Month: September 2020

Зелений карлик підписав закон про надання держгарантій за кредитами коломойського, ахметова та інших крадунів

Зелений карлик підписав Закон «Про внесення змін до Закону України «Про Державний бюджет України на 2020 рік» щодо надання державних гарантій на портфельній основі та впровадження фінансово-кредитних механізмів забезпечення громадян України житлом» № 873-ІХ, який слуги зеленого карлика ухвалили третього вересня 2020 року.

Згідно із законом, у поточному році держава може надати портфельні гарантії в обсязі до 5 млрд грн. Для забезпечення часткового виконання боргових зобов’язань за портфелем кредитів банків-кредиторів, що надаються українським мікропідприємствам та МСБ, у розмірі, що не перевищує 80% загальної суми таких боргових зобов’язань за портфелем кредитів та 80% за кожним окремим кредитом, необхідне рішення Кабінету Міністрів, погоджене з Комітетом Верховної Ради з питань бюджету.

У документі зазначається, що порядок відбору банків-кредиторів та умови надання державних гарантій на портфельній основі, розмір і вид забезпечення, що надається такими суб’єктами господарювання, встановлюються урядом. Надання таких гарантій оформлюється у вигляді договору між Міністерством фінансів і банком-кредитором.

Таким чином, банда зеленого карлика дозволяє міжнародному шахраю коломойському ще більше красти гроші усіх українців.
Воїни Добра

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California Firefighters Race to Subdue Flames Before Heat, Winds Return

Five weeks after California erupted in deadly wildfires supercharged by record heat and howling winds, crews battling flames pushed Monday to consolidate their gains before the return of the blistering, gusty weather. California has lost far more landscape to wildfires this summer than during any previous entire year, with scores of conflagrations, many sparked by catastrophic lightning storms, scorching about 3.4 million acres since mid-August. The previous record was just less than 2 million acres burned in 2018. As of Monday, more than 19,000 firefighters continued to wage war on 27 major blazes across the state, according to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (CalFire). FILE – A firefighter with the San Bernardino County Fire Department hoses down hot spots from the Bobcat Fire in Valyermo, Calif., Sept. 19, 2020.The fires, stoked by extreme weather conditions that scientists have pointed to as signs of climate change, have destroyed an estimated 6,100 homes and other structures and killed 26 people, three of them firefighters, CalFire reported. Another 2 million acres have gone up in flames in Oregon and Washington state during an overlapping outbreak of wildfires that started earlier this month, destroying more than 4,400 structures in all and claiming 10 lives. But a weekend of intermittently heavy showers across the western Cascade mountain range helped fire crews in the Pacific Northwest tamp down blazes in those two states. FILE – A sign advertising new homes stands in a neighborhood severely damaged by wildfire in Medford, Oregon, Sept. 20, 2020.Although California has seen little or no rain in recent days, bouts of extreme heat and gale-force winds that had produced incendiary conditions for weeks have given way to lower temperatures and lighter breezes, enabling firefighters to gain ground around most fires. “They’re going to take advantage of this cool weather while they can,” CalFire spokeswoman Lynne Tolmachoff told Reuters. The break in the weather is not expected to last much longer. Tolmachoff said forecasts call for rising temperatures, lower humidity and a return of strong, erratic winds around midweek in Southern California and by the weekend across the state’s northern half. Bobcat Fire proves stubborn  Some fires have proved more stubborn than others. One in particular, dubbed the Bobcat Fire, grew to more than 100,000 acres Monday in the San Gabriel Mountains north of Los Angeles, with containment levels achieved by firefighters holding steady at just 15%, CalFire said. The Bobcat last week spread perilously close to a famed astronomical observatory and complex of vital communications towers at the summit of Mount Wilson, while forcing evacuations of communities in the foothills below. FILE – Winds blow flying embers from a burning tree at the Bobcat Fire in Juniper Hills, California, Sept. 19, 2020.Several more areas, including Pasadena, a city of 140,000 people, remained under an evacuation warning, advising residents to be ready to flee at a moment’s notice. At the opposite end of the sprawling mountain range to the north, the fire was reported to have destroyed some homes and other structures in the high desert of the Antelope Valley. Across the Bobcat Fire zone and others, ground crews with axes, shovels and bulldozers clambered through rugged canyons and mountain slopes, hacking away tinder-dry brush and scrub before it could burn, creating containment lines around the perimeter of advancing flames. They were assisted by squadrons of water-dropping helicopters and airplane tankers dumping flame retardant on the blazes. Regardless of the progress they make this week, California’s record fire season remains far from over. The height of wildfire activity historically has run through October. Five of the state’s 20 largest blazes on record have occurred this year. 

