Month: September 2020

Huawei’s Survival at Stake as US Sanctions Loom

Starting Sept. 15, China’s telecom giant Huawei — once a symbol of Chinese technology prowess — will be cut off from essential supplies of semiconductors. Without those chips, Huawei cannot make the smartphones or 5G equipment on which its business depends, business analysts say.The sanctions against one of China’s most successful technology companies were announced in August, when the United States introduced a new set of rules that prohibit foreign chipmakers that rely on U.S. technology from selling any chips to Huawei without first obtaining a special license.In recent weeks, suppliers from South Korea and Taiwan have all indicated they will comply with the sanctions and cease their supply of semiconductors to Huawei on Tuesday, the day the new moves against the Chinese company comes into force.“Unfortunately, in the second round of U.S. sanctions, our chip producers only accepted orders until May 15. Production of the chip will stop on Sept. 15,” Richard Yu, chief executive of Huawei’s consumer business, said last month. “Because there is no Chinese chip manufacturing industry to support, Huawei is faced with the problem of no chips.”Richard Yu, CEO of Huawei Technologies Consumer Business Group, holds a Huawei Mate Xs foldable smartphone, as he talks to the audience during Huawei stream product launch event in Barcelona, Spain, Feb. 24, 2020.MicrochipsFor all of China’s efforts to become a global leader in high-technology, the factory of the world is yet not able to manufacture top-level contenders in one crucial area — the microchip, the nervous system that runs just about every electronic device.An important mark of a microchip’s level of sophistication is how many transistors can be placed on its surface. The smaller the size, measured in nanometers, the more advanced the microchip.China’s best manufacturing process is believed to be able to make 14-nanometer microchips, which are several generations behind Samsung and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company (TSMC). Samsung reached this standard in 2014. TSMC, the world’s largest contract chipmaker, is already making 5-nanometer chips.Kunpeng 920 chipset is on display at Huawei’s booth during the 2020 China International Fair for Trade in Services (CIFTIS) in Beijing, Sept. 4, 2020.While some of the most advanced semiconductor manufacturers are based outside the U.S., the industry is heavily dependent upon U.S. suppliers to provide everything from design software to manufacturing equipment.Washington first placed Huawei on a trade blacklist in May 2019, citing national security concerns. However, this ban did not include most foreign-produced chips. In May, the U.S. extended the ban to cut off Huawei from its non-American suppliers, which affects China’s own semiconductor companies whose market is in China.Early last month, China’s leading chipmaker, Semiconductor Manufacturing International Corporation (SMIC), indicated it will abide by the U.S. rules and stop selling chips to Huawei. Like all of the semiconductor foundries, SMIC relies on U.S.-based companies to obtain key production equipment.”The dominance of U.S.-origin technology in upstream sectors of the global semiconductor supply chain means that Chinese ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) firms across the board are exposed to U.S. export controls, regardless of what happens to SMIC or Huawei as individual companies,” John Lee, a senior analyst at the Mercator Institute for China Studies (MERICS), told VOA.China’s failed attemptsBeijing has a long history of angst about the country’s dependence on foreign semiconductors. Its strategic planning related to this key industry dates back to the 1950s, when the State Council convened a group of scientists to develop an “Outline for Science and Technology Development, 1956–1967,” which identified semiconductor technology as a “key priority.”In recent decades, from the “531 Development Plan” launched in 1986 to the multibillion-dollar National Integrated Circuit Industry Investment Fund that was explicitly established for the chip sector in 2014, the country has poured considerable state resources into its semiconductor aspirations.A report released in July 2019 by U.S. International Trade Commission said the fund, along with provincial and municipal Integrated Circuit-related funds, are well on their way to reaching the goal of $150 billion.James Andrew Lewis, senior vice president and director of the Technology Policy Program at CSIS, told CNBC last week that China might outspend the U.S. “1,000 to 1″ when it comes to investing in semiconductors.In 2016, China’s President Xi Jinping noted, “The fact that core technology is controlled by others is our greatest hidden danger.”Xi emphasized the point again last Friday when chairing a symposium of scientists on the development of science and technology during the 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) period.“Some key core technologies are subject to others,” he said.Last week, in response to the new U.S. restrictions on Huawei, China announced a sweeping new set of government policies to expand its domestic semiconductor industry by providing extensive support for the next generation of semiconductors in the 14th Five-Year Plan.In hopes that key technologies from the foreign firms will get transferred to Chinese companies, Beijing has also encouraged U.S. chipmakers to form joint ventures with domestic firms. According to MERICS, the think tank based in Germany, China’s quest for foreign technology at times even targets entire industries.A visitor is seen at a Huawei P40 Pro+ stand at the IFA consumer technology fair in Berlin, Germany, Sept. 3, 2020.“Almost all of the large semiconductor enterprises in the United States have received investment offers from Chinese state actors,” a research report by MERICS said.On the other hand, Douglas Fuller, a professor at City University of Hong Kong who studies the technology industry, said China should not be viewed as a failure.”There are only four firms ahead of SMIC in foundry services — two from Taiwan (TSMC and UMC), Korea’s Samsung, and U.S./UAE’s GloFo,” Fuller told VOA in an email.As for mass manufacturing, there are only two places with the leading technology —- TSMC in Taiwan and Samsung in Korea, he said.”Intel is even playing catch-up. Thus, other than Taiwan and Korea, the whole rest of the world is behind the cutting edge of manufacturing tech in this industry, including the U.S., Japan, Israel and all of Europe,” said Fuller.Will Huawei survive?It remains unclear where Huawei will be able to buy its chips. Taiwanese chipmaker MediaTek said last month it had applied to the U.S. government for permission to continue supplying Huawei after new U.S. rules take effect. In the meantime, Huawei has reportedly stockpiled up to two years’ worth of silicon to keep its business running.”In the short term, it is difficult to see any effective options available to Chinese firms targeted by U.S. export controls on semiconductors,” said Lee, whose research focuses on the rise of Chinese digital technology.As for the future, analysts say the U.S. will unlikely be able to stop China from making basic semiconductors. Given enough time, the country’s vast consumer market for electronics and decades of investment will eventually make it a chip producer.”In the medium to long term, China will probably be able to substitute U.S. technology and develop a complete domestic semiconductor supply chain (though whether it can catch up to foreign firms at the technological cutting edge is another issue).” Lee said in an email.James Lewis, director of the Technology Policy Program at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), wrote in May that Huawei has been harmed by the U.S. effort, “but the Chinese government will not allow it to collapse — Huawei is too important.” 

