
Pollution Causing More Deaths Than COVID, Action Needed, Says UN Expert

Pollution by states and companies is contributing to more deaths globally than COVID-19, a U.N. environmental report published on Tuesday said, calling for “immediate and ambitious action” to ban some toxic chemicals.

The report said pollution from pesticides, plastics and electronic waste is causing widespread human rights violations and at least 9 million premature deaths a year, and that the issue is largely being overlooked.

The coronavirus pandemic has caused close to 5.9 million deaths, according to data aggregator Worldometer.

“Current approaches to managing the risks posed by pollution and toxic substances are clearly failing, resulting in widespread violations of the right to a clean, healthy and sustainable environment,” the report’s author, U.N. Special Rapporteur David Boyd, concluded.

“I think we have an ethical and now a legal obligation to do better by these people,” he told Reuters later in an interview.

Due to be presented next month to the U.N. Human Rights Council, which has declared a clean environment a human right, the document was posted on the Council’s website on Tuesday.

It urges a ban on polyfluoroalkyl and perfluoroalkyl, man-made substances used in household products such as non-stick cookware that have been linked to cancer and dubbed “forever chemicals” because they don’t break down easily.

It also seeks the clean-up of polluted sites and, in extreme cases, the possible relocations of affected communities – many of them poor, marginalized and indigenous – from so-called “sacrifice zones”.

That term, originally used to describe nuclear test zones, was expanded in the report to include any heavily contaminated site or place rendered uninhabitable by climate change.

“What I hope to do by telling these stories of sacrifice zones is to really put a human face on these otherwise inexplicable, incomprehensible statistics (of pollution death tolls),” Boyd said.

Boyd considers the report, his latest in a series, to be his most hard-hitting yet and told Reuters he expects “push back” when he presents it to the Council in Geneva.

U.N. rights chief Michelle Bachelet has called environmental threats the biggest global rights challenge, and a growing number of climate and environmental justice cases are invoking human rights with success.

Chemical waste is set to be part of negotiations at a U.N. environment conference in Nairobi, Kenya, starting on Feb. 28, including a proposal to establish a devoted panel, similar to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change.

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Plans Set for New Private Spaceflights

A billionaire who led an all-private space crew into orbit last year has announced plans for up to three new missions in conjunction with SpaceX, including one with a spacewalk.

Jared Isaacman, who founded payment processing company Shift4, will lead the first of the new flights with a launch potentially coming by the end of this year. 

In addition to a mission featuring the first spacewalk attempted by non-professional astronauts, the planned flight also includes achieving a record altitude in Earth orbit.

As part of the partnership with SpaceX, the flights are set to utilize SpaceX spacecrafts.

Some information for this report came from Agence France-Presse and Reuters. 

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Reports: Amy Schumer, Regina Hall, Wanda Sykes to Host Oscars

Comic actors Amy Schumer, Regina Hall and Wanda Sykes will host this year’s Academy Awards ceremony as producers try to attract new viewers after record-low ratings in 2021, Hollywood publication Variety and other media outlets reported on Monday. 

The actors are finalizing details and an announcement will be made on Tuesday on ABC’s “Good Morning America,” Variety said. ABC, owned by Walt Disney Co, will broadcast the Oscars ceremony on March 27. 

The film industry’s highest honors, which are handed out by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, have not had a host since 2018. 

Schumer won an Emmy in 2015 for her variety sketch show “Inside Amy Schumer.” Hall is known for movies including “Girls Trip” and “Little.” Sykes stars in and created “The Upshaws” and played a recurring role on “Black-ish.” 

Representatives for the actors, the academy and ABC did not immediately respond to requests for comment. 

The Oscars were handed out by celebrity presenters but had no host in 2019, 2020 and 2021. Ratings for the telecast have fallen in recent years, dropping to a low of 10.4 million people in the United States in 2021. Viewership of other entertainment awards shows also has declined. 

The 2021 Oscars ceremony was scaled down because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The awards were handed out at a historic train station in downtown Los Angeles in front of a small audience of nominees and guests. 

This year, organizers have said the show will return to its longtime home of the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood. 

Netflix Inc’s gothic Western, “The Power of the Dog,” leads the field of this year’s Oscar nominations with 12 nods, followed by science-fiction epic “Dune” with 10. 


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First Lady Decorates White House Lawn with Giant Valentines 

U.S. first lady Jill Biden on Monday observed Valentine’s Day at the White House with displays of giant hearts on the North Lawn and valentines from local elementary school children inside the mansion. 

The displays include a giant red heart inscribed with a Bible passage, 1 Corinthians 13:13, which says, “Three things will last forever — faith, hope and love — and the greatest of these is love.“ 

Additionally, hand-painted, wooden artwork in the shapes of the first family’s puppy, Commander, and cat, Willow, adorned either side of the giant heart bearing the Bible verse. 

The displays are positioned so they will be seen in the background when White House television correspondents report on the day’s news. 

Additionally, valentines created by second-grade classes from a local Washington elementary school are on display in the East Wing of the White House. 

The children who created them are students of Alejandro Diasgranados, a teacher at Aiton Elementary School and Washington’s 2021 Teacher of the Year. On Monday, the students, accompanied by their teacher, toured the White House. 

Last year, just two weeks after President Joe Biden’s inauguration and in the grips of the COVID-19 pandemic, the first lady had large red hearts placed on the North Lawn bearing messages such as “compassion,” “courage,” “healing” and “kindness.” 

Valentine’s Day — annually observed February 14 — has always been special to Jill Biden. Her tradition of decorating goes back to Joe Biden’s days as vice president under President Barack Obama when she decorated every window in her husband’s office. 

Some information in this report came from The Associated Press and Reuters. 


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Перелік зрадників з Верховної Ради, які втекли з України в тяжкий для нас час

Стало відомо, що станом на 12-00 14 лютого, за межами України перебуває 23 народні депутати.

Список нардепів, які на сьогодні не перебувають в Україні, джерела в правоохоронних органах передали журналістам. Також серед даних є інформація, де саме вони перебувають та коли покинули Україну:

Кива Ілля (ОПЗЖ), 30 січня відправився в Аліканте (Іспанія);

Королевська Наталія (ОПЗЖ), 9 лютого полетіла в Ригу (Латвія);

Льовочкін Сергій (ОПЗЖ), 10 лютого полетів до Венеції (Італія);

Львочкіна Юлія (ОПЗЖ), 26 січня відправилась у Ніццу (Франція);

Рабінович Вадим (ОПЗЖ), 3 лютого полетів у Тель-Авів (Ізраїль);

Новинський Вадим (позафракційний), 10 лютого відправився у Мюнхен (Німеччина);

Устінова Олександра (“Голос”), 6 лютого полетіла у Дюссельдорф (Німеччина);

Железняк Ярослав (“Голос”), 12 лютого відправився у Париж (Франція);

Абрамович Ігор (ОПЗЖ), 12 лютого вилетів до Варшави (Польща);

Аліксейчук Олександр (“Слуга народу”), 5 лютого вилетів у Доху (ОАЕ);

Аллахвердієва Ірина (“Слуга народу”), 4 лютого полетіла в Дубай (ОАЕ);

