
Venice Mayor Declares Disaster as City Hit by 2nd Worst High Tide

Venice was hit by the second highest tide recorded in the lagoon city on Tuesday, which flooded its historic basilica and left many of its squares and alleyways deep underwater.

Mayor Luigi Brugnaro said he would declare a state of disaster and warned of severe damage.

City officials said the tide peaked at 187 cm (6.14 ft) at 10.50 p.m. (2150 GMT), just short of the record 194 cm set in 1966.

“The situation is dramatic,” Brugnaro said on Twitter. “We ask the government to help us. The cost will be high. This is the result of climate change.”

Saint Mark’s Square was submerged by more than one meter (3.3 ft) of water, while the adjacent Saint Mark’s Basilica was flooded for the sixth time in 1,200 years.

Four of those inundations have now come in the last 20 years, most recently in October 2018. There was no immediate word on any damage inside the Church. In 2018, the administrator said the basilica had aged 20 years in a single day.

People walk on a catwalk in the flooded St. Mark's Square during a period of seasonal high water in Venice, Italy, Nov. 12, 2019.
People walk on a catwalk in the flooded St. Mark’s Square during a period of seasonal high water in Venice, Italy, Nov. 12, 2019.

Video on social media showed deep waters flowing like a river along one of Venice’s main thoroughfares, while another showed large waves hammering boats moored alongside the Doge’s Palace and surging over the stone sidewalks.

“A high tide of 187 cm is going to leave an indelible wound,” Brugnaro said.

Much of Italy has been pummelled by torrential rains in recent days, with wide spreading flooding, especially in the southern heel and toe of the country.

In Matera, this year’s European Capital of Culture, rain water cascaded through the streets and inundated the city’s famous cave-dwelling district.

Further bad weather is forecast for the coming days.


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IS Detainees in Syria a ‘Ticking Time Bomb,’ State Department Official Says

Some 10,000 Islamic State detainees held in prisons in northeastern Syria present a major security risk, a senior State Department official said Tuesday, urging countries to take back their citizens who joined the group and were detained.

“It’s a ticking time bomb to simply have the better part of 10,000 detainees, many of them foreign fighters,” the official told reporters in a conference call.

Islamic State has lost almost all of its territory in Iraq and Syria. Its former leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi was killed in a U.S. raid last month, but IS remains a security threat in Syria and beyond.

Allies have been worried that Islamic State militants could escape as a result of Turkey’s assault against Syrian Kurdish militia fighters who have been holding thousands of the group’s fighters and tens of thousands of their family members.

Men, suspected of being affiliated with the Islamic State (IS) group, gather in a prison cell in the northeastern Syrian city…
FILE – Suspected Islamic State fighters are detained in a prison in the northeastern Syrian city of Hasakeh, Oct. 26, 2019.

The official said little progress was made on the repatriation of Islamic State detainees, with only some taken back by some Middle Eastern and Central Asian countries.

“Given that there are hundreds of people being held from Europe, we are very troubled by this and it’s a major issue of diplomatic discussion,” the official said.

The United States will hold a meeting of foreign ministers from the U.S.-led coalition fighting Islamic State in Washington on Thursday to discuss the next step on how to recalibrate the fight against the jihadi hardline group.

The issue of how to handle Islamic State detainees is likely to take the center stage.

Trump cleared the way for a long-threatened Turkish incursion into northeastern Syria on Oct. 9 against Kurdish forces who had been America’s top allies in the battle against Islamic State since 2014.

The official said the United States was confident that in the meantime, Syrian Kurdish militia can keep the detainees secure but does not want to take any risks by having a such a large group of militants in one place.

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Brazil’s Bolsonaro to Quit Divided PSL Party, Found New One

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro will quit his fractious right-wing Social Liberal Party (PSL) and start a new one by March 2020, PSL lawmakers Daniel Silveira and Bia Kicis said on Tuesday after meeting with the president.

The PSL, which Bolsonaro joined as a vehicle to win the elections in October, is split down the middle over control of the party, though it is not clear how many of its 53 representatives and three senators will follow the president.

A meeting will be held on Nov. 21 to begin setting up the new party, which will be called Movimento pelo Brasil, or Movement for Brazil, Kicis told Reuters by telephone.

The split came to a head last month with an exchange of insults between the president and PSL founder Luciano Bivar, who has not wanted to hand over the reins to Bolsonaro and his sons.

At stake is 390 million reais ($94 million) in public campaign funds for municipal elections, an unprecedented war chest for the PSL, which rode Bolsonaro’s coattails to grow from a single lawmaker in Congress to the second-largest bench.

While senators, governors and mayors can freely switch parties, lower house lawmakers are subject to rules that bar them from continued access to the campaign funding if they swap parties.

“Several representatives plan to follow the president. We are prepared to lose the campaign funds because we want to found a new party to follow him,” Kicis said.

Bolsonaro needs to gather 500,000 signatures to start a new party, and his supporters are confident he can achieve that through social media, a tool that greatly aided his successful run for president last year.

One of the PSL’s three senators, Senator Soraya Thronicke from the farm state of Mato Grosso, told Reuters she has not made up her mind yet.

If she stayed in the PSL, only one senator would follow Bolsonaro, his son Flavio Bolsonaro.

The breakup of the PSL is not expected to affect Brazil’s economic reform agenda, which has ample backing in Congress.

But starting a new party could politically weaken Bolsonaro, who switched allegiances among eight parties during his 28 years in Congress before joining the PSL last year.

($1 = 4.1637 reais)


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Bloomberg Registers for 2020 US Presidential Ballot in Arkansas

Michael Bloomberg filed paperwork Tuesday to appear on the ballot in Arkansas’ March 3 presidential primary, the latest indication that the billionaire former New York City mayor may seek the Democratic nomination .

Bloomberg sent staffers to Alabama last week to file for the primary there, but filed his paperwork in person in Arkansas two hours before the state’s deadline.

“We’re getting closer” to making a decision, Bloomberg told reporters after filing paperwork at Arkansas’ Capitol.

He’s moving toward a presidential bid as he warns that the current field of Democratic presidential candidates isn’t equipped to defeat President Donald Trump next year. If he runs, Bloomberg plans to skip campaigning in the traditional early voting states and focus more on Super Tuesday states, including Arkansas and Alabama.

Bloomberg has rebuffed criticism from his potential rivals that his candidacy would amount to buying the election, saying self-financing his campaign means he wouldn’t be beholden to anyone.

“I’m going to finance the campaign, if there is one, with my own money so I don’t owe anybody anything,” he said. “Other people ask for donations in return for which they’ve got to give favors. But it costs a lot of money, whether you’re doing it with your own money or somebody else’s money, to get a message out.”

Bloomberg also promised to support whoever wins the Democratic nomination.

“That is a very easy thing to say yes, given who the Republican candidate is going to be,” Bloomberg said.