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WHO: Since WWII, No Crisis Demonstrates Need for UN More Than COVID-19

The World Health Organization’s director-general said Monday no crisis since World War II demonstrates more clearly the need for the United Nations than the COVID-19 pandemic. COVID-19 is the illness caused by the coronavirus.Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus acknowledged the 75th anniversary of the United Nations as well as the start of the U.N. General Assembly this week, as he opened his regular briefing from WHO headquarters in Geneva.Tedros said WHO, as “a proud member of the U.N. family,” had three key messages for the U.N. members.”First, the pandemic must motivate us to redouble our efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, not become an excuse for missing them; Second, we must prepare for the next pandemic now. And third, we must move heaven and Earth to ensure equitable access to diagnostics, therapeutics and vaccines,” said WHO’s director-general.Tedros said from the very beginning, the WHO has been committed to global efforts to develop a COVID-19 vaccine and other treatments. Central to that effort, he said, was the partnership with the global vaccine alliance, GAVI, to establish the cooperative COVID-19 Vaccine Global Access (COVAX) facility, designed to ensure equitable access to any COVID-19 vaccine or treatments that maybe developed.According to the Johns Hopkins University, which is tracking the global coronavirus pandemic, more than 31 million people are infected, and more than 961,000 people have died. The United States leads the world with more than 6.8 million infections and close to 200,000 deaths.Meanwhile, nearly half of Americans, or 49%, said they definitely or probably would not get an inoculation if a coronavirus vaccine were available today, while 51% said they would, according to a Pew Research Center poll conducted earlier this month. Those who lean toward rejecting the inoculation have cited concerns about side effects.FILE – A lab technician sorts blood samples for a COVID-19 vaccination study at the Research Centers of America in Hollywood, Florida, Aug.13, 2020.President Donald Trump said last month the U.S. will have a vaccination for the coronavirus “before the end of the year or maybe even sooner.” Experts say it can take decades to develop, test, and prove vaccines safe before they are administered to patients. Hope has been high, however, that a concerted international effort will produce an effective vaccine sometime next year.Tedros said almost 200 potential COVID-19 vaccines are currently in clinical and pre-clinical testing through the cooperative effort.”Our aim is to have 2 billion doses of vaccine available by the end of 2021,” he said.The director-general noted $3 billion has been invested so far, but $15 billion was needed immediately to maintain momentum and stay on track.He said investing in COVAX only makes sense, saying it “will help to bring the pandemic under control, save lives, accelerate the economic recovery and ensure that the race for vaccines is a collaboration, not a contest. This is not charity, it’s in every country’s best interest. We sink or we swim together.”The WHO announced Monday 64 of the world’s top economies have now joined COVAX, with 38 other major economies indicating they will be joining in the coming days.

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US Withdraws Advice on Airborne Coronavirus Transmission

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on Monday withdrew its statement from three days ago on how COVID-19 can spread through aerosolized droplets, saying it was posted “in error.” On Friday, the CDC posted an update to its website saying the virus can be transmitted through tiny, aerosolized droplets that are “produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, sings, talks, or breathes.”  Such passage of the virus would entail a distance greater than the 2-meter space generally accepted as medically proper social distancing between people to avoid transmitting the disease. It is a view that outside health experts have been advancing. CDC Adds Breathing to Ways Coronavirus SpreadsThe CDC has updated its website to add another way to protect yourselfBut on Monday the CDC dropped any mention of airborne transmission, saying that “a draft version of proposed changes to these recommendations was posted in error to the agency’s official website.” Instead, it said the possibility of recommendations on dealing with airborne transmission of the virus are under review. The agency reverted to its previous message, saying that the virus is thought to spread “between people who are in close contact with one another,” a distance of about 2 meters. An agency official said the Friday guidelines were removed because they did “not reflect our current state of knowledge.” The website mistake was the agency’s latest in dealing with the coronavirus pandemic and came on the same day as the United States neared 200,000 deaths from the virus, the most of any country in the world.  The CDC recently had reversed its guidance on whether asymptomatic people should be tested for the coronavirus to now say anyone should be tested if they have come in contact with someone known to have been infected. 

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What the Fight Over TikTok Portends for Tech

The battle between China and the U.S. over the fate of video sharing app TikTok raises questions for the tech industry worldwide. What might the struggle over TikTok portend for global companies? Michelle Quinn reports.Produced by: Matt Dibble 

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US Challenges Injunction Against WeChat App Store Bans

The U.S. Commerce Department said Monday it is challenging a federal judge’s injunction against its order that Apple and Google remove WeChat from their U.S. app stores due to data privacy and national security concerns.The department’s original order, issued Friday, also included another Chinese-owned app, TikTok, and expressed the Trump administration’s concerns about the way the apps collect user data and the potential for that information to be shared with Chinese government agencies.China has rejected the U.S. allegations of a security threat, and on Saturday condemned what it called “bullying” that violated international trade standards.U.S. Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler responded Sunday to a request for an injunction from WeChat users by putting the Commerce Department’s order on hold, ruling that the Trump administration’s actions would restrict users’ free speech rights under the First Amendment.WeChat has about 19 million active daily users in the United States. The service, owned by Chinese tech company Tencent, is popular with Americans who use it to communicate with family and friends in China.Video-sharing service TikTok earned a short reprieve from its part of the Commerce Department order after announcing an agreement to form a new company with U.S. tech giant Oracle and retailer WalMart together holding up to a 20% share.The U.S. head office of TikTok is seen in Culver City, California, Sept. 15, 2020.Speaking to Fox News on Monday, Trump said his administration would not approve the agreement if ByteDance, TikTok’s Chinese owner, has any control.“If we find that they don’t have total control, then we’re not going to approve the deal,” Trump said of Oracle and WalMart.  “We will be watching it very closely.”Those comments are in contrast to those Trump gave Saturday when he said he approved of the agreement “in concept” and had “given the deal my blessing.” The Commerce Department has delayed the app store ban for TikTok until September 27, and given the company until November 12 to resolve national security concerns before facing a wider range of restrictions. 

