Month: July 2020

Siberian Heat Wave and Melting Arctic Sea Ice Indicate Climate Change, Scientists Say

Scientists warn record Siberian temperatures and the rapid melting of the Arctic sea ice along the Russian coast indicate that climate change is occurring and may be irreversible. Siberia, famous for its bitterly cold weather, has been experiencing a tropical heat wave, with temperatures reaching a record 38 degrees Celsius June 20 in the Russian town of Verkhoyansk.  This week alone, the World Meteorological Organization reports some parts of Siberia have been warmer than the U.S. states of Florida and California, with temperatures going above 30 degrees Celsius.    It says the exceptional and prolonged heat is fueling devastating Arctic fires and causing a rapid decrease in the Arctic sea ice coverage.WMO spokeswoman Clare Nullis says the Arctic is heating more than twice the global average, and that is having a major impact on local populations and ecosystems.“We always say what happens in the Arctic does not stay in the Arctic,” said Nullis. “It does affect our weather in different parts of the world where hundreds of millions of people live.  There was a study last week, which says that the extreme heat that we are seeing would have been almost impossible without climate change.  So, it does have a clear fingerprint of climate change on it.”   Since January, Scientists estimate total carbon emissions from the fires raging inside the Arctic Circle are the highest in 18 years of monitoring the phenomenon.  In addition, they warn the melting of ice and thawing of permafrost will potentially release methane, a very powerful greenhouse gas into the atmosphere.Nullis tells VOA greenhouse gases are having a major impact on infrastructure and ecosystems throughout the region.“It will be very, very hard to reverse because of the law of physics,” said Nullis. “You know, the levels of carbon dioxide, which we have got in the atmosphere now, will carry on heating surface temperatures for generations to come.  The lifetime of CO2 in the atmosphere runs into many, many, many decades.”   A new study published in the journal Nature Climate Change warns that the iconic polar bear—a symbol of climate change—may be nearly extinct by the end of the century because of shrinking sea ice.   The article suggests high greenhouse gas emissions also will likely cause a steep decline in the reproduction of other Arctic subpopulations by 2100.

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More Than 180 Wildfires Burning in Siberia

Wildfires continue to burn in parts of Siberia this summer as a heatwave has continued to spread in areas north of the Arctic Circle.The World Metrological Organization (WMO) has raised the alarm, saying official figures show record warming in the Arctic.”In general, the Arctic is heating more than twice the global average,” said Clare Nullis, WMO spokesperson. “It’s having a big impact on local populations and ecosystems, but we always say that what happens in the Arctic doesn’t stay in the Arctic, it does affect our weather in different parts of the world where hundreds of millions of people live.”More than 180 fires are burning in the Siberian region, with many in the northern Sakha Republic, on the Arctic Ocean.”Some parts of Siberia this week have again topped 30 degrees Celsius — so it’s been warmer in Siberia than many parts of Florida,” said Nullis.The wildfires are having effects far beyond the Arctic region, the WMO said.Firefighters are working to stop the fires. 

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Russian Scientists Dig Out Well-Preserved Woolly Mammoth

Russian scientists are digging out fragments of a well-preserved woolly mammoth skeleton found by reindeer herders a few days ago at a lake in northern Siberia.The herders initially found parts of the animal’s skull, lower jaw, several ribs and foot fragments with sinews still intact on the shores of Pechevalavato Lake.Scientists are excavating for the remaining fragments of the prehistoric animal in lakeside silt, which is likely to take a significant amount of time and special equipment.“According to the first information we have, the whole skeleton is there,” said Dmitrii Frolov, director the Arctic Research Center of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous District, in a report by The Siberian Times.”Judging by the pictures, this was a young mammoth, but we’ll have to wait for tests to give the exact age,” he said.Finding the complete skeleton of a mammoth is relatively rare, Yevgeniya Khozyainova of the Shemanovsky Institute in Salekhard said in televised remarks.The ice age animal is thought to have gone extinct around 10,000 years ago and closely resembles today’s Asian elephants, with the exception of a thick coat of brown hair.The thawing of permafrost in regions like Siberia, where the ground normally stays frozen throughout much of the year, has revealed enormous amounts of organic matter, including dead plants, microbes and animals.Siberia has seen record-breaking heat during the first half of this year, driven by climate change.