Bloomberg filed to run in a state that had once been a Democratic stronghold in the South, but turned solidly red over the past decade. Republicans hold all of Arkansas’ seats in Washington, its statewide offices and both chambers of the Legislature. Lawmakers this year moved the state’s primary up from May to attract more attention from presidential hopefuls.

Bloomberg’s appearance in Little Rock raised hopes from state Democrats that Arkansas will play a greater role in the nominating contest, especially with a crowded field.

“I think they realize when we start counting delegates, if this thing is jumbled up going into Super Tuesday, every state’s in play,” state Democratic Party Chairman Michael John Gray said.


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Back to Jail, or Run for President: the Legal Maze Facing Brazil’s Lula

In allowing Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva to walk out of jail last week, Brazil’s Supreme Court has blown open a legal labyrinth that could see the leftist former president return to prison just as easily as run for election again.

The second chamber of the Supreme Court will soon hear an appeal from Lula’s defense team that Sergio Moro, the judge in the wide-ranging “Car Wash” corruption probe who secured Lula’s conviction and who is now justice minister in far-right President Jair Bolsonaro’s cabinet, did not act impartially.

The Supreme Court on Friday ruled that a person can only be imprisoned once all appropriate avenues of appeal are exhausted, so-called “res judicata”, which overturned the court’s opinion three years ago that convicted criminals face mandatory imprisonment if they lose their first appeal.

Seventy-four year old Lula had been imprisoned for 19 months on corruption convictions carrying a nearly nine-year sentence.

He is also facing several other corruption charges.

If the Supreme Court’s second chamber annuls Lula’s conviction, he will once again be eligible to run for office, potentially opening the way for him to stand as the Workers’ Party (PT) candidate in the 2022 presidential election.

On the other hand, if he loses an appeal relating to one of his other charges known as the “Atibaia” case, Lula could return to prison. Following last week’s Supreme Court ruling, lawmakers have advocated speeding up a constitutional amendment reinstating automatic jail time for convicts who lose their first appeal.

Both the Lower house and Senate are currently analyzing constitutional amendments on this subject. Because they take longer to go through the legislative process than ordinary bills, nothing is likely to happen until next year.

FILE - Demonstrators hold a Brazilian flag during an act in support of operation Car Wash and former judge Sergio Moro, in front of Supreme Court headquarters in Brasilia, Brazil, Sept. 25, 2019.
FILE – Demonstrators hold a Brazilian flag during an act in support of operation Car Wash and former judge Sergio Moro, in front of Supreme Court headquarters in Brasilia, Brazil, Sept. 25, 2019.

The case against Moro and his alleged political bias in Lula’s conviction had been stalled since December last year, when justices Edson Fachin and Carmen Lucia took a stand against it and justice Gilmar Mendes requested a review of the case.

“Annuling (Lula’s) conviction, if that’s what eventually transpires as a result of (Moro’s role), will lead to a new trial. That could happen,” justice Mendes said in an exclusive interview with Reuters in August.

“It is important to do this analysis in a detached way. The media became very oppressive. The right verdict is not just a guilty verdict. This is not correct. We have to recognize that we owe Lula a fair trial,” Mendes said at the time.


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Protections for 660,000 Immigrants on Line at US Supreme Court

Protections for 660,000 immigrants are on the line at the Supreme Court.

The justices are hearing arguments Tuesday on the Trump administration’s bid to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that shields immigrants brought to the U.S. as children from deportation and allows them to work in the United States legally.

The program was begun under President Barack Obama. The Trump administration announced in September 2017 that it would end DACA protections, but lower federal courts have stepped in to keep the program alive.

Now it’s up to the Supreme Court to say whether the way the administration has gone about trying to wind down DACA complies with federal law.

A decision is expected by June 2020, amid the presidential election campaign.

Some DACA recipients who are part of the lawsuit are expected to be in the courtroom for the arguments. People have been camping out in front of the court since the weekend for a chance to grab some of the few seats that are available to the general public. Chief Justice John Roberts has rejected a request for live or same-day audio of the arguments. The court will post the audio on its website .

A second case being argued Tuesday tests whether the parents of a Mexican teenager who was killed by a U.S. border patrol agent in a shooting across the southern border in El Paso, Texas, can sue the agent in American courts.

Martín Batalla Vidal waits in line at the Port Authority Bus Terminal in New York to take a bus to Washington, Monday, Nov. 11, 2019. Vidal is a lead plaintiff in one of the cases to preserve the Obama-era program known as DACA.

If the court agrees with the administration in the DACA case, Congress could put the program on surer legal footing. But the absence of comprehensive immigration reform from Congress is what prompted Obama to create DACA in 2012, giving people two-year renewable reprieves from the threat of deportation while also allowing them to work.

Federal courts struck down an expansion of DACA and the creation of similar protections for undocumented immigrants whose children are U.S. citizens.

Trump’s anti-immigrant rhetoric was a key part of his presidential campaign in 2016, and his administration pointed to the invalidation of the expansion and the threat of a lawsuit against DACA by Texas and other Republican-led states as reasons to bring the program to a halt.

Young immigrants, civil rights groups, universities and Democratic-led cities and states sued to block the administration. They persuaded courts in New York, San Francisco and Washington, D.C., that the administration had been “arbitrary and capricious” in its actions, in violation of a federal law that requires policy changes be done in an orderly way.

Indeed, the high court case is not over whether DACA itself is legal, but instead the administration’s approach to ending it.

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Evo Morales Heads to Asylum in Mexico, as US Applauds His Resignation as Bolivian President

Former Bolivian President Evo Morales is on a flight to Mexico, where he has been granted asylum.  

Foreign Minister Marcelo Erbrad posted a picture of Morales onboard a Mexican air force plane, displaying a Mexican flag across his lap, as it departed La Paz Monday night.  “Your life and integrity are safe,” Erbrad tweeted. 

Ya despegó el avión de la Fuerza Aérea Mexicana con Evo Morales a bordo. De acuerdo a las convenciones internacionales vigentes está bajo la protección del de México. Su vida e integridad están a salvo.

— Marcelo Ebrard C. (@m_ebrard) November 12, 2019

Morales requested asylum in Mexico hours after he abruptly resigned from office Sunday in the wake of mass protests over last month’s disputed presidential election, which ended with him being declared the winner after partial results had predicted he would face a December runoff against former President Carlos Mesa, his main rival.  

Late Monday, Morales tweeted he was on his way to Mexico and was “grateful for the openness of these brothers who offered us asylum to protect our life. It hurts me to leave the country, for political reasons, but I will always be concerned. I will return soon, with more strength and energy.”

The United States government is applauding the Morales’s resignation, rejecting assertions by several countries, including Mexico, that he was forced out by a coup.

U.S. President Donald Trump, in a statement, called Morales’ departure “a significant moment for democracy in the Western Hemisphere. After nearly 14 years and his recent attempt to override the Bolivian constitution and the will of the people, Morales’s departure preserves democracy and paves the way for the Bolivian people to have their voices heard.”