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US Coronavirus Death Toll Inches Toward 200,000 Deaths

The United States is approaching the milestone of 200,000 deaths from the coronavirus, say experts monitoring the outbreak.The U.S. has more than 6.8 million infections, according to the Johns Hopkins University Coronavirus Resource Center, with 199,513 deaths, the most of any nation in either category. Recent growth in U.S. cases in the Southwest and Midwest is being attributed to the reopening of schools and colleges.The race to produce a safe and effective coronavirus vaccine has sustained another setback. Britain’s Telegraph newspaper reported Sunday that late-stage human trials of an experimental vaccine in the United States have been paused due to concerns over a possible adverse side effect.AZD1222, developed through a joint initiative by AstraZeneca and Britain’s University of Oxford, has been undergoing large-scale Phase 2 and Phase 3 trials in several nations, including the U.S., Britain, Brazil, South Africa and India.FILE – Laboratory technicians work at the mAbxience biopharmaceutical company on an experimental coronavirus vaccine developed by Oxford University and the laboratory AstraZeneca in Garin, Argentina, Aug. 14, 2020.But the Telegraph says testing was delayed twice in Britain after two volunteer participants were subsequently diagnosed with transverse myelitis, an inflammation of  the spinal cord.With the number of COVID-19 cases now over the 31 million mark, many places are also experiencing an increase in new infections, such as in Britain, which is nearing 400,000, including 3,899 new cases on Sunday. Chris Whitty, the chief medical officer, and chief scientific advisor Patrick Vallance, announced Monday during a nationally televised address that Britain is “heading in the wrong direction” and has reached “a critical response” in its response.Health Secretary Matt Hancock said Sunday that the country could face another round of strict restrictions if the public does not observe the new “rule of six” order issued earlier this month by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, which limits the number of people taking part in most social gatherings to six.The pandemic is also having an effect on the world’s refugees. A new survey released Monday by the Norwegian Refugee Council shows nearly 80% of people displaced by conflicts have lost a job or revenue since the beginning of the outbreak.In a survey of more than 1,400 respondents across 14 countries, including Afghanistan, Columbia, Iraq and Venezuela, the NRC found that some 70% of those asked said they had to cut the number of meals for their households, while 73% were less likely to send their children to school because of economic problems.FILE – People search for food at a garbage container during the closing hour at the Coche wholesale market amid COVID-19 outbreak in Caracas, Venezuela, July 31, 2020.But some countries are reporting progress in the fight to contain the spread of COVID-19. New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern Monday lifted restrictions for all of the country except Auckland, after authorities posted no new cases.  New Zealand had gone over 100 days without any new COVID-19 cases until last month, when a new cluster broke out in the northern city, prompting Prime Minister Ardern to reimpose the strict nationwide restrictions first enacted back in March.People wearing face masks prepare to board a bus on the first day of New Zealand’s new coronavirus disease safety measure that mandates wearing of a mask on public transport, in Auckland, Aug. 31, 2020.Auckland will continue to remain under some restrictions for the next two weeks, but officials have increased the number of people in gatherings from 10 to 100.In Australia, Victoria state reported just 11 new cases on Monday, its smallest one-day jump since June 16. Victoria had been placed under a state of disaster last month due to a dramatic surge in new cases, especially in its capital, Melbourne, with the average number of cases topping 700 as recently as last month. Residents were placed under a strict curfew, and were restricted to their homes except for work, shopping or medical care.“This is a great day,” state Premier Daniel Andrews told reporters Monday, but he said he will not move up the timeline to begin easing the state of emergency.  Authorities have said it will lift some of the restrictions, including reopening child care facilities and resuming manufacturing and construction, on September 27, but only if the average number of cases over a two-week period is under 50.Despite more than 5.4 million COVID-19 cases, including about 100,000 new infections and more than 1,000 deaths daily, India reopened the Taj Mahal to visitors Monday.A man gets his photograph taken in front of Taj Mahal after authorities reopened the monument to visitors, amidst the COVID-19 outbreak, in Agra, India, Sept. 21, 2020.India has 1.3 billion people and some of the world’s most crowded cities, but a strict lockdown in March devastated the economy and the lives of tens of millions of people.The government has since eased restrictions, including on many train routes, domestic flights, markets and restaurants.Schools resumed Monday on a voluntary basis for students ages 14 to 17, but many Indian states have said it is too soon to have children in the classroom.India has also reported 87,882 deaths. 