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Зрада зеленого карлика і єрмака, «многоходовочка» дегенерата деркача

Зрада зеленого карлика і єрмака, «многоходовочка» дегенерата деркача

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Банда зеленого карлика не хоче виконувати своїх обіцянок і знову бреше

Банда зеленого карлика не хоче виконувати своїх обіцянок і знову бреше.

Когда начали раздаваться голоса о том, что мол если не 4 килобакса платите, то хоть «штуку» дайте, им культурно пояснили, что никто не отказывается от своих слов и что резкое повышение таки планируется, но при том условии, что таких учителей должно быть строго необходимое количество, тогда и повышать можно, иначе на всех не хватит. Сказано – сделано, сократили. И вот тем учителям, которые остались, теперь не добавляют, а урезают жалование. Что же – классика жанра!

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Кровавый маньяк лука и закат междустулья

Кровавый маньяк лука и закат междустулья.

Только он «крошил батон на обиженного карлика пукина», мол он от него не зависит и вот – пришлось менять игру на 180 градусов. Однако реакция уже не та

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Недострана-помойка валежника и выгребных ям упала в рейтинге инноваций

Недострана-помойка валежника и выгребных ям упала в рейтинге инноваций.

«Все кричали “инновация!”, а получилось “пук!”» – путляндия провалилась в рейтинге стран с инновационной экономикой…

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США «натянули» агента пукинского гнойника деркача на санкционный список

США «натянули» агента пукинского гнойника деркача на санкционный список.

Прямо сейчас можно посмотреть на тех, кто продвигал тему «пленок деркача» и отталкиваясь от информации, которая лавиной идет из США, рассмотреть на этих господах ватники и ушанки, в руках балалайки и в удобном для этого месте – матрешки, с чем всех их можно поздравить и даже предложить им хором спеть «подмосковные вечера»

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DRC Video Centers Score With Young Gamers 

Some people stuck inside during coronavirus lockdown are playing video games. In the Democratic Republic of Congo, entrepreneurs are catering to young people who want to share the gaming experience. From Kinshasa, Anasthasie Tudieshe has the story.

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Sally Set to Become Hurricane and Threaten US Gulf Coast