Плачкова Тетяна (ОПЗЖ), 13 лютого полетіла у Відень (Австрія);

Борт Віталій (ОПЗЖ), 3 лютого полетів до Стамбула (Туреччина);

Пузанов Олександр (ОПЗЖ), 13 лютого вилетів у Доху (ОАЕ);

Іванісов Роман (позафракційний), 11 лютого вилетів у Париж (Франція);

Кривошеєв Ігор (“Слуга народу”), 4 лютого відправився у Мадрид (Іспанія);

Нагорняк Сергій (“Слуга народу”), 11 лютого полетів у Цюрих (Швейцарія);

Пивоваров Євген (“Слуга народу”), 11 лютого полетів у Шарджу (ОАЕ);

Солод Юрій (ОПЗЖ), 9 лютого відправився у Ригу (Латвія);

Шпенов Дмитро (позафракційний), 12 лютого полетів до Женеви (Швейцарія);

Столар Вадим (ОПЗЖ), 12 лютого відправився до Ніцци (Франція);

Яковенко Євген (позафракційний), 12 лютого полетів у Стамбул (Туреччина);

Волошин Олег (ОПЗЖ), 14 лютого залишив Україну, перетнувши на автомобілі кордон з Білоруссю.

Патріотична спілка “Воїни Добра” одностайно визнає їх зрадниками і дезертирами. Після нашого приходу до влади будуть здійснені наступні заходи щодо цих негідників:

Позбавлення громадянства України;

Кримінальна відповідальність за статтею №111 ККУ “Державна зрада” з пожиттєвим терміном ув’язнення і конфіскацією усього майна, яке належить цим дегенератам і пов’язаним з ними особам.


Мережа Правди

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DNA Analysis of Elephant Ivory Reveals Trafficking Networks 

As few as three major criminal groups are responsible for smuggling the vast majority of elephant ivory tusks out of Africa, according to a new study.

Researchers used analysis of DNA from seized elephant tusks and evidence such as phone records, license plates, financial records and shipping documents to map trafficking operations across the continent and better understand who was behind the crimes. The study was published Monday in the journal Nature Human Behavior.

“When you have the genetic analysis and other data, you can finally begin to understand the illicit supply chain — that’s absolutely key to countering these networks,” said Louise Shelley, who researches illegal trade at George Mason University and was not involved in the research.

Conservation biologist Samuel Wasser, a study co-author, hopes the findings will help law enforcement officials target the leaders of these networks instead of low-level poachers who are easily replaced by criminal organizations.

“If you can stop the trade where the ivory is being consolidated and exported out of the country, those are really the key players,” said Wasser, who co-directs the Center for Environmental Forensic Science at the University of Washington.

Africa’s elephant population is fast dwindling. From around 5 million elephants a century ago to 1.3 million in 1979, the total number of elephants in Africa is now estimated to be around 415,000.

A 1989 ban on international commercial ivory trade hasn’t stopped the decline. Each year, an estimated 1.1 million pounds (500 metric tons) of poached elephant tusks are shipped from Africa, mostly to Asia.

For the past two decades, Wasser has fixated on a few key questions: “Where is most of the ivory being poached, who is moving it, and how many people are they?”

He works with wildlife authorities in Kenya, Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and elsewhere, who contact him after they intercept ivory shipments. He flies to the countries to take small samples of tusks to analyze the DNA. He has now amassed samples from the tusks of more than 4,300 elephants trafficked out of Africa between 1995 and today.

“That’s an amazing, remarkable data set,” said Princeton University biologist Robert Pringle, who was not involved in the study. With such data, “it becomes possible to spot connections and make strong inferences,” he said.

In 2004, Wasser demonstrated that DNA from elephant tusks and dung could be used to pinpoint their home location to within a few hundred miles. In 2018, he recognized that finding identical DNA in tusks from two different ivory seizures meant they were harvested from the same animal – and likely trafficked by the same poaching network.

The new research expands that approach to identify DNA belonging to elephant parents and offspring, as well as siblings — and led to the discovery that only a very few criminal groups are behind most of the ivory trafficking in Africa.

Because female elephants remain in the same family group their whole life, and most males don’t travel too far from their family herd, the researchers hypothesize that tusks from close family members are likely to have been poached at the same time, or by the same operators.

Such genetic links can provide a blueprint for wildlife authorities seeking other evidence — cell phone records, license plates, shipping documents and financial statements — to link different ivory shipments.

Previously when an ivory shipment was intercepted, the one seizure wouldn’t allow authorities to identify the organization behind the crime, said Special Agent John Brown III of the Office of Homeland Security Investigations, who has worked on environmental crimes for 25 years.

But the scientists’ work identifying DNA links can “alert us to the connections between individual seizures,” said Brown, who is also a co-author. “This collaborative effort has definitely been the backbone of multiple multinational investigations that are still ongoing,” he said.

They identified several poaching hotspots, including regions of Tanzania, Kenya, Botswana, Gabon and Republic of Congo. Tusks are often moved to warehouses in another location to be combined with other contraband in shipping containers, then moved to ports. Current trafficking hubs exist in Kampala, Uganda; Mombasa, Kenya; and Lome, Togo.

Two suspects were recently arrested as a result of one such investigation, said Wasser.

Traffickers that smuggle ivory also often move other contraband, the researchers found. A quarter of large seizures of pangolin scales – a heavily-poached anteater-like animal – are co-mingled with ivory, for instance.

“Confronting these networks is a great example of how genetics can be used for conservation purposes,” said Brian Arnold, a Princeton University evolutionary biologist who was not involved in the research.

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Scientific Meeting Focuses on Impacts, Adaptation, Vulnerability to Climate Change

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, or IPCC, has begun a two-week meeting to consider a report that assesses the impact of the world’s changing climate and how humans might adapt.

Hundreds of scientists meeting virtually will lay out the latest evidence on how past and future changes to the Earth’s climate system are affecting the planet.

The report under review is the second of three installments that will comprise the IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report, which will be released later this year.

In August, the scientific body approved the first contribution of Working Group I, which dealt with the physical science basis of climate change.

The second part, currently under review, highlights the role of social justice and diverse forms of knowledge, such as indigenous and local knowledge, might play to strengthen climate change action and reduce the risks.

The chair of the IPCC, Hoesung Lee, said the report focuses on solutions and productive areas for action.

“It will be more strongly integrated, the natural, social and economic sciences. And it will provide policymakers with sound data and knowledge to help them shape policies and make decisions. The need for the Working Group II report has never been greater because the stakes have never been higher,” he said.

The United Nations-backed IPCC was established in 1988 to provide political leaders with periodic scientific assessments regarding climate change. The panel previously issued five assessment reports that spotlighted climate change as an issue of growing global importance.

The Paris Agreement on climate change calls for limiting human-induced global warming to well below 2 degrees Celsius, preferably 1.5 degrees Celsius, above pre-industrial levels. The IPCC warns that mark will be exceeded this century, unless drastic action is taken.

Secretary-General of the World Meteorological Organization, Petteri Taalas, said weather-related disasters have been increasing dramatically over the past two decades.

He said vulnerable areas in tropical latitudes, especially in Africa, Southern Asia and the Pacific are suffering the worst impacts of climate-driven disasters.