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Slow Reopening for India’s Taj Mahal After 6-Month COVID Shutdown

India’s iconic 17th century Taj Mahal monument reopened Monday after its longest shutdown even as the country grapples with rising coronavirus cases.The reopening of the famed white marble Mughal-era monument in Agra town after six months is a signal that the world’s second-worst hit nation by the pandemic will steadily ease restrictions to bring its devastated economy back on track and restore lost livelihoods, observers say.The long, snaking lines that could seldom be skipped at the Taj Mahal were missing. A visitor from Taiwan and a family from New Delhi were among the first to enter the monument that was sanitized before being opened, according to officials.Only 5,000 visitors will be allowed a day with restrictions that have become the norm amid the pandemic. “Masks are mandatory to enter the monuments and all tickets must be purchased online. Ticket counters will not be open,” according to Vasant Kumar Swarnkar, superintendent at the Archaeological Survey of India in Agra.Group photos, one of the highlights for families or friends who posed in the lawns outside with the iconic Taj Mahal in the backdrop, will not be allowed to ensure that physical distancing norms are followed, say authorities.The pandemic led to the monument’s longest shutdown in history – it was briefly closed during the Second World War, in 1971 when India and Pakistan fought a war, and in 1978 when Agra city was flooded.The Taj Majal’s reopening has brought a glimmer of hope to a tourism-dependent town whose economy revolves around the monument. The major draw for international tourists to India, it attracts seven million visitors a year that include foreign dignitaries.  U.S. President Trump made a visit during an official trip to India in February.“The monument’s reopening is a start at least and we hope it will help people overcome the fear that the pandemic has created about traveling. Initially we only expect to see domestic visitors who can drive in their own vehicles from nearby places,” according to Rajiv Tewari, president of the Federation of Travel Association of Agra.As in most countries, the travel and tourism industry has been battered the worst. In Agra, hotels and restaurants are struggling to stay open, several shops that sold curios and handicrafts have downed shutters and tens of thousands have lost livelihoods.A health worker takes temperature of a patient at a makeshift COVID-19 care center in New Delhi, India, Sept. 19, 2020.For Mohammad Shakeel Khan, who made a living as a tour guide, the monument’s reopening has rekindled some optimism, but he said he is unlikely to get work until foreign visitors return. “I have been at home for six months, but until international travel returns to normal, it will be difficult for my work to come back.”It is the plight of millions like Khan that is prompting India to return to business as usual although it has been reporting the world’s biggest daily jump in cases for some time. India now has nearly 5.5 million infections, according to the Johns Hopkins University, which is tracking the global outbreak. More than 4 million of these cases have been added in the last two months, according to Indian officials.Markets, businesses and restaurants have opened in most Indian cities, and public transport and domestic flights have largely been restored although international travel is still restricted.India had imposed the world’s strictest and longest lockdowns in March, hoping it could avert being devastated by the virus, but cases started rising after the restrictions were eased and travel resumed. Although as a proportion of its 1.3 billion population, India’s numbers are still small compared to countries like the United States and Brazil, it is expected to eventually become the worst-hit country by the pandemic. 

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Тупий боксер, офіцер пукіна, жополиз януковича, божевільна медведчука, кагебіст, 100-річний дід, сепар і дві хвойди

Сумні вибори у Київраду 2020 року:
кличко – тупий боксер, що загубив мізки, але добре навчився красти гроші киян;

пальчевський – офіцер гру ображеного карлика пукіна, що прикидається українцем;

попов – казнокрад януковича, який уже 7 років не може відмити свої руки від крові київських студентів;

верещук – закарпатська божевільна, що покірно відсмоктує медведчуку, який у свою чергу підставляє зад ображеному карлику пукіну;

смешко – совковий кагебіст, що прикидається українським сбвушником;

омельченко – старий дідуган із сенильним псіхозом і клімаксом;

добкін – голомозий харківський сепар і слуга кривавого януковича, що прикидується киянином;

дубінський – намагається встигнути обслужити смердючого кабана коломойського, забігти в румунське посольство і довести, що він румун, потім кошерно відвідати синагогу, а ввечері набухатися, заїсти салом і заснути;

гордон – лиса бабка, що зараз радиться з терористом гіркіним і божевільною хвойдою поклонською та просить грошей у ображеного карлика пукіна на передвиборчу кампанію.
А порошенко і зелений карлик настільки зневажають киян, що вирішили засунути їм своїх жінок. З тою лише різницею, що петро пропихує свою, а зеленський – свого слуги кулеби.
Українці, кияни! Давайте 25 жовтня пошлемо усю цю наволоч туди де їм місце!
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Корупціонер ромко заставний продає дім за 46 мільйонів і знову рветься до владного корита

Корупціонер ромко заставний продає дім за 46 мільйонів у селі Гатне під Києвом на перетині вулиць Прикордонна і Козацька і знову рветься до владного корита.

У Раді він в основному відмовчувався, тільки іноді потрапляючи в об’єктиви телекамер. То селюк заставний проголосує за колегу по парламенту, то у 2016 році його помітили за переглядом пікантних фотографій. Замість того, щоб вивчати законопроекти Заставний переглядав знімки біатлоністки і дружини колеги свободівця Олени Підгрушної.

Про те, який він був мер міста, говорить той факт, що на повторних виборах заставний програв, набравши всього п’ятнадцять відсотків голосів.

Журналісти підозрювали народного депутата в корупційних схемах. Так, у Тернополі Центр екстреної медичної допомоги та медицини катастроф провів тендер на будівництво нової автоматизованої диспетчерської для бригад швидкої допомоги. У ньому перемогла компанія ТОВ “Протекшн-груп”, яка зобов’язалась надати свої послуги за сім мільйонів гривень.