Tropical Storm Sally slowed down Sunday as it churned northward toward the U.S. Gulf Coast, increasing the risk of heavy rain and dangerous storm surge before an expected strike as a Category 2 hurricane in southern Louisiana. “I know for a lot of people this storm seemed to come out of nowhere,” said Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards. “We need everybody to pay attention to this storm. Let’s take this one seriously.” Forecasters from the National Hurricane Center in Miami said Sally is expected to become a hurricane Monday and reach shore by early Tuesday, bringing dangerous weather conditions, including risk of flooding, to a region stretching from Morgan City, Louisiana, to Ocean Springs, Mississippi.  Edwards urged people to prepare for the storm immediately. He also said there are still many from southwestern Louisiana who evacuated from Hurricane Laura into New Orleans — exactly the area that could be hit by Sally. “Based on all of the available information, we have every reason to believe this storm represents a significant threat,” he said, adding that the coronavirus adds a layer of complexity to storm preparations. There are still about 5,400 members of the state’s National Guard mobilized from Laura, and they will assist with Sally. In Mandeville, a city about 56 Kilometers north of New Orleans, resident Chris Yandle has purchased a week’s worth of groceries and moved all his patio furniture into his family’s house and shed in preparation for the storm. “I’m mostly trying to stay calm — especially with a family of four and a dog to worry about,” Yandle said. “I’ve lived through many hurricanes growing up in Louisiana, but I haven’t felt this anxious about a hurricane in my life.” Mississippi officials warned that the storm was expected to coincide with high tide, leading to significant storm surge. “It needs to be understood by all of our friends in the coastal region and in south Mississippi that if you live in low-lying areas, the time to get out is early tomorrow morning,” Gov. Tate Reeves said late Sunday. In Waveland, Mississippi, Joey Chauvin used rope to tie down a tall wooden post topped with a statue of a pelican serving as a marker at the driveway leading to his weekend camp. He said a matching pelican marker on the opposite side of the driveway was washed away in Tropical Storm Cristobal earlier this summer. That storm pushed more than 3 feet of water into the area.  “If this one hits the coast as a Cat 2, I’m thinking we’re gonna have at least 6 to 7 feet (1.8 to 2.1 meters)of water where we’re standing at,” Chauvin said. “So, yeah, we’re definitely not going to stay.” The system was moving west-northwest at 15 kph on Sunday evening. It was centered 265 kilometers south of Panama City, Florida, and 315 kilometers east-southeast of the mouth of the Mississippi River. On Sunday, Florida’s Gulf Coast was battered with windy, wet weather. Pensacola, on Florida’s Panhandle, was bracing for 25 to 38 centimeters of rain. Sally could produce rain totals up to 51 centimeters by the middle of the week, forecasters said. Its maximum sustained winds Sunday evening were 95 kph. “That system is forecast to bring not only damaging winds but a dangerous storm surge,” said Daniel Brown of the Hurricane Center. “Because it’s slowing down, it could produce a tremendous amount of rainfall over the coming days.” This isn’t the only storm in the Atlantic basin. Paulette gained hurricane status late Saturday and was expected to bring storm surge, coastal flooding and high winds to Bermuda, according to a U.S. National Hurricane Center advisory. On Sunday evening, it was about 195 kilometers southeast of Bermuda. Its maximum sustained winds were 137 kph. Once a tropical storm, Rene was forecast to become a remnant low Monday. Tropical Depression Twenty was expected to strengthen this week and become a tropical storm by Tuesday, forecasters said. “This week is essentially the peak of the hurricane season,” said Brown. “It is quite active across the tropics today.” 

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Report: TikTok Deal Moves Forward with Oracle

ByteDance, the Chinese company behind the wildly popular video sharing app TikTok, has rejected Microsoft’s bid to buy the app and appears to be leaning toward a deal with investors led by Oracle.  The Trump administration has given ByteDance until September 20 to make a deal or stop operating inside the U.S.  On Sunday, the Microsoft’s corporate headquarters in Redmond, Washington. (Photo: Diaa Bekheet)In a statement, Microsoft said its proposal “would have been good for TikTok’s users, while protecting national security interests. To do this, we would have made significant changes to ensure the service met the highest standards for security, privacy, online safety, and combatting disinformation.”The fate of TikTok in the U.S. hangs in the balance as it approaches the Trump administration deadline. In recent months, the video app has become a focus of U.S.-China tensions with the administration accusing the company of being answerable to the Chinese government, a claim that TikTok has denied. In August, President Donald Trump issued an executive order banning TikTok and WeChat, the Chinese messaging app. But even with security concerns about TikTok, Americans have continued to download the app. By end of first quarter 2020, TikTok saw more than 300 million downloads in the U.S., according to Go.Verizon’s data.  Microsoft together with Walmart pursued a deal with ByteDance. A second group of investors led by Oracle emerged as a possible bidder. Oracle is one of the few Silicon Valley firms with top executives who have held fundraisers for President Trump. As the negotiations progressed, the Chinese government changed its export rules stopping TikTok from selling its valuable recommendation algorithm, dubbed “For You,” which queued up the next video for a user to watch. It’s unclear if any deal with Oracle would involve the algorithm. 

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A Fatherly Springsteen Advises Students During COVID