He said he often uses a sports analogy to communicate the seriousness of climate change to humanity.

“We have at the moment Winter Olympics going on in China. We have high-performing athletes. And if you give them doping, then they perform even more expertly. So, that is what we have done with the atmosphere. We have been doping the atmosphere,” said Taalas.

The contribution by Working Group III, dealing with the mitigation of climate change, will be finalized in April. The concluding synthesis of IPCC’s Sixth Assessment Report will be made in September.

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Аліна Паш здійснила підробку довідки від Державної Прикордонної служби України

Аліна Паш підробила довідку від наших прикордонників щодо її поїздки у окупований Крим.

Учора представники співачки опублікували «документ від ДПСУ» про те, що нібито вона у серпні 2015 року відвідувала окупований Крим через адмінкордон у Херсонській області.

Причина такої публікації проста — згідно з правилами добору на Євробачення виконавець не може брати участь у ньому у разі, якщо незаконно відвідував окупований Крим.

Законно потрапити на окуповану територію можна лише через пункти пропуску ДПСУ. Будь-які візити до Криму з території РФ є протиправними.

Та ми маємо дуже серйозні та обґрунтовані підстави стверджувати, що «довідка», оприлюднена командою Аліни Паш є підробленою.

З власних джерел як в ДПСУ, так і в інших структурах нам стало відомо, що за вказаний період, а саме у серпні 2015 року Аліна Паш відвідувала окупований Крим саме через територію держави-окупанта.

Так, громадянка України Аліна Іванівна Паш 11.08.2015 рейсом Київ-Москва покинула територію України. Повернулась вона назад авіарейсом Домодєдово-Київ тільки 14.08.2015.

У окупованому Криму вона перебувала 12.08.2015.

Відповідно, після прибуття до Москви, скориставшись російськими авіалініями, співачка потрапила у окупований Крим, порушивши правила перетину державного кордону України.

Напередодні з 16.04.2015 по 21.04.2015 вона також літала у Грузію, а після — Угорщину, заїхавши туди 16.02.2016 через пункт пропуску «Чоп» та повернувшись 28.02.2016 через ПП «Лужанка». За вказані періоди вона якраз публікувала у себе в інстаграмі фото з Грузії та Угорщини.

Ці факти легко може ще раз перевірити Держприкордонслужба. І вона зобов‘язана виступити із заявою про фальсифікацію «довідки».

Більше того, підробка документів є кримінальним правопорушенням, і якщо наші правоохоронці самостійно не відкриють зараз кримінальне провадження, ми будемо звертатись до них із відповідною заявою.

Суспільне зобов‘язане скасувати результати добору на Євробачення. Бо коли Україну представлятиме любителька росії, що незаконно їздила в Крим та порушувала правила відбору, ще й фабрикуючи документи — це національна ганьба.

Далі буде.

Мережа Правди

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Вимагаємо позбавити громадянства і власності злодіїв та зрадників, що уже втекли з України

Час створити петицію про заборону повернення назад в Україну олігархів та проросійських колаборантів, які тікають в тяжкий для України час. Шкода, що Конституція не дозволяє їх назад не пускати, бо ті мають українське громадянство(

Українські олігархи патріотично відреагували на ймовірну нову атаку Росії на Україну. У неділю, 13 лютого, з України вилетіло до двох десятків чартерів та рейсів приватних літаків.

За ситуацією в небі стежили журналісти, які зробили скріншоти вильотів, що відображаються в ситстемі «Флайрадар».

Серед чартерів та приватних літаків, що залишили Україну в неділю, — борти олігарха Ріната Ахметова та Бориса Колесникова. Приватний борт на 50 осіб замовив нардеп від «Опозиційної платформи — За життя» Ігор Абрамович. Борт вивезе у Відень родичів однопартійців і бізнес-партнерів Абрамовича.

Ахметов поза Україною ще з 30 січня. Тоді ж виїхав з України бізнесмен Віктор Пінчук.

Нардеп Вадим Новинський вилетів 10 лютого до Мюнхена. Тоді ж у Лондон подався Олександр Ярославський, кортеж якого перед цим скоїв смертельну ДТП під Харковом.

У ці дні з України також вилетіли бізнесмени Андрій Ставніцер, Вадим Нестеренко, Вадим Столар та Василь Хмельницький.

Оточення Ставніцера пообіцяло, що той має «днями повернутися в Україну», а Хмельницький з командою прибуде 20 лютого. Подивимося…

Мережа Правди

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Вимагаємо терміново відкликати і вигнати з посади зрадника і панікера вадима пристайка

Посол України у Великій Британії Вадим Пристайко припустив, що Україна може відмовитись від вступу в НАТО, якщо її до цього змусять обставини.

Про це він заявив в інтерв’ю BBC Radio 5 Live.

На запитання ведучого, чи може Україна розглянути варіант не вступати в НАТО, Пристайко відповів: “Ми могли б”.

Дипломат уточнив, що “враховуючи ту загрозу, яка є”, Україна могла б бути вимушеною піти на такий крок.

“Запитання, яке ставить собі 40-мільйонна країна, як ми виживемо, якщо вони (Росія – Ред.) прийдуть завтра?” – заявив Пристайко, зазначивши, що Україна може залишитися беззахисною в той час, як всі її західні сусіди є членами НАТО.

Згодом ведучий перепитав, чи справді посол мав на увазі, що Україна може відмовитися від вступу в НАТО?

“Так, ви праві, це те, що записано в нашій Конституції, – заявив він. – Я зараз частково йду проти головного документа, що ми маємо. Коли я кажу це, (я маю на увазі – Ред.) що ми гнучкі, намагаючись знайти найкращий вихід. Якщо нам доведеться пройти через якісь серйозні поступки, це те, що ми можемо зробити. Безперечно”.

Водночас посол підкреслив, що вступ України до НАТО не змінить суттєво безпекової ситуації для Росії.

“Якщо чесно, Росія вже оточена країнами НАТО. Польща є членом НАТО, Словаччина, Угорщина, Румунія, Болгарія, Туреччина, Всі ці країни, які межують з Росією, вже є членами НАТО. Це не змінило безпекову ситуацію. Це не змінило безпеку для Росії. Тож Україна також особливо не змінить цього”, – заявив Пристайко.

Він висловив думку, що Москві значно більше не подобається, що Україна може стати “чимось іншим, ніж Росія” і тоді росіяни захочуть також змінити напрям своєї країни.

“Це (вступ України в НАТО – Ред.) небезпека не для народу Росії, не для території Росії, а для конкретного режиму, що вони мають просто зараз”, – підкреслив український посол.

Мережа Правди

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Міжнародний шахрай коломойський намагається приватизувати Батьківщину-Мати в Києві

Пов’язана з колишнім головою Офісу президента Андрієм Богданом компанія бореться в судах за право приватизувати нерухомість національного меморіального комплексу “Батьківщина-Мати”.

Господарський суд столиці ухвалив рішення, яке по суті дозволяє його приватизацію.

Компанія “Архітектурна майстерня Інка” у 2015 році уклала договір із Фондом держмайна щодо оренди зазначеного активу. Згідно з договором, на той момент приватизація цих об’єктів була заборонена за жодних умов.