Одним із засновників фірми є батько корупціонера, сільський житель далекий від бізнесу Йосип Заставний. Крім того у ній сам ромко до 2014 року був головою наглядової ради. Ще одним важливим гравцем в команді “Протекшн-Груп” був степан барна, голова області і корупціонер.

У підсумку, в диспетчерську для бригад швидкої допомоги були закуплені пристрої з гучною назвою “мобільні термінали”. На ділі ж вони виявились звичайними мобільними телефонами.

“Протекшн Груп” взяла на себе зобов’язання надавати цілодобову технічну програму підтримки диспетчерської. Цими “компетентними” фахівцями виявилися акушерка і вчителька української мови.

У 2010 році автомобіль тоді кандидата в мери Тернополя потрапив в дорожньо-транспортну пригоду. Самого Заставного у машині не виявилось. Але аварію він вирішив використати на свою користь.

Заставний заявив, що дане ДТП є не простим, а заздалегідь спланованим замахом на його життя. Пізніше в ДАІ повідомили, що це звичайна аварія, яка не мала ніяких ознак замаху.

Через чотири роки вже сам Заставний виявився винуватцем ДТП. У Тернополі він збив на своїй машині жінку. Після цього екс-мер посадив потерпілу в свій автомобіль і зник з місця події.

У ДАІ розповіли, що повідомлення про наїзд було, але воно не підтвердилося. Однак знайти жінку правоохоронцям так і не вдалося. Вони об’їздили всі лікарні в Тернополі, але в жодну з них заставний не привозив збиту ним жінку.

Ромко Заставний був одним з п’ятдесяти дев’яти депутатів, які зажадали скасування кримінального покарання за незаконне збагачення.

Попри те, що дана вимога була висунута Європейським Союзом, як одна з умов надання Україні безвізового режиму, продажний конституційний суд затвердив цю скаргу парламентарів.
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US Retail Giant Walmart Aims for Zero Global Emissions by 2040   

U.S.-based retail giant Walmart has unveiled new initiatives to reduce its global carbon footprint while preserving the world’s natural land and sea habitats. The company announced Monday that it is aiming for zero carbon emissions by 2040 in all of its global operations by utilizing 100% renewable energy in all of its facilities, switching to an all-electric vehicle fleet, and transitioning to low-impact refrigerants for cooling and electrified equipment for heating in all of its stores and other facilities. The so-called “big box” retailer is also pledging to preserve at least 20 million hectares of land and 171 million square kilometers of ocean by 2030, including the preservation of at least one acre of natural habitat for every acre of land it develops in the United States, and adopt natural preservation techniques such as regenerative agricultural practices, sustainable fisheries management and forest protection and restoration. Doug McMillon, Walmart’s president and chief executive officer, said in a statement the company aims to become one “that works to restore, renew and replenish in addition to preserving our planet, and encourages others to do the same” through its new environmental commitments. FILE – Customers shop at a Walmart store.According to the Fortune Global 500 list of 2019, Walmart is the world’s largest company by revenue.  It is also the largest private employer in the world with 2.2 million employees. 

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Дід зеленого карлика спочатку розстрілював своїх у заградотрядах, а у 1963 придушував майдан у Кривому розі

Дід зеленого карлика спочатку розстрілював своїх у заградотрядах, а у 1963 придушував майдан у Кривому розі.

Майдан на Соцмісті — загальна назва актів громадянської непокори та масових заворушень у місті Кривому Розі Дніпропетровської області, що тривали в районі Соцмісто упродовж 16 — 18 червня 1963 року. Влада використала війська для придушення повстання. За офіційними даними загинуло 4, поранено 15 осіб, за неофіційними даними — загинуло 7 людей, поранено щонайменше кілька десятків. Радянська історіографія замовчувала ці події.

У ніч з 17 на 18 червня 1963 року, окупаційна московська влада планувала придушення Майдану силою війська. Діями керували представники комуняків на чолі з другим секретарем обкому чебриковим і першим секретарем міськкому олейниковим (він покинув пленум, що тривав у москві й повернувся до міста).

Після прибуття солдатів оточені міліціонери відкрили всі двері, заволоділи кабінетами, й вискакували на двір, хапаючи й арештовуючи всіх підряд. Заарештованих відправляли в міське управління внутрішніх справ по вулиці леніна. Солдати внутрішніх військ зняли пояси та били бунтівників. Їм допомагали дружинники, теж озброєні поясами. Є свідчення, що було застосовано обрізки труб, арматуру, які були загорнуті в папір або ганчір’я. Протестантів фотографували, щоб довести їхню участь у подіях. Солдати танкових військ несли патрульну службу на вулицях, по декілька разів перевіряли кожного, хто входив у цей район або виходив з нього. За офіційними даними вбито четверо, поранено 15 осіб. Двоє поранених перебувало в тяжкому стані. Для їх порятунку з Києва було викликано професора. Однак П. К. Саворський згадував, що з вікон підвалу було вбито 7 осіб. Такі ж дані називає й газета «Хроніка», яка однією з перших через багато років наважилася описати події. Стрілянина продовжувалась всю ніч. Студенти педагогічного інституту закривали вікна матрацами.

Під час масових арештів та побиття 86 осіб було арештовано, 36 одержали важкі травми. Деякі медики вважали, що по лікарнях було розміщено близько 200 поранених і понівечених.