At the start an otherwise dreary academic year for many college freshmen because of the COVID-19 pandemic, Boston College — a Jesuit Catholic university — treated incoming freshmen to a pep talk from one of the biggest stars in American music. “If you completed your assignment and read my book, you will know I got into rock ‘n’ roll for the sex, the drugs and the sex,” drawled Bruce Springsteen, winner of numerous awards, seller of a gazillion downloads, and the father of Boston College graduate Evan Springsteen, Class of 2012.“Oh wait, that’s the wrong speech. Let’s start again.”Springsteen, 70, delivered his remarks September 10 by livestream to the incoming class of freshmen, who, like millions of other among the Class of 2024, have not enjoyed the same initiations and orientations of most new freshmen. The COVID-19 pandemic has closed schools or limited the typical ways new students interact in person because of social distancing. But the megastar quickly turned philosophical and fatherly, consoling them over their limitations and dubbing these post-GenZers the “coronial generation,” a play on the coronavirus.“The life of the mind is a beautiful thing. Along with your spiritual life, it’s the apotheosis of human experience,” he said. “You can waste it, you can half-ass your way through it, or you can absorb every minute of what you’re experiencing, and come out on the other end: an individual of expanded vision, of intellectual vigor, of spiritual character and grace, fully prepared to meet the world, on its own terms.”Despite mentioning a few times that he’d lapsed from formal religious views learned in eight years of Catholic school in central New Jersey, Springsteen often returned to mentions of faith and spirituality. “My faith was something I thought I could walk away from after those eight formative years in Catholic school, but I was wrong. … My faith remained with me, informing my writing … incorporating biblical language. I consider myself primarily a spiritual songwriter,” he said. “I make music that ultimately wants to address the soul. I made my peace with my Catholic upbringing, for better or for worse. And I have had to nod to the fact that I wouldn’t exactly be who I am without it.”Freshman Danny Giunta of Massachusetts asked the mega-star how he avoided conformity in his youth and gained confidence as a fledgling artist. “How did I maintain my confidence? Ah …” Springsteen pondered. “I am a rambling mess of towering insecurities, even to this day …” But after a decade of performing in “bars, union halls, firehouses, fairs, weddings, high school dances [and] bar mitzvahs” — before he signed his first recording contract that launched worldwide adoration and wealth — he had learned and worked to gain confidence in his skills.  Money, which is a frequent theme in his work, “is great. But alone, it ain’t gonna do it. Everybody wants to do well, but don’t just do well, as they say, do good. Choose something that makes you happy and makes you want to get up and go to work in the morning and allows you to rest easy at night,”  he saidWhen asked by BC student Heidi Yoon about the importance of friendship near the end of his 30-minute address, the singer-songwriter lit up.“Imagine this: The people you’re going to school with right now? Forty-five years later, you’re working with those exact same people! Forty-five years later, those same people are still with you,” he said, laughing and shaking his head. “You’re gonna fight, you’re gonna love, you’re gonna argue, you’re gonna hate this about the other guy, he’s gonna hate this about you. But … we held the value of our friendship, higher than any of our personal grievances or disputes,” he said of the E Street band, assembled in 1972 and maintaining the same members for most of its duration.Springsteen gave several minutes to encouraging his young viewers to participate in the upcoming presidential election, and their role in civic duty.“Your country needs you: your vision, your energy and your love. Yes, your love,” he said. “Love your country, but never fail to be critical. When it comes to your country’s living up to your and its ideals. Listen to the voices calling you from our founding documents and keep faith with them. And vote. Vote. Vote. Vote. Only half of all Americans vote. It’s a sin.”Jesuit education is notable for its intellectual rigor, critical thinking and volunteerism. There are numerous Jesuit educational institutions around the world, with 27 universities in the U.S., including Boston College and College of the Holy Cross in Massachusetts, Georgetown University in Washington, Loyola University of Maryland, New Orleans, Los Angeles and Chicago, Gonzaga University in the state of Washington, and Spring Hill College in Alabama. “You are already wisened by this experience,” Springsteen said about the COVID pandemic and resultant restrictions and limitations. “So appreciate the underappreciated: sporting events, getting together with your friends, concerts. Remember those?” Springsteen said, whose concert tickets to stadium performances sell out in minutes. “We will soon look to you for answers for a safer and better world.” 

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Taylor Swift Returns to ACM Awards for ‘Folklore’ Premiere

Country-turned-pop star Taylor Swift is coming back to her roots with a performance at this year’s Academy of Country Music Awards.The nine-time ACM award winner will perform from the Grand Ole Opry House in Nashville, Tennessee, where the awards show will be broadcast Wednesday on CBS.Swift will perform “Betty” from her new album “Folklore,” which has held the top spot for six weeks on the Billboard 200 Albums chart. The song, which is being played on country radio stations, has reached No. 6 on Billboard’s Hot Country song chart.This marks the first time in seven years that the two-time ACM entertainer of the year has performed at this awards show and will be her world premiere performance for any song from her “Folklore” album.Other performers scheduled for the show include Miranda Lambert, Eric Church, Luke Bryan, Maren Morris, Blake Shelton with Gwen Stefani, Carrie Underwood and Dan + Shay.

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Welcome Back: Lakers, LeBron Headed to Conference Finals 