The White House statement adds that the events in Bolivia “send a strong signal to the illegitimate regimes in Venezuela and Nicaragua that democracy and the will of the people will always prevail. We are now one step closer to a completely democratic, prosperous, and free Western Hemisphere.”

A senior State Department official told reporters on a conference call on Monday afternoon that Washington does not consider the resignation of Morales the result of a coup, but rather it is an expression of the Bolivian peopled fed up with government ignoring its will.

“There were protesters from all walks on life,” said a senior administration official, denying that it was mainly the Bolivian middle class on the streets demanding Morales’ ouster. “It’s probably a little bit simplistic to boil this down to class or perhaps ethnicity in a complex set of circumstances.”

A senior U.S. official added, that “there’s been too much violence on both sides.”

Some of Morales’ ministers and senior officials who stepped down are also seeking refuge in the Mexican ambassador’s residence.

At the request of a number of nations, including the United States, Brazil, Canada, Colombia and Peru, the Organization of American States on Tuesday afternoon is to hold a special meeting on the Bolivian situation.

Morales stepped down Sunday, hours after he had accepted calls for a new election by an OAS team that found a “heap of observed irregularities” in the October 20 election.

The delayed results of the balloting, which fueled suspicion of vote rigging, indicated Morales received just enough votes to avoid a runoff against a united opposition trying to prevent him from winning a fourth term.

Morales, on Monday, called on the opposition to keep the peace.

Mesa y Camacho, discriminadores y conspiradores, pasarán a la historia como racistas y golpistas. Que asuman su responsabilidad de pacificar al país y garanticen la estabilidad política y convivencia pacífica de nuestro pueblo. El mundo y bolivianos patriotas repudian el golpe

— Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) November 11, 2019

According to the Bolivian constitution, the vice president is next in line to take power when the president steps down. The head of the country’s Senate is third in line, but both of them, as well as a number of other top ministers, resigned shortly after Morales, leaving a power vacuum.

Opposition leader Jeanine Anez said Sunday she would assume the interim presidency of Bolivia, but Congress must first be convened to vote her into power.

The U.S. government is calling for Bolivia’s legislative assembly to quickly convene to accept Morales’ resignation and follow the constitution to fill the political vacuum.

“What’s important is to reconstitute the civilian government,” said a senior State Department official.

Morales, the first member of Bolivia’s indigenous population to become president, announced his resignation on television shortly after the country’s military chief, General Williams Kaliman, called on him to quit to allow the restoration of peace and stability.

Carlos Mesa credits a popular uprising, not the military for forcing Morales to step aside.

The military made a decision not to deploy in the streets because “they didn’t want to take lives,” according to Mesa.

Some of Morales’s ministers and senior officials who stepped down are currently seeking refuge in the Mexican ambassador’s residence.

A high profile freshman opposition member of the U.S. House is also rejecting the Trump administration’s characterization of events in Bolivia.

“What’s happening right now in Bolivia isn’t democracy, it’s a coup,” tweeted Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Monday. “The people of Bolivia deserve free, fair, and peaceful elections – not violent seizures of power.”

What’s happening right now in Bolivia isn’t democracy, it’s a coup.

The people of Bolivia deserve free, fair, and peaceful elections – not violent seizures of power.

— Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) November 11, 2019

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Brazil Launches Job Program Amid Mass Unemployment

President Jair Bolsonaro launched a jobs program Monday largely based on tax reductions as Brazil struggles to put more than 12 million people back to work.

The pension and labor secretary said the administration aims to create 1.8 million jobs for people ages 18-29 and almost 1 million other jobs by the end of 2022.

The jobs package comes amid stubborn double-digit unemployment as well as violent protests elsewhere in South America, including Chile, stemming partly from economic difficulties. Brazil’s economy is headed toward its third straight year of roughly 1% growth, following two years of deep recession, and patience is wearing thin.

“People between 18 and 29 have double the (average) unemployment rate. That is why we chose them to be beneficiaries,” labor secretary Rogerio Marinho said. “We will make payrolls less expensive over the next three years, responsibly, showing how we will make up for it while respecting the budget.”

Marinho said labor costs for employers will fall as much as 34% with the program for young people. Other measures include stimulating microcredit for those currently unable to take out loans, and flexibility to work holidays and Sundays. Left-leaning politicians have opposed Sunday work in the past, arguing it would open the door to exploitation.

The rules are already in effect, but Brazil’s Congress must ratify them.

The administration’s tax cut aims to encourage employers to hire young people who haven’t had a job before and who are often drawn into low-paying informal labor. The program runs through the end of 2022.

“The proposal attacks a market failure. Young people don’t have experience, so they don’t get jobs. Since they don’t get jobs, they don’t get experience,” said Marcelo Neri, an economist who directs the social policy department at the Getulio Vargas Foundation university. “Moreover, it’s the group of people who suffered most in the past five years.”

Brazil’s unemployment surged during the 2015-2016 recession and has been in the double digits since. Three years ago, Bolsonaro’s predecessor, Michel Temer, pitched a labor reform as certain to stimulate jobs. However, most employment gains since have come from informal or part-time work.

Unemployment has come down since its 13.7% peak in 2017, but not fast enough to satisfy a beleaguered workforce. Joblessness was 11.8% in the third quarter, down from 11.9% in the same period a year earlier. Many of those who cast their vote for Bolsonaro last October hoped the shift in policy would reinvigorate the economy.

Brazilians in recent years have turned to self-employment, for example performing odd jobs, doing deliveries on bike or motorcycle and driving for ride-share apps like Uber. Postings for steady jobs, even those paying as little as $400 a month, draw long lines of applicants.

Official data from the third quarter show 4.7 million people are so disheartened that they have stopped looking for work.


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Israeli Airstrike Kills Islamic Jihad Commander in Gaza Home

The Israeli military says it has struck a Gaza City house, targeting a commander from the Islamic Jihad group in a resumption of pinpointed killing.

The Iranian-backed Palestinian group confirmed Tuesday that Bahaa Abu el-Atta, its north Gaza Strip commander, was killed.

Gaza’s Health Ministry says a man and a woman have been killed in the blast and two other people were wounded.

The airstrike damaged the half of the second and most of the third floors of a house in the Shejaeya neighborhood east of the city.

Israel media reported lately that Abu el-Atta was responsible for recent rocket attacks against southern Israel communities, instructed by Tehran.

However, Israel often says Hamas, the larger militant group controlling Gaza, is responsible for any fire emanating from the enclave.