У грудні 2020 року орендар звернувся до Господарського суду Києва з вимогою визнати договір недійсним та дозволити їм приватизацію частини меморіального комплексу.

Фактичним власником ТОВ “Архітектурна майстерня Інка” до 2018 року був ексадвокат Ігоря Коломойського та ексголова Офісу президента Андрій Богдан, а згодом нинішній народний депутат Микола Сольський.

Наразі компанією володіє Олена Фасоль, помічниця депутата “Слуги Народу” Олександра Маріковського.

Справу у Господарському суді розглядала Людмила Шкурдова – суддя, яка розглядає справи, пов’язані з націоналізацією Приватбанку, та яка, за даними журналістів, “неодноразово доводила свою упередженість під час розгляду цих справ”.

Як стало відомо виданню, Фонд державного майна не відстоював недоторканність національного меморіалу в судах, часом просто не з’являючись на судових засіданнях.

Зокрема, представники ФДМУ проігнорували ухвалення рішення у цій справі Верховним судом, який також проігнорував “факт власності орендованого майна до меморіального комплексу, якому надано статус національного”.

“Міністерство культури як власник орендованого майна визначило умови договору, з якими погодився орендар шляхом підписання такого договору, а тому визнання договору недійсним є втручанням у питання права власності”, – йдеться у рішенні суду.

Міністерство культури очолює колишній керівник медіагрупи “1+1” Олександр Ткаченко.

Загальна площа меморіального комплексу “Батьківщина-Мать” становить 10 гектарів. До нього входять музей із монументом “Батьківщина-мати”, головна площа з алеєю Міст-героїв, чаша “Вогонь слави”, виставка бойової техніки та озброєння, головний експозиційний корпус музею.

Мережа Правди

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Автомобіль бізнесмена Ярославського збив на смерть людину, а він вилетів у Лондон

Вночі 10 лютого на трасі Чугуїв – Мартове автомобіль збив на смерть чоловіка, на місці ДТП знайшли автомобільні номери з кортежу бізнесмена Олександра Ярославського.

Пряма мова нашого джерела: “Трохи після півночі до поліції надійшов дзвінок, що на трасі Чугуїв – Мартове збили людину. Це сталося ближче до Мартового. Загинув чоловік, середніх років. Нікого поруч не було. На місці знайшли номери 0018”.

Як стало відомо, такі номери має передня машина кортежу Ярославського, а Ярославський часто сам водить авто.

Пізніше до поліції подзвонив чоловік, який повідомив, що став учасником ДТП біля Мартового, і що прийде до райвідділу дати свідчення.

Згодом, міністр внутрішніх справ Денис Монастирський звільнив начальника поліції Харківської області Станіслава Перліна у зв’язку зі спробою фальсифікації справи щодо резонансної ДТП.

“До відповідальності за смерть людини буде притягнутий тільки той, хто був за кермом! Щойно прийняв рішення про звільнення начальника поліції Харківської області Станіслава Перліна. Також буде розслідувано спробу фальсифікації справи щодо ДТП з кортежем відомого бізнесмена Олександра Ярославського”, – йдеться у повідомленні.

За словами міністра, причиною звільнення стало те, що сьогодні слідчі поліції подали до прокуратури Харківської області підозру у скоєнні смертельної ДТП, яку було складено на особу, котра прийшла вранці і заявила, що саме вона була за кермом.

“Натомість уже сьогодні стало відомо, що ця особа перебувала під час ДТП в іншому місці. Через намагання приховати цей злочин та надання завідомо неправдивих показань, справа має бути передана до Головного слідчого управління Національної поліції для повного та об’єктивного розслідування”, – наголосив Монастирський.

Пресслужба МВС повідомила, що поліція викликає на допит імовірного учасника дорожньо-транспортної пригоди Олександра Ярославського. Згодом у прокуратурі поінформували, що до правоохоронців звернувся “працівник відомого харківського бізнесмена”, який визнав свою провину в ДТП.

У групі DCH, засновником і президентом якої є Ярославський, повідомили, що бізнесмен вилетів до Лондона для зустрічі з родиною за заздалегідь складеним графіком.

Мережа Правди

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Novel Crisis: Iran’s Books Shrink as US Sanctions Bite

For literature lovers in sanction-hit Iran, a new novel has long provided a brief respite from a grinding economic crisis triggered by international pressure imposed over Tehran’s contested nuclear programme.

But now losing yourself in a good book is becoming harder, as cash-strapped publishers struggle because the price of paper is soaring.

“If a 200-page novel sold for 400,000 rials ($1.60) last year, its price today is 1,000,000 rials ($4.10), most of which is the cost of production”, said Reza Hasheminejad, who runs the Ofoq publishing house.

Iran does not produce its own paper pulp for publishing so relies on imports, and while those are not under sanctions, they must be paid for in foreign currency. That means the price of a book depends directly on the fluctuation of Iran’s rial.

So publishers are not only slashing the number of titles published, but also cutting the number of pages of those they do print by shrinking the font size.

“Publishing has suffered a major crisis — which could become existential,” said Emily Amrai, collection director at the Houpa publishing house.

While publishers worldwide face growing challenges to the way people read and consume literature, Iran is facing an extra problem.

The United States, under former president Donald Trump, unilaterally withdrew in 2018 from a landmark accord to prevent Iran from acquiring an atomic bomb — a goal Tehran has always denied pursuing — with Washington then reimposing tough economic sanctions.

“As soon as the US sanctions were reinstated in 2018, the price of paper rose,” Amrai said.

‘A miracle’

Long-running negotiations to revive a deal with Iran continue in Austria, but until an international agreement turns the page, the impact of sanctions grows worse.

“The devaluation of our currency against the greenback, the global rise in the price of paper paid in dollars and the increase in the cost of transport — also paid in foreign currency — has plunged publishing into the doldrums,” said Hossein Motevali, owner of Houpa, which specialises in children’s books.

Because book prices are fixed in Iran, profits are pegged to the rapidly fluctuating price of paper.

“Between receiving the manuscript, laying it out, and setting the price of the book, I can lose everything if the price of paper has gone up suddenly,” Hasheminejad said.

“That happens because I’m at the mercy of the fluctuation of the currencies.”

As for the authors, they are paid by the number of the pages in the book, whether they are famous or not.

“Selling books is a miracle today, because the majority of customers belong to the middle class — and given the economic conditions, their priority is to obtain essential goods such as food,” said Hasheminejad. “I really wonder how people still buy books at these prices.”

Bookstores in Iran look similar to shops anywhere in the world. As well as shelves of Iranian writers, popular sellers include translations of foreign works — from 20th century European classics to self-help and psychology books.

Farsi translations of Mary Trump’s tell-all on her uncle Donald Trump, as well as the memoir of former US first lady Michelle Obama, have been recent hits.


But as the crisis deepens, several small publishing houses have been driven out of business.

“Today, many independent publishers, who have published excellent works, have been eliminated from the market”, said Amrai.

Larger publishing houses have had to adapt to survive.