The Los Angeles Lakers are going to the conference finals for the first time in a decade, ending the longest drought in franchise history. LeBron James is going there for the first time since 2018. For him, that also qualifies as ending a drought.   James scored 29 points and the Lakers wrapped up their first trip to the Western Conference finals since 2010 by topping the Houston Rockets 119-96 on Saturday night in Game 5 at Walt Disney World.   “It’s the reason I wanted to be a part of this franchise, to take them back to a place that they were accustomed to being — and that’s competing for a championship,” James said. “It’s an honor for me to wear the purple and gold, and for us, we just try to continue the legacy.”   Kyle Kuzma scored 17 points, Markieff Morris had 16, Danny Green added 14 and Anthony Davis finished with 13 for the top-seeded Lakers. They will play either the second-seeded Los Angeles Clippers or third-seeded Denver Nuggets for the West title in a series that won’t begin before Wednesday.   James is going to the conference finals for the 11th time overall — six with Cleveland, four with Miami and now with the Lakers. It’s his ninth time getting to this round in the last 10 seasons; the one miss in that stretch was last season, when his inaugural year with the Lakers fell apart because of injury and the team missed the playoffs.   “The opportunity to play for a championship, that’s what we’re all here for, that’s what we all signed up for,” James said.   James Harden scored 30 points, Jeff Green scored 13 and Russell Westbrook had 10 for Houston.   “Tough season for us,” Harden said. “Obviously, it didn’t end like we wanted it to. Just got to figure it out.”   And now that the offseason is here, the speculation about coach Mike D’Antoni’s future will ramp up. His contract with the Rockets is now complete, the sides couldn’t agree on terms of any extension a year ago, and he’s been mentioned as a candidate for the vacancies in Indiana and Philadelphia.   “We’ve got a great organization, great city, great fans, team’s great,” D’Antoni said. “I mean, everything’s good here. We’ll see what happens, but I couldn’t ask for a better situation. I had four years and hopefully it keeps going. You just never know.”   It was a tough end to a tough week for the Rockets.   Westbrook exchanged heated words with a fan in the family section during the fourth quarter; NBA security asked the man, identified by ESPN as a brother of Lakers guard Rajon Rondo, to leave the game.   “He started talking crazy,” Westbrook said. “I don’t play that game.”   Houston won Game 1 of the series and lost the next four. Saturday’s finale came a day after Danuel House — who averaged 11.4 points in nine playoff games this season — was told to leave the bubble. An NBA investigation showed he had an unauthorized guest in his room for several hours earlier this week, and he missed the last three games of the series.   “It affected us,” Harden said, who called the situation disappointing.   The Lakers ran out to a 33-11 lead, though Houston came right back with a 17-2 run to get within seven. The Lakers’ lead was 62-51 at the half after the Rockets turned 13 Los Angeles turnovers into 15 points, the biggest reason why Houston was still in the game to that point.   Houston got within seven on a drive by Westbrook 2:09 into the third, and that was the last real gasp of hope for the Rockets. The Lakers scored the next 15 points, and the lead was 95-69 going into the final quarter.   “I’m really proud of our whole team,” Lakers coach Frank Vogel said. 

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Баллистические «керосинки»: путляндия рассмешила турков, модернизируя ракеты Р-17

Баллистические «керосинки»: путляндия рассмешила турков, модернизируя ракеты Р-17.

Что касается турецких вооруженных сил, то комментариев со стороны солдат НАТО получить не удалось. Скорее всего, это связано с неистовыми приступами смеха, которые подкосили
военнослужащих Реджепа Эрдогана

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Не знаешь, чей Крым — вон из Украины: закон для белорусских «оппозиционеров» и других

Не знаешь, чей Крым — вон из Украины: закон для белорусских «оппозиционеров» и других.

Це, звісно, знов дивовижно, але чомусь усе сталося так, як я казав. Так звані члени координаційної ради опозіціЇї Білорусі родненков та кравцов, які зараз перебувають в Украіні, відмовилися відповідати на запитання про приналежність Криму. Воно здалося їм неоднозначним!?!?!

Тому для мене однозначним питанням є питання термінового вибуття цих покидьків у будь-яку іншу країну. Наприклад, у путляндію, де іхня відповідь на таке саме запитання буде однозначною, я не маю сумнівів. Геть з України, проросійська сволота. Це приниження для всіх кримських татар і українців, які мають гідність. Тут вам не раді!!!

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Евро улетает за 100 рублей, доллар движется туда же. Экономическая помойка уже близко!

Евро улетает за 100 рублей, доллар движется туда же. Экономическая помойка уже близко!

Экономическая ситуация в путляндии не улучшается, и поэтому девальвация рубля продолжится

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Полёт розовых пони над Беларусью и не только…

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Ответ Сербии не заставил себя ждать! Германия против северного потока 2!

Ответ Сербии не заставил себя ждать! Германия против северного потока 2!

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Medical Journal: Masks an Important Tool to Fight COVID-19

Wearing a face mask during the COVID-19 pandemic could be a more important part of the arsenal against the virus than previously thought.An article in The New England Journal of Medicine suggests that universal face mask wearing “might help reduce the severity of disease and ensure that a greater proportion of new infections are asymptomatic.”If that premise is correct, the article suggested, face mask wearing could become a form of inoculation “that would generate immunity and thereby slow the spread of the virus” during the global wait for the development of a vaccine.The journal cited two recent outbreaks of COVID-19 in U.S. food-processing plants where workers were required to wear masks every day.“The proportion of asymptomatic infections among the more than 500 people who became infected was 95%, with only 5% in each outbreak experiencing mild-to-moderate symptoms,” the medical journal said.The article also said “case-fatality rates in countries with mandatory or enforced population-wide masking have remained low, even with resurgences of cases after lockdowns were lifted.”Dr. Monica Gandhi, one of the authors of the article, who is an infectious disease physician at the University of California, San Francisco, told the British newspaper The Telegraph, “It is true that the proportion of asymptomatic infection being increased by masking might increase the proportion of the population who achieve at least short-term immunity to the virus while we await a vaccine.”She cautioned, however, that more studies about the efficacy of mask wearing are needed.        