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Trump Signs Executive Orders to Lower Prescription Drug Prices

U.S. President Donald Trump on Friday signed four executive orders aimed at lowering the prices Americans pay for prescription drugs, as he faces an uphill reelection battle and criticism over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Trump has previously proposed most of the changes made by the executive orders he signed Friday, but this was the first time they had made it into signed executive orders. One order would allow for the legal importation of cheaper prescription drugs from countries like Canada, while another would require discounts from drug companies now captured by middlemen to be passed on to patients, Trump said. Another measure seeks to lower insulin costs, while a fourth, which may not be implemented if talks with drug companies are successful, would require Medicare to purchase drugs at the same price that other countries pay, Trump said. Executives of top drug companies have requested a meeting to discuss how they can lower drug prices, the president said. “We will see what those discussions indicate, but the agency is prepared to move forward,” said Medicare chief Seema Verma. Pharmaceutical industry weighs inThe orders received swift pushback from the pharmaceutical industry. The move was “a reckless distraction that impedes our ability to respond to the current pandemic – and those we could face in the future,” the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America said in a statement. Wall Street analysts were skeptical that the orders would have much effect on drugmakers and said they could prove difficult to implement in practice. “We believe they are likely geared more towards deriving campaign talking points rather than producing tangible, material effects,” Brian Abrahams, a biotech analyst at RBC Capital Markets, said in a note. Shares of several drugmakers ticked up as Trump outlined the plan, recovering some of the day’s losses. Congress not on boardTrump repeatedly has called for lowering the cost of prescription drugs, but Congress has not yet passed a major drug price reform. Many of the administration’s past efforts to cut drug prices, including its plan to force insurers and other health care payers to pass rebates on to patients, have stalled amid industry pushback. “Reviving a rebate reform proposal now does not address the underlying flaws – that it will drastically increase Medicare premiums for America’s seniors and most vulnerable,” the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association, whose members negotiate rebates for health care payers with drugmakers, said in a statement. Paying the rebates directly to seniors in the form of discounts could cut their drug costs by as much as $30 billion, or as much as 30%, U.S. Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar said in a Friday press call. Trump is under fire for surging coronavirus cases in the United States and beset by decreasing poll numbers ahead of November 3 elections. On Friday, he also said that the White House would propose a health care bill soon but offered few details. Drugmakers often negotiate rebates or discounts on their list prices in exchange for favorable treatment from insurers. As a result, insurers and covered patients rarely pay the full list price of a drug. 

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Hopeful Volunteers Taking Part in Trials of COVID Vaccine

A few weeks ago researchers at Oxford University announced promising results from early trials of their version of a COVID-19 vaccine. In early trial results on just over 1,000 volunteers, the vaccine appeared to be safe and triggered an immune response. VOA spoke with one volunteer who is participated in phase two trials. VOA’s Anna Rice reports. 

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Turkey’s President Prays With Hundreds at Hagia Sophia Mosque

Turkey’s president, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, prayed with hundreds of worshippers Friday inside the Hagia Sophia, the first prayers since the sixth-century Byzantine landmark was redesignated a mosque two weeks ago.The president was joined by other officials, including his son-in-law and finance minister. Only 500 people were allowed inside the mosque because of coronavirus restrictions, while thousands more prayed outside in Sultanahmet Square.Initially an Orthodox Christian cathedral, the mosque’s mosaics depicting Christian figures were covered during the Friday prayers.Erdogan read verses from the Quran, while wearing a white prayer cap. Ali Erbas, head of Turkey’s religious authority, addressed worshippers afterward.“The longing of our nation, which has turned into a heartbreak, is coming to an end today,” Erbas said from the pulpit.“Hagia Sophia will continue to serve all believers as a mosque and will remain a place of cultural heritage for all humanity,” the Turkish president said.Erdogan’s enthusiasm was matched by President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan, who spoke with Erdogan over the phone.President @RTErdogan spoke by phone with President Shavkat Mirziyoyev of Uzbekistan.
— Turkish Presidency (@trpresidency) July 24, 2020 Mirziyoyev expressed his “pleasure” over the mosque’s reopening and “wished for the historic development to have auspicious results for the Turkish nation and the Islamic world.”Not all have voiced similar sentiments over the Hagia Sophia’s renewed status as a mosque.The 1,500-year-old UNESCO-listed site was initially an Orthodox Christian cathedral that became a mosque following the Ottoman conquest of Istanbul in 1453. In 1934, modern Turkey’s founder, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk, converted it to a museum — a status Erdogan overturned July 10.Christian church leaders and officials from the United States, Russia and Greece have voiced their consternation, and UNESCO has questioned Erdogan’s decision.“Hagia Sophia is an architectural masterpiece and a unique testimony to interactions between Europe and Asia over the centuries,” said Audrey Azoulay, director-general of UNESCO.“This decision … raises the issue of the impact of this change of status on the property’s universal value,” the organization said in a statement July 10.