Через три дні відбувся похорон убитих. Влада боялася, що можуть бути нові сутички, але жорстока розправа над людьми настільки деморалізувала громадськість, що заворушень не було.

У Будинку культури «комуніст» відбувся показовий суд. Активістів судили як хуліганів. Зокрема, 41 особу засуджено, як злісних хуліганів, яких до такого злочину довело пияцтво. Окремі учасники отримали дуже серйозні вироки — до 10 років суворого режиму.
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На виборах НЕ дамо жодного голосу за “за майбутнє міжнародного крадуна коломойського”

На виборах НЕ дамо жодного голосу за “за майбутнє міжнародного крадуна коломойського”.

Черговий шахрайський, антиукраїнський проект затіяв крадун коломойський з подільниками. Коли ж насправді була заснована партія і хто її раніше очолював? Які зв’язку політсила має з “батьківщиною” і хвойдою тимошенко, що її пов’язує із збанкрутілою групою “приват” і міжнародним крадуном коломойським?

Хто її фінансує і чому в партії лякають “людиною-дияволом” Соросом? Відповіді – нижче.

Депутатську групу “За майбутнє” створили у Верховній Раді України 9-го скликання 29 серпня 2019 року. Тоді в неї увійшли 23 народних депутата-мажоритарника, які були представниками різних політичних сил – від екс-регіоналів, членів партій “Відродження”, УКРОП і “Наш край”, колишніх БППшніков і “нарфронтівців”. Більшість з них є фігурантами антикорупційних розслідувань. Співголовами депутатської групи вибрали нардепа-мажоритарника і бєніного похвостича тараса батенка та мажоритарника з Хмельницької області, екс-голову партії “Відродження” сепара віктора бондаря.

У травні 2020 року депутати з “За майбутнє” заявили про створення однойменної партії на чолі з “кращим другом” банкрута коломойського – ігорем палицею, який ще недавно був членом президії укропу.

Установчий з’їзд партії “За майбутнє” відбувся під час карантину, а саме 20 травня 2020 року. Організатори вирішили “присвятити” його першій річниці президентства зеленого карлика.

Однак уже на початку літа ряди “За майбутнє” в парламенті почали рідшати. 19 червня з групи вийшли відразу троє мажоритарників з Вінницької області – Микола Кучер, Лариса Білозір і Геннадій Вацак, які вступили в групу “Довіра”. Саме цих нардепів журналісти-розслідувачі пов’язують з корупціонером і крадуном юрієм косюком. Але вже 30 червня до групи приєдналися четверо позафракційних мажоритарників – ігор молоток, сергій рудик, сергій лабазюк і антон поляков, якого раніше виключили з фракції “слуга зеленого карлика”. А 3 липня “За майбутнє” поповнилася ще одним “екс-слугою” – мажоритарницею з Київщини ганною скороход. Зараз група налічує 24 нардепа.
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На виборах НЕ дамо жодного голосу за ватне збіговисько “наш край”

На виборах НЕ дамо жодного голосу за ватне збіговисько “наш край”:

антон кіссе – зрадник України, сепар, хабарник і корупціонер, дбайливий лизун дупи януковича і ображеного карлика пукіна, активний учасник так званої одеської народної республіки;

олександр мазурчак – зрадник України, хабарник і корупціонер, дбайливий лизун дупи януковича і ображеного карлика пукіна на посаді першого заступника голови Київської міської державної адміністрації з 2010 до 2013 року;

сергій шахов – зрадник України, штатний агент ображеного карлика пукіна;

анатолій присяжнюк – зрадник України, сепар, хабарник і корупціонер на посадах в Криму і в адміністрації Київської області, дбайливий лизун дупи януковича і ображеного карлика пукіна;

євген червоненко – зрадник України, типова політична повія, готовий смоктати у будь-якого клієнта, що платить гроші;

володимир семиноженко – зрадник України, хвойда кучми, алкоголік, дбайливий лизун дупи ображеного карлика пукіна;

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‘Succession,’ ‘Watchmen,’ ‘Schitt’s Creek’ Take Top Emmys

Quirky comedy “Schitt’s Creek,” media family saga “Succession,” and dystopian drama “Watchmen” dominated the Emmy Awards on Sunday in a show where the coronavirus pandemic meant most celebrities took part from their sofas and backyards dressed in a variety of gowns, hoodies and sleepwear.”Hello, and welcome to the PandEmmys!” said Jimmy Kimmel, opening the show, which had multiple skits and jokes about life under lockdown.HBO’s “Succession,” the wickedly juicy tale of a fractious media family, was named best drama series, while Jeremy Strong won best actor for his role as a downtrodden son.”Succession” also won for writing and directing.The biggest shock of the night came when former Disney Channel actress Zendaya, 24, was named best drama actress for playing a teen drug addict in HBO’s “Euphoria,” beating presumed favorites Laura Linney (“Ozark”) and Jennifer Aniston (“The Morning Show.”)“Schitt’s Creek,” a sleeper hit on the small Pop TV network about a wealthy family that is forced to live in a rundown motel, won seven Emmys, including best comedy series and acting awards for Canadian stars Catherine O’Hara, Eugene Levy, Daniel Levy and Annie Murphy.It was the first time in the Emmy Awards’ 72 years that a comedy won all seven categories in the same year, organizers said.HBO’s alternative-reality show “Watchmen,” infused with racial themes, won for best limited series, while actress Regina King won for her performance as the show’s top-notch police detective and Yahya Abdul-Mateen II took best supporting actor. “Watchmen” also won for writing.Creator Damon Lindelof dedicated the Emmy to the victims and survivors of the 1921 massacre of the Black community in Tulsa, Oklahoma, which partly inspired the series.The coronavirus pandemic meant no red carpet and no physical audience for the show, which was broadcast live on ABC. Instead, producers sent camera kits and microphones to all the nominees, scattered in 125 places around the world, who chose how and where they wanted to be seen. 

