтура пукина в Крыму: от “экстренного водопровода” шойгу, воды больше не стало…

Ключевая проблема Крыма – обеспечение его водой – оккупантами так и не решена…

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Обиженный карлик пукин снова хочет сполна отхватить в Сирии и получить кучу груза-200

Обиженный карлик пукин снова хочет сполна отхватить в Сирии и получить кучу груза-200.

Агрессивные действия обиженного карлика пукина на Ближнем Востоке продолжают создавать напряженность в регионе.За прошедшие сутки стало ясно, что обиженный на вес мир карлик пукин готовит полномасштабное наступление

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10 млрд евро вбуханные в северный поток 2 придётся списать, как невозвратные!

Сосиска в спину путляндии: 10 млрд евро вбуханные в северный поток 2 придётся списать, как невозвратные!

Очередное свидетельство того, что газовый трубопровод северный поток 2 утонул в водах Балтийского моря навсегда пришло из Германии, где представители немецкого концерна Uniper, который является одним из партнеров Газпрома в прокладке потока, заявили, что инвестиции в проект в размере 10 млрд евро судя по всему придется списать, как невозвратные

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Вакцина “путинка” или вторая серия мультиков с ракетами обиженного карлика пукина

Вакцина “путинка” или вторая серия мультиков с ракетами обиженного карлика пукина.

Обиженного карлика пукина все чаще тянет показать что-то впереди планеты всей. И если раньше был космос, а к нему – нефть и газ, которыми можно было хвастаться как чем-то «самым-самым», то теперь ситуация изменилась. Приходится показывать мультики с ракетами и тому подобную дичь. Но во всех таких мероприятиях читается желание всех опередить хоть в чем-то. Из этого разряда новость, объявление которой обиженный карлик пукин взял на себя лично

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