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Хабаровск взбунтовался. В отставку обиженного карлика пукина! #поддержиХабаровск

Хабаровск взбунтовался. В отставку обиженного карлика пукина! #поддержиХабаровск.

Я не перестаю восхищаться жителями Хабаровского края, которые вторую неделю отстаивают свои права и показывают пример всей стране, что мы имеем права и обязаны требовать и высказывать свое недовольство без лидеров, а в данном случаи за своего губернатора. И розовые очки спали там у многих, если раньше они просили обиженного карлика пукина разобраться в данной ситуации, то теперь только отставка, даже создали петицию

Петиция здесь:конституционный-суд-российской-федерации-государственная-дума-российской-федерации-отстранить-президента-россии-путина-в-в-от-занимаемо?signed=true
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Їдуть 170 км/годину і не платять штрафів: придурків політиків зафіксували камери

Їдуть 170 км/годину і не платять штрафів: придурків політиків зафіксували камери.

Хотів в гонщики – став депутатом. В кого з ТОП посадовців найбільше штрафів? Хто порушив 60 разів за 50 днів? Хто ганяє 150, де можна 50? Серед головних любителів швидкості сьогодні – жополиз коломойського дегенерат дубінський, корупціонер яценко і придурок трофімов. Долучайтесь до наповнення списку – надсилайте нам номери підозрілого, великого і чорного (і не тільки), що порушує правила на дорогах

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Агент “казбек”, тобто дегенерат портнов та його злочини проти України (частина 1)

Агент “казбек”, тобто дегенерат портнов та його злочини проти України (частина 1)

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Роток на замок: у пукинского газпрома обмякли валютные поступления

Роток на замок: у пукинского газпрома обмякли валютные поступления.

Уже очевидно, что валютный насос у газпрома серьезно поизносился и пришлось добывать валюту таким необычным для себя образом

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Новый проект “распила”: “Аналоговнетные супертехнологичные мистралычи”…

Новый проект “распила”: “Аналоговнетные супертехнологичные Мистралычи”…

Что общего между французским “Мистралем” и советскими генералами? Помноженные друг на друга, они дают два технических убожества и новый проект распила…

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US Intelligence Official Warns of Foreign Interference in US Elections

The director of the U.S. National Counterintelligence and Security Center has warned that Russia, China, Iran and other countries are meddling in U.S. political campaigns as the November 3 general election draws closer.“We see our adversaries seeking to compromise the private communications of U.S. political campaigns, candidates and other political targets,” William Evanina said Friday in a statement.Evanina said that while the United States “is primarily concerned with China, Russia and Iran,” other countries and “nonstate actors” could also try to “harm our electoral process.”US Cybersecurity Experts See Recent Spike in Chinese Digital Espionage The report said it was ‘one of the broadest campaigns by a Chinese cyber espionage actor we have observed in recent years” China is trying to influence the “policy environment” in the U.S. with the intent of affecting the presidential race between President Donald Trump and presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, Evanina said.He said “internet trolls and other proxies” are among a variety of disinformation campaigns Russia is using to “undermine confidence in our democratic process.”Iran is also spreading disinformation online and via social media in an attempt to “undermine U.S. democratic institutions and divide the country in advance of the elections,” he added.Evanina said the U.S. intelligence community would continue to watch for “malicious cyber actors” and touted the robust security of state election systems in the U.S. that make it “extraordinarily difficult for foreign adversaries to broadly disrupt or change vote tallies without detection.”He called on the American people to help ensure an orderly election by consuming information with a “critical eye” and by practicing “good cyber hygiene and media literacy.” The NCSC director also urged citizens to report suspicious activity to authorities.VOA’s Jeff Seldin contributed to this report.