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Osaka Comes Back, Bests Azarenka at US Open

After one errant forehand in the first set of the U.S. Open final, Naomi Osaka looked at her coach in the mostly empty Arthur Ashe Stadium stands with palms up, as if to say, “What the heck is happening?”  Surprisingly off-kilter in the early going Saturday, Osaka kept missing shots and digging herself a deficit. But suddenly, she lifted her game, and Victoria Azarenka couldn’t sustain her start. By the end, Osaka had pulled away to a 1-6, 6-3, 6-3 comeback victory for her second U.S. Open championship and third Grand Slam title overall.”I just thought this would be very embarrassing, to lose this in less than an hour,” said Osaka, who dropped down to lie on the court after winning.A quarter-century had passed since the last time the woman who lost the first set of a U.S. Open final wound up winning: In 1994, Arantxa Sanchez Vicario did it against Steffi Graf.No fun”I actually don’t want to play you in more finals,” a smiling Osaka told Azarenka afterward. “I didn’t enjoy that.”Osaka, a 22-year-old born in Japan and now based in the United States, added to her trophies from the 2018 U.S. Open — earned with a brilliant performance in a memorably chaotic final against Serena Williams — and 2019 Australian Open.The 23,000-plus seats in the main arena at Flushing Meadows were not entirely unclaimed, just mostly so — while fans were not allowed to attend because of the coronavirus pandemic, dozens of people who worked at the tournament attended — and the cavernous place was not entirely silent, just mostly so.Victoria Azarenka, of Belarus, holds the runner-up trophy after losing to Naomi Osaka, of Japan, in the women’s singles final of the U.S. Open tennis championships, Sept. 12, 2020, in New York.Certainly no thunderous applause or cacophony of yells that normally would reverberate over and over and over again through the course of a Grand Slam final, accompanying the players’ introductions or preceding the first point or after the greatest of shots.Instead, a polite smattering of claps from several hands marked such moments.Osaka stepped onto the court wearing a black mask with the name of Tamir Rice, a Black 12-year-old boy killed by police in Ohio in 2014. Osaka arrived in New York with seven masks bearing the names of Black victims of violence and wore a different one for each match, honoring Breonna Taylor, Elijah McClain, Trayvon Martin, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd and Philando Castile.  “The point is to make people start talking about it,” Osaka said during Saturday’s trophy ceremony.Focus on racial injusticeShe has been at the forefront of efforts in tennis to bring awareness to racial injustice in the United States. She joined athletes in various sports by refusing to compete last month after the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Wisconsin — she said she wouldn’t participate in her semifinal at the Western & Southern Open, then decided to play after the tournament took a full day off in solidarity.Osaka and her coach have said they think the off-court activism has helped her energy and mindset in matches.The win over Azarenka, a 31-year-old from Belarus also seeking a third Grand Slam title but first in 7½ years, made Osaka 11-0 since tennis resumed after its hiatus because of the COVID-19 outbreak.

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Chloe Zhao’s ‘Nomadland’ Wins Top Prize at Venice Film Fest