“We have reduced our profits by as much as possible in order to keep our customers, we have reduced printing and pagination, and publish digital books to avoid paper and reduce costs,” said Hasheminejad.

“But that will only last a year or two, for even the most solid companies.”

So far, books printed before recent spikes in paper costs provided a buffer, but those stocks are running low.

“In a few months, when the books stored in the depots are exhausted, it will be a shock for the customer when they see the new prices,” Hasheminejad warned.

On Enghelab Street, Tehran’s main book market, retired teacher Behjat Mazloumi, 60, already struggles to afford second-hand books.

“I haven’t been able to buy a book for years,” said Mazloumi. “Even street vendors sell books at a very high price.”

The cost rise will have wider impacts too, experts say.

Children in poorer areas where access to literature is already limited will soon find themselves priced out completely, Hasheminejad said.

“Today, we see people in some disadvantaged areas who cannot even communicate properly in Farsi,” he said. “They will certainly experience difficulties.”

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IAEA Reviews Water Release From Damaged Japan Nuclear Plant 

A team from the International Atomic Energy Agency on Monday began its review of Japan’s plan to begin releasing more than a million tons of treated radioactive water into the sea from the wrecked Fukushima nuclear plant — a review that Japan hopes will instill confidence in the plan.

The 15-member team is to visit the Fukushima plant on Tuesday and meet with government and utility officials during its five-day mission.

The government and Tokyo Electric Power Company Holdings announced plans last year to begin gradually releasing the still-contaminated water in spring 2023 after its further treatment and dilution.

The water is being stored in about 1,000 tanks at the damaged plant which officials say need to be removed so the reactors can be decommissioned. The tanks are expected to reach their capacity of 1.37 million tons later this year.

The release of the water into the sea has been fiercely opposed by fishermen, local residents and Japan’s neighbors, including China and South Korea. Fukushima residents worry the reputation of their agricultural and fishing products will be further damaged.

Japan sought IAEA’s assistance to ensure the release meets international safety standards.

Gustavo Caruso, director of the IAEA’s Office of Safety and Security Coordination, said on Monday that the mission “in an objective, credible and science-based manner will help send messages of transparency and confidence for the people in Japan and beyond.”

The team will review details of the water, safety of the discharge, sampling methods and the environmental impact, he said. The team includes experts from several countries, including South Korea and China.

Officials say all isotopes selected for treatment in the contaminated water can be reduced to low levels except for tritium, which is inseparable from the water but is harmless in small amounts. They say a gradual release of the water, diluted with seawater, into the ocean over decades is safe.

Keiichi Yumoto, who heads the Fukushima accident response at the industry ministry, noted concerns about the safety of the project and said it is “very important” to have reviews by the IAEA to “foster public understanding.”

Junichi Matsumoto, TEPCO’s chief officer in charge of the treated water management, said the utility is prioritizing safety and the impact on the region’s reputation.

“Ensuring transparency and objectivity is crucial to the project,” said Matsumoto, who attended a meeting Monday with IAEA and government officials. “We hope to further improve the objectivity and transparency of the process based on the review.”

A massive earthquake and tsunami in 2011 destroyed the Fukushima plant’s cooling systems, triggering the meltdown of three reactors and the release of large amounts of radiation. Water used since the accident to cool the highly radioactive damaged reactor cores has since leaked extensively.

Japan and the IAEA have agreed to compile an interim report on the review later this year.

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Ivan Reitman, Producer, ‘Ghostbusters’ Director, Dies at 75

Ivan Reitman, the influential filmmaker and producer behind many of the most beloved comedies of the late 20th century, from “Animal House” to “Ghostbusters,” has died. He was 75. 

Reitman died peacefully in his sleep Saturday night at his home in Montecito, Calif., his family told The Associated Press. 

“Our family is grieving the unexpected loss of a husband, father, and grandfather who taught us to always seek the magic in life,” children Jason Reitman, Catherine Reitman and Caroline Reitman said in a joint statement. “We take comfort that his work as a filmmaker brought laughter and happiness to countless others around the world. While we mourn privately, we hope those who knew him through his films will remember him always.”

Known for bawdy comedies that caught the spirit of their time, Reitman’s big break came with the raucous, college fraternity sendup “National Lampoon’s Animal House,” which he produced. He directed Bill Murray in his first starring role in the summer camp flick “Meatballs,” and then again in 1981′s “Stripes,” but his most significant success came with 1984’s “Ghostbusters.”

Not only did the irreverent supernatural comedy starring Murray, Dan Aykroyd, Harold Ramis, Ernie Hudson, Sigourney Weaver and Rick Moranis gross nearly $300 million worldwide, it earned two Oscar nominations, spawned a veritable franchise, including spinoffs, television shows and a new movie, “Ghostbusters: Afterlife,” that opened this last year. His son, filmmaker Jason Reitman directed.

Paul Feig, who directed the 2016 reboot of “Ghostbusters” tweeted that he was in shock. 

“I had the honor of working so closely with Ivan and it was always such a learning experience,” Feig wrote. “He directed some of my favorite comedies of all time. All of us in comedy owe him so very much.”

“A legend,” comedian and actor Kumail Nanjiani said on Twitter. “The number of great movies he made is absurd.”

Among other notable films he directed are “Twins,” “Kindergarten Cop,” “Dave,” “Junior” and 1998′s “Six Days, Seven Nights.” He also produced “Beethoven,” “Old School” and “EuroTrip,” and many others, including his son’s Oscar-nominated film “Up in the Air.” 

He was born in Komárno, Czechoslovakia, in 1946 where his father owned the country’s biggest vinegar factory. His mother had survived Auschwitz and his father was in the resistance. When the communists began imprisoning capitalists after the war, the Reitmans decided to escape, when Ivan Reitman was only 4. They traveled in the nailed-down hold of a barge headed for Vienna.

“I remember flashes of scenes,” Reitman told the AP in 1979. “Later they told me about how they gave me a couple of sleeping pills so I wouldn’t make any noise. I was so knocked out that I slept with my eyes open. My parents were afraid I was dead.” 

The Reitmans joined a relative in Toronto, where Ivan displayed his show biz inclinations: starting a puppet theater, entertaining at summer camps, playing coffee houses with a folk music group. He studied music and drama at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, and began making movie shorts. 

With friends and $12,000, Reitman made a nine-day movie, “Cannibal Girls,” which American International agreed to release. He produced on a $500 budget a weekly TV revue, “Greed,” with Dan Aykroyd, and became associated with the Lampoon group in its off-Broadway revue that featured John Belushi, Gilda Radner and Murray. That soon led to “Animal House.”

Reitman seized the moment after “Animal House’s” massive success and raised money to direct “Meatballs,” which would be tamer than the hard-R “Animal House.” 

He hand picked Murray to star, which would prove to be a significant break for the comedian, but Ramis later said that Reitman didn’t know if Murray would actually show up until the first day of the shoot. But it was the beginning of a fruitful and longrunning partnership that would produce the war comedy “Stripes,” which Reitman said he thought up on the way to the “Meatballs” premiere, and “Ghostbusters.” 