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Siberian Heat Wave: Wildfires Rage in Arctic, Sea Ice Melts

The U.N. weather agency warned Friday that average temperatures in Siberia were 10 degrees Celsius (18 Fahrenheit) above average last month, a spate of exceptional heat that has fanned devastating fires in the Arctic Circle and contributed to a rapid depletion in ice sea off Russia’s Arctic coast. “The Arctic is heating more than twice as fast as the global average, impacting local populations and ecosystems and with global repercussions,” World Meteorological Organization Secretary-General Petteri Taalas said in a statement Friday. He noted that Earth’s poles influence weather conditions far away, where hundreds of millions of people live. WMO previously cited a reading of 38 Celsius in the Russian town of Verkhoyansk on June 20, which the agency has been seeking to verify as a possible record-high temperature in the Arctic Circle. It comes as fires have swept through the region, with satellite imagery showing the breadth of the area surface.  The agency says the extended heat is linked to a large “blocking pressure system” and northward swing of the jet stream that has injected warm air into the region. But WMO also pointed to a recent study by top climate scientists who found that such a rise in heat would have been nearly impossible without human-caused climate change.  WMO said information collected by the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center and the U.S. National Ice Center showed the Siberian heat wave had “accelerated the ice retreat along the Arctic Russian coast, in particular since late June, leading to very low sea ice extent in the Laptev and Barents Seas.” 

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Britain PM Calls Anti-Vaccination Activists ‘Nuts’

As he visited a London medical center to promote a flu immunization program Friday, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson referred to opponents of vaccinations as “nuts.”  Johnson made the off-hand comment as he chatted with nurses about the importance of a widespread flu vaccination plan as winter approaches. He said the need for such vaccinations is more vital than ever to keep the public health system from being overwhelmed with flu patients as the COVID-19 pandemic continues.   As he discussed the flu immunization program, Johnson noted the number of people who don’t vaccinate their children against childhood illnesses. He said, “There are all these anti-vaxxers now, they are nuts.” Anti-vaccination activists, a vocal group that opposes inoculations, has organized protests in the wake of the current crisis. They believe, contrary to scientific evidence, that ingredients in a vaccine can cause harm to the body. And the COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated unsubstantiated conspiracy theories about pharmaceutical industry plots regarding vaccines.  Health experts have repeatedly said there is no evidence the coronavirus was intentionally created or spread. They also insist that vaccines are not only safe, but essential to global health. The United Nations warned last week about an alarming decline in childhood vaccinations because of the COVID-19 pandemic, saying that the likelihood a child born today will have all recommended vaccines by the age of five is less than 20%. Johnson was visiting the medical facility as Britain’s new rules mandating wearing masks when visiting retail businesses came into force. As of Friday, police can issue fines of $127 for non-compliance. 

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Taylor Swift Releases ‘Folklore’

Surprise! Taylor Swift’s got an album out.“Folklore” premiered overnight, less than a year after Swift released her “Lover” album. Swift writes on Instagram she wrote and recorded the album in isolation. It features Bon Iver, Aaron Dessner of The National and Jack Antonoff.Swift says before this year, she would have waited to release it at the perfect time, but the current times remind her “nothing is guaranteed.”

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Покупать российский газ становится дурным тоном! Этого карлик пукин не ожидал!

Покупать российский газ становится дурным тоном! Этого карлик пукин не ожидал!

Для того, чтобы хоть как-то сохранить свои рынки сбыта, обиженному карлику пукину надо отбрасывать свой тупой апломб, становиться перед покупателями на колени, делать самую сморщенную и жалобную рожу и просить покупателей, чтобы те смогли «понять и простить» свихнувшегося деда

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Удары кораблей НАТО по чф рф и F-35 на конвейере а также бесполезные путляндские С-400

Удары кораблей НАТО по чф рф и потери Армении с Азербайджаном в конфликте. Переброска 200 РСЗО Турции в Ливию, устаревшие СУ-30СМ для Беларуси. Конфликт флотов Индии и Китая. А также бесполезные С-400 против БПЛА США в Сирии

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Обиженного карлика пукина в отставку! Хабаровск принял резолюцию!

Обиженного карлика пукина в отставку! Хабаровск принял резолюцию!

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Заклинило путляндию: хабаровское “восстание” сотрясает основы “путинизма”…

Заклинило путляндию: хабаровское “восстание” сотрясает основы “путинизма”…

Федеральные власти находятся в растерянности и состоянии глубокого напряжения, и уже очевидно, что усмирить Дальний Восток будет не просто…

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Путана дегтярёв – это издевательство над жителями Хабаровского края

Путана дегтярёв – это издевательство над жителями Хабаровского края.