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CDC Adds Breathing to Ways Coronavirus Spreads

As the United States nears 200,000 deaths from COVID-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention updated its guidelines to add breathing to the most common ways the coronavirus is spread by an infected person.The U.S. has nearly 6.8 million cases of COVID-19, according to Johns Hopkins University data late Sunday.An update Friday to the CDC website says there is growing evidence that small airborne coronavirus particles are produced when someone coughs, sneezes, sings, talks or breathes and can remain in the air to be breathed in by others, allowing an infection.“These particles can be inhaled into the nose, mouth, airways, and lungs and cause infection. This is thought to be the main way the virus spreads,” the CDC website says.They can also travel farther than 6 feet, for example when someone sings or exercises.There is also updated information from the CDC about how to protect yourself. The CDC’s advice has been to stay 2 meters away from someone, wash your hands and disinfect surfaces often, and wear a face mask.Now the CDC adds that people who are sick should stay home and isolate themselves and “use air purifiers to help reduce airborne germs in indoor spaces,” according to the CDC site.Taj Mahal to reopenDespite more than 5.4 million COVID-19 cases and about 100,000 new infections and more than 1,000 deaths daily, India will reopen the Taj Mahal to visitors Monday.India has 1.3 billion people and some of the world’s most crowded cities, but a strict lockdown in March devastated the economy and the lives of tens of millions of people. With that in mind, Prime Minister Narendra Modi doesn’t want to follow some other nations in tightening restrictions on daily activity again.Instead, his government has eased restrictions, including on many train routes, domestic flights, markets, restaurants — and now, the Taj Mahal.The world-famous white marble mausoleum in the city of Agra is India’s most popular tourist attraction, drawing 7 million visitors a year.It has been closed since March. Officials say that when it reopens, strict social distancing rules will be applied and daily visitor numbers will be capped at 5,000.Schools were also to resume Monday on a voluntary basis for students ages 14 to 17, but many Indian states have said it is too soon to have children in the classroom.WorldwideWorldwide the number of cases has surpassed 30.8 million, according to the Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center.The U.S. remains the country with the most infections. Recent growth in U.S. cases in the Southwest and Midwest is being attributed to the reopening of schools and colleges.A four-day motorcycle rally has Missouri and other states bracing for an outbreak. Last year, over 100,000 people attended the Bikefest Lake of the Ozarks event. The annual event in Central Missouri began Wednesday and ends Sunday. A similar event was held last month in Sturgis, South Dakota. COVID-19 cases and one death in several states were traced back to Sturgis.The U.S. has nearly 6.8 million cases, Hopkins reported late Sunday. India follows the U.S. with 5.4 million cases and Brazil comes in third with 4.5 million infections, according to Hopkins.The U.S. has also recorded the highest number of COVID-19 deaths. The U.S. has more than 199,000 of the world’s more than 957,000 coronavirus deaths. Brazil follows the U.S. in coronavirus deaths with more than 136,000 deaths. India has reported nearly 87,000 deaths. 

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Tadej Pogacar Wins COVID-defying Tour de France

In a stunning performance for the ages, Tour de France rookie Tadej Pogacar won cycling’s showpiece race Sunday on the eve of his 22nd birthday.Pogacar became the second-youngest winner of the 117-year-old event that this year braved, and overcame, France’s worsening coronavirus epidemic.Turning him from promising prodigy into cycling superstar, Pogacar became the youngest winner since World War II and the first from Slovenia.His victory was incredible, too, for the way in which he sealed it: at the last possible moment, on the penultimate stage before Sunday’s finish on Paris’ Champs-Elysees.In a high-drama time trial on Saturday, he left the race breathless by snatching away the overall lead from Slovenian countryman Primoz Roglic.Their 1-2 is the first for one country since British riders Bradley Wiggins and Chris Froome went 1-2 at the 2012 Tour. Australian Richie Porte rounded out the podium, at age 35, after his brilliant time trial that hoisted him from fourth to third overall.With jets trailing plumes of red, white and blue smoke above the riders as they raced toward the finish, the Tour was also celebrating a victory — over the coronavirus.None of the 176 riders who started, or the 146 finishers who raced into Paris, tested positive in multiple batteries of tests, validating the bubble measures put in place by Tour organizers to shield them from infection.