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Bolivia in Power Void as Morales, Would-be Successors Resign

Bolivia entered a sudden era of political uncertainty on Monday as President Evo Morales, pushed by the military and weeks of massive protests, resigned after nearly 14 years in power and seemingly every person constitutionally in line for the job quit as well.
Crowds of jubilant foes of the socialist leader celebrated in the streets with honking horns and fireworks after Morales’s announcement Sunday, treating as a triumph of democracy the ouster of a man who pushed aside presidential term limits and claimed victory in a widely questioned October election.
“We are celebrating that Bolivia is free,” said one demonstrator near the presidential palace.
But others – including Morales himself – saw it as a return to the bleak era of coups d’etat overseen by Latin American militaries that long dominated the region. Morales stepped aside only after the military chief, Gen. Williams Kaliman, called for him to quit to allow the restoration of peace and stability.
Morales earlier in the day had already accepted calls for a new election by an Organization of American States team that found a “heap of observed irregularities” in the Oct. 20 election whose official result showed Morales getting just enough votes to avoid a runoff against a united opposition.
It wasn’t immediately clear who would succeed Morales, or how his successor would be chosen.
His vice president also resigned as did the Senate president, who was next in line. The only other official listed by the constitution as a successor, the head of the lower house, already had resigned.
There were no immediate signs that the military itself was maneuvering for power, but “I think we have to keep a close eye on what the military does over the next few hours,” said Jennifer Cyr, associate professor of political science and Latin American studies at the University of Arizona. “Are they overstepping their role?”
She said “the power vacuum opens up space for the military to potentially step in.”

Bolivia's President Evo Morales, center, speaks during a press conference at the military base in El Alto, Bolivia.
Bolivia’s President Evo Morales, center, speaks during a press conference at the military base in El Alto, Bolivia, Nov. 10, 2019.

Morales was the first member of Bolivia’s indigenous population to become president and he brought unusual stability and economic progress, helping cut poverty and inequality in the impoverished nation, and he remains deeply popular among many Bolivians. Backers of the president have clashed with opposition demonstrators in disturbances that have followed the October vote.
After nightfall, there were reports of tensions in La Paz and the neighboring city of El Alto, with reports of looting and burning of public property and some houses.
The leadership crisis had escalated in the hours leading up Morales’ resignation. Two government ministers in charge of mines and hydrocarbons, the Chamber of Deputies president and three other pro-government legislators announced their resignations. Some said opposition supporters had threatened their families.
In addition, the head of Bolivia’s Supreme Electoral Tribunal, Maria Eugenia Choque, stepped down after the release of the OAS findings. The attorney general’s office said it would investigate the tribunal’s judges for possible fraud, and police later said Choque had been detained along with 37 other officials on suspicion of electoral crimes.
Morales, whose whereabouts were unknown, went on Twitter late Sunday to claim authorities were seeking to arrest him, but police Gen. Yuri Calderon denied any apprehension order had been issued for him.
In his tweet, Morales said: “I report to the world and Bolivian people that a police officer publicly announced that he has instructions to execute an unlawful apprehension order against me; in addition, violent groups also stormed my home.”

Denuncio ante el mundo y pueblo boliviano que un oficial de la policía anunció públicamente que tiene instrucción de ejecutar una orden de aprehensión ilegal en contra de mi persona; asimismo, grupos violentos asaltaron mi domicilio. Los golpistas destruyen el Estado de Derecho.

— Evo Morales Ayma (@evoespueblo) November 11, 2019

Armed intruders did break into Morales’ home in Cochabamba.

A broken portrait of former Bolivia's President Evo Morales is on the floor of his private home in Cochabamba, Bolivia, after…
A broken portrait of former Bolivia’s President Evo Morales is on the floor of his private home in Cochabamba, Bolivia, after hooded opponents broke into the residence on Nov. 10, 2019.

Mexico’s government reported Sunday night that 20 members of Bolivia’s executive and legislative branches were at the official Mexican residence in the capital seeking asylum.
Mexican Foreign Secretary Marcelo Ebrard also said on Twitter that Mexico would offer asylum to Morales if should ask for it, though there was no indication he had.
Morales was elected in 2006 and went on to preside over a commodities-fed economic boom in South America’s poorest country. The combative former leader of a coca growers union paved roads, sent Bolivia’s first satellite into space and curbed inflation.
But even many backers eventually grew wary of his reluctance to leave power.
He ran for a fourth term after refusing to abide by the results of a referendum that upheld term limits for the president – restrictions thrown out by a top court critics claimed was stacked in his favor.
After the Oct. 20 vote, Morales declared himself the outright winner even before official results indicated he obtained just enough support to avoid a runoff with opposition leader and former President Carlos Mesa. A 24-hour lapse in releasing results fueled suspicions of vote-rigging.
The government accepted an OAS team sent to look into the election, and that group called for a new contest with a new electoral tribunal.
“Mindful of the heap of observed irregularities, it’s not possible to guarantee the integrity of the numbers and give certainty of the results,” the OAS said in a statement.
The U.S. State Department issued a statement calling for the OAS to send a mission to Bolivia to oversee the electoral process. “The Bolivian people deserve free and fair elections,” it said.

The U.S. commends the work of @OAS_official technical team in #Bolivia, which determined new elections and a new Electoral Tribunal are needed. We recommend the OAS continue its good work by collaborating on a new electoral process that reflects the will of the Bolivian people.

— Morgan Ortagus (@statedeptspox) November 10, 2019

The state news agency ABI said Morales announced his resignation from Chapare province, where he began his career as a union leader. At the end of his speech, he said he was returning to Chapare.
“I return to my people who never left me. The fight goes on,” he said.


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  Blanket of Smog Covers India’s Capital   

A blanket of smog has once again enshrouded India’s capital after a weekend of clearer air and  better weather. 

The morning air quality index Monday at the U.S. Embassy in New Delhi was 497.

AQI between 301 and 500 is considered “hazardous” for all population groups.  It is not measured past 500.

Air quality is considered good when the AQI is below 50 and satisfactory when it is under 100.

The Press Trust of India is reporting the capital’s AQI will be “severe” by Tuesday. 

New Delhi, ranked the world’s most polluted city by Greenpeace and AirVisual, routinely gets more polluted at this time of the year. The air quality gets noticeably worse as winter approaches and farmers clear their fields by burning scrub. 

“We should stop stubble burning,” said Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kerjriwal.  “People are suffering immensely.” 

FILE – A policewoman wears a mask to protect herself from air pollution on a smoggy morning in New Delhi, Nov. 4, 2019.

Drivers in the city of 20 million residents and 8.8 million registered motor vehicles have been asked to follow the odd-even road rationing plan until November 15. Under the plan, cars will only only drive on odd and even dates that correspond with the last digit of the license plate number. 

Environmental experts say to clean up its air,New Delhi needs permanent action to reduce the massive fleet of vehicles clogging its roads by scaling up public transportation. 

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Buttigieg Hopes to Name 1st Female VA Secretary

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg says if elected he’d like to name a woman to lead the Department of Veterans Affairs for the first time as 2020 hopefuls take aim at President Donald Trump’s record on stemming military suicide and helping female vets.

On Veterans Day, several candidates rolled out proposals to meet the needs of America’s 20 million former service members.