Chloe Zhao’s “Nomadland,” a recession-era road trip drama starring Frances McDormand, won the Golden Lion for best film Saturday at a slimmed-down Venice Film Festival, which was held against the backdrop of the coronavirus pandemic.Zhao and McDormand appeared by video from the United States to accept the award, given virus-related travel restrictions made reaching the Lido in the Italian lagoon city difficult if not impossible for many Hollywood filmmakers and actors.”Thank you so much for letting us come to your festival in this weird, weird world and way!” McDormand told the masked audience as the Italian marketing team for the film actually accepted the award. “But we’re really glad you let us come! And we’ll see you down the road!”A favorite going into the awards season, “Nomadland” is screening at all the major fall film festivals in a pandemic-forged alliance involving the Venice, Toronto, New York and Telluride festivals.Britain’s Vanessa Kirby won best lead actress for “Pieces of a Woman,” a harrowing drama about the emotional fallout on a couple after their baby dies during a home birth. Italy’s Pierfrancesco Fabino won best lead actor for “Padrenostro,” (“Our Father”), an Italian coming-of-age story that takes place after a terrorist attack in the 1970s.Japanese director Kiyoshi Kurosawa won the Silver Lion for best director for “Wife of a Spy,” while the Silver Lion grand jury prize went to Mexico’s Michel Franco for his dystopian drama “Nuevo Orden.”The Russian film “Dear Comrades!” about a 1960s-era massacre in the former Soviet Union, won a special jury prize while Chaitanya Tamhane won best screenplay for “The Disciple,” about an Indian man’s pursuit to be a classical vocalist.That the 10-day Venice festival took place at all was something of a miracle, given that northern Italy in late February became ground zero for Europe’s coronavirus outbreak. The Cannes Film Festival was canceled and other big international festivals in Toronto and New York opted to go mostly online.British actress Vanessa Kirby poses with the Coppa Volpi for Best Actress at the closing ceremony of the 77th edition of the Venice Film Festival, in Venice, Italy, Sept. 12, 2020.But after Italy managed to tame its infections with a strict 10-week lockdown, Venice decided to go ahead, albeit under safety protocols that would have previously been unthinkable for a festival that has prided itself on spectacular visuals and glamorous clientele.Face masks were required indoors and out. Reservations for all were required in advance, with theater capacity set at less than half. The public was barred from the red carpet, and paparazzi, who would normally chase after stars in rented boats, were given socially distanced positions on land.While it’s too soon to say if the measures worked, there were no immediate reports of infections among festivalgoers, and compliance with mask mandates and social distancing appeared to be high.”We were a little bit worried at the beginning, of course,” said festival director Alberto Barbera. “We knew that we had a very strict plan of safety measures and we were pretty sure about that, but you never know.”Hong Kong director Ann Hui almost didn’t make it after she couldn’t get on her flight because of virus border restrictions. In the end, she arrived to collect her Golden Lion Lifetime Achievement Award and to see her out-of-competition film “Love After Love” make its world premiere.Movie lovers applauded Venice’s effort and the symbolic significance of the world’s oldest film festival charting the path forward.”It’s a moment of rebirth for everyone, for the whole world,” said Emma Dante, the Italian director of the in-competition film “The Macaluso Sisters.” “This festival is really an important moment of encounter, of beginning to dream again and be together again, even with the norms and following all the safety protocols.”Film writer Emma Jones said aside from “a few teething problems” with the online reservation system, the festival went off better than she expected.”It feels safe in there, it feels socially distanced,” she said of the venues.Jones noted that the lineup of films lacked the usual Hollywood blockbusters – think “La La Land,” and “The Shape of Water” – that have used Venice as a springboard to Oscar fame. While the festival featured films from Iran, India, Australia and beyond, it was heavily European.”This is a COVID festival. There’s no use pretending anything else,” Jones said.But she added: “It would feel really off-note, I think, to have had a red carpet with screaming fans and celebrities walking down it and people talking about who wore what. 2020 is not the year for those kind of discussions.”Instead, she said, Venice focused on the integrity of the films and the diversity of the countries represented.”We were lucky to receive a lot of submissions from all over the world, and apart from a few missing titles from the Hollywood major film studios, most of the countries are represented in Venice and the quality of the lineup is really very high,” said festival director Barbera. 

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Dakotas Lead US in Virus Growth as Both Reject Mask Rules