Reitman also put Schwarzenegger in his first major comedy, opposite Danny DeVito in “Twins.” There was such uncertainty around the project that all forfeited their fees for a share of the profits, which would prove to be a lucrative deal when the film earned $216 million against an $18 million production budget. In Sept. 2021, it was announced that a sequel, “Triplets” was in the works with Reitman directing his original cast, plus Tracy Morgan as their long lost brother. 

By the time 1990′s “Kindergarten Cop” came around, Reitman had established himself as the most successful comedy director in history. Though not even being the father of three children could have prepared him for the arduous task of directing 30 children between the ages of 4 and 7 in the Schwarzenegger comedy.

The political comedy “Dave,” starring Kevin Kline as an ordinary man who has to double for the US President, provided a bit of a departure for Reitman. Roger Ebert wrote at the time that “The movie is more proof that it isn’t what you do, it’s how you do it: Ivan Reitman’s direction and Gary Ross’ screenplay use intelligence and warmhearted sentiment to make Dave into wonderful lighthearted entertainment.”

Reitman slowed down as a director after “Six Days, Seven Nights,” the 1998 adventure comedy with Harrison Ford and Anne Heche — only four films would follow “Evolution,” “My Super Ex-Girlfriend,” “No Strings Attached” and “Draft Day,” from 2014.

But he continued producing. His company, the Montecito Picture Co., produced Todd Phillips’ first movie, “Road Trip.” And with “Ghostbusters: Afterlife,” even found himself on the press circuit with his son, providing emotional moments for both with the passing of the baton. Jason Reitman, who was only 7 when the original came out, included some nods to his father’s films like “Beethoven” and “Cannibal Girls” in “Afterlife.”

“Directing ‘Ghostbusters Afterlife’ was completely intimidating,” Jason Reitman said last year. “I was lucky enough to do it sitting next to my dad.” 

When asked why the 1984 film continued to fascinate, Reitman told the AP that it was hard to define.

“I always had a sort of sincere approach to the comedy,” he said. “I took it seriously even though, it was a horror movie and a comedy, I felt you had to sort of deal with it in a kind of realistic and honest way.”

He always took comedy and the power of laughter seriously.

“The great cliche is about how damn tough comedy is. But of course, nobody really gives that any respect,” he told the Los Angeles Times in 2000. “It’s such a visceral thing, laughing. So, getting to the point where you can get an audience of 600 people laughing is really precise and intricate work. … My sense is we’re laughing at the same things we’ve always laughed at, but the language of the filmmaker and the performer shifts.” 

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Rams, Bengals Ready for Super Bowl Blockbuster

A star-studded Los Angeles Rams team will seek to deny the giant-killing Cincinnati Bengals a Hollywood ending in the Super Bowl on Sunday as an NFL season full of plot twists reaches its climax.

The first NFL championship game of the post-Tom Brady era sees the Rams play host at their gleaming $5.5 billion SoFi Stadium against a Bengals side chasing a first Super Bowl crown.

Around 100 million Americans are expected to tune in for the biggest annual event on the U.S. sporting calendar, which kicks off at 3:30 p.m. local time (2330 GMT).

“It’s game day!” the National Football League proclaimed on Twitter. “It all comes down to this moment.”

The perfectly scripted season finale will see a duel between two talented quarterbacks playing in the Super Bowl for the first time, with Rams veteran Matthew Stafford pitted against the rising Bengals star Joe Burrow.

A Bengals victory would complete one of the most striking turnarounds in NFL history.

Last season, the team finished with four wins and 11 defeats, only slightly better than their 2019 campaign, which ended in a dismal 2-14 record.

But under head coach Zac Taylor, and buoyed by the arrival of No.1 draft pick Burrow in 2020, the Bengals are a team transformed.

A dogged, never-say-die approach characterized their post-season campaign, which saw them shock AFC top seeds Tennessee before another upset on the road over mighty Kansas City sealed their Super Bowl berth.

Whether Burrow is afforded the time and space to craft one more Bengals upset is another question altogether, however.

A porous offensive line allowed him to be sacked a whopping nine times during the playoff win over Tennessee.

That is a stat that the formidable Rams defense, led by the human wrecking ball Aaron Donald, the best defensive player in the NFL, and veteran pass rusher Von Miller, will have taken note of.

On the offensive side, meanwhile, the Rams have more than enough weapons to puncture the Bengals defense.

The 34-year-old Stafford, playing in his first Super Bowl, has an array of targets to aim for, including Cooper Kupp, the best wide receiver in the NFL this season, and Odell Beckham, Jr., the charismatic former New York Giants and Cleveland Browns receiver who has flourished since joining the Rams in mid-season.

As well as enjoying home advantage in what is the first Los Angeles-area Super Bowl since 1993, the Rams also have the benefit of having recent experience of the NFL Championship game.

Many members of Sunday’s line-up were on the losing side when the Rams were beaten 13-3 by the New England Patriots in the Super Bowl in 2019.

Rams head coach Sean McVay — who at 36 years and 20 days old would become the youngest head coach to win a Super Bowl with victory on Sunday — was upbeat after overseeing a final team walkthrough Saturday.

“We’re very confident,” McVay said. “We’re ready to go. There’s a good look in their eyes.

“I think there’s a good urgency, but also I just have a good feel about this team. I feel excited to watch them go and do their thing.”

The Rams will be playing in front of a packed crowd of 70,000, while the traditional half-time music concert will feature the likes of Eminem, Mary J. Blige and hip-hop icons Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg and Kendrick Lamar.

The capacity crowd also contrasts with last season’s Super Bowl in Tampa, where attendance was limited to around 25,000 fans due to COVID-19.

While the omicron variant surge is in retreat in Los Angeles, authorities are requiring all attendees Sunday to provide proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test, with masking mandatory.

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Arctic Seed Vault To Receive Rare Deposits

A vault built on an Arctic mountainside to preserve the world’s crop seeds from war, disease and other catastrophes will receive new deposits on Monday, including one from the first organization that made a withdrawal from the facility.

The Svalbard Global Seed Vault, on Spitsbergen island halfway between mainland Norway and the North Pole, is only opened a few times a year to limit its seed banks’ exposure to the outside world.

On Monday, gene banks from Sudan, Uganda, New Zealand, Germany and Lebanon will deposit seeds, including millet, sorghum and wheat, as back-ups to their own collections.

The International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas (ICARDA), which moved its headquarters to Beirut from Aleppo in 2012 because of the war in Syria, will deposit some 8,000 samples.

ICARDA made the first seed withdrawal from the vault in 2015 to replace a collection damaged by the war, and two further withdrawals in 2017 and 2019 to rebuild its own collections, now held in Lebanon and Morocco.

“The fact that the seed collection destroyed in Syria during the civil war has been systematically rebuilt shows that the vault functions as an insurance for current and future food supply and for local food security,” said Norwegian International Development Minister Anne Beathe Tvinnereim.

The vault, which holds over 1.1 million seed samples of nearly 6,000 plant species from 89 seed banks globally, also serves as a backup for plant breeders to develop new crop varieties.

The world used to cultivate more than 6,000 different plants but U.N. experts say we now get about 40% of our calories from three main crops — maize, wheat and rice — making food supplies vulnerable if climate change causes harvests to fail. 