Buttigieg, the 37-year-old mayor of South Bend, Indiana, said female veterans and service members have been neglected, including on concerns about sexual harassment and women’s health. Women are the military’s fastest-growing subgroup.

“I think leadership plays a huge role so absolutely I’d seek to name a woman to lead VA,” Buttigieg, a former Navy intelligence officer, said in an interview with The Associated Press. His comments went a step beyond his 21-page wide-ranging plan released on Monday.
“The president has let veterans down,” Buttigieg said.

Of the Cabinet and Cabinet-level roles, four have never been held by a woman: Veterans Affairs, Defense, Treasury and White House chief of staff. Buttigieg says he’d take a close look at appointing a female defense secretary as well.

Former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign said he would seek to build on current gains for vets that were started under the Obama-Biden administration, such as stemming homelessness and improving mental health care.

“Joe has a long record of support for veterans and our military families,” press secretary Jamal Brown said. “Bringing down the high rate of suicide among our military and veterans will be a top priority for a Biden administration.”

In a dig at Trump, Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders released a video on Monday highlighting his role in working with the late Republican Sen. John McCain, a decorated war hero, to pass legislation that included the Veterans Choice program in 2014.
Trump routinely takes credit for being the first to enact the Choice program, ignoring the fact that it was signed into law by President Barack Obama. What Trump got done was an expansion of the program achieved by McCain and Sanders.

That expanded program, one of Trump’s signature accomplishments, seeks to steer more veterans over the next decade to private-sector doctors outside the VA.
Sanders, a former chairman of the Senate Veterans Affairs Committee who voted against Trump’s plan, says the expanded program goes too far in its investments in the private sector, rather than core VA health care , which many veterans view as better suited to treat battlefield injuries such as post-traumatic stress disorder. Sanders joins Buttigieg and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren in urging increases in doctor pay to attract top VA candidates and fill 49,000 VA positions that have sat vacant as the Trump administration promoted private health care options.

Sanders said he would fill those vacancies in his first year as president and provide at least $62 billion in new funding to repair and modernize VA facilities to provide cutting-edge care.

“We will not dismantle or privatize the VA. We will expand and improve the VA,” Sanders said Monday.

Buttigieg told the AP that he would look at rolling back some of the Trump administration’s rules expanding Choice.
All the Democratic candidates who have articulated veterans’ plans call for added funding and training for suicide prevention. Buttigieg specifically proposes a new 24/7 VA “concierge” service aimed at guiding at-risk vets into mental health care.
Currently, about 20 veterans die by suicide each day, a rate basically unchanged during the Trump administration. Trump earlier this year directed a Cabinet-level task force to develop a broader roadmap for veterans’ suicide prevention, due out next spring.

Buttigieg, like Warren, would seek to improve responses to sexual assault in the military by shifting prosecution from military commanders to independent prosecutors. He also wants to put particular focus on stemming homelessness among women vets, many of whom may have experienced sexual trauma .  
He pointed to his seven-month deployment in Afghanistan in 2014 and watching the impact a female general had “culturally” on the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force.

“When a leadership body is more gender diverse, it makes better decisions. So I would absolutely be looking at that,” Buttigieg told the AP. He’s previously pledged to appoint women to at least 50% of his Cabinet positions.

While veterans overall have strongly backed Trump throughout his presidency, views vary widely by party, gender and age, according to AP VoteCast, a survey of 2018 midterm voters. In particular, younger veterans and women generally were more skeptical of Trump, who received multiple draft deferments to avoid going to Vietnam.
A study released by the VA earlier this year found 1 in 4 women veterans using VA health care reported inappropriate comments by male veterans on VA grounds, raising concerns they may delay or miss their treatments. The VA also has rebuffed efforts by Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America and other groups to change the VA motto, which some vets believe is outdated and excludes women. That motto refers to the VA’s mission to fulfill a promise of President Abraham Lincoln “to care for him who shall have borne the battle, and for his widow, and his orphan.”  
Buttigieg said he would direct his VA secretary to change that motto to “fairly represent the diversity of service members and veterans.”

Currently, about 10% of the nation’s veterans are female. In the U.S. military forces, about 17% of those enlisted are women, up from about 2% in 1973.

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Turkey Starts Returning IS Fighters, Deports US National

A U.S. national who is a member of the Islamic State group has been deported home, a Turkish official said Monday, as Ankara began repatriating captured foreign IS fighters.
Turkish Interior Ministry spokesman Ismail Catakli told Turkey’s state-run Anadolu Agency that a German and a Danish national would also be deported later on Monday while seven German nationals would be returned on Nov. 14. 
Cataki did not immediately provide further information on the IS suspects but said they were being held in deportation centers.
“A foreign terrorist fighter from the United States has been deported from Turkey after the procedures were completed,” Anadolu quoted Catakli as saying.
Turkey has over the past few weeks criticized Western nations, including Britain and the Netherlands, for refusing to take back their nationals who had joined the militant group and vowed to send back IS militants — even if their citizenship has been revoked. 

FILE – Turkish Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu speaks during a news conference in Istanbul, Aug. 21, 2019.

Interior Minister Suleyman Soylu has said that Turkey is not “a hotel” for IS militants and that Ankara would begin repatriating IS militants held by Turkey as of Monday. Soylu did not provide any numbers or say which countries they would be sent back to.
Soylu said about 1,200 foreign IS fighters were in Turkish prisons and 287 members, including women and children, were re-captured during Turkey’s military offensive into northeast Syria last month.
Turkey’s move to transfer IS foreign fighters comes amid Turkish frustration with Western nations that have refused to back Turkey’s offensive against Syrian Kurdish fighters, whom Ankara considers to be terrorists because of their links to Kurdish rebels fighting inside Turkey. Many countries have voiced concerns that the Turkish invasion would lead to a resurgence of the IS.
Several European countries, including Britain, have stripped IS fighters of their nationalities, to prevent their return.


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EU Labors to Keep Nuclear Deal Alive After New Iran Moves

European Union foreign ministers on Monday debated ways to keep the Iran nuclear deal intact after the Islamic Republic began enrichment work at its Fordo site in a fresh act of defiance that seems likely to spell the end of the painstakingly crafted international agreement.
At talks in Brussels, the EU powers that signed the 2015 Iran nuclear deal — Britain, France and Germany — were expected to signal what action should be taken as the bloc awaits a new report from the International Atomic Energy Agency later Monday on whether Iran is still complying with its commitments.
“We want to preserve the [deal], but Iran must finally return to its commitments and comply with them, otherwise we will reserve the right to use all mechanisms that are set out in the agreement,” said German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas. 