Coronavirus infections in the Dakotas are growing faster than anywhere else in the nation, fueling impassioned debates over masks and personal freedom after months in which the two states avoided the worst of the pandemic.The argument over masks raged this week in Brookings, South Dakota, as the city council considered requiring face coverings in businesses. The city was forced to move its meeting to a local arena to accommodate intense interest, with many citizens speaking against it, before the mask requirement ultimately passed.Amid the brute force of the pandemic, health experts warn that the infections must be contained before care systems are overwhelmed. North Dakota and South Dakota lead the country in new cases per capita over the last two weeks, ranking first and second respectively, according to Johns Hopkins University researchers.South Dakota has also posted some of the country’s highest positivity rates for COVID-19 tests in the last week — more than 17% — an indication that there are more infections than tests are catching.Infections have been spurred by schools and universities reopening and mass gatherings like the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally, which drew hundreds of thousands of people from across the country.”It is not a surprise that South Dakota has one of the highest [COVID-19] reproduction rates in the country,” Brookings City Council member Nick Wendell said as he commented on the many people who forgo masks in public.The Republican governors of both states have eschewed mask requirements.FILE – Residents cheer Smithfield meat plant workers as they begin their shift in Sioux Falls, S.D., May 20, 2020. Federal regulators said Sept. 10, 2020, they had cited Smithfield for failing to protect employees from coronavirus exposure.Not a problem, initiallyThe Dakotas were not always a hot spot. For months, the states appeared to avoid the worst of the pandemic, watching from afar as it raged through large cities. But spiking infection rates have fanned out across the nation, from the East Coast to the Sun Belt and now into the Midwest, where states like Iowa and Kansas are also dealing with surges.When the case count stayed low during the spring and early summer, people grew weary of constantly taking precautions, said Dr. Benjamin Aaker, president of the South Dakota State Medical Association.”People have a tendency to become complacent,” he said. “Then they start to relax the things that they were doing properly, and that’s when the increase in cases starts to go up.”Health officials point out that the COVID-19 case increases have been among younger groups that are not hospitalized at high rates. But infections have not been contained to college campuses.”College students work in places where the vulnerable live, such as nursing homes,” said Dr. Joel Walz, the Grand Forks, North Dakota, city and county health officer. “Some of them are nursing students who are doing rotations where they’re going to see people who are really at risk. I worry about that.”More than 1,000 students at the states’ four largest universities (the University of North Dakota, North Dakota State University, South Dakota State University and University of South Dakota) left campus to quarantine after being exposed to the virus, according to data released by the schools. The Sturgis rally also spread infections across the region, with health officials in 12 states reporting more than 300 cases among people who attended the event.Civil libertiesBut requiring masks has been controversial. In Brookings, opponents said they believed the virus threat was not as serious as portrayed and that a mandate was a violation of civil liberties.”There are a lot of things we have in life that we have to deal with that cause death,” business owner Teresa Holloman told the council. “We live in America, and we have certain inalienable rights.”Though Brookings passed its ban, another hot spot — North Dakota’s Morton County, just west of the capital, Bismarck — soundly rejected a mask requirement after citizens spoke against it. Brookings may be the lone municipality with such an order in the Dakotas outside Native American reservations, which have generally been more vigilant in adopting coronavirus precautions. Native Americans have disproportionately died from COVID-19, accounting for 24% of deaths statewide.FILE – South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem stands on the White House lawn during the Republican National Convention in Washington, Aug. 27, 2020. On Sept. 11, North and South Dakota had led the country in new COVID cases per capita over the past two weeks.North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum and South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem have resisted mask requirements. Burgum promotes personal choice but tried to encourage masks with a social media campaign. Noem has discouraged mask requirements, saying she doubts a broad consensus in the medical community that they help prevent infections.At a press briefing, Burgum displayed a slide that showed active cases in neighboring Minnesota rising to record levels since implementing a mask mandate July 25.”In the end, it’s about individual decisions, not what the government does,” he said.Noem, who has yet to appear at a public event with a mask, carved out a reputation as a staunch conservative when she defied calls early in the pandemic for lockdown orders.Pressure to changeBut both governors face increasing pressure to step up their approach.Dr. Anthony Fauci, infectious-disease chief at the National Institutes of Health, told MSNBC that he found figures such as those in the Dakotas “disturbing,” especially as fall weather arrives and Americans begin spending more time indoors.”You don’t want to start off already with a baseline that’s so high,” Fauci said.Neither governor appears ready to yield any ground.”We will not be changing that approach,” Noem spokesman Ian Fury said Thursday, citing a low hospitalization rate and the fact that only 3% of intensive-care beds are occupied by COVID patients.Doctors in both states warn that their health care systems remain vulnerable. Small hospitals in rural areas depend on just a handful of large hospitals to handle large inflows of patients or complex procedures, said Dr. Misty Anderson, president of the North Dakota Medical Association.Aaker, the president of the South Dakota physicians group, said medical practices have seen patients delaying routine care during the pandemic, meaning that doctors could soon see an uptick in patients needing more serious attention.”Now we are adding a surge in coronavirus cases potentially,” he said. “They are worried about being overwhelmed.”

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DRC, Congo Face Risk of Ebola Spreading Across Border

The World Health Organization is raising the prospect that the deadly Ebola virus in the Democratic Republic of the Congo’s Equateur province could spread across borders.The latest figures put the number of cases in the province at 113, including 48 deaths. The disease has spread into 12 of the province’s 17 health zones.Bomongo, the latest area affected by Ebola, is located between the Ubangi and Congo rivers.  It is the second health zone to be affected that borders the Republic of the Congo.The World Health Organization warned that this increases chances that the outbreak could spread into another country.  WHO spokeswoman Fadela Chaib told VOA the risk was heightened because Mbandaka, the capital of Equateur province, also is affected by the outbreak.“The population is also very highly mobile,” Chaib said. “Mbandaka, for example, is a strategic hub on the Congo River, and there is the fear and stigma surrounding the disease. … As it is a trading hub, WHO is helping also to screen travelers.”Chaib said the risk of the disease spreading from Mbandaka to DRC’s capital, Kinshasa, along the busy river route was of concern.“This makes cross-border collaboration between the DRC and Congo more important than ever and will require coordination on disease surveillance and efforts to screen travelers,” she said.Travelers screenedTo prevent the outbreak from spreading further, the WHO said it had screened nearly 1 million travelers for Ebola at 46 strategic points of control. It said those efforts had identified 72 suspected cases of Ebola, helping to reduce the disease’s spread.Equateur province is a sprawling, densely forested area, and moving around it takes a long time. The WHO said the difficulty of reaching infected areas and identifying and getting Ebola victims into treatment was hampering efforts to contain the outbreak.Another problem is funding. The WHO said the COVID-19 pandemic was draining resources and attention away from the Ebola epidemic.The agency said its appeal for $40 million had gone largely unheeded.  The WHO said it had provided $2.3 million from its emergency fund to keep its lifesaving operation in DRC from collapsing.

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