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Black NFL Coaches Lament Hiring Policies That Fall Short

Veteran NFL coach Anthony Lynn appreciates the league policy that requires teams to interview minority candidates for their top jobs, and he has even benefited from it.

Like many of his peers, though, the assistant head coach for the San Francisco 49ers believes the policy has fallen short of its good intentions: There were three non-white head coaches when the rule went into effect in 2003; today, there are five.

The figure has risen and fallen slightly over the past 20 years, but skepticism about NFL hiring practices has remained steady among minority job candidates even after the league introduced the so-called Rooney Rule, named after former Steelers owner Dan Rooney, who oversaw the league’s diversity committee.

Lynn, who is Black, long ago added his own personal amendment to the Rooney Rule: As his star rose as one of the league’s top assistants in the mid-2010s, Lynn would only meet with teams to discuss a head coaching vacancy if they had already brought in at least one other minority candidate, something the Rooney Rule didn’t require until 2021.

“I just didn’t want to be a token interview,” Lynn told The Associated Press. “I really believe in the spirit of the Rooney Rule, but I just saw how people were abusing it and I didn’t want to be a part of that.”

The racial discrimination lawsuit filed this month against the NFL and several teams by former Miami Dolphins head coach Brian Flores has magnified attention on the league’s hiring practices and stirred up long-simmering frustrations with the Rooney Rule. It has also prompted comparisons from Lynn and others to corporate America, which has also struggled to diversify its leadership ranks.

Lynn’s perseverance paid off in 2017 when the Los Angeles Chargers made him the first Black head coach in team history.

The candidates Lynn beat out for the job included Teryl Austin, who is now a defensive coordinator for the Pittsburgh Steelers. Austin’s interview with the Chargers was one of 11 occasions where he earned a face-to-face meeting, but failed to land the head coaching job.

There were times when Austin felt like he was really in contention, and others when he felt he “was one of those guys where they were checking a box” to comply with the mandate.

Austin’s personal journey is included in Flores’ lawsuit as evidence of a discriminatory system that is failing qualified job candidates.

NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell partially pushed back on Wednesday, saying the league has made a “tremendous amount of progress in a lot of areas.” He acknowledged, though, that the league is lagging when it comes to head coaches.

“We have more work to do and we’ve got to figure that out,” Goodell said in Los Angeles ahead of Sunday’s Super Bowl at SoFi Stadium. Goodell said the NFL has already engaged “outside experts” to help it review hiring policies and he didn’t rule out the possibility of eliminating the Rooney Rule.

The two teams playing in this year’s Super Bowl — the Cincinnati Bengals and the Los Angeles Rams — are led by offensive-minded, white head coaches in their 30s. There is considerable diversity, however, among the dozens of coaches that oversee their offenses, defenses and special teams. Half of the coaches working for Rams head coach Sean McVay are Black.

Art Rooney II — Dan’s son and the current Steelers president — defended the impact of his father’s eponymous hiring policy.

“While I acknowledge that we have not seen progress in the ranks of head coaches, we have seen marked improvement in the hiring of women and minorities in other key leadership roles,” he said.

In many cases, there was nowhere to go but up.

The NFL is running in place in terms of diversifying its most visible leadership positions. While over a third of assistant coaches are Black, only two teams employed Black offensive coordinators this season, considered the final rung of the ladder before becoming a head coach. Nearly 85% of the league’s general managers and player personnel directors are white, according to a report by the Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport.

“This is a willingness and heart issue,” said Troy Vincent, a former player who is now the league’s executive vice president of football operations. “You can’t force people, so we have to continue to educate and share with those in the hiring cycle.”

Players also have a role in promoting change, says Richard Lapchick, the director of the Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport.

Lapchick points to the NBA, where players have taken an increasingly public role in social activism. Nearly half of the NBA’s 30 teams are led by Black coaches and over a quarter employ Black general managers.

“I don’t think that the (NFL) office can do it on their own,” Lapchick said. “The impact will only take place … when the athletes themselves raise their voice and say it’s important.” Roughly 70% of NFL players are Black.

Corporate America has run into many of the same diversity challenges as the NFL, and the same legal problems.

“The NFL is no different than the rest of society,” said Lynn of the 49ers. “Look at the top Fortune 500 companies. How many minority CEOs do you have in that industry versus ours? Our percentage may be higher.”

Over 90% of Fortune 500 presidents and CEOs are white and only 3% are Black, according to the Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sport.

Former Morgan Stanley chief diversity officer Marilyn Booker sued the bank in 2020 for racial discrimination and retaliation. She alleged that the company’s overwhelmingly white executives stymied her plans to diversify its management structure. The two sides eventually settled out of court.

Last year, five of the largest banks — J.P. Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Citigroup, U.S. Bancorp and Wells Fargo — agreed to make public commitments to policies that echo the Rooney Rule, according to a spokesman at the AFL-CIO, which helped secure the agreements.

But experts say many of the biggest companies still have further to go.

“Many companies are engaging in these types of DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) efforts as performance-art theatrics,” said Nicholas Pearce, clinical professor of management and organizations at Northwestern’s Kellogg School of Management.

Whether in sports or business, Pearce says one easy way for hiring managers to reduce the effects of implicit bias would be to require more diverse panels to conduct job interviews.

With the exception of Jacksonville’s Shad Khan and Buffalo co-owner Kim Pegula, all NFL teams are privately owned by white men, with the exception of the Green Bay Packers, which is publicly owned.

Jerod Mayo, a 35-year-old linebackers coach for the New England Patriots, has ambitions of one day becoming a head coach. And Mayo, who is Black, is optimistic that by the time he’s ready, many of the challenges that veterans such as Lynn, Austin and Flores have faced, will be a thing of the past.

“You know, that’s a beautiful day where we don’t need the Rooney Rule.”


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WHO: Measles Increase a Danger to Malnourished Afghan Children

The World Health Organization warns a sharp rise in measles cases in Afghanistan is threatening the lives and well-being of millions of malnourished children. 

More than 35,300 suspected cases of measles and 156 deaths have been reported in Afghanistan from January 2021 through January of this year.  What is setting off alarm bells ringing is the sharp, rapid rise in cases last month.

The World Health Organization reports a 40% increase in the number of measles cases in the last week of January.  Although the number of deaths is relatively low, the WHO warns many children are likely to die from the disease in the coming weeks.

WHO spokesman Christian Lindmeier says measles-related deaths are not always reported in Afghanistan, so the toll is likely to be much higher than the figures suggest.

“The rise in measles cases is especially concerning because of the extremely high levels of malnutrition in Afghanistan,” Lindmeier said. “Malnutrition weakens immunity, making people more vulnerable to illness and death from diseases like measles—especially children.  In addition, measles infections can cause immune system suppression and immunologic amnesia, which increases susceptibility to all pathogens.”   

The World Food Program says Afghanistan is facing the worst food crisis on record.  It says 1 in 3 people are going hungry and some 2 million children are malnourished.  The WFP warns 14 million children are expected to face potentially life-threatening levels of hunger, noting that malnutrition rates already are soaring.

Measles is an extremely contagious viral disease. Lindmeier says unvaccinated young children are at highest risk of getting sick and dying from it.