The EU sees the nuclear pact as a key component of regional and global security and has struggled to stop the nuclear deal from unraveling since President Donald Trump unilaterally pulled the United States out of it over a year ago, triggering debilitating economic sanctions against Iran.
“It’s a great agreement and we need to keep it alive,” Slovakia’s foreign minister, Miroslav Lajcak, told reporters. But it remains unclear what more the EU can do as Iran’s economy buckles under the weight of the sanctions, apart from renewing its appeals for restraint and dialogue.
The Europeans have poured a lot of cash and credibility into ensuring the Iran nuclear deal stays afloat. A safeguard was built to keep money flowing to Tehran, but it has not been effective. A system is in place to protect European companies doing business in Iran from U.S. sanctions, even though many remain reluctant because they fear being shut out of the more lucrative American market if they do.
One option could be to trigger the dispute mechanism in the agreement, which would open a window of up to 30 days to resolve the problem. Some are even calling on the Europeans to impose their own sanctions on Iran.
“Sanctions, sanctions, sanctions. We’re not going to solve the problem like that,” said Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn. “Right now, we should wait for the report from the IAEA to see where we stand.”
Dutch Foreign Minister Stef Blok said he was “very worried about Iran’s behavior,” after uranium gas was injected into centrifuges at Fordo last Thursday to produce low-enriched uranium to fuel nuclear power plants. Under the deal, Tehran was not supposed to do this at the site until 2030.
However, the Europeans are hardly surprised by Iran’s actions. They believe the writing has been on the wall ever since Trump withdrew from the nuclear agreement last year, claiming that it does not to stop Tehran from developing missiles or undermining stability in the Gulf region.
  “Sadly, it’s a degradation that was to be expected,” Asselborn said.


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Thousands Protest Islamophobia in France

Thousands of people marched in Paris and other French cities against Islamophobia targeting Western Europe’s largest Muslim population.

Muslims joining the march through the rainy streets of the capital say they have had enough.

Mohamed, here with his sister Khadija, says the two feel completely integrated in French society. But he says he’s faced discrimination — including being asked to change his name during a job interview to something more traditionally French.

A man (M) carries banner reading, French and Muslims, proud of our identity, Paris, Nov. 10, 2019. (Lisa Bryant/VOA)
A man (M) carries banner reading, French and Muslims, proud of our identity, Paris, Nov. 10, 2019. (Lisa Bryant/VOA)

A recent IFOP poll finds four in 10 French Muslims also believe they are discriminated against because of their religion. Another survey finds more than 60 percent of respondents considered Islam incompatible with French values.

While anti-Islamic attacks are not new, several recent events helped catalyze this protest. Last month, two Muslims were shot and seriously wounded outside a mosque in southwestern France.

France’s conservative Senate also approved an amendment banning veiled women from accompanying their children on school outings. The lower house is unlikely to pass it. But it followed an incident where a far-right lawmaker demanded a woman visiting a regional council to remove her headscarf — leaving her son in tears.

Wafa, a mother of three, says she’s had a similar experience. She’s a trained computer technician, but she says she can’t find a job because of her veil.

Many non-Muslims joined the protests in Paris, Nov. 10, 2019. (Lisa Bryant/VOA)
Many non-Muslims joined the protests in Paris, Nov. 10, 2019. (Lisa Bryant/VOA)

Sixty-eight-year-old Julia Fernandez was among the many non-Muslims who joined the march.

She likened the current climate to the anti-Semitism of the 1930s, before the Holocaust.

Still the march was controversial, with some of the organizers accused of ties to fundamentalist Islam. A number of leftist politicians opted not to join the protest.

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Trump to Confront Turkey About Buying Russian Defense System

President Donald Trump’s national security adviser says Trump will confront Turkey’s leader about his decision to buy a Russian air defense system when they meet Wednesday at the White House.

Robert O’Brien tells CBS’ “Face the Nation” that the U.S. is “very upset” about Turkey’s purchase of the Russian S-400 system.
O’Brien says if the NATO ally doesn’t get rid of that system, Turkey will likely face U.S. sanctions. He says that’s a message Trump will deliver to Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
The U.S. says the S-400 is not compatible with NATO forces, could compromise the F-35 fighter jet program and aid Russian intelligence. The Trump administration removed Turkey from the F-35 program in July.
Trump is to meet with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg on Thursday.



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Bolivia: Morales Calls for New Elections

Bolivian president Evo Morales called for new elections Sunday after weeks of protests around “irregularities” in last month’s elections.

The president announced in a televised address Sunday that he would also be replacing the country’s electoral body.

His announcement follows weeks of protests after the October 20 election which he narrowly won. The Organization of American States conducted an audit of the elections and found irregularities in nearly every area which it reviewed.

The United States welcomed the decision Sunday.

“Fully support the findings of the @OAS_official report recommending new elections in #Bolivia to ensure a truly democratic process representative of the people’s will. The credibility of the electoral system must be restored,” U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo tweeted.

Fully support the findings of the @OAS_official report recommending new elections in #Bolivia to ensure a truly democratic process representative of the people’s will. The credibility of the electoral system must be restored.

— Secretary Pompeo (@SecPompeo) November 10, 2019

Morales, who is serving his fourth term as president, had previously called the protests around his election a coup.

The long-time president did not indicate whether he would once again be running in the new elections. Despite Sunday’s announcement, opposition leaders have continued to call for him to step down.

Latin America’s longest-serving leader went into the election needing a 10 percentage-point lead to avoid a runoff and secure his fourth term in office.

Partial results released after the election had predicted Morales would face a December runoff election against his main rival, former President Carlos Mesa.

Then, less than 24 hours later, the electoral commission released new numbers that showed with 95% of votes counted, Morales was just a 0.7 percentage point short of the 10 percentage-point mark.

The announcement prompted opposition complaints of fraud, and triggered violent protests in several cities.


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Russian Historian Arrested After Woman’s Severed Arms Found in Backpack

A man believed to be a prominent Russian historian has been pulled out of a river in St. Petersburg with a backpack containing the severed body parts of a young woman and has been charged with murder.

The Russian Investigative Committee said a 63-year-old man was rescued from the Moika River near the city center early on Saturday with a woman’s arms and a gun in the backpack. Authorities said he has been hospitalized with hypothermia.

Local media identified the man as Oleg Sokolov, a historian at St. Petersburg State University who was once awarded France’s Order of Legion d’Honneur for his research into military leader Napoleon Bonaparte.

The state-run TASS news agency quoted police sources as saying the alleged victim may be a postgraduate student of Sokolov’s named Anastasia Yeshchenko from Russia’s Krasnodar region. She reportedly was a co-author of Sokolov’s in joint research on Napoleon’s French military rule.

The Fontanka news outlet quoted police sources as saying they suspect the man may have been drunk and fallen into the river while attempting to dispose of the backpack.

Further apparent confirmation of the suspect’s identity came from Aleksandr Pochuyev, who says he is Sokolov’s attorney and claims that his client has “signed a plea-bargain deal” in the matter.

“If such a heinous crime, which my client has confessed to, did take place, it was committed under the influence of strong factors — possibly pathologic intoxication or temporary insanity,” Pochuyev said.