Кремль, точнее лично обиженный карлик пукин, все-так решил наплевать на мнение хабаровчан и отправил Фургала в отставку, а вместе с этим назначил врио дегтярева, надеясь что граждане не заметят подвоха. Но жители Хабаровска уже встретили нового врио митингами, а он спрятался в правительстве и не выходит, ведь это очень известный персонаж, своими абсурдными законами и инициативами

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After Britain, Germany Emerges as Next 5G Battleground

Following Britain’s decision to ban Chinese tech firm Huawei from its 5G telecom network, Germany is emerging as the next potential battleground to check China’s expansion of influence in world affairs, which is increasingly seen as a serious challenge to democratic institutions worldwide.Germany’s decision on whether to include Huawei equipment in its own network “is still up for grabs,” said Reinhard Buetikofer, a member of Germany’s opposition Green Party who chairs the European Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with the People’s Republic of China.Britain’s decision “may very well have an impact on the decision Germany is about to make,” Buetikofer said in a phone interview from Berlin.Buetikofer said Britain’s plan to include Huawei in its next-generation network – which was abruptly reversed in a dramatic announcement last week – had been held out as a model by German supporters of the Chinese telecom giant.“In the past, supporters of having Huawei construct Germany’s 5G network often pointed out: ‘Look, the Brits knew that much more about Huawei than we do, if the Brits are not doing anything about it, why should we?’” But Britain’s July 14 decision has pulled out the rug from under that argument.Buetikofer, a strong advocate for decoupling his country from Huawei, greeted the British announcement with a challenge to German Chancellor Angela Merkel.FILE – Huawei headquarters building is pictured in Reading, Britain, July 14, 2020.“Now it’s Berlin’s turn to move!” he tweeted. “Does the chancellor really want to be the stumbling block preventing a united EU + transatlantic + 5Eyes stance?”The Five Eyes is a nickname for an intelligence-sharing alliance comprising the United States, Britain, Australia, Canada and New Zealand.A German decision to exclude Huawei from its network would be a diplomatic win for the United States, which lobbied hard for the British reversal and is bringing pressure on other countries to follow suit. The Americans warn that Huawei equipment may contain “back doors” that will allow China to spy on sensitive communications.“We hope we can build out a coalition that understands the threat and will work collectively,” U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said during a trip to Britain and Denmark this week.But Buetikofer said his objections to the Chinese company are not influenced by the pressure from Washington. “I oppose Huawei’s playing a part in the German 5G network not because I want to do the U.S. a favor, but because I think it is a threat to German national security,” he said.As in other countries, the German argument over Huawei is rooted in a larger debate about the best way to deal with China’s rising power.Merkel emphasizes the importance of “dialogue” with Beijing, unswayed by the fierce international reaction to its new security law restricting long-established rights in Hong Kong. But others, including a significant number of German lawmakers, believe Beijing is not only an economic rival, but one that is doing all it can to replace democratic norms around the world with its own style of authoritarian rule.German Free Democratic Party legislator Johannes Vogel has argued that Beijing has been explicit in stating that goal. “It would be naive if we didn’t take their assessment at face value,” wrote Vogel, the deputy chair of the German-Chinese Parliamentary Friendship Group.Merkel has also argued in favor of Huawei on the basis of a “no-spying pact” her government secured from the company.But Buetikofer points out that Huawei founder and CEO Ren Zhengfei is a member of China’s ruling Communist Party.“Don’t take us for idiots,” he remarked during a recent podcast.Analysts have warned that China could retaliate against an unfavorable decision on Huawei by targeting Germany’s auto industry, and Buetikofer acknowledged to VOA that the industry plays a significant part in his country’s economy.Nevertheless, he said, “Germany’s national interest is not synonymous with the interests of Volkswagen, just as the U.S.’s national interest is not synonymous with the interests of GM.” 

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Summer’s Space Race to Mars Begins

Three countries launched missions officially kicking off the summer space race to Mars.  A satellite snaps pictures of the sun in ways Earth-based cameras can’t.  And the comet NASA calls a “natural firework” streaks the skies again.  VOA’s Arash Arabasadi brings us The Week in Space.Produced by: Arash Arabasadi

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