In December, he says, an immunization campaign was carried out in response to a measles outbreak.  He says the campaign reached 1.5 million children in some of the most-affected provinces.

“Now, WHO is helping to plan for a larger measles outbreak response immunization campaign, which will start in May, or earlier if possible, aiming to reach more than 3 million children nationwide,” Lindmeier said. “Support from WHO includes helping with the process needed to secure additional vaccines and devices, as well as the operational funds and the support for planning the campaign.”   

The WHO says strengthening routine immunization is the best way to protect people, especially children, from getting measles.  The agency urges governments to make sure at least 95 percent of their populations receive two doses of measles-containing vaccine.

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Mental Health Hovers Over Olympics, on its Way to Mainstream

At the Tokyo Olympics, mental health was the breakout star. Amplified by some of the world’s top athletes, it shook up those Games and made everyone take notice.

Six months later, in Beijing, the conversation has evolved: The subject pops up regularly, but no one is shocked when it does.

Many athletes have spoken about their struggles, but often in a no-biggie, nothing-to-see-here way. A difficulty is mentioned, then the conversation moves on. After star gymnast Simone Biles pulled out of competition in Tokyo because she wasn’t in the right headspace, retired Olympic swimming phenom Michael Phelps memorably said that “It’s OK to not be OK.”

And now, thanks in part to people like Biles, it seems it’s OK to talk about it, too.

“I think the biggest lesson I’ve learned after the last Olympics is being as open as possible,” snowboarding sensation Chloe Kim told reporters after she took the gold medal Thursday in the halfpipe competition.

It was Kim’s second Olympic gold. She initially threw that first one, earned in Pyeongchang four years ago, in the trash — a story that epitomizes the dissonance between the cheery face many champions show the world and the torments they face behind the scenes.

“After my last Olympics, I put that pressure on myself to be perfect at all times, and that would cause a lot of issues at home. I would be really sad and depressed all the time when I was home,” Kim told reporters after easily securing the top spot on the podium — but also failing to land a new trick she is working on.

“I’m happy to talk about whatever I’ve been experiencing,” she said. “Honestly, it’s really healthy for me.”

It wasn’t just Kim who was talking about it. After snowboarder Jamie Anderson, who came to Beijing as the two-time defending slopestyle champion, finished ninth, she posted on Instagram that her “mental health and clarity just hasn’t been on par.”

Skier Mikaela Shiffrin was particularly honest after she failed to finish either of her first two races in events that are specialties of hers. She said that she had been feeling pressure, something every elite athlete feels and is distinct from the more complicated mental health challenges many have been talking about.

But Shiffrin also plumbed greater depths, acknowledging that she was angry with her dad, who died in 2020, for not being there to support her.

After finally managing to complete a race Friday — shockingly, even that had become an open question for the star — she posted on Instagram about the ups and downs of competition.

“There’s a lot of disappointment and heartbreak going around in the finish area,” she wrote.

As several elite athletes stumbled in Beijing, they were often quick to remind the world that they’re human, too. Shiffrin even has a paid post on Instagram, in which the tagline is: “Yeah, I am human.” A far cry from the usual vaunting of athletes as something much more than that.

This is what many hoped for after Tokyo — that as more athletes acknowledged what they face behind the scenes, the stigma around talking about mental health would recede and the issue would merely become one more challenge in the mix.

“I think that it really has become normalized with so many athletes talking about their mental health, and there has been such a push for parity with mental health and physical health,” said Jess Bartley, director of mental health services for Team USA.

“I think, in the experience I’ve had with a lot of these athletes, it’s really relieving to be able to talk about it, to have folks understand, to have the audience understand what may be coming up that might have impacted their performance,” she said. “Just in the same way that you hear about a sprained ankle.”

Bartley works with athletes to prepare how they’ll respond to questions about their mental health just as she works with them on preparing their performance. Some feel comfortable revealing those struggles; others don’t.

Louie Vito, a snowboarder who competed for Italy in Beijing, puts himself in the latter camp. He’s glad that mental health is being talked about more openly — he readily admits framing some of his struggles in that way was eye-opening for him — but he would prefer to keep much of that private.

“I think some people would rather deal with their mental battles in their inner circle,” he said. “To me, it’s not a right or a wrong on how you deal with it as long as you’re aware and it doesn’t become detrimental to you. I don’t think you have to talk about in public.”

And he acknowledged that many people are still embarrassed to talk about these issues.

Yet so many do keep talking — encouraged by a generation of younger athletes determined not only to be heard but to ensure that this subject is no longer something to be dramatically revealed, but simply addressed like anything else important.

Amanda Fialk, who is the chief clinical officer at The Dorm, a mental health treatment program for young people, is heartened by the increasingly open conversations happening. But she warns that true change will take much more time to take hold.

She underscores that there are vast cultural differences — across countries and between communities within any given country — that affect access to and the stigma around mental health care.

“I am also mindful that old habits die hard,” said Fialk, who was a competitive figure skater when she was younger. “It is going to take continued talking about these issues and continued efforts to normalize talking about all these issues for the change to not just be a change, but to become a new normal.” 


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NASA’s New Space Telescope Sees First Starlight, Takes Selfie 

NASA’s new space telescope has captured its first starlight and taken a selfie of its giant, gold mirror.  

All 18 segments of the primary mirror on the James Webb Space Telescope seem to be working properly 1½ months into the mission, officials said Friday.  

The telescope’s first target was a bright star 258 light-years away in the constellation Ursa Major.  

“That was just a real wow moment,” said Marshall Perrin of the Space Telescope Science Institute in Baltimore.  

Over the next few months, the hexagonal mirror segments — each the size of a coffee table — will be aligned and focused as one, allowing science observations to begin by the end of June. 

The $10 billion infrared observatory — considered the successor to the aging Hubble Space Telescope — will seek light from the first stars and galaxies that formed in the universe nearly 14 billion years ago. It will also examine the atmospheres of alien worlds for any possible signs of life. 

NASA did not detect the crippling flaw in Hubble’s mirror until after its 1990 launch; more than three years passed before spacewalking astronauts were able to correct the telescope’s blurry vision.  

While everything is looking good so far with Webb, engineers should be able to rule out any major mirror flaws by next month, said Lee Feinberg, Webb optical telescope element manager.  

Webb’s 21-foot (6.5-meter), gold-plated mirror is the largest ever launched into space. An infrared camera on the telescope snapped a picture of the mirror as one segment gazed upon the targeted star.  

“Pretty much the reaction was, ‘Holy cow!’ ” Feinberg said.  

NASA released the selfie, along with a mosaic of starlight from each of the mirror segments. The 18 points of starlight resemble bright fireflies flitting against a black night sky.  

After 20 years with the project, “it is just unbelievably satisfying” to see everything working so well so far, said the University of Arizona’s Marcia Rieke, principal scientist for the infrared camera. 

Webb lifted off from South America in December and reached its designated perch 1.6 million kilometers away last month. 

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Americans Get Ready for Super Bowl: A National Party

Americans are getting ready for the Super Bowl on Sunday. It’s the final matchup of the National Football League season and a national celebration. Mike O’Sullivan reports from Los Angeles, where the Los Angeles Rams will face the Cincinnati Bengals.

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