“The verdict has not been passed yet, and until that moment a person is forbidden to be considered guilty” under Russia’s Criminal Code, Pochuyev added.

Pochuyev told investigators that Sokolov planned to dispose of the corpse and then commit suicide in public, dressed as Napoleon, AFP reported.

Police said that, during a search of the suspect’s apartment, they discovered the body of a dismembered 24-year-old woman and a cutting saw possibly used in the incident.

Sokolov was awarded the Order of Legion d’Honneur, France’s highest civilian decoration, in 2003 by France’s then-President Jacques Chirac for his studies on Napoleon.

In 1976, Sokolov founded the first military-historical reconstruction group in the Soviet Union, and he now heads the All-Russian Military Historical Movement, which conducts reenactments of military battles from the Napoleonic Wars.

TASS reported that divers searching the river for clues overnight discovered remains from another, unidentified individual. It was unclear whether those remains might be related to Sokolov’s case.

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Foreign Businesses Expressed Mixed Views Toward China’s Import Expo in Shanghai

China wrapped up its second International Import Expo on Sunday  a six-day trade show in Shanghai, which has attracted the participation of more than 3,800 companies from 180 countries.

While acknowledging Beijing’s efforts to open up its vast market, exhibitors expressed mixed views toward whether the import-themed national-level expo lived up to their expectations.

And it remains to be seen if the Chinese authorities’ top-down approach to opening-up its market and its reform initiatives can be fully implemented at local levels, observers say

“Local authorities still keep strongly protectionist policies, which are opaque and have posed a worse trade barrier than tariffs. This is a big problem. It will be a huge and questionable task if local governments will fully execute the top leadership’s [open-up] policy,” said Liu Meng-chun, director of the Chung-Hua Institution of Economic Research’s mainland China division in Taipei.

Market open-up

Addressing the expo’s opening ceremony last Tuesday, Chinese President Xi Jinping pledged to further open up the Chinese market and urged global leaders to join hands in resisting protectionism.

Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks at the opening ceremony for the China International Import Expo in Shanghai, Nov. 5, 2019.
Chinese President Xi Jinping speaks at the opening ceremony for the China International Import Expo in Shanghai, Nov. 5, 2019.

“We need to strengthen the mechanisms for sharing benefits globally, and explore new ways of international cooperation. The goal is to give more impetus to economic globalization and remove impediments as much as we could,” Xi said.

Such an expo, however, isn’t enough for China to address its trade imbalance with individual foreign countries or showcase its determination to remove market access barriers, both direct and indirect, facing foreign companies, said Carlo Diego D’Andrea, chairman of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in Shanghai.

“In order to truly encourage more investment for European companies, China will need to follow through on the reform of state-owned enterprises, enacting the principle of competitive neutrality, which means no differences in treatment between government- and private-owned companies,” D’Andrea told VOA.

“And this is one of the reasons why there is the trade friction between the U.S. and China,” he added.

Indirect access barriers

D’Andrea said that 30 percent of his chamber members face indirect market access barriers in China.

For example, legal firms are allowed to operate in China, but restricted to give advice on Chinese laws or to Chinese architecture firms.

And the central government’s procurement regulation looks fair for medical device providers to compete, but local governments’ quota limitations in favor of Chinese products put foreign competitors at a disadvantage, D’Andrea added.

The chamber’s survey on its members which attended last year’s expo showed that only half of them closed deals but most of those deals went unfulfilled with one company saying that its deal existed only as a “symbolic agreement.”

Visitors past by the booth for social media giant Facebook at the China International Import Expo in Shanghai, Nov. 6, 2019.
Visitors past by the booth for social media giant Facebook at the China International Import Expo in Shanghai, Nov. 6, 2019.

Although 70 percent of respondents were overall satisfied with last year’s expo, those who were not expressed disappointment in things such as meeting bad contacts, feeling “cheated in different ways” and lamenting that the expo was meant more for Chinese public relations than business development. A costly investment of more than $28,000 to enter last year’s expo was another source of dissatisfaction. 

The chamber, however, lauded China’s inking of a bilateral agreement with the EU on Wednesday on geographic indications (GIs) to deepen mutual cooperation.

GI is a sign used on products to prevent counterfeiting and enable consumers of both countries to use authentic high-quality products.

France's exhibition area is seen at the 2nd China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai, Nov. 6, 2019.
France’s exhibition area is seen at the 2nd China International Import Expo (CIIE) in Shanghai, Nov. 6, 2019.

European businesses appear to be a bigger winner at this year’s expo after France walked away with contracts totaling $15 billion in the fields of aeronautics, energy and agriculture during President Emmanuel Macro’s three-day visit in Shanghai.

Twenty French companies are further allowed to export poultry, beef and pork to China.    

Mixed feedback

Despite tariff hikes have hurt the pricing of American imports, nearly 200 American companies showed up at this year’s expo.

Some voiced concern about business prospects shall the U.S.-China trade war drag on while others said that American companies are not yet being stigmatized.

Visitors look at a turbine engine displayed at the General Electric booth during China International Import Expo in Shanghai, Nov. 6, 2019.
Visitors look at a turbine engine displayed at the General Electric booth during China International Import Expo in Shanghai, Nov. 6, 2019.

“They’re not going to Philips just because we’re an American company and Philips is a European company. There continues to be a lot of interest,” Steven Lien of Honeywell International Inc. told Reuters on Thursday.

“We quite want to separate politics and business. Our product is very helpful and useful, so we want people to focus on products,” Twiggy Zhao of the California-based lubricants maker WD-40 Co. also told the Reuters, sharing her worries about trade war fallout.

However, Inos Lin, executive vice president of TCI  a contract maker of private-label dietary supplements from Taiwan  finds its first-ever participation at this year’s expo rewarding.

“We’ve met non-corporate clients including state-run or state-owned enterprises, which we normally have no chance of reaching out to. They came to explore products from around the world, which may meet their local needs or present business opportunities,” Lin told VOA.

The event is also a great platform for TCI to gain a better understanding of local consumers and promote the latest trends of needs to nutricyclicals, he said, expressing confidence in finalizing potential deals struck in the past week.

As of Sunday, TCI has reached nearly ten letters of intent at the expo.


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Newly Freed Lula Sets Up Clash With Bolsonaro’s Right Wing in Brazil 

Former Brazilian leader Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Saturday attacked right-wing President Jair Bolsonaro for impoverishing working Brazilians and vowed to unite the left to win the 2022 elections in a speech one day after being freed from jail. 

Lula’s wide-ranging, 45-minute speech to cheering supporters focused broadly on defeating Bolsonaro and improving the economic conditions of the working class. 

Lula, who was president from 2003 to 2010, also took aim at a long list of political enemies, including Bolsonaro, Economy Minister Paulo Guedes and Justice Minister Sergio Moro, a former judge who initially ruled to convict Lula. 