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US Judge Blocks Order to Remove WeChat From App Stores 

A U.S. judge early Sunday blocked the Commerce Department from requiring Apple Inc and Alphabet Inc’s Google to remove Chinese-owned messaging app WeChat for downloads by late Sunday.   U.S. Magistrate Judge Laurel Beeler in San Francisco said in an order that WeChat users who filed a lawsuit “have shown serious questions going to the merits of the First Amendment claim [and] the balance of hardships tips in the plaintiffs’ favor.”   On Friday, the Commerce Department had issued an order citing national security grounds to block the app from U.S. app stores owned by Tencent Holdings, and the Justice Department had urged Beeler not to block the order.   Beeler’s preliminary injunction also blocked the Commerce order that would have barred other transactions with WeChat in the United States that could have degraded the site’s usability for current U.S. users. The U.S. Commerce Department did not immediately comment.   WeChat has had an average of 19 million daily active users in the United States, analytics firms Apptopia said in early August. It is popular among Chinese students, Americans living in China and some Americans who have personal or business relationships in China.   The Justice Department said blocking the order would “frustrate and displace the president’s determination of how best to address threats to national security.” But Beeler said, “while the general evidence about the threat to national security related to China [regarding technology and mobile technology] is considerable, the specific evidence about WeChat is modest.”   She added, “The regulation — which eliminates a channel of communication without any apparent substitutes — burdens substantially more speech than is necessary to further the government’s significant interest.”   WeChat is an all-in-one mobile app that combines services similar to Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and Venmo. The app is an essential part of daily life for many in China and boasts more than 1 billion users.   The WeChat Users Alliance that had sued praised the ruling “as an important and hard-fought victory” for “millions of WeChat users in the U.S.”   Michael Bien, a lawyer for the users, said “the United States has never shut down a major platform for communications, not even during war times. There are serious First Amendment problems with the WeChat ban, which targets the Chinese American community.”   He added the order “trampled on their First Amendment guaranteed freedoms to speak, to worship, to read and react to the press, and to organize and associate for numerous purposes.” 

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Newspaper: Facebook Tells Irish Court That Probe Threatens Its EU Operations

Facebook has told Ireland’s High Court it cannot see how its services could operate in the European Union if regulators freeze its data transfer mechanism, the Sunday Business Post reported, citing court documents seen by the paper.The U.S. social media giant last week said that the Irish Data Protection Commission, its lead EU regulator, had made a preliminary decision that the mechanism it uses to transfer data from the EU to the United States “cannot in practice be used.”Facebook requested and secured a temporary freeze on the order and a court review in the Irish High Court, which is due to consider the issue in November. In an affidavit submitted to the court to request that the order be frozen, Yvonne Cunnane, Facebook Ireland’s head of data protection and associate general counsel, said it was not clear how the company could continue providing services in the EU if the Irish order is enforced, the Sunday Business Post reported.”It is not clear to (Facebook) how, in those circumstances, it could continue to provide the Facebook and Instagram services in the EU,” the newspaper quoted the affidavit as saying.The affidavit has not been made public, a High Court spokesman said, and a Facebook spokeswoman did not immediately respond to an emailed request for comment.In a Sept. 9 blog post that first confirmed the investigation by the Irish regulator, Facebook said it “relied on the mechanism in question – under what are known as standard contractual clauses (SCCs) – to transfer data to countries outside the EU and that a ban would have “a far reaching effect on businesses that rely on SCCs.”The Irish investigation follows a ruling by the Court of Justice of the European Union in July on when SCCs can be used legally.The ruling was in response to EU concerns that the surveillance regime in the United States might not respect the privacy rights of EU citizens when their personal data is sent to the United States for commercial use. 

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На территорию Украины прибывают все новые войска наших партнеров

Путляндский опоздун: в Украину завозят лекарство “анти-дед”. Как и ожидалось, на территорию Украины прибывают все новые войска наших партнеров

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Ким є насправді депутат-мікроб зеленого карлика качура олександр анатолійович

Шляхом тривалого журналістського розслідування ми точно зясували, ким є депутат-мікроб зеленого карлика качура олександр анатолійович.

Він був цинічним гвалтівником собак та кіз, життєрадісним споживачем екскрементів, санітаром лісу і другом природи, тепер став статечною людиною, членом суспільства, депутатом-мікробом зеленого карлика.

Тому, щоб зрозуміти, що він зараз говорить і робить, треба знати про нього вищенаведене!

Воїни Добра
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Жодного голосу банді зеленого карлика на місцевих виборах!

Жодного голосу банді зеленого карлика на місцевих виборах!
Українці, вони зробили нас навесні 2019 року, а ми зробимо їх 25 жовтня 2020!

Зелений карлик обіцяв, що він і його посіпаки не будуть красти, а палаци і багатомашинні кортежі підуть у небуття. Учителі будуть отримувати 4’000 євро зарплати, для пенсіонерів закінчиться епоха бідності. Настане мир, бо він перестане стріляти!

Що ж насправді: мікроби зеленого карлика крадуть більше, ніж посіпаки Порошенко. Державні резиденції дітям ніхто не передає, бо там поселився зеленимй карлик зі своїм виводком. Кортежі довші, ніж у кривавого януковича, а учителі і пенсіонери живуть гірше, ніж будь-коли. Загиблі і поранені українці продовжують з’являтися на лінії фронту, не дивлячись на зраду єрмака і бажання зеленського поцілувати ображеного карлика пукіна в зад!


Воїни Добра
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