“I want to tell them, I’m back,” the 74-year-old told hundreds of supporters dressed in red, the color of his Workers Party, outside the metalworkers union where he got his political start. 

He said Guedes seeks to remake Brazil economically in the image of Chile, long seen as a model of financially conservative governance, but that those policies are the reason for the widespread street protests paralyzing its Latin American neighbor. 

Court ruling

A judge ordered that Lula be freed on Friday, a day after Brazil’s Supreme Court issued a broader ruling ending the mandatory imprisonment of convicted criminals after they lose their first appeal. Lula had been imprisoned on a corruption conviction carrying a nearly nine-year sentence. 

Bolsonaro told reporters in Brasilia, “Let’s not give space to compromise with a convict.”  

Earlier on Twitter, the president called for supporters to rally around his government’s agenda, which has included a severe tightening of public spending, saying that they must not allow Brazil’s next phase of recovery to be derailed. 

“Do not give ammunition to the scoundrel, who is momentarily free but full of guilt,” Bolsonaro said.  

While Bolsonaro did not mention Lula by name, his left-wing rival took direct aim at the president. 

“If we work hard, in 2022 the so-called left that Bolsonaro is so afraid of will defeat the ultra-right,” he said. 

Ineligible to run

Lula, who left the presidency with sky-high approval ratings, is ineligible to stand for office until 2025 under Brazil’s “Clean Record” law because of a conviction for taking bribes. But his release is expected to energize the left ahead of next year’s municipal elections. 

He was imprisoned in 2018 after being found guilty of receiving bribes from construction companies in return for public contracts. 

Lula has maintained his innocence. On Saturday he repeated that Justice Minister Moro, prosecutors and police were lying about his guilt for political reasons. 

“[I’m] not responding to criminals, jailed or freed. Some people deserve to be ignored,” Moro responded on Twitter. 

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Bolivian Military Won’t ‘Confront’ Citizens as Pressure on Morales Builds 

Bolivian President Evo Morales denounced the actions of “violent groups” early Saturday, hours after police forces were seen joining scattered protests, but the military weighed in later, saying it would not “confront the people” in a standoff over a disputed election. 

Morales, Latin America’s longest-standing leader, won the election on October 20, but a delay of nearly a day in the vote count has sparked allegations of fraud and led to protests, strikes and roadblocks. 

On Friday night, local television showed police in several Bolivian cities marching alongside protesters in apparent acts of disobedience and joining chants regularly used by the opposition. 

Adding to the pressure on Morales, the Armed Forces said in a statement on Saturday “that we will never confront the people to whom we have a duty and we will always ensure peace, co-existence and the development of our homeland.” 

Criticism from foreign ministry

In a tweet in the early hours of Saturday, Morales repeated accusations that “violent groups” were launching a coup against the state. The foreign ministry released a statement saying some police officers had “abandoned their constitutional role of ensuring the security of society and state institutions.” 

At a news conference later in the day, Morales called an urgent meeting with the four political parties represented in parliament. By Saturday afternoon, at least two opposition parties had rejected Morales’ invitation and one had accepted. 

Morales said he would also invite international organizations, including the Vatican, the United Nations and the Organization of American States, which is conducting an audit of the October vote. 

Luis Fernando Camacho, a civic leader from the eastern city of Santa Cruz who has become a symbol of the opposition, and Carlos Mesa, the runner-up in October, reiterated their calls for Morales — the country’s leader since 2006 — to step down.  

“What we want here is to unite all Bolivians in a single cause. We want President Evo Morales to leave,” Camacho told a news conference. 

March set for Monday

Camacho plans to lead a march to the government palace on Monday with a symbolic resignation letter for Morales to sign. 

Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro tweeted his support for Morales on Saturday. 

“We denounce before the world the attempted coup d’etat in progress against the brother President Evo Morales,” said Maduro, who has been accused of corruption and human rights violations. 

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Catalan Separatists Demonstrate on Election Eve

Waving separatist flags and chanting, “Freedom for political prisoners!” thousands of supporters of Catalan independence gathered in Barcelona for concerts and rallies on Saturday, while some protesters faced off with police, a day before Spain heads to the polls for a general election. 

Mostly organized by secretive Catalan protest group Democratic Tsunami, the demonstrations aim to force Spaniards to reflect on the prison sentences handed down last month to nine separatist leaders who spearheaded a failed independence bid in 2017, organizers said. 

In one protest called by CDR, another separatist group that favors direct action such as blocking highways, several hundred demonstrators tried to reach the Spanish police headquarters, the flashpoint of some of last month’s riots, but were blocked by police. 

Tense exchanges

There were tense moments as masked protesters, singing the Catalan anthem, threw eggs and other objects at the police and tried to barricade the road with waste bins. Officers responded by chasing them through central Barcelona’s restaurant-packed streets until the crowd dispersed. 

Local media said there was no immediate word of any arrests. A spokesman for the Catalan police could not confirm whether any arrests were made during the protest. 

The election campaign has been dominated by the Catalonia separatist issue after weeks of sometimes violent protests that followed the Supreme Court’s ruling on the Catalan leaders. 

Attending the rally, Jovita Mezquita, 69, praised Democratic Tsunami’s initiatives, including its first protest, which disrupted Barcelona’s airport in mid-October. 

“We have to be imaginative,” she said.  

“We have to do things that have impact in the world,” she added, arguing that separatists were not taken into account in the rest of Spain. 

‘Very complicated’

But away from the protests, some Barcelona residents were skeptical that things could change for the region, where separatism is a highly divisive issue. 

“I see [it as] very complicated for the situation in Catalonia to be resolved, because at the national level, that is to say at the Spanish level, I do not see that there is a great desire to do it,” said Maria Rodriguez, a 33-year-old actress. 

Democratic Tsunami, which advocates nonviolent action, called on supporters to demonstrate across the region Saturday afternoon and suggested there would be more to come if Spanish politicians refused to engage with separatists. 

“As long as there is no dialogue, instability will continue,” it said in a statement late Saturday. “The [Spanish] state will not be able to continue with repression without having a citizens’ response.” 

The group, whose leadership remains unknown, said the controversial app it uses to organize events had received more than 1,000 attacks. 

The campaign for Catalan independence has been mostly peaceful for years, but some protests turned violent last month, with a minority of mostly young demonstrators torching cars and launching petrol bombs at police. 

Extra police

Madrid sent around 2,500 additional national police officers — including anti-riot units — to support Catalonia’s regional police force ahead of the election, a national police spokesman in Barcelona told Reuters. 

The goal is to “guarantee that everyone can exercise their right to vote,” the spokesman said. 

A Catalan police spokeswoman declined to comment on the force’s security plans. 

Carme Martin, 68, who attended Saturday’s protest, said she could understand some of the youths’ frustration after last month’s riots in Barcelona.  

“I don’t like violence but [I understand] if it is defensive,” she